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#1 Apr 17 2007 at 9:06 AM Rating: Decent
I haven't heard much about wolves as pets on the forums .
I'm wondering how well they would do for me .
I'm a BM spec, PvE, soloing hunter .

I'll be using a cat as well .[love cats]
But after readin more I'm thinking maybe I should go with a bear instead of wolf ?
What do you think, based on your experience ?

[pee ess]
Don't tell me to go to Petopia, I've been there, bookmarked it, and read pretty much everything they have .

Edited, Apr 17th 2007 10:09am by KadoraLane

Edited, Apr 17th 2007 10:10am by KadoraLane
#2 Apr 17 2007 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
Bear is a bad idea. As of right now, they have no dash/dive, so you'd be looking at a very slow pet. If you want a bear, go with a boar, tallstrider, or carrion bird. Those are the three pets with defensive stats that can learn dash/dive (although on a boar you should go with charge). If you DO get a bear, or any other pet that can't get a speed boost, get beastial swiftness.

Also, if you're looking for a tank pet, a bird is great because they can get screech, which will hold aggro on multiple mobs. The carrion bird is great, although I'm going with a bat on my birdmaster b/c they can do decent DPS and use bite/screech.

Wolves I think are more of a group pet, as they add DPS to the whole party with their special, so if you plan on soloing a lot I wouldn't go with a wolf. Just my opinion, though.
#3 Apr 17 2007 at 11:16 AM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
The wolf family is made up of both wolves and worgs. I happen to like the looks of wolves over worgs. I especially like black wolves. If you like the look of wolves, or worgs, then by all means tame one. Wolves are a good, solid pet. They are one of the jack-of-all-trades pets. They don’t excel at any one thing, but they are well rounded. They eat meat, which can often be found as drops. They get dash, which gets them to their target faster. And they have a nice group buff for when you do instances.

Bears also make good pets. They just don’t come with as many options as many other pets. They can’t use dash and they don’t have a family ability. At higher levels their big bear butts can sometimes block your view. And their jaws seem to be locked in the open position. But they high health and they’ll eat just about everything. So if you don’t mind a slower moving, drooling pet with a big butt then there’s nothing wrong with having a bear for a pet. *smiles*

Unless you need a pet to so a specific job, such as a pet that does more DPS or a pet that generates the most agro, then go with the pet that you most enjoy having at your side. There truly is no such thing as a bad pet.
#4 Apr 17 2007 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent

Which do you think is better for keeping aggro, bears or wolves ?
#5 Apr 17 2007 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
I <3 Wolves.

Wolves > Bears (to me.)

That is all.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#6 Apr 17 2007 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
i hate bears.
solo: Carrion bird/boar.
group: wolf/windserpent work great.
#7 Apr 17 2007 at 12:27 PM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
Which do you think is better for keeping aggro, bears or wolves ?

I don’t think there’s a big difference in the two as far as agro is concerned. Bears get claw where wolves do not. But until you get faster focus regeneration for your pet via talents, claw is such a focus hog that leaving it on auto cast can keep a bear from growling when it needs to. So I would recommend using claw manually. Claw might generate a bit more agro, but over all I don’t think it would make much difference at lower levels. Once you can keep claw on auto cast I expect it would make more of an agro difference. But I can’t say how significant it would be even then.
#8 Apr 18 2007 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
117 posts
I have a wolf, it's an old-school Alterac Frostwolf, yes I had it before the speed nerf and that's why I got it :D. Anyway, I love my puppy, even though IRL I'm a cat person (I need to level my cat, but he has zero training points and therefore doesn't have Growl -_-). I got a wolf because it's great in groups for Furious Howl. He's great for soloing as well because he has 5% armor increase for being a wolf, which is nice for tanking, and Furious Howl will pull aggro on multiple mobs, probably not as much as Screech, but it still aggros. It's just like Battle Shout versus Demo Shout.

A wolf can't learn Claw like a bear can, but it can learn Bite, which helps hold aggro. And since I am full BM ( 41/20/0) I have Go for the Throat (+50 focus on a crit) and Frenzy, my pet has a 1.4 attack speed, 9.8k armor, 5.2k hp, and when fully buffed he has 1100 AP... GftT is a great way to regen focus for your pet, which keeps up the Howls, Growls, and Bites.

I've noticed that in groups my wolf survives a lot more than its feline counterpart, and that's why I love him; low food costs and 1k orange crits, 1.3k KCs.

Anyway, wolves are underrated because they don't have quite the same dmg output as a cat, Ravager, or raptor, but they're great in 5-mans.

Edited, Apr 18th 2007 9:11pm by SamuraiFox
#9 Apr 18 2007 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
I love wolves. They are basically amazing. Wolf vs boar/any other pet I recommend Wolf. No doubt.
#10 Apr 18 2007 at 6:30 PM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
(I need to level my cat, but he has zero training points and therefore doesn't have Growl -_-).

Growl doesn't cost training points. It’s completely free. It used to cost training points, but that was changed a good while back. So we can now teach growl to the freshly tamed pets we tame to learn new skills. This makes it much easer to fight with them when learning the skill. And it’s good for newly tamed permanent pets.

…and Furious Howl will pull aggro on multiple mobs, probably not as much as Screech, but it still aggros. It's just like Battle Shout versus Demo Shout.

Furious Howl is not an AoE attack. It’s an AoE buff. I don’t think it can pull agro at all. At least I never saw it happen with my black wolf. Here’s the description from Petopia:

Furious Howl

Party members within 15 yards receive extra damage to their next physical attack. Lasts 10 seconds.
60 Focus; Instant; 10 second cooldown.
Can be used by: Wolves

Rank 1: Pet Level 10 (10 TP). Party members within 15 yards receive an extra 9-11 damage to their next physical attack. Lasts 10 seconds.

#11 Apr 18 2007 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
117 posts
Furious Howl pulls aggro on another mob because it's a buff being cast. It's a very, very minute amount of aggro, but it'll keep the other mob off of you until you a) Shoot it, b) Mend Pet.

And thanks for the info on Growl, I've been playing for over 2 years and switched to a priest after a while, I'm just picking up the hunter again. But yeah I'll start leveling him soon, 'cause Prowl+Shadowmeld= covert ops!
#12 Apr 18 2007 at 11:05 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, Furious Howl does cause a bit of threat. It's really nice when I run through mobs and my wolf, Blackfell, casts it. Then instead of blasting me on my mount, they attack Blackfell instead.

A wolf is a nice pet and I leveled the entire game with one. I'd reccomend one over a bear anyday.
#13 Apr 18 2007 at 11:47 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
carrion bird < wolf any day =P
also because for every 10 hunters with a wolf, there are 50 with a cat and maybe 1 with a carrion bird.
and nothing beats a carrion bird for keeping hate.
and its debuff is good in 5 mans too. (-210 AP from the top rank helps a LOT)
#14 Apr 19 2007 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks very much everyone :]

I decided to keep my wolf, Reo .He's a Ghostpaw Runner from Ashenvale .

ALSO, I just got Humar the Pridelord :D
He's gorgeous .
SO NOW I'm thinking maybe I want a black wolf to go with my black lion ...
What do y'all think ?
#15 Apr 19 2007 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
I got myself a Worg from Silverpine as soon as I hit level 10. Lots of people don't like them but personally I think Orcs & Worgs go together like PB&J.
#16 Apr 19 2007 at 12:23 PM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
black worgs are easy enough to come by. I have one myself. Actual black wolves are harder. You'll have to wait until around 45ish or if you're lucky you can get Snarler at 42.
#17 Apr 19 2007 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
Boar FTW
#18 Apr 19 2007 at 12:41 PM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
black worgs are easy enough to come by. I have one myself. Actual black wolves are harder. You'll have to wait until around 45ish or if you're lucky you can get Snarler at 42.

Very true. I don’t dislike the worg skin; I just like the wolf skin a lot better. If I remember correctly, while idle worgs just stand there. But wolves will sniff around, scratch and occasionally howl. They also kind of bounce around like they are too full of energy and want to take off running.

At 42, Snarler is the first black wolf we can tame.

This is the wolf I tamed. If you wait four more levels you can tame a Vilebranch Wolf Pup at 46. They are much more accessible. But I couldn’t wait. Also, taming a rare named spawn is just more fun and more rewarding, at least for me.

Should you decide to tame Snarler be sure to use your hunter’s mark. He can and will go into stealth mode while taming and it will spoil the tame. Hunter’s mark will prevent him from pulling that trick.

Furious Howl pulls aggro on another mob because it's a buff being cast. It's a very, very minute amount of aggro, but it'll keep the other mob off of you until you a) Shoot it, b) Mend Pet.

Cool. I had no idea it would do that.
#19 Apr 23 2007 at 5:06 AM Rating: Decent
I currently use a wolf for all expect PvP and he works fantastically :)
I got him cos i reckon they look sweet, and every god dam hunter has a cat! I eventually tamed Snarler and he is worth the effort (tho he retained none of his resists as some claim), a useful tip is to make a macro /target snarler when hunting him cos he is so hard to find.
After using King B for soloing and snarler for groups i stopped changing back to King B, as when soloing and getting into trouble the wolf can hold out significantly better than the cat, the survivabililty of this made it overall quicker for me to solo with Snarler.
With a full BM spec snarler can tank 2 elites of his own lvl and I hope i never have to change my pet.
So to hell with this "get a boar banter"! they are pigs for gods sake!
Get a WOLF, now go to petopia! lol

#20 Apr 23 2007 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
67 posts
Many wolf mobs can see rogues in thier stealth mode.

Do wolf pets retain that ability? I seem to remember seeing that somewhere, but can't find it now. Can anyone confirm/deny this?

Seems if wolves can spot a rogue sneaking up on you, that would make them a natural for PvP.

#21 Apr 23 2007 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
Many wolf mobs can see rogues in thier stealth mode.

Do wolf pets retain that ability?

No. Rogues must all bathe very well, cuz our pets can't seem to sniff em out.

Use Track Hidden and, when you get it, Flares to see stealthed rogues (and others).

There are, however, instances where pets stay on rogues when they ... vanish? Rogues hate it - but one of their stealth moves gets spoiled by any hunter pet (which seems to stay on the rogue - sorry I'm forgetting the specific situation - maybe someone can help me out).

Wolves get Furious Howl and Dash. After lvl 32ish they can go very fast (ground speed). And FH = a party buff that does +damage on next attack. Nice group pet.

If you like the look, that's another reason. Wolves eat meat, which is usually easy to come by.

Certain wolves, like the worgs from SFK, used to have a FAST attack speed (it was 1.2 or so - compared to 2.0 for normal), but this was nerfed months ago - er normalized. Attack speed buff, however, is coming in next patch.
#22 Apr 24 2007 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
I would highly recommend wolves for PvE and instances. They won't kill quite as fast as say, a cat, but they can hold aggro nicely and are very well-rounded and survivable. Actually, the first time I went through VC, my wolf was the main tank, and there was not trouble at all.
#23 Apr 24 2007 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
Carrion Bird > Wolf

but i do have a wolf, a black one from blade's edge mountains.
and i love him too ^^
#24 Apr 24 2007 at 6:58 PM Rating: Decent
637 posts
Wolves need a new rank of Furious Howl. The current max rank is pre-BC, I still use one for raids though.

@Calabar: They'd be somewhat of a group buff if the range of Furious Howl was farther then your pee-ing range. Either it's on your side buffing your damage, or it's on the mob, buffing the damage of the players around the mob.

There's no time to position it in the middle, if that's even enough range. It <WON'T> buff your party. It's either you or them.
#25 Apr 24 2007 at 7:38 PM Rating: Decent
I have had my doggie since level 10 (am now 54), tried many other pets, was never convinced by them.

I duo mostly with a druid and do instances with my guild and my wolve is a great tank, holds the aggro superbly even after big crits and survives very long. He might not damage as much as a cat but FH is very nice, especially in a group. Dash makes him a great off-tank to get a mob quickly back to the tank.

Wish he ate fish though ;-)
#26 Apr 24 2007 at 11:07 PM Rating: Default

There are, however, instances where pets stay on rogues when they ... vanish? Rogues hate it - but one of their stealth moves gets spoiled by any hunter pet (which seems to stay on the rogue - sorry I'm forgetting the specific situation - maybe someone can help me out).

I think it's when they're OOC long enough to restealth, if you sent your pet after them, they'd stay on them through stealth.
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