I've read similar articles.
I'll let you know about the surgery thing, since I'm the only person in my class (well, one out of two) who plays video games. So, if I'm doing my surgeries faster than my classmates, I'll know it's all true! :)
But I will attest to the hand-eye coordination and other things. Your peripheral vision is much quicker, I'd think, because of video games where you need to train yourself to notice that little flicker out of the corner of the screen and turn to face it so the zombie doesn't jump on your back or you don't get hit by the invisible Covenant soldier. :P
It does teach kids how to problem solve (unless they get the game guide. ;) and how to communicate, and everything they already said in the article.
I don't think obsessive gaming is all that good though (egads, I must wash my mouth out with soap, what did I just say?) because sunshine and exercise is also important. After all, the person the army is looking at may have superior hand-eye reflexes, but he's weaker than a two day old puppy or obscenely obese, because all they did was game. (not all gamers, yeah yeah, I know.)
But a proper balance of the two would be great. :)