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The Priest OT ThreadFollow

#202 Jul 22 2010 at 3:15 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
I had to resurrect the OT thread because nobody I know IRL would understand why this is funny.

My little girl is in day camp this week, and one of the things they do is a little craft, so when I pick her up she's got a paper mask or a pipe cleaner animal or some such. Today I pull up in the carpool line, and she walks up to the car wearing, I kid you not...

A tinfoil hat.
#203 Jul 22 2010 at 3:32 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Smiley: lol
#204 Jul 22 2010 at 4:18 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#205 Jul 22 2010 at 9:31 PM Rating: Good
I approve Smiley: thumbsup
#206 Jul 28 2010 at 6:43 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
So I did some housecleaning last night. No, not that kind, don't be ridiculous. The WoW kind. I deleted three characters, one of whom was 80, the other two in their 70's.

My husband is always absolutely horrified when I do this. It's not the first time I've deleted a level capped character. It's not even the tenth time I've deleted a high level one. But I hate trying to maintain too many alts. I could, of course, just leave them there and not maintain them, but it's a symbolic thing. Those alts represent the difference between spending time playing because it's a hobby I enjoy, and wasting time playing for less healthy reasons.

This is not to say I'll never level another character, obviously. I fully intend to level at least one more in Cataclysm, probably more. In fact, I deleted the hunter knowing I'd probably start another one at some point. (I love leveling hunters. I just have no use for them later.) And toward the end of the next expansion, when I feel I have too many and need to rein it in, I'll clean house again.

Anyway. I'm down to three characters, all 80. Two of them are priests.

I am not well.
#207 Jul 28 2010 at 1:43 PM Rating: Good
584 posts
I've had well over 500 characters since starting about two and a half years ago, the highest level character I've deleted that wasn't a DK, was a 62 Priest, and most of my DKs made it to 70 ish. I've only ever had 3 level capped characters, and I thought about deleting my mage before I transferred him to Kazzak, but now I'm starting all over again and leveling is killing me. I miss not being about to take on about 30 mobs in Ice crown at once.
#208 Jul 28 2010 at 3:00 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
I don't get why anyone would delete a character at levelcap, even if it's collecting dust why wouldn't you keep it just in case?
The highest level non DK I've ever deleted was level 25 (or was it 26?), a paladin on Kazzak because I didn't like her name.

And I have 2 level 80's whom I haven't touched in over a year but the thought of deleting them never crossed my mind even though I know that the likelihood of me ever logging on those characters again is minimal.
That said, one is a DK who's rotting somewhere in Sholazar or something, I can't remember.
The other one is my former main and a night elf hunter, she's wearing her sexy outfit and guarding Karazhan because that's where I learned to raid and that's where my endgame journey started so it felt appropriate to let her rest there.
#209 Jul 28 2010 at 4:28 PM Rating: Excellent
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His Excellency Aethien wrote:
I don't get why anyone would delete a character at levelcap, even if it's collecting dust why wouldn't you keep it just in case?
The highest level non DK I've ever deleted was level 25 (or was it 26?), a paladin on Kazzak because I didn't like her name.

And I have 2 level 80's whom I haven't touched in over a year but the thought of deleting them never crossed my mind even though I know that the likelihood of me ever logging on those characters again is minimal.

Ah, well, let me explain. See the difference there is: you are not mentally ill. If I have the character, I can't just leave her lying around all untidy and half-done. She has to be at the level cap. She has to have two maxed professions. She has to have epic flight. I play on a fairly active PVP server, so I like to keep her in honor gear that's not more than a couple of seasons behind, just in case she's out and about. And every time I redo my UI, I have to set it up for her too.

I end up spending a lot of time and gold to make sure all my characters are in playing shape in case I decide to play them, while never actually playing them. It's a time sink, and not in the good way, which is what I meant by wasting time instead of spending time. When it gets to the point where I'm maintaining half a dozen characters I don't even play, or want to play, I begin to suspect it's possible that I may just be looking for some distraction to avoid doing something productive. Smiley: wink

I dunno. I just like to clean it all up once in a while and reel it in to active characters only. Which, to be realistic, is only the couple-few my capacity for memorizing key binds allows.

But, it should be noted, that for the most part I don't mind leveling. Especially if there's something new in it for me - new faction, zones, class, spec, whatever. In Cata of course it'll all be new. If I decide I want whatever class one day, I will not cry that I deleted one already. I'll just level a new one. And then when the login screen gets too long, I'll cull the herd again.
#210 Jul 28 2010 at 5:38 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
teacake wrote:
Ah, well, let me explain. See the difference there is: you are not mentally ill.
Smiley: lolSmiley: laughSmiley: lolSmiley: laugh

Oooh, heh... that was funny.
I think you meant not mentally ill in the same way. Smiley: nod

Edit: and while I share your desire to keep things like this neet and orderly, I have a strong dislike for leveling.
And I am emotionally attached to at least my hunter, I couldn't bear to just erase her.

Edited, Jul 29th 2010 1:41am by Aethien
#211 Aug 12 2010 at 11:16 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
I was going to go for a run, but it's, like, abusively hot, so I came here instead, but you guys aren't really posting, so, I'm posting instead.

Hem hem.

If the OT thread isn't for procrastinating on running, I ask you, what good is it?
#212 Aug 12 2010 at 1:12 PM Rating: Good
teacake wrote:
Hem hem.

This phrase/onomatopoeia makes me rage* now after reading the Harry Potter series. Because Professor Umbridge is a jerkface. Smiley: mad

* Rage is a bit of a strong word...riled up a bit, maybe?

Edited, Aug 12th 2010 3:14pm by Norellicus
#213 Aug 12 2010 at 1:49 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Overlord Norellicus wrote:
teacake wrote:
Hem hem.

This phrase/onomatopoeia makes me rage* now after reading the Harry Potter series. Because Professor Umbridge is a jerkface. Smiley: mad

* Rage is a bit of a strong word...riled up a bit, maybe?

Smiley: grin But the scene where Fred and George fly out of the school makes having her around worth it.

I used to live in Virginia where personalized license plates are only $10, so everyone has them. I saw HEM HEM once, not too long after that book came out. Mine was Lord of the Rings related (I'm a Tolkien nerd), but I wish I'd played WoW back then so I could've gotten ZUG ZUG or LOK TAR. You can have 8 letters where I am now and every year when I renew my husband's registration I threaten to get him NOOBCAKE.

Still haven't gone running. But I vacuumed. Totally counts as a workout.
#214 Aug 12 2010 at 4:52 PM Rating: Good
584 posts
Teacake wrote:
I'm a Tolkien nerd

I'm trying to read through The Silmarillion at the moment, but it's making me want to claw my eyes out.
#215 Aug 12 2010 at 5:26 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Sgriob wrote:
Teacake wrote:
I'm a Tolkien nerd

I'm trying to read through The Silmarillion at the moment, but it's making me want to claw my eyes out.

I just refuse to acknowledge it. Much like the sequels to The Matrix.
#216 Aug 12 2010 at 8:01 PM Rating: Excellent
110 posts
Some people come to the Silmarillion thinking that it will be like the Lord of the Rings. Well, clearly it's not even...the entire Ring saga takes up like a page and a half near the end.

It reminded me a lot of reading through the Old Testament. Time is seriously compressed and whole books worth of events pass in a moment.

Take it slow and don't read too much at once. You'll make it. With time and patience, it's possible to learn to love the thing.
#217 Aug 12 2010 at 9:14 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Moanique wrote:
Some people come to the Silmarillion thinking that it will be like the Lord of the Rings.

My problem was more that I came to it thinking it would be like a novel. Smiley: wink

Which it purports to be. But is clearly not. Your Old Testament analogy is great. I just think he was ham-fisted about it. I love Tolkien, I'll put up with any amount of bad poetry, heck I even like Bombadil, but there's a limit. The Silmarillion is just... bad writing. Even if you view it more as I think he intended, not as a story but as a detailed history for the enthusiast of his world, it's still not gone about in a very engaging way.

And I'm irked by the lost potential. There are stories buried in that denser-than-flourless-chocolate-cake text that, told in actual proper narrative form with characters and dialogue and plot, would be really great stories.
#218 Aug 13 2010 at 3:45 AM Rating: Good
584 posts
I just refuse to acknowledge it. Much like the sequels to The Matrix.

I liked Reloaded, but mostly because of the twins. I don't know why, but their just really cool :P, and the only decent scene in Revelations was the part where the machines broke into Zion.

Some people come to the Silmarillion thinking that it will be like the Lord of the Rings

I'm the same as Teacake, I thought it was going to be a novel, in the same way that LotR was, but I knew that it was about the time in middle earth before Sauron, but it ended up being, like you said, the old testament, or to be honest, the bible in general.

And I'm irked by the lost potential

I agree, but if Peter Jackson goes anywhere near this, I'm gonna hunt him down.
#219 Aug 13 2010 at 6:14 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Sgriob wrote:
I agree, but if Peter Jackson goes anywhere near this, I'm gonna hunt him down.

I have some, ahem, issues with the LoTR movies (Farawho?) but overall I enjoy them. You always have to expect adaptation disagreements with any movie-of-a-book, but these were clearly done by fans who respected the original and had high production values and that's about all you can ask.

After what he did to the Lovely Bones though, PJ and I are in a fight.
#220 Aug 13 2010 at 10:37 AM Rating: Excellent
110 posts
I have to imagine that Tolkien would have thoroughly rewritten the Silmarillion if he intended to publish it during his lifetime. At the very least to clean up the dry prose and inject a little bit of life into it. Tolkien the novelist is a very different thing than Tolkien the scholar and The Silmarillion is very much the latter.

But still, with all that, I love the thing and have read it twice all the way through. It took half a dozen tries at it before I got through it the first time. Now it's something that I open up and read a section here and there...usually with a good Tolkien reference website at hand since there are seemingly thousands of names.

My degree is in history so that may explain a lot.

An odd thought. I wish that someone would do a Silmarillion(ish) version of WoW lore...just to have it in one spot. I love the lore column over at but I'm a bookish sort of person for history...made-up or otherwise. I was delighted to find upon entering the game that WoW lore is very deep. But it doesn't seem to be organized at all. I'm still swimming around in it in a more-or-less disorganized way which seems to be the way it's been collected to date: graphic novels, actual novels (some of them actively bad/loathsome), quest text, you name it. All over the place.

Re: The Matrix

I was OK with the first sequel. Hated the second. I would have been perfectly happy if they had left it alone after the first movie. I'm with teacake on that.

Edited, Aug 13th 2010 12:39pm by Moanique
#221 Aug 13 2010 at 1:52 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Moanique wrote:
Tolkien the novelist is a very different thing than Tolkien the scholar and The Silmarillion is very much the latter.

Nail meets head. I think that sums it up perfectly. I always get the sense from the Silmarillion that I'm taking his class. That's not a bad thing, it's just not a book. You are right that it's unfair to criticize it on the basis of an intent its author didn't have. I still don't have to read it again though, right?

Moanique wrote:

My degree is in history so that may explain a lot.

I don't think Richard III did it.
#222 Aug 14 2010 at 1:32 PM Rating: Good
I haven't actually read THe Silmarillion, but from what I've heard Tokien's son wrote a fairly good chunk of it, which is part of the reason why it's so boring.
#223 Aug 14 2010 at 4:08 PM Rating: Excellent
110 posts
Christopher Tolkien edited it all together from his father's notes and undoubtedly wrote some connective things. Less known is that Guy Gavriel Kay was involved with the project.

Regarding provenance and who wrote what, find some of J.R.R.'s scholarly stuff. It's all of a piece. You can blame the publisher and marketing departments for making it seem as if it were another book in the series which it clearly isn't and was never meant to be.

A good starting point for those interested in Middle Earth as something other than a stomping grounds for Frodo and his little friends and can't bear the idea of slogging through The Silmarillion, try The Origins of Middle Earth for Dummies by Greg Harvey.

It's a decent introduction, covers in many fewer pages a lot of the same ground as The Silmarillion and the Lost Tales books. Harvey is a good writer, the tone is light and Rich Tennant's cartoons are par for the course. Generally, the hoi polloi of Tolkien criticism think it's not respectful enough which makes it a great place to start. It's much more than just a summing up of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. It's an informative high-level overview of Middle-Earth lore, in essence.

#224 Aug 14 2010 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
#225 Aug 15 2010 at 3:12 PM Rating: Good
Wow, that just makes me want to get my goblin to 80 all the more... I'll admit, I'm really excited about the underwater zone.
#226 Aug 20 2010 at 3:50 PM Rating: Excellent
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I have a message in my gmail informing me that it is now officially the NaNoWriMo preseason. Start working on your outlines, people. Come on. You know you wanna. Cataclysm probably won't be out yet anyway.
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