If you recieve an e-mail from username@allakhazam.com (any username. kaolian, allakhazam, one of the asylum posters, etc. doesn't matter) this does not mean that that person actually sent you a virus.
One feature of modern viruses, is that they can grab e-mail addresses from pretty much anywhere. This means that just one infected person viewing the website, which creates temporary cache files that the virus can use, can actually be responsable for sending out viruses "from" multiple people.
There are also new sneaky viruses that can look at the e-mail address it is being sent to, and emulate it enough to send a nasty e-mail.
For example, for the address kaolian@allakhazam.com, the virus is capable of generating a message like this:
"Kaolian, the Allakhazam adminsitrators have detected illigal activity on your account, and it will be shut down immidiatly unless you send all your personal information and banking info to this address immidiatly"
Usually they are more threatening than that, but you get the idea.
Allakhazam staff members will almost never send an attachment via our allakhazam addresses, and if we are sending you an attachment we will make sure you are aware of it ahead of time. I personally use my @rr.com address most of the time anyways. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Edited, Mon Jul 26 16:59:06 2004 by Kaolian