See, that doesn't' work for me as the provincial NDP already took back the 2% decrease, which would put me up at 17% sales tax. And I completely disagree with your comment on fighter jets
Which province are you in? It would put me, and if I don't miss my guess, a large portion of the rest of the country at 15%, and, considering that for the most part, necessities like groceries are tax exempt, a 2 percent increase would be moot as far as paying more for the basic needs goes. And increase in the GST though, would have to go hand in hand with a small drop in the tax on electricity(especially in Ontario), water, and heat.
Also, by all means, tell me why our jets aren't good enough(The CF/18 Hornet is still quite effective for the purposes which we need and boasts a longer effective range then the jets that we seem to be buying)? Keep in mind, that we're only fighting against ill-equippied partisan forces on the ground at the moment, and we have no nearby hostile nations to defend against.