Iamadam the Shady wrote:
Top 600.
Danalog is losing ground on me.
Danalog is losing ground on me.
damn with a single core what kind of rig are you running to complete so many WUs?
Allakhazams Magical Research Realm Date of last work unit 2007-12-06 06:27:38 Active CPUs within 50 days 193 Team Id 85020 Grand Score 1625425 (certificate) Work Unit Count 5567 (certificate) Team Ranking (incl. aggregate) 573 of 89837 Home Page http://www.allakhazam.com Fast Teampage URL http://fah-web.stanford.edu/teamstats/team85020.html Team members Rank (within team) User Score WU 1 Ormazd 114077 102 2 Xan-Diesel 99601 357 3 Iamadam 84034 272 4 Danalog 82640 176 5 Primal 80009 261 6 cooterbrown 59272 219 7 Mejinx 53018 236 8 RaidenRDM 42008 143 9 Lemmiwinks 41648 128 10 singdall64 40582 92
Team members Rank (within team) User Score WU 1 Ormazd 180957 140 2 Xan-Diesel 135045 478 3 Iamadam 121998 388 4 Danalog 96985 221 5 Primal 94852 308 6 Mejinx 76696 326 7 Lemmiwinks 61384 193 8 cooterbrown 59615 220 9 singdall64 52939 130 10 RaidenRDM 48388 166