I'm realizing I didn't explain myself as well as I should have.
The class is storytelling and visual media. With this simple description the instructor is able to add the specifics as he desires. His specifics are 1) it's a class about movies, and 2)I dig Fantasy so the class is focused on this genre.
So, it's a straight up Fantasy film course and the question he had for me (us) was what movies should he include. Well, coming up with a fun list was easy, but when looking at what could he teach he wanted to find pictures that maybe not everyone in the class would have seen. Naturally, no one could even dream of doing this without LOTR, nor could you skip out on Star Wars, because, hey, it's Star Wars. But, still try to give the kids more than what they already have. As he was looking at the different titles he wanted to pick out unique aspects of each one. The aspect of mixing fantasy and sci-fi was one he wanted to do, but couldn't think of many films that did it. So I wanted to pull from the collective intelligence of this board for an idea on this one aspect. And now, since that was so much fun, I want to open it up completely. Not all of these films can be viewed in the class, but all of them can be discussed and the students will be encouraged to view them on their own time.
Thanks again for all of your help.
(The Haunting. Very good. I forgot about that one.)