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Changing alliancesFollow

#1 Jun 02 2004 at 2:00 PM Rating: Default
1,177 posts
I am a warrior in Windrust, I'm not sure that I belong there, and I would like to change alliances to a different city. I have read maaaaany posts and it seems like it is possible to do, just that when going through these posts it doesn't really say how. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!!!

In Kazham atm....

Edited, Thu Jun 3 05:38:30 2004 by Kaolian
#2 Jun 02 2004 at 2:16 PM Rating: Default
315 posts
Well, there are NPCs who will take applications for characters wanting to change Nations. [Usually at the Gate Houses] I know the one in San d'Oria is by the Gate House in Northern San d'Oria but the thing is you will need a certain sum of Gil. When switching alliances you will spend a sum of Gil depending on the Nation's Conquest Rank.

Example: [The nation's may not be in right order as on your Server or will the Gil amounts be correct.]

1. Windurst ~ 30,000 Gil
2. San d'Oria ~ 20,000 Gil
3. Bastok ~ 10,000 Gil

Somewhere around those amounts. I do know it cost more to switch alliances into a nation that is 1st in Conquest and cheaper to switch into a nation last in Conquest.
#3 Jun 02 2004 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
3,980 posts
You can do what Waka said or you can STFU and take this to a gaming forum.
#4 Jun 02 2004 at 2:32 PM Rating: Default
1,177 posts
Ok, I guess my next question then is, do conquest points that you have on one city roll over to the new city you want to be in, or do all your conquest points go away and you start from scratch, or does the fame and rank you have in windrust stay there and you have to create new rank/fame and conquest points in the new city? Thanks.

In Kazham atm....
#5 Jun 02 2004 at 2:35 PM Rating: Good
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#6 Jun 02 2004 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
You appeared to miss this the first time so I thought I'd help out on the off chance that you have a visual impairment.

You can do what Waka said or you can STFU and take this to a gaming forum

Trickybeck even gave you the link.
#7 Jun 02 2004 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
He must have thought that OOT = Only On Topic.

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