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Which race for druid class?Follow

#1 Apr 17 2007 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
im new to wow, ive played it before from a trial account i got, and i played a druid(nightelf), but i dont know if i should be a night elf again or be a tauren, plz give me ur opinions.
#2 Apr 17 2007 at 6:02 PM Rating: Default
Well, with Druids you don't have much choice in races, needless to say. The choice is really whether you prefer Alliance or Horde. In most realms, players on the Horde are older and, to be honest, better at the game. there are so many fewer of them though. I'm saying this as a primarily Alliance player. Really, in the mid-and-endgame, race doesnt matter that much anyway.

Another thing with Druids: both starting races' starting areas are, by general consensus, the worst in their faction. So move to another starting area if you make a druid.

Edited for spelling and grammar.

Edited, Apr 17th 2007 9:03pm by Elguapaduro
#3 Apr 17 2007 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
814 posts
Another thing with Druids: both starting races' starting areas are, by general consensus, the worst in their faction. So move to another starting area if you make a druid.

Are you kidding me? the barrens is probally the best starting area there is. So if your new to the game then maybe Tauren is a better choice.

In most realms, players on the Horde are older and, to be honest, better at the game.

Also incredibly stuck-up. theres no way you'll be a GM (Guild Master) if your under 16. They wont listen to you. Period.

All in all I choose NE because of mount. IMO Nightsabers are best mounts in the game.
#4 Apr 18 2007 at 4:29 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
If you already have friends playing, just join their faction. Otherwise, check the forms and overall looks of both races and see for yourself.

I've finally played Alliance on my 49 Druid. All I can say is that there are F'ing morons and whiney whiners on both sides. Horde tends to be a bit better, at least on the servers I play. Not sure about the average player age but at least there seem to be more mature players. (Although to be honest there are some in both factions really)

About being stuck up, I think that also depends on your server. Huge raiding guilds might work that way, but I think it's okay too. I've found surprisingly mature young players but the older players are usually much better leaders. (Once again, only from my experience)

Racial skills aren't borked for any race, they're just different. Check those out if it factors in your decision at all.

Most of all, have fun.

(BTW, the best advantage to play Horde is that you can KILL Gnomes, you don't have to put up with them. >_> How anyone could play with them without the irrepressible urge to beat every last ounce of life outta them is beyond my comprehension.)
#5 Apr 18 2007 at 5:26 AM Rating: Decent
3,114 posts
Just so you know the racial skills, the major ones anyway, is Night elves get a stealth ability that lets them go invisable as long as they stay still (great for ambushes!) while Tauren get warstomp which can stun up to 5 people up close to you for 2-3 seconds, great for combat or escaping.
#6 Apr 18 2007 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
Just so you know the racial skills, the major ones anyway, is Night elves get a stealth ability that lets them go invisable as long as they stay still (great for ambushes!) while Tauren get warstomp which can stun up to 5 people up close to you for 2-3 seconds, great for combat or escaping.

You are forgetting the other racial stats for both...endurance??? 5% more health for taurens is a great added bonus to have. You can't forget quickness either...1% to dodge is also another great ability. Shadowmeld is sort of obsolete seeing as druids get prowl in kitty form.
#7 Apr 18 2007 at 6:43 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah if I need to sneak around I cat form it, with meld you can't move... so it's semi-pointless. Quickness is nice tho, any % added to dodge helps.

I'm going to make a Hordie Druid next, cause I like Tauren, they're funny how they scratch all the time.

I think NElfs have more MP than Tauren, but have less HP. Either is good. I do like stomp, it'll give you a few seconds to cast a heal spell.

I don't mind either of the starting areas. My 29 Rogue was NElf, now my 22 Druid. My 19 War is Tauren. So I've seen them all. Barrens is a good time for new players.... it gets interesting there... a lot.
#8 Apr 18 2007 at 7:43 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Actually, Shadowmeld still has its uses. Not all Druids are Feral. ;P

It's usable in Moonkin and Tree Forms so it's great for surprise nuking or avoid to draw player aggro too early if they see you in healing form. (Cause most good PvP players will attack healers first)

Still worth having on a skill bar.
#9 Apr 18 2007 at 8:02 AM Rating: Decent
454 posts
Shadowmeld adds one stealth lvl as well which means enemies will have a harder time detecting you if you wanna PvP.
#10 Apr 18 2007 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
Oh yeah, I forgot about that adding to prowl too. I loved it on my Rogue, with 5/5 master of deception I would walk right in front of mobs and not get noticed.

I ment semi pointless because I was thinking for my Rogue I could pick a lock, or open a chest, etc then meld until my recast timer was ready.

I chose NElf for my Druid. I like Wisp spirit, quickness, and meld. However, I'm still going to pick Tauren for my next Druid. HP and Herbalism skill is nice too.
#11 Apr 18 2007 at 8:54 AM Rating: Good
538 posts
Elguapaduro wrote:
Another thing with Druids: both starting races' starting areas are, by general consensus, the worst in their faction. So move to another starting area if you make a druid.

I think it's a matter of taste. On the Alliance side I prefer the NE starting area to the human starting area, for example. But it's true that it's a bit out of the way and a bit of a pain to get to IF/SW. On the Horde side I actually love Mulgore. The Undead starting area is for me the worst by far.

Both races have nice abilities although all in all I'd go with tauren having the edge on this one. I had never thought of a moonkin using shadowmeld (playing feral too much!) but even then it's rather limited. +5% hp and war stomp is really useful, especially at low lvl.

I'd say you should a) pick the faction that your friends play and b) pick the faction you like the most. I'd also say c) pick the race you won't mind looking at for hours and hours (e.g. that's why I don't play undeads) but for a druid it's less important because you'll end up looking at a cat or a moonkin for hours anyway. Still there's no question taurens look cool, especially with them scratching their butt every other minute and all that.

#12 Apr 21 2007 at 5:40 AM Rating: Default
hmm i chose tauren because:

1)i heard horde wins the bg in a 3:1 ratio or better, which in turn gives you more honor,and in turn makes getting pvp gear easier

2)a big strong tauren ,or a skinny night elf, you're chose

3)the mounts, a nightsaber is cool, but a kodo is also really cool.And the other alliance mounts all suck,whereas each other mount(except for the gay be)are also very cool,raptor,wlf,undead horse

4)the start area of a tauren is ten times better then a nelf, serieously i really disliked the nelf start area.
#13 Apr 21 2007 at 4:33 AM Rating: Decent
123 posts
If you were deciding on which has the easier druid quests, Bear for Tauren is quite easy to do at 10, NE is doable at 10 but not very easy. Poison, I think tauren is the easier but seal NE is the easier. Another good point for NE, not sure how it is higher but at lower levels, Moonglade can be an asset as a second hearth, set hearth in IF or where ever else you like, when you want to go to Darnassus teleport to Moonglade then free flight to darn. Problem for Tauren, it takes a long time to fly from Moonglade to Thunderbluff.
#14 Apr 21 2007 at 7:57 AM Rating: Decent
Don't listen to anyone who tells you the general victories or mind sets or populations of whichever faction, there vary wildly from server to server. For instance my server's Horde to Alliance ratio is 2:1 almost, which is devastating seeing as that means the Alliance composes a mere 33% of the server. Also they hold a certain even prowess with us in the BGs, so don't take that into consideration either. Here's what I suggest to look for:

Aesthetics: Yeah, you're going to be looking at this fella for a looooong loooong time. So take into consideration mounts, what they look like in end game, how certain hats look on your race, the whole shabazz. Not just starting areas, because that's an incredibly short portion of your character's career (however I enjoy both starting areas, NEs have a very mystic looking, albeit dislocated, starting area while Tauren have a beautifully dull plains area, which is well located after level 10.) Character creation plays a large part, also. My first Tauren druid had two cut off horns because I didn't realize it when I made the character. At first I said, "Eh, it's not that bad, I probably won't even get past level 10", but 28 levels later I hated it and deleted all that hard work and started another Tauren druid much much later with horns I did like.

Server: Maybe do some research on a server or the server you're on. PvP, RP, Noraml, PvPRP, maybe you might want a smaller, closer knit group and would rather have your faction smaller, or just the opposite you would like a massive crushing force. Also some servers have few druids which means you would be in demand, which is always nice. Tauren are occasionally scarce on servers so perhaps you would like to be something unique. Take it all into consideration.

Racials: Yeah, the two races have VERY good racials. The main selling points are 1% dodge increase and Shadowmeld to 5% health increase and War Stomp. Choosing is difficult as they are both so good!

In the end I say don't let others tell you what the better faction is, because quite frankly almost every person who reps one faction is a complete douche. =D

Instead, do some research, think about the future, and make an informed decision. The druid is a fun and versatile race and, in the end, this game was meant to be fun, not some "OMG MI STUF IZ REELY REELY GUD I KEEL STUFF LIEK CRAZY!". I Hope this helps

#15 Apr 22 2007 at 4:56 AM Rating: Decent
538 posts
I never thought of choosing my race because of mounts, but first of all remember that taurens can ride only kodos and wolves (and talnuks in Outland). they are much more limited than other races.

On the other hand it's really easy to become exalted with any racial group in the game, just do the starting area quests (all the ones till lvl 20) and you will get that rep easily. Only tauren rep can be a bit hard to get if you're not one.

The point about Moonglade is also good, it's an advantage for NE for sure, whereas for taurens TB is a bit too far away to make it worthwile (10 minutes flight). Druid trainers are very rare (basically TB, Moonglade and Feralas for Horde) and the one in Moonglade is almost worthless since you won't be Honoured with them before a while.
#16 Apr 22 2007 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
3,114 posts
Tauren can also ride the PVP Raptor mount.

Redbullxxl wrote:
You are forgetting the other racial stats for both...endurance??? 5% more health for taurens is a great added bonus to have. You can't forget quickness either...1% to dodge is also another great ability. Shadowmeld is sort of obsolete seeing as druids get prowl in kitty form.

Not forgetting, I was just saying the more major racials.
#17 Apr 22 2007 at 7:09 AM Rating: Decent
Cbf about mounts. Read the thread "You may be a feral druid if" somewhere down the line of posts.
#18 Apr 23 2007 at 3:38 AM Rating: Decent
538 posts
It's true that to a certain extent druids don't need mounts that much, but I certainly enjoyed mine between lvl 40-60, and between 60 and 68 the epic mount is a must - Outland is really much less aggravating with an epic mount.

I also made the mistake of buying an epic wolf, but it looked so bad and out of place that I recently gave in and bought myself an epic kodo to finally have a REAL mount, not one of those puny wolves :D
#19 Apr 23 2007 at 6:47 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
In the end I say don't let others tell you what the better faction is, because quite frankly almost every person who reps one faction is a complete douche. =D


On the other hand it's really easy to become exalted with any racial group in the game, just do the starting area quests (all the ones till lvl 20) and you will get that rep easily. Only tauren rep can be a bit hard to get if you're not one.

Actually it's infinitely easier to gain Rep as a NE Druid. You start as Friendly with everyone while Taurens start at Friendly with Thunder Bluff, Orgrimmar and Darkspear and Neutral with Undeads and Blood Elves. At 49 on my now-deleted NE Druid I was Revered with everyone and Exalted with Darnassus. Comparatively, at 55 on my BE Pally, I'm only Honored with everyone. And no, I didn't do anything special with the Druid. Just the starter area and then I went to the Draenei's starter area.

1)i heard horde wins the bg in a 3:1 ratio or better, which in turn gives you more honor,and in turn makes getting pvp gear easier

Depends on which BG group you belong to. Some are dominated by Alliance, some are dominated by Horde. Some are also pretty equal on both sides.

3)the mounts, a nightsaber is cool, but a kodo is also really cool.And the other alliance mounts all suck,whereas each other mount(except for the gay be)are also very cool,raptor,wlf,undead horse

Personal bias FTW? -_-

Mechanostriders are funny. Rams look pretty solid. Horses are plain but the elite version, the Palominos, are very very nice. Elekks are... well, elephants. Never been a huge fan of Kodos. They look awesome but the elite versions move too fast and so their animation is fast-fowarded and they look weird. Wolves are cool. UD Horses are fugly IMO. They look like sick ponies. Hawkstriders are very stylish. Raptors are very stylish too. I love bipedal mounts. :D

4)the start area of a tauren is ten times better then a nelf, serieously i really disliked the nelf start area.

I think the Tauren's starting area is easier to navigate than the weird NE forest. The NE's area is dark and you often have to look hard to find the areas you want. Tauren's is a lot more friendly and it lets you get those first levels fast.
#20 Apr 23 2007 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
Tauren's Mulgore and later on the Barrens are the best starting areas in the game besides the human land.The calm grasslands are a very good place to start building a fierce force for devastation,cuz the green land relaxes and soothes making you more calm and focused(this is how i feel).Another thing is that you have to comapare a mere 1% dodge and some easy to spot useless elven stealth against 5% total health and a racial stun(i think there is no competition).But if you ignore all that you can just look at the tauren bear(vicious big and horny :)) and comapare it with the small long-eared mutant the elves change into.
#21 Apr 23 2007 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
538 posts
Selverein wrote:
At 49 on my now-deleted NE Druid I was Revered with everyone and Exalted with Darnassus. Comparatively, at 55 on my BE Pally, I'm only Honored with everyone. And no, I didn't do anything special with the Druid. Just the starter area and then I went to the Draenei's starter area.

I never really understood how rep adds up because most of my friends are in the same situation, whereas at lvl 60 on my Tauren druid when I ran the Valley of Trials for Orgri rep, I was Exalted with TB, Orgri and Trolls, and Revered with UC and Belfs. After the Outland quests (plenty of Belf rep) I'm amost Exalted with all factions.

Of course it's important to do all the Lunar Festival quests. Each elder on talks to (and that's quick) = +75 rep for ALL factions in horde.
#22 Apr 23 2007 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
3,114 posts
Selverein wrote:
[Never been a huge fan of Kodos. They look awesome but the elite versions move too fast and so their animation is fast-fowarded and they look weird.

One of the reasons I'm disapointed they made every race able to ride kodo's. Undead, BE's (and to a lesser extent, Trolls) really look stupid on the kodo's with the tiny legs shuffling along near the speed of light. :(
#23 Apr 23 2007 at 3:18 PM Rating: Good
1) A "Stylin' Purple Hat" (fantastic level 70 tanking hat) looks fantastic on a tauren.

2) /moo ftw!

Go Tauren!
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