This morning I woke up to check my mail on my Shadow Priest before I headed to work. Last night I logged at Xroads as to run my friend's twink through WC today. So I log in at the Xroads and I see this lvl 62 Human Rogue ganking anyone and everyone he sees(guards, Innkeeper, vendors, etc). So I'm done checking my mail and I see him stealthily walk right in front of me. So I /wave, he turns around and I start my running speed trinket and begin to cast VT(I'm not flagged yet). So he's DoTed and I gun it running right past him. I pop SW:P, VE, and DP while running from him. So he sprints up to me and stuns me, and start hacking away at my face(all while I'm getting life back for my shadow damage on him). The second I get out of stun I fear, mindflay a couple times and he's down right as my health ticks to 100%. Apparently he logged onto his Horde toon as started calling me a cheater and so forth, I laughed, /ignore.
It's fun times like logging in to check your mail and ruining someone's fun that makes me glad I lvled a Priest.
So, who else has some fun face melting stories?