I was sittin at work actually doing my job for once when I ran across a site with an article I found particularly interesting. Apparently a group of Japanese scientists devised a method for recording the scenery on one side of a subject, and display it on subjects opposite side, thus making subject appear translucent. B/S you say? Thats what I thought... so I did google searches by inventor's name and the concept itself. Here's some links to see for yourself:
Original article, by Time Magazine, I saw which perked my interest.
Wired Magazine's Article of the topic.
Ananova's Article of same topic.
Thats what I came up with in a ten minute (non-intesive) search... I would have done a more complete investigation, but Time and Wired Magazines aren't exactly Weekly World News, the Enquisitor or The Star. BTW... expected release is 2008.