Ok... before I start on my message, I would first like to deliever this disclosure:
"This is not to start a flame war. This is not to find out who does what. This is not to find others opinions on the situation (though constructive comments are welcomed). This is simply to express my feelings for those taking things a little TOO seriously."
Recently a couple threads were started in the General section with regards to use of mind altering enhancements. Its very apparent that most here disapprove of the use of illegal substances and to this I say: "Cheers" (as in good for you... not as in cheers, drink up).
I've seen comments in those threads along the lines of such:
"If you drink or do drugs, I'll remove you from my party." and also seen statements of IRL examples of why drugs are bad and these are acceptable rebuttles. However, FFXI is not real life. Real life, you make a mistake, it may be too late to correct. FFXI, may take you some time to get back up... but you always get to try again.
Granted drugs and/or alcohol may not be supported by yourself and/or your beliefs. However, do not take the opportunity for one to have fun, as well as help you make exp, simply because they are doing something IRL you disapprove of.
Removing a member for pulling too many IT's when its apparent each time the parties health/survival is at risk... its another to remove a member who's provoking every 32 seconds just because his eyes are puffy and the silliest things are found funny.
To assume a whm is not gunna be able to heal you because one of your old buddies couldn't control his/her vehicle is wrong. Those are two completely different scenarios. I believe a person in FFXI should be judged sololy on performance and communication.
If a person is too drunk to coherently play... constantly making typo's and hitting wrong macro's... then sure, they can be removed as their not too skilled at the moment and do not benefit the team. However, if someone is trashed, but still doing their job to a T... whats it matter? everyone gains exp, everyone lives, everyone is happy... why should you take enjoyment away from someone for something that doesn't effect FFXI?
In short... if whatever the person is doing IS infact effecting their game, sure... you have a right to remove them. However, if someone is doing their job well, it is morally wrong to remove them simply cause you do not approve of their actions IRL. Heck, how you even know if those really are their actions or if they're B/S'ing to look cool? Basically, if someone is getting trashed and doing a good job, just assume they're sober just like you... if someone is sober and plays like they're trashed, do yourself and your party a favor and remove from party.
You should not judge by a persons emotes but by their true actions.