Umm...the max FPS in FFXI is 30. EV4R. Because Square-Enix wantaru to make it look nicey-wicey for PS2 users...
So if you already heave 30 FPS much of the time, and you can check if you use the Archbell Windower via hitting F12 or the like...then you don'taru need to upgrade anything. I am usually around 29.5 with my Radeon 9800Pro and isanely hotaru and stupid throttling Intely-wintely 530 3.0GHz processor...1GB of PC3200 too...
If you don'taru have 30FPS, it can be a few things including the factaru that you are using an NVidia-widia graphics card. No mattaru what Square-Enix says, ATI cards will run it bettaru since they use the DirectX APIs bettaru and suchage.
Again...if you have a 30FPS, then you can'taru do anything to make it bettaru unless you want to h4x0r the game and mess around with hex convertarus and whatnotaru...
EDIT: Editaru for semi tarutaru talk because I am tired, pissed, angstaru, wantaru to blow something up and can'taru right now, evil, weak, and unfortunataru not very charming.
Edited, Tue Jul 5 21:30:36 2005 by Bagira