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Are the Atheists or the Religious a bunch o' fools?Follow

#202 Jun 04 2004 at 12:10 PM Rating: Good
1,292 posts
Believe in Gord and be saved.

I know it may be old, but it's still semi-funny.

Edited, Fri Jun 4 13:12:54 2004 by Lowwatt
#203 Jun 04 2004 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
you guys still havent answered my ?, why the hell doesnt god kick satan's ***?

i used 2 be christian till i found out that praying that my indirect family wouldnt h8 me, was useless. every day i prayed for 2 years (4years old to 6 y.o.) one day i prayed something different and i still remember this, "God i h8 u! you should burn in hell u sh*t. your not real so kiss my a$$!"

then i gave up on the fact there is a god. so dont give me this crap "you dont know what its like 2 believe in god" Well i do! actually its quite nice, cuss u can always think "god will make it all better", but i cant do that now. i know that my life is wut i make of it, not god, not satan, and not my GF. but i can respect u for your beliefs,and i do. its the fact that we have our own ideals that makes us different. i dont mind being the "outcast" in a group if my ideals r known. im not trying to make ne1 athiest, sos srry if i have imposed that.
i hope u will respect me for my beliefs as i have u...
#204 Jun 05 2004 at 1:58 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
"God i h8 u! you should burn in hell u sh*t. your not real so kiss my a$$!"
Well, there's the problem. God himself couldn't figure out what the hell you were saying.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#205 Jun 05 2004 at 10:46 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
You know what is hardest about this admin gig? resisting the urge to edit those posts to replace the words with real, albiet misspelled words instead of h8 u r cus etc.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#206 Jun 05 2004 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
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why the hell doesnt god kick satan's ***?

Because Satan is a fallen angel that is frozen in the lake Caina
#207 Jun 05 2004 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
You know what is hardest about this admin gig? resisting the urge to edit those posts to replace the words with real, albiet misspelled words instead of h8 u r cus etc
Psst, Kao, go ahead. It'll be our little secret. Smiley: wink2
#208 Jun 05 2004 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
283 posts
What's really interesting about the "contradictions" in the Bible (and most Religious based texts), is that the contradictions disapear once you understand that the bible is not really a "from Gods mouth to Mans pen" account. If you take the position that the Bible is actually simply a collected set of books written by authors attempting to explain *why* the world was the way it was, and *why* people were the way they were, then it all makes sense.

All people at some point have to ask where they all came from. Thus, you have an origin myth. Once you realize that this is not a divine tale, but just some guy making something up to satisfy curious children, then it makes perfect sense. "God" has to enter into the equation because at some point their ability to explain fades away and they must fill the gap with something. Everything which has an unknown cause is filled by a divine being. In the case of Judaism, it's God.

When you read the bible in this context, you will realize that the entire thing is about explaining how the ancient Jews came to live where they did, and have the customs that they had. Contradictions aren't a problem since it's apparent that the different tales were written at different times and by different people. No one in the scientific community thinks that it's contradictory that Plato's theories about the universe don't match Newtons simply because we know they were two different people, writing for different audiences and attempting to answer slightly different questions about the universe.

The contradictions in the bible are only a problem if you assume the book is divinely inspired and therefore 100% fact. Take that assumption away, and it's just a collection of books, none of which have to agree with eachother in any specific way.

As true as that is, many Christians/religious people do not view things that way. The Bible itself states that everything inside was written through divine inspiration. I don't recall the verse in which it is contained.. However, it is in there.

I've probably said this before, but I choose not to believe in any religion, I'd rather wait for the religion to be proven correct than to be wrong, just me though. On that matter...

How can anybody prove any of them are correct? It's impossible. So, I could say... I believe our present is actually the past of 10 million years in our future, call it a religion and probably get everybody to sign their houses/all worldly belongings to me in exchange for a full Nike sweat suit and shoes. I could tell them that they must run for 14 hours a day in order to reach God while I ride a moped beside them and scream "Run faster, you'll never get to God when you run so slowly!" In effect, I could create a religion of my own... Would it be a cult? Sure, then again, every religion is a cult, some just aren't as widely accepted.
#209 Jun 06 2004 at 12:47 AM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
If L. Ron Hubbard can do it, anyone can.
#210 Jun 06 2004 at 7:20 AM Rating: Decent
429 posts
If L. Ron Hubbard can do it, anyone can.

Ya know, I heard he did that on a bet. I managed to read part of one of the dianetics books and ole elron was definately pulling ideas out his ***. It's kinda understandable, he was a pretty decent storyteller (I actually read most of his fiction that was labeled as such)and I can see how people might believe in what he made up.

And is it just me or is halodude pretty much repeating what I said only disjointed and mangled? Were I an admin (thank dog I'm not) I't'd be an excercise in willpower not to edit it to make it easier on the brain.

why the hell doesnt god kick satan's ***?

wasn't he supposed to have done that already?
#211 Jun 06 2004 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
1,270 posts
Hmm... very controversial thread here.

I am not an Atheist, which means not knowing what to believe, I am a non-believer. Why? Not sure, I just believe in Science and the Natural Arts rather then a "God." I believe that Jesus did walk the earth at one time, did he do the things he did? Maybe, but that is to much for me to ponder about. There are many different questions you can ask that contradict the Bible and make mind-puzzling answers. But, there were some prooven facts that things in the Bible didn't happen.

Adam & Eve: They were the first humans on the earth. What about dinosaurs? In the bible which was written sometime earlier. The people of England or Spain or whatever obviously didn't have that knowledge about dinosaurs we do now. So they didn't put them in the bible. A "Believers" answer: You have to have faith.

Noah's Ark: They had a show on it and they prooved that the carpenting skills and the wood could not and would not hold that much weight. When you ask how that is true, a simple "Believer" would answer: You have to have faith, "God" gave them the power to do so.

Walking on Water: That obviously isn't possible because humans would sink. But once again a "Believers" answer would be: You have to have faith, "God" gave them that power.

Why do Churches make you make a offering?
Because they need money to keep the church stable but, if read some parts of the bible it states something like "It doesn't matter where you worship or how, it is the fact that you believe." IMHO, they just want money. Because they see that people obviously fall into the web of the "Bible" and "God" and it is a quick way to make some cash.

Just because I am not a "Believer" does not make me a better or worse person. It makes me more unique because I am not like all the others that I feel are brainwashed into a corporate system.

If "God" can do anything. Then why does he allow this earth to become so chaotic. He allows our loved ones to die in a war, he allows people to kill each other, if this "God" was real he would stop all this for the proper way of Human Kind.

I want to know if "God" can create a rock so big he cannot move it.
#212 Jun 06 2004 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
Nargar wrote:
I am not an Atheist, which means not knowing what to believe, I am a non-believer.
Maybe the problem is that you don't know what the word means. Allow me to provide you with a definition you can find in any dictionary:


1: the doctrine or belief that there is no God [syn: godlessness] [ant: theism]
2: a lack of belief in the existence of God or gods

Where in that definition do you see anything about atheists not knowing what to believe?

Peruse a couple pages of this thread Are you *expletive deleted* kidding me? and you'll read all sorts of strongly worded statements by people you claim don't know what to believe in regards to god or a higher power.

I'm an atheist. Here are some of the things I believe:

  • There is no god or any other form of higher power.
  • Human beings are responsible for their own lives.
  • There is neither reward nor punishment awaiting us when we die.

  • It's presumptuous of me, but I feel pretty safe in saying the other known atheists of this forum share these basic beliefs.

    Your post actually sounds like the statement of someone who believes in a god, but enjoys saying they don't just to be unique and provocative.

    Edited, Mon Jun 7 02:07:29 2004 by Yanari
    #213 Jun 06 2004 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
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    Just curious.. do you believe in Ghosts or Voodoo?
    With the receiver in my hand..
    #214 Jun 07 2004 at 1:07 AM Rating: Decent
    5,311 posts
    Ghosts? No. Voodoo? I believe it's a religion that some people practice.
    #215 Jun 07 2004 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
    98 posts
    Ok well you should learn more about the bible. The word "hell" was not used in the Bible until the Burning times (the witch hunts). Before that Hell was a cold and dark place, just like what the Greeks and Romans believed. The word "hell" itself referes to the Goddess Hel from Nordic myth. So when they would say "your going to Hell" they meant the Goddess. It only became a pit of flame from that time on. So my point is that the Bible that we read today (and yes I have read it) has be changed and shaped to fit the needs of the church and those that govern it. If they changed that there are bound to be more changes,(and yes translated does changes a few things that's not what I'm writing about). So you could believe everything your read in it or just understand that its a book of stories with morals?
    (this post was in response to a bible preaching holy roller)

    Edited, Mon Jun 7 10:08:55 2004 by rockiesbluetaco
    #216 Jun 07 2004 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
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    Hell is a tool man uses to punish himself for his guilt.
    With the receiver in my hand..
    #217 Jun 07 2004 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
    5,311 posts
    Not a very potent tool, is it? After all, one doesn't have to worry about it until one's dead.
    #218 Jun 07 2004 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
    8,619 posts
    It's presumptuous of me, but I feel pretty safe in saying the other known atheists of this forum share these basic beliefs.
    As an Atheist i am in complete agreement.

    What has made me Atheist? A couple of things:

    1. i read the book of mormon and the things held therein are proof enough that organised religion is about control and power and little to do with salvation.

    2. The complete lack of evidance for any of the claims made by the bible and or other religious text. The thoelogy held in David Eddings Belgariad are more believable than some religious texts.

    3. Lack of justice in relation to actions taken. If you cheat , steal, lie and have little regard for other humans you will generally get further in life. <i point to the present president of the USA as an example of this fact>
    If thier was a God why would i posibly be expected to worship him when thier is some much suffering in the world as a direct result of what would be his actions.
    "Hey Turkey seem to be a good god fearing nation lets set off a couple of earthquakes that'll cheer the bastards up"
    #219 Jun 07 2004 at 12:21 PM Rating: Good
    Liberal Conspiracy
    Before that Hell was a cold and dark place
    Jesus, in telling the story of the rich man in hell, describes hell as a fiery place. In fact, the rich man asks for a single drop of water to sate his agony at the flames. Revelation says that Satan (as well as those souls not in the Book of Life) will be thrown into the lake of fire. There's other references as well, but the point being that Hell = Hot is hardly a "recent" invention.

    Agreed though that the New Testament concepts and divisons of Hell are borrowed from Greco-Roman myth. I talked about that in a different thread on the topic.

    I'm not sure if your witch hunts are supposed to be from the Middle Ages, Spanish Inquisition, Puritan Colonial America or what, but both the Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus contain copies of the complete New Testament dating from the 4th Century if you want the be sure the sources pre-date your Burning Times.

    Edited, Mon Jun 7 13:31:23 2004 by Jophiel
    Belkira wrote:
    Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
    #220 Jun 07 2004 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
    In Dante's Inferno, the very center of Earth is the center of Hell, and it is cold there. His reasoning is that the farther you are from God, the less warmth there is. Dante actually understood that you'd have to turn over at the center of the Earth, because down would be the other way, so when his character (also named Dante) reaches the very center of the Earth, which is actually where Satan is, he describes turning around and the sensation of gravity being reversed there.

    Actually, were the core of Earth hollow, there would be no gravity at the very center and one would float freely as if in outer space.

    I am not going to reply to the original subject of this thread. It seems foolish.
    #221 Jun 07 2004 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
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    What has made me Atheist? A couple of things:

    1. i read the book of mormon and the things held therein are proof enough that organised religion is about control and power and little to do with salvation.

    How can you make your oppinion of a Spiritual Concept based on your view of an institition of Man.

    2. The complete lack of evidance for any of the claims made by the bible and or other religious text. The thoelogy held in David Eddings Belgariad are more believable than some religious texts.

    Evidence of waht??? Waht another Man told you should be there.... this again has Naught to do with God.. only Man.

    3. Lack of justice in relation to actions taken. If you cheat , steal, lie and have little regard for other humans you will generally get further in life. <i point to the present president of the USA as an example of this fact>

    Who ever said life was fair??... It's usually the belief tahat bad people get their payback After their Life anyway... (convieniently un-arguable no?).. We as humans judge waht is Good or Bad.. Waht would we know about it?? It's all are own little oppinions... I'm sure the Mind of God is a bit beyond us..
    Doesn't a child think it's bad when the adult takes away the fun knife he just found to play with... no , he thinks the adult is pretty damn evil doesn't he... They have no concept of the True Rules and Why they apply.

    As for the rest. I'll quote some of Kevin Smith's Dogma:

    On Hell

    Azrael: Evil is an abstract. It's a human construct. But true to his nature, Man won't own up to it's creation. No, you choose instead to invent a psycho-drama and dwell in foundless belief that God could never forgive your grievous offenses. So you bring your guilt and your inner decay with you into Hell where the hoards of thousands of unhappy human imaginations fill the chasm since the first one of your kind arrived generations ago, begging to be punished

    On Beleif

    Nun: You don't believe in God because of Alice in Wonderland?
    Loki: No, "Through the Looking Glass". That poem, "The Walrus and the Carpenter" that's an indictment of organized religion. The walrus, with his girth and his good nature, he obviously represents either Buddha, or... or with his tusk, the Hindu elephant god, Lord Ganesha. That takes care of your Eastern religions. Now the carpenter, which is an obvious reference to Jesus Christ, who was raised a carpenter's son, he represents the Western religions. Now in the poem, what do they do... what do they do? They... They dupe all these oysters into following them and then proceed to shuck and devour the helpless creatures en masse. I don't know what that says to you, but to me it says that following these faiths based on mythological figures ensure the destruction of one's inner-being. Organized religion destroys who we are by inhibiting our actions... by inhibiting our decisions, out of... out of fear of some... some intangible parent figure who... who shakes a finger at us from thousands of years ago and says... and says, "Do it - Do it and I'll ******' spank you."

    With the receiver in my hand..
    #222 Jun 07 2004 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
    5,311 posts
    I am not going to reply to the original subject of this thread. It seems foolish
    I'm just assuming most of the posters are very young (compared to me) so I'm not busting their chops too hard.
    #223 Jun 07 2004 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
    8,619 posts
    How can you make your oppinion of a Spiritual Concept based on your view of an institition of Man.
    Because up untill this post God has not popped around to tell me in person.

    Evidence of waht??? Waht another Man told you should be there.... this again has Naught to do with God.. only Man.
    Evidence of Jesus's exsistance for one. Evidence that god created the world evidence of well anything held within the bible

    We as humans judge waht is Good or Bad
    Agreed hence the reason i feel no need to believe in an overwatching diety but that is not my point.

    my point is thus: IF there is a GOD and he allows his people <that he professes to love btw> to suffer for no reason through his acts <I.e disasters like earthquakes> what possible reason would i have to worship such an obviously evil being?
    without wishing to envoke godwins law, you might as well worship Hitler.

    God sends down hell, fire and brimstone to kills random innocents but i am expected to worship him none the less with no rewards what so ever. Hmmmmmm No thanks.
    #224 Jun 07 2004 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
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    <I.e disasters like earthquakes> what possible reason would i have to worship such an obviously evil being?

    Once again I compare us as children to "God" as adult.

    Child has a rotting tooth that needs to be removed... The child is in no pain yet, but the Adult(dentist) knows better..

    So he straps the kid in a chair and sticks needles in the child and rips that tooth out of his head..Now..

    Why should this child ever want to go back to the Dentist.. such an Evil Being?

    Because up untill this post God has not popped around to tell me in person.

    oh please... .... Think of it as one of those 3-D Pictures in the Mall.... No one can Make you see the Image..
    "God, When do I get to see the Sailboat?!?"

    well anything held within the bible

    Bible, Bible, Bible.... Forces of Creation were around much longer than when this was written or compiled..... THere is more to "God" (or the Force known as God) than this publication.. Once again.. it is a creation of Man.

    With the receiver in my hand..
    #225 Jun 07 2004 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
    283 posts
    "If God were suddenly condemned to live the life which he has inflicted on men, he would kill himself" Alexander Dumas (1802-1870)

    I think that's pretty clear.

    Bible, Bible, Bible.... Forces of Creation were around much longer than when this was written or compiled..... THere is more to "God" (or the Force known as God) than this publication.. Once again.. it is a creation of Man.

    Actually, that's wrong, as any religious doctrine that is centralized around one or many specific deities will state various specific reasons for the reason that their religion is correct and that it is not made by man. More specifically, the Holy Bible, as it clearly states that the Bible was written via divine inspiration. The major difference to this would be Confucianism or Buddhism, which do not specifically center on one deity, or many for that matter. The entire religion is based around a specific set of principalia to guide your life. Unlike Christianity or Hindi, they don't name a "God." Buddhism does state that reincarnation is a fact, however it's not the result of some God, it's all Karma.

    oh please... .... Think of it as one of those 3-D Pictures in the Mall.... No one can Make you see the Image..
    "God, When do I get to see the Sailboat?!?"

    That boils down to faith, should you believe in God, yeah you might think you see the image, hell you may even actually see it. I guess nobody will know until everybody's dead or God decides to come back from his 2000 year hiatus, whichever comes first.

    God sends down hell, fire and brimstone to kills random innocents but i am expected to worship him none the less with no rewards what so ever. Hmmmmmm No thanks.

    As the Holy Bible states, no man is innocent. However, as humanity is flawed in the eyes of God, we cannot say what is right and wrong, even though the majority of the world's population is influenced by the Holy Bible and the many doctrines included within. It's all relative to your concept of right and wrong or good and evil. Also, worshipping "the God of Gods" is supposedly in it's own right it's own reward... Heh.
    #226 Jun 07 2004 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
    83 posts
    I've only managed to read 30 of the 233 threads (if I remember correctly) and all I've seen thus far is the turning of gears but no real "locomotion" (sp?) I understand the controversy in a thread like this and I completely respect everyones belief's. I would like to point out a few thing if I may. Life, love are what we consider to be good, why? The feelings we get? Or the things we share? I would tend to look at how we feel toward loved ones and life when we are angry. At that moment all seems unbarible and though you want to express your anger in ways in which you know are hostile or better yet dangerous you hold back. Humanity allows us to see each other as individuals and not just individuals but individuals who can play an intregal role in a community. Life teaches us many things and yet we are so bold as to blow it off as a mere coinsidence of circumstance. The fact that we talk of belief's should show us a deeper connection with ourselves and our belief's are that reflection (without it being taken to a serious degree but like anything we do, a peice of us is implimented into it.^^) When someone says they are something (in refrence to a belief as pertaing to it's definition) it takes faith. Basically you have faith when you can give yourself a title (my belief). I think everyone has good views on this subject only because there is no right or wrong answer there is only the feelings you get (and only you feel) that make this seem controversial. You cannot prove or disprove anything without experiencing it first and many people experince the same things differently. The last thing I'de like to add is if deeath does not bring consiquence or reward how do we get closure in our last minutes? I think only old age can solve that question and I understand that it might be frustrating to try and comprehend God and Budda and many other types of head figures in religion but the key is to relize and understand your main feeling about anything that you come across and to be able to decide how to handle this feeling because for each circumstance bores a new feeling (although it might be relitive or close to a feeling you know i.e. anger, happiness these are just basic feelings of something more complexe than words can conjure up). I'm sorry if it seems like I'm preaching to the chore or just rambling but I like to think that a mist the chaos we can find order and peace within our own hearts. thank you ^^
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