Hi. Anyway, I hope I am in the right forum, as this deals with a technical question, and is not related to any particular game. Come to think of it, there are probably a million different sources I could go to for this that would be more appropriate, but since I am already here, I thought I might as well give this a shot. Anyway, I came home from college for the summer, but found that my mom's computer is unable to run my latest addiction, FFXI. So, I figure, "no problem, I will just hook up my laptop. Sure, it can barely run the game, but it can at least actually _run_ it."
Unfortunately, although the connection I took from my mom's computer and hooked up to my laptop allowed me to "send" packets, I was unable to recieve any (thus essentially rendering me without net access). Our ISP is Road Runner via cable hookup with Time Warner. I put in the startup disc for Road Runner (in my laptop) and everything went fine until it said that it was not able to establish a connection because the ISP or IP address was misconfigured or something (prolly should have written down the exact message ><).
So, is there anyone that can understand this VERY cryptic bit of information I have provided, and possibly tell me something that will guide me in the right direction? I understand that my description is vague at best, and that it will be unlikely that anyone will be able to tell me what to do. Essentially, I guess my question boils down to this: is there a way to use an internet connection (Broadband) that is normally used for a PC and switch it to a laptop at will? Also, let me know if there is any information I could provide that would give any of you a better idea of the problem I am facing. Many thanks if anyone can answer this, and if not, thanks for reading this far. Have a nice day all!
Edited, Tue Jun 1 12:54:42 2004 by Darkflame