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If arcane work in pveFollow

#1 Apr 18 2007 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
I want know if all out arcane build can work in pve & if so some examples please.

#2 Apr 18 2007 at 4:13 PM Rating: Default
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#3 Apr 19 2007 at 4:21 AM Rating: Decent
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Yes. I ran into an 'arcane mage' (61/0/0) in Steam Vaults 2 days ago... it was really wierd seeing someone chaincast arcane blast for the whole fight. Mana efficiency was terrible, but damage wasn't as bad as you might think.
#4 Apr 19 2007 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
746 posts
darmaster wrote:
I want know if all out arcane build can work in pve & if so some examples please.

Basically, "Does full Arcane work in PvE?"

ktangent wrote:
I ran into an 'arcane mage' (61/0/0) in Steam Vaults 2 days ago... it was really wierd seeing someone chaincast arcane blast for the whole fight. Mana efficiency was terrible, but damage wasn't as bad as you might think.

So, in other words...

echou wrote:

I mean, you could probably get away with it in 5-man PuGs and just be slowing down your group's progress, but definitely not gonna cut it in raid content.
#5 Apr 19 2007 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
All arcane? -rides away laughing-
#6 Apr 19 2007 at 5:40 PM Rating: Good
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echou wrote:
I mean, you could probably get away with it in 5-man PuGs and just be slowing down your group's progress, but definitely not gonna cut it in raid content.

While I'm not the biggest fan of Deep Arcane, that arcane mage simply needed to learn to play, tbh. You can get much better efficiency alternating 2 Arcane Blasts and an Arcane Missiles.

Not that doing so gives much efficiency overall, but at least it's better than chaincasting arcane blasts.
#7 Apr 19 2007 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
Logging onto the PTR and respeccing (went for mana shield as I expected to get hit alot)

Then a trip to the back temple and some grinding of the BEs. Arcane int and Mage armour both in use.

Starting with arcane blast -> arcane missle -> fireblast (if required) kills most mobs though they do get in at least 3-4 hits.

Adding in frostbolt -> arcane missles > fireblast reduces it to a single hit without crits. Arcane missle hits for 511 normal (1260 with Ap + trinket). A clearcast + AP + critical hits results in arcane missles killing or near killing a single mob (49% chance on a clearcast). With a few crits a standard AM is enough to take near 2/3's of a mob's life.

I threw a couple of talents in Fire as my intention idea was to open with a fireball and on the off chance of a crit, Spell Power + ignite has always been nice. However starting with frostbolt and then AM followed by fire blast results in you receiving an average of 1 hit before the mob is dead.

Problems: most of your time is spent rooted perfectly still for the casts. Though with talents arcane missles is not interruptable but arcane blast at 2.5 seconds is. Also often you're left feeling that every clearcast should be used on AM especially apparent when having to "waste" one on a frost nova to gain some space.

Slow is too expensive to be used regularly, though it does effect otherwise snare immune mobs, which at 627 mana from a 9810 mana pool per 15 seconds to keep up + attacking quickly drains you dry. I guess if you wanted to 2 man kite a boss/elite with a secondary caster this could be usable.

Theorycrafts states
Arcane Missle (51/10/0)
Average hit at 2903
Critical Strike rating 19% for (4455 - 4465 damage)
Max Damage until OOM at 39.69K in 68 Seconds.
True mana cost 721.

Back on live with a 10/48/3 spec
Average hit at 1891
Critical Strike rating 25.30% for (2006 - 2292)
With Ignite (2808 - 3209)
Max Dmage until OOM at 54.40K in 86 seconds
True mana cost 312.7

Without ignite AM comes close to double the damage for double the mana, but in the long run fireball is going to take it. Possibly clearcasts and sensible AP usage could average out more so in an arcane build's favour along with 30% more threat reduction over Fire to make it more appealing.

I'd spec arcane mainly for the chance to play something different, not to top the Damage charts.

#8 Apr 20 2007 at 4:34 AM Rating: Decent
1,262 posts

Basically, "Does full Arcane work in PvE?"

ktangent wrote:
I ran into an 'arcane mage' (61/0/0) in Steam Vaults 2 days ago... it was really wierd seeing someone chaincast arcane blast for the whole fight. Mana efficiency was terrible, but damage wasn't as bad as you might think.

So, in other words...

echou wrote:

I mean, you could probably get away with it in 5-man PuGs and just be slowing down your group's progress, but definitely not gonna cut it in raid content.

Please don't take my responses and retool them to yours. My answer is *YES* you can play full arcane and it will work. Mana efficiency is not the end-all of mages. Sure, it might not be as efficient as some build, but the OP asked if it would WORK. I say, yes, it will work. You will have mana issues, but that is a trade off. I was trying to make them aware of that. "No" is not an accurate answer to their question.

edit to add raiding stuff: Also... raiding is not all of PVE, in fact, there is a relatively small percentage of players in WoW overall that do raid (I think I read it was 7%).

Edited, Apr 20th 2007 7:35am by ktangent
#9 Apr 20 2007 at 7:10 AM Rating: Decent
I think you guys miss what was saying I want to know if you couls go deep into arcane have viable build for pve, I know there no all out build that work except for frost. This build for mainly pve, I don't do raids at all.
#10 Apr 20 2007 at 7:29 AM Rating: Decent
1,262 posts
I think you guys miss what was saying I want to know if you could go deep into arcane have viable build for pve

How deep? You can go 34/27/0 or 34/0/27, 40/21/0, 40/0/21, 44/17/0, 44/0/17. I even know a guy who has 50 in arcane! Can you clarify your question? If all you are asking is: "Can you go deep into arcane and have a viable build", then "Yes". If you want more than this, then ask a less broad question.

I know there no all out build that work except for frost. This build for mainly pve, I don't do raids at all.

lol! So, you're trying to be sarcastic here? All fire works fine. Mostly fire works fine too. All frost works, mostly frost works, all arcane doesn't work as well as either fire or frost, mostly arcane = 3 minute mage build with the pyro variety or the ice block variety.
#11 Apr 20 2007 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
I beg to differ.

I was FULL arcane spec up until 2 days ago. I did very well in PvE. The downside to arcane build is you need decent DMG gear to get a good bonus to your arcane missiles. But the +Spell damage and +Crit chance talents make this build very viable.

I recently respeced last night to 43/18/0 for some PvP action. This build has great DPS as long as you have the gear to back it up.

Here is my current spec:
#12 Apr 20 2007 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
Sorry I was not trying to be sarcastic here? But never seen people go 0/51/0 in fire but I have seen people go 0/0/51 in frost. Yes I was try to get an Ideal how deep go into acane make it work. But I like you different builds for arcane I see posted, I will have to try some of them.
#13 Apr 20 2007 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
1,262 posts
Lol... I was 0/51/0 for a while. :-) Not bad in the DPS dept, but helped when I added arcane. Right now, sitting on 34/27/0. If I were to go all in with arcane, this is the build I would get.
#14 Apr 20 2007 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
746 posts
ktangent wrote:
Please don't take my responses and retool them to yours. My answer is *YES* you can play full arcane and it will work. Mana efficiency is not the end-all of mages. Sure, it might not be as efficient as some build, but the OP asked if it would WORK. I say, yes, it will work. You will have mana issues, but that is a trade off. I was trying to make them aware of that. "No" is not an accurate answer to their question.

First of all, I didn't mean to retool your answer ktangent, and I apologize if you took offense. I was just trying to emphasize a point I was trying to make. Now, on to me trying to explain my point :P

"If it will work"... well of course it will "work" in that there is nothing stopping a mage from speccing 61/0/0 (i.e. "all out arcane"). The way I interpreted his question (and I apologize if this was wrong, but I would argue it was a logical assumption) is whether or not that build would be a comparable build to other popular archtypes. And the answer to that is, "no".

Mana efficiency is the end-all for mages. Without mana, a mage is reduced to using a wand or melee damage.

ktangent wrote:
edit to add raiding stuff: Also... raiding is not all of PVE, in fact, there is a relatively small percentage of players in WoW overall that do raid (I think I read it was 7%).

I accounted for non-raid PvE content. I said it would hinder your group's progress because of mana issues. It is logical to assume that both you and your group will want to complete the encounter as smoothly and as quickly as possible. In that sense, a 61/0/0 build will not "work" in that it is not ideal. You can always argue that it is possible but it would not be logical in terms of performance if given the choice.

Now, having said that, let's look at Darmaster's revised question:

darmaster wrote:
I think you guys miss what was saying I want to know if you couls go deep into arcane have viable build for pve, I know there no all out build that work except for frost. This build for mainly pve, I don't do raids at all.

It really depends on what you mean by "viable"...

Again, this depends on how you interpret "viable". If you mean whether it would be possible to do non-raid PvE content with that build, then yes of course it is. In fact, you could go with a 0/0/0 build and probably complete non-raid PvE instances. You'd have a hard time but it would be possible and there is nothing stopping you from casting spells and CC'ing and what not... The same goes for 61/0/0.

Now if by "viable" you are asking whether a 61/0/0 build would be comparable to other builds, then my opinion would be "no".

Aemadiaus wrote:
I beg to differ.

I was FULL arcane spec up until 2 days ago. I did very well in PvE. The downside to arcane build is you need decent DMG gear to get a good bonus to your arcane missiles. But the +Spell damage and +Crit chance talents make this build very viable.

The question is though, would you have done better with a different build? Probably yes.

Again, if it is a question of preference, then no one can tell you "yes" or "no" either way. If you want to play something different from the norm, by all means go for it. Will it be better than other popular choices? No, it won't. The reason there are more popular choices is because those choices perform better.

darmaster wrote:
Yes I was try to get an Ideal how deep go into acane make it work. But I like you different builds for arcane I see posted, I will have to try some of them.

Ahhh... Finally, the real question surfaces. Yes, there are a lot of deep arcane builds. You can find a lot of suggestions in other threads on this forum.

Edited, Apr 20th 2007 10:52am by echou
#15 Apr 20 2007 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
1,262 posts
Mana efficiency is the end-all for mages. Without mana, a mage is reduced to using a wand or melee damage.

Mana efficiency is nothing unless you are talking about killing high health items (e.g. bosses). Even here, with a competent group, you can kill instance bosses (but I wouldn't set foot inside kara).

I would say mana efficiency is the end-all for RAIDING mages, but even that is not 100% accurate. I chose a specifically less efficient spec because I wanted to do some PvP as well (for some perverse reason, I am *really* enjoying it). The arcane mage I ran SV with the other night was OOM (or close to it) after most of the fights, but... amazingly enough, she had water that she could drink. She also was only a few K off of where I was in damage. She only ran OOM on 1 fight at the end and it didn't matter (the boss was dead within 20 seconds of her OOM). Could she have been more efficient? Yes. If everyone *had* to take the most mana efficient build, then we'd all walk around with the same talent points, but that is not the case.

*edit: ktangent was critted by 35K for super text wall.... L2BeBrief!

Edited, Apr 20th 2007 1:05pm by ktangent
#16 Apr 20 2007 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
746 posts
Of course, I am not advocating that all mages use the same one or two talent builds. It's unfortunate, but the fact is though, that for mages who want to maximize their performance, they will be cornered into choosing from one or two talent builds.

For the vast majority of players though (myself included), it is a matter of preference and it doesn't matter what anyone says. Hence, I never ask how good/bad my own build is because I know that in the end I will choose according to my own preferred playstyle. However, I still enjoy discussing the merits and drawbacks of builds that I myself will probably never use. It helps me to make better choices for myself.

#17 Apr 20 2007 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
Mana efficiency is nothing unless you are talking about killing high health items (e.g. bosses). Even here, with a competent group, you can kill instance bosses (but I wouldn't set foot inside kara).

I think the point that was trying to be made is that in instances, if you are /oom after every pat, every group, every pull then you will slow the group down. If you want to go pure arcane make sure you bring alot of mana pots and be ready to abuse evo. Mana efficiency should be paramount for all mages.

If you were grouped with another mage who spammed arc and was /oom every fight you wouldn't be the happiest camper. He/She would slow you down and in the larger fights might even be more of a hindrance then help. Sure you can drink, but it's still taking time that could have been better spent.

I'm at half mana...the other mage is /oom. I'll be ready to go twice as fast (spr gear aside...).
#18 Apr 20 2007 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
lol, Thank for break down Echou and you are right. When I said "viable" I did mean compare to other builds that we know that work for pve. I guess my real question is if you can make a viable arcane build compare to other tree build that we know works. From the reply I guess the answer is weak *yes*

#19 Apr 20 2007 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
I was a full arcane spec for a long time. I loved it. Granted I do use alot of mana. But my overall mana regen rate and mana use kind of countered each other. I never really had much of a problem with mana usage. And to be honest. I am used to being in the habit of popping evo when the cooldown is up.

In response to Echou. Not only did I choose to go with a full arc build to get away from the norm but in my opinion with the gear I had at the time I figured it would be a viable build. I've specced every build under the sun and I was quite please with alot of aspects of the arcane build. Granted your mana consumption could be better.. but I did decent DMG and kept up to other fire mages in the guild quite well.

But like I said.. you're limited in options. If you're fine with firing Arc Missiles 90% of the time go for it.. But it does get old. Thats the reason for my respec. However I still have enough points in Arc to keep my DMG up as well as enough in fire to give me the option of doing both decent Arc and Fire damage.
#20 Apr 22 2007 at 11:54 PM Rating: Decent
Does the (41) arcane spell slow work on end game bosses such as found in Karazhan Gruuls lair and on Magtheridon ?
#21 Apr 23 2007 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
746 posts
Many heroic bosses and raid bosses are immune to Slow. I'm not 100% sure but I remember reading that the Karahzan bosses are immune.
#22 Apr 23 2007 at 8:31 PM Rating: Default
don't you think that slow is by far more important in pvp anyway? without impact or frostbite, slow becomes an important kiting tool for those who (i dunno WHY) wouldn't want to use an elemental spell (rank 1 FrB anyone???)
#23 Apr 24 2007 at 8:41 AM Rating: Decent
How good is slow? I alway got the feeling it only good for in pvp play, I don't see much use for in pve play. please tell me if I wrong.
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