I feel like "cleansing" diets are the new big thing a lot of my friends are doing (and posting about on facebook). Two in the past week started up some form of detox diet. I guess the idea is to purge all the artificial crap that gets into you from eating processed and unhealthy foods through a select diet and/or supplements. These are two I've seen so far:
Standard Process Detox Diet: Basically eating select food (mostly raw vegetables and fruits), some shakes, and a ton of supplements. Lasts 21 days. NO:
Nothing that is not on the list.
According to him, "It sucks a ton so far. I'm constantly hungry and tired. Yesterday I almost crashed my car cuz I couldn't concentrate on the road." From what I've read online, losing 10-20 lbs in 3 weeks (it lasts 21 days) is common. My friend could use some weight loss, but that seems a bit extreme. Plus, ew, hundreds of dollars on pills.
The second one is a juice diet. As it sounds, it's no solid foods, just juices made with a blender and fresh veggies/fruits. It sounds like it could be tasty, but still... I think his lasts 10 days. He's in good shape already, so it seems he's going for it more for the detoxing and re-energizing effects than weight loss.
So, anyone have experience with some of these?