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Why do americans generally dislike soccer?Follow

#1 May 17 2004 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
That's the question. I love me some soccer. most of my american friends cannot stand to watch one single game of it. What gives? Please do not be afraid to be brutally honest (i know you won't).
#2 May 17 2004 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
I think it is a generational thing. While most older folks (me included) that did not grow up with the sport dont particually like it. ( probably something to do with not really understanding the rules and what not) The younger generation seems to be taken with the game. I would wager a bet that soccer is the fastest growing sport in America.
#3 May 17 2004 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
Probably because watching 7 guys (there always seems to be an odd number of players on the field for some reason) kicking a ball for 3 miles in one direction only to have it taken away and have them start running 3 miles back in the other direction, gets really, really boring after the first seventeen hours of play (that's subjective time).

There's more action when the Irish play, though. But that's in the stands.
#4 May 17 2004 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
1,243 posts
Soccer just hasnt got the attention it desevers. Most media companies would rather enjoy another airing of American Idol than to support an upcoming sport.

Soccer is pretty good once you understand it.
To hell with baseball, they get paided too much already. I mean they complain about making 50k a game. Thats more than most make in a year.
#5 May 17 2004 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
maybe because it has such a European aura.. Americans always want to be so aloof, especially to their old fasion grandparent countries. Since Europeans call it somthing totally different then waht we call it... so we figured.."well gawlly.. liek 'dem der' YerOpeans have their game... will just take the same name and apply it to a totally differnt game altogether.. cause we're Americans. and we're unique.. yada yada yada.."

The thing I usually hear, is taht if you can't use your hands it's not a mans sport.

Might have to do with the short shorts too... and the mullets..
With the receiver in my hand..
#6 May 17 2004 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
3,826 posts
I am American, and while Soccer is my favorite sport to play, I can never watch it on TV or in a Stadium. I'm not sure why really...but when I'm playing it's fun and enjoyable, but just watching for me is boring.

Also, crowds here aren't as enthusiatic as in other countries so that lessens the excitement and draw of the game for people.

#7 May 17 2004 at 2:12 PM Rating: Default
The honest, brutal answer is we have real entertaining sports here. American football is far better to watch. Soccer is slow and boring. American sports in general tend to be fast paced and action packed (baseball isn't, but is also no longer the #1 sport).

Add on to that our top atheletes are drawn to more money in these more entertaining sports and make the division even greater.

The reason soccor is more popular in other contries is it's low cost to play. Just need a ball and some guys with nothing else to do and you've got a soccer game. And if you play it all the time you might find 3-4 shots an hour entertaining. American football isn't played around the world due to the higher cost of equipment.

As far as the "fastest growning sport in America" that's not true. Do a google search and you'll see that Tennis, Snowboarding, and even Bird watching all like soccer claim the title with no real facts behind it. For the last few decades people have said that soccer will become popular here, and it still hasn't.
#8 May 17 2004 at 2:22 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
It's not a matter of most Americans not liking soccer as it is a matter of Americans not understanding soccer. Ask the average football fan what offsides is in soccer and he'll scratch his head.

Soccer is a great sport, but it doesn't get enough TV time here in the states.

Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#9 May 17 2004 at 3:54 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
My guess is because not alot of americans actually play soccer. We don't have any real major soccer talent in this country, compared with the worldwide arena, nothing to really catch our attention. That's my take on it at least.
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#10 May 17 2004 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
Having worked in the TV industry for a major sports channel, it's all about revenue. The 45 minute halves with no timeouts and such, do not create any openings for commercials (in the traditional sense). That creates an overall lack of exposure and exposure is the key to percieved popularity (as seen in the music industry - good or bad publicity/exposure can really propel a career much more than talent). You combine that with the fact that we have had very few recognizable icons in America and you have a recipe that hinders the overall appeal to most Americans. In RL, most people I have met, if given the chance to play, really enjoy it. I have found it to be my favorite participant sport, but lacking the bonafide stars of say Manchester United, Real Madrid, or any of the other Premier teams in Europe, I choose to watch American Football and Basketball when it comes to television (and we know that television and media rule America). Be as it may, it is still the number one participant sport in America and will continue to grow as such.
#11 May 17 2004 at 4:42 PM Rating: Default
Its simple, we just do. Why look at people running back and forth. I know Basketball is running back n forth too but your not kicking the damn ball on the court well do u? Answer NO. Football, now thiers a sport Americans like watching.
#12 May 17 2004 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
569 posts
Soccer is my favorite sport but it just doesnt get enough Tv coverage not to mention the people that tell you whats going on during the game (forgot the name sports anouncer?) tha speak english are not enthusiastic, on the other hand if you watch a game in Spanish you can feel the energy. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#13 May 17 2004 at 6:27 PM Rating: Decent
Several reasons stated here are correct.
It's a European thing and most American's don't understand it. Just a simple lack of it being popular in America during the past generations. Look at Baseball during WWII, Football in the 60's etc. They became an American icon and got the exposure to suit.
Commercialism is a big thing. Although some companies are getting into the American soccer market like Adidas, Nike, Reebok, Gatoraide etc most companies don't even think about it. I know all those sponsors have been involved for ages.
Lack of TV coverage, stars and really an understanding of the game. I love soccer and even find it exciting watching it on TV. However the coverage I'm able to see is Mexican and not typical of the European games.
Soccer needs a Michael Jordan type in America, not a Brandy Chastain <sp>. We need people who are charismatic and will draw viewers in. Like Tiger Woods has done for Golf.
Soccer is deffinatly picking up steam and will do so until it hits the same popularity as on the world stage.
However I think another reason is causing it to be shunned. Riots and idiots ruining the game. People storming the field with guns. People shooting stars who ***** up in a game. People who fight in the stands and cause panic that kills people. Things like drunken brawls do not attract families, thus no sponsors and no TV coverage. Just My take on it.
#14 May 17 2004 at 6:27 PM Rating: Decent
787 posts


The reason for the elongated "goal" is because they only happen three or four times a game. It's really a clever scheme to wake the people up in the audience.
#15 May 17 2004 at 7:13 PM Rating: Good
639 posts
I LOVE soccer, but I also lived in Norway for 4 years early in my life, so I grew up somewhere that held the sport in a higher light than the US.

I think most people don't like the sport because they don't understand it. I've seen people here saying its just a bunch of running around back and forth for 8 hours, and how the games are slow and the point/shots are low. Well... I think you've been watching the rather lacking MLS teams play instead of the English Premier League or the Italian guys kicking around.

Anyways... who gives a **** that americans don't like soccer? When the rest of the world thinks its the greatest thing since air, does it matter that the spoiled little child of the world doesn't like it? ^_^
#16 May 17 2004 at 8:13 PM Rating: Decent
1,119 posts
I think this is why:

Football: Bear comercial, so many flashy advetisments, so much attention and flashy stuff on Football.

I mean if they've done that to soccer and the arena was bigger with a lot more advertisements bear comercials and all I mean it's just that the "cool" and "flashy" companies advertisments and reputation is not there. People that don't really care or play soccer just think it's boring to watch or is dull. I'm not saying soccer is boring just that the way they're showing it is. World Cup and Superbowl which has the flashy stuff in it?
#17 May 17 2004 at 8:20 PM Rating: Decent
Its about choices we have like 5 active big leagues going and all of our talent goes to these sports. Most other countries have one or maybe 2 big league sports with big league dollars, one of which is soccer. I agree soccer is a fun sport to play but if I want to watch big league talent I have to watch one of the other sports being played.
#18 May 17 2004 at 8:27 PM Rating: Good
7,821 posts
i dont like it jus cuz im bad at it lol. Also people think its a soprt for girly guys and girls. Id much rather play Baseball. (not as much running!!)
#19 May 17 2004 at 11:09 PM Rating: Decent
2,453 posts

It is god-awful, brain-numbingly dull. I made a point of watching every world cup game I could a few years back, and I can't count the number of games that either ended up in a 0-0 tie and had to be settled with a shout out, or one team scored and then played keep away for the remainder of the game. I've watched games where neither team got a shot on goal for over half an hour. The field is too large and it's too hard to score, which makes for a dull game.

Basketball, on the other hand is boring because its too easy to score. They should allow goaltending, that would make it a much better game.

Hockey and Lacrosse are nice examples of goal games. They move quickly, scoring opportunities are realistic and often enough to make the game exciting.
#20 May 18 2004 at 1:12 AM Rating: Good
8,619 posts
I made a point of watching every world cup game I could a few years back, and I can't count the number of games that either ended up in a 0-0 tie
Total games: 64 0-0 games:3

Now thats talking out of your **** buddy.

I like american football but taking four and a half hours to play a game that is offically one hour long is excessive.

and you try and call football boring? <it's not soccer it's football, see we use our feet. You should change yours to American Throwball>
#21 May 18 2004 at 7:27 AM Rating: Default
2,453 posts
Try using the entire sentence next time.

I made a point of watching every world cup game I could a few years back, and I can't count the number of games that either ended up in a 0-0 tie and had to be settled with a shout out, or one team scored and then played keep away for the remainder of the game.

Now thats talking out of your **** buddy.

Feel free to tell me what year it was that I watched, by the way.

I like american football but taking four and a half hours to play a game that is offically one hour long is excessive.

And there's usually more action in two mintues of Football then there is in 90 minutes of soccer.

and you try and call football boring? <it's not soccer it's football, see we use our feet. You should change yours to American Throwball>

Yes I do call Soccer boring (and it's soccer, not football...

foot·ball ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ftbôl)

1. Sports.
1. A game played by two teams of 11 players each on a rectangular, 100-yard-long field with goal lines and goal posts at either end, the object being to gain possession of the ball and advance it in running or passing plays across the opponent's goal line or kick it through the air between the opponent's goal posts.
2. The inflated oval ball used in this game.
2. Chiefly British.
1. Rugby.
2. Soccer.
3. The ball used in Rugby or soccer.

As opposed to....

soc·cer ( P ) Pronunciation Key (skr)

An incredibly long, boring game played on a rectangular field with net goals at either end in which two teams of 11 players each try to stay awake, despite the games soporific effect, and drive a ball into the other's goal by kicking, heading, or using any part of the body except the arms and hands. The goalie is the only player who may touch or move the ball with the arms or hands.

#22 May 20 2004 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
153 posts
First of all, I like pretty much all conventional sports. I like basketball because it is velocity, I like american football because of the strategy and team work, I like hockey because it is hard and tough, I like baseball... well... because of the hotdogs... besides, you can swap the channels every 5 minutes withouth missing anything of the game... well, I like watching all sports. But...

I love Soccer (quoting a TV announcer... 'I'm from the land where football is played with the feet'). Why do I love soccer?

- As stated before, it is soooo cheap to play. I remember that when I was a kid, having a ball was being able to play. You can play alone with a ball and a wall, with 1 friend just to pass the ball, 3 people and 2 stones (or 2 trees, or 2 lines on a wall) as a goal to be switching goalkeeping, 4 people and you have a 2 on 2 with no goalies, and so on.

- Rules are very simple. Put the ball in the goal. Do it with your feet, except for the goalie who can use hands. (well, you can use your head, chest, legs, back if you have enouch skill to). Try to avoid the other team do the same. Each goal counts 1. If one team kick the ball out of the field, the other team put it in play. The same for faults (physical fault, touching the ball with the hand, offsides...) 90 minutes and a little more if there were a lot of pauses in the game.

- Since it's easy to play, and I like playing, I like watching the people who are pros doing it. Looking how Maradona used to handle the ball, how Pele used to receive, control, run with the ball, and then passing again or shooting at goal, Igita not saying only as a golie but trying to get a goal as well... and looking at Batistuta, Beckham, Zidane, Blanco or any other soccer star playing is just a bliss. Man, they make it look so easy. And then after the game of course I'll try to make a scissor kick and knock my self out.

- Altough there are injuries in soccer, they are not that many or that bad. And if things get tough, cards start going out to let the players know... hey... it's a game. Not worth your (or your opponent's) leg.

- And it has a lot of fans worlwide. I personally don't watch US soccer, but I love watching mexican, south american and european matches. And I always can gather a group of friends to look at a good game.

I know that the average american is not into the game... well, too bad. But I won't stop watching soccer (or other sports) and I won't force anybody to watch/play what is my favorite game. I guess is like trying to force someone to eat strawberries, when they just don't like them. (I personally like them with cream and sugar... slurp!)

Why do I think that the average american doesn't like soccer?

- The average score of a soccer game is below 3 points per game (counting both teams). You may find a game 6-1 or maybe 11-2, but you will rather say it was a bad game. Against Basketball (around 150-200), American Football (around 50-100), hockey (5-15), or even boxing (150-200). If what you like about a game is points, soccer is not your game.
However, I think that's one of the beauties of this game. My friend compared it with making love... because is all about trying to get to that moment. And yes, in soccer, you jump into the field, start playing, adjust your formation, try by one side, try the other one, you are getting close, adjust someone in the wing, make a great play but fail, getting there... so when the final moment of scoring is there is so great... it wouldn't be if you were able to score 50 goals per game. Sometimes even a match without goals could be a really exciting one... sometimes it could be really boring, I aggree.

- As some one pointed out, there are no pauses, except for the half time. During game, if ball goes out, the ball has to be in play in less than 30 secs (I think 1 minute every goal) The same for faults. Again, American football has a pause after every play and more after every score, besides up to 6 timeouts. Basketball is constantly in motion, but it does have timeouts and besides there are 4 qtrs. Baseball... well.. it has pauses all over the game, I'd say less than 50% of the time the ball is actually in play. If you like those pauses, then soccer is not the game for you.

- Lets face it... US soccer narrators suck. Man, I can understand why they say soccer is boring... what exciting is to be hearing 'A pases to B... B passes to C... C returns to A...' when in your screen you are watching exactly that A>B>C>A movement! Hearing british narrators is totally different... In 92 World cup, I actually used to encourage my friends to see the spanish channels... even if you don't understand it, you can hear and feel the emotion during every play, not to mention screaming a goal...

Every one is different, and everybody likes different things. However, it would be nice if you could go to a US match, crowded stadium, and feel the passion and emotion that they have everywhere else for this game. I wish at least I could transmit the passion in me to my friends. But i cannot force them to love it, and they cannot force me not to.

And for those of you who talk soccer... =)
America, America!!!... ra ra ra!!!

Edited, Thu May 20 15:36:13 2004 by anaka
#23 May 20 2004 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
3,473 posts
Genocide is most exhausting thing to do.. next to soccer.

Im sure I got that wrong, but you get the idea. Most American's are lazy people, therefore, they don't want to watch a sport that makes them sweat in their lay-z-boys. Not saying im not lazy, because I am. I played on a soccer team once, when I was in first grade, and you know what it taught me? That I shouldn't play this sport, pick something else. So I started playing REAL football.

Plus soccer is just too bloody boring.
#24 May 20 2004 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
405 posts
The thing I usually hear, is taht if you can't use your hands it's not a mans sport.

Might have to do with the short shorts too... and the mullets..

ROFL: Compared to american baseball and football uniforms soccer is rather tame. The skin tight nylon-lycra pants aren't revealing? Smiley: yikes
#25 May 20 2004 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts
Very simple. The scores in Soccer are too low. This is the same reason Hockey fails in the US. American's are a stunningly simple minded culture. If the scoring in US Football was 1 point for a feild goal and 2 points for a TD it would have never survived.

If you want Americans to follow soccer a goal would have to be worth 38 points.

Personally, I think soccer is the most fun game to watch, I'm not sure how anyone can find it boring unless they're only watching to see goals.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#26 May 20 2004 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
81 posts
I don't like soccer but that isn't because I think it's a stupid sport, its 'cause I personally don't like sports. I have played Baseball that didn't last too long and then I played Football. I played that and got bored of it and quit, but I do still play football with friends.
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