TwiztidSamurai the Malevolent wrote:
Don't worry, Moe. I'm sure that, in time, these young'ns will mature enough to get their current events from a reliable news source, and make sure that the news is actually current.
Then again, maybe not. We should just stick to the Asylum.
I used to read the NYTimes every day, but kinda got disgusted with the "Real World".
So I exist very nicely in my nice introverted world where I go to school, go home, play games, watch movies, play with my pets, my husband, and then eventually go to sleep. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Seriously though, why go to a game board, even if it's an OOT one, to talk about things that are liable to make people break out into hives and twitch? That's no fun (usually).
Every interesting topic usually has about two extreme sides to it, and people tend to line up along those sides. People who sit in the middle tend to stay quiet because they don't want to get told how stupid they are by extremists who keep saying, because it will make it true to repeat it, "One day you'll grow up and live in the real world and then you'll see it my way!". (Why, this sounds like conversations over dinner at my parents house!)
So - I'm kinda glad the "Current Events" of this forum right now exists of the Olsen twins. :P Afterall, they were the youngest billionaires (or millionaires, I can't remember properly) in the US. They were 6. :P How nice would life be if I was a green-blue eyed blond with a twin sister who made it into television from birth. :P