The subject is morality. Now when the Europeans were done ruining their continent with bland food and soccer riots and after the arrival of the Americans in Europe in the late 15th century, the subject soon turned to morality. You see, the Europeans wanted to colonize America so they had somebody to make fun of. The pilgrims left England for the religious freedom in Holland where they visited coffeeshops and they packed up their ships with plenty of coffee, tea, and cakes to liven up the trip, they set sail to the new world... Which they heard had a magnificent rollercoaster! Once they got here, they were very hungry having been on ship for 65 days. So, they ate for three days straight. Thanksgiving soon became an annual custom. America was founded by people who wanted a place where they could tell other people how to live, and I'm a history major. But do we have the right? The question: Is it moral to celebrate Thanksgiving, a holiday that is clearly about gluttony, annoying relatives, and awful casserole?
Taken from a videogame and slightly changed, but still an interesting discussion
Edited, Fri Jun 11 16:12:21 2004 by ShadowPraetorian
Edited, Fri Jun 11 16:12:43 2004 by ShadowPraetorian