That just means you haven't learned to discriminate between what are serious posts and what is noise. Plainly speaking, that previous post was a serious one and stands on its' own merits-- particularly since there are no real alternative solutions out there with an immediate impact.
However, I am all ears if you have a workable solution to a worldwide crisis, but just remember, our support for Israel has had bi-party support from every administration since that country's inception. Bush, to his credit, has made greater strides towards actual concrete steps for a duality in that region for a Palestinian state and a cooperative Israel rather than just platitudes and general talk about peace than any previous president. And if you can invent a realistic answer to the world's energy needs, I'll listen to that too-- just don't throw "we need to cut down consumption and live on sunshine" type nonsense at me. Because that's just bullsh1t designed to be a non-answer.
So please, give me what you think is a viable solution to today's problems. I'm waiting...