My party stayed up all night long finishing up ZM missions so we would be able to have sky access. We did ZM6-ZM13 and everything was fine. I started walking through the hall of gods and entered the zone to Ru'Aun Gardens. After entering Ru'Aun Gardens I experienced a major drop in frame rate, and was unable to continue do to the major amounts of lag. During this time my Send/Receive was fine. I ended up DC'ing and loged back in the same problem continued. After DC'ing again I went to FFXIconfig and set all game settings to minimum ie screen resolution, background resolution,etc. After logging back in w/ settings changed there was no improvement with frame rate. However I was able to type in /ma "Warp" <me>, and ended back up in jeuno, where i come to find that everything was running flawlessly. I am only having this problem when I try to enter sky. If anyone can help me with this please do so. I just got sky and i'm not even able to go there ; ;.
Here are some specs:
CPU: AMD 1900
GPU: GeForce 6600 256 RAM
Sound Card: Sound blaster Audigy 2
Please help (;¿;)