Slightly relevant pic. Imagine the ship under attack and going down.
Ok, If you got this far the question is. You work at a state agency. It's been mismanaged, full of nepotism, idiots hold the management positions and the job you do has gone from ok to slightly ok to outright dangerous and
hazardous to your health and safety. Your second level manager is never there to handle the issues and of the three first level managers one went out for several months on leave rather than dealing with things. Another had been abandoning the job and hiding all shift leaving new hires to handle things and they were quitting constantly. Finally under threat of being fired (Took almost 3 years of this person abusing things) The person
bailed off the ship.
Your present manager is a good person but was stonewalled and harassed and told to only handle the shift she works. Thus the other shifts have gone to crap and along with the constant call in's. The relief staff that
relieves you is always late and ofter thirty minutes to two hours late. Yet nothing is done about it. You often work two - three twelve hour shifts along with the other late stay overs every week. You along with the staff you work with are getting burned out and tired.
Now the media and the state has finally decided to get involved. They sent a person to talk to the regular
workers and he got an earful. Yet this person didn't write down a single thing. The winds are changing.
The Agency is changing names and such in December.
What do you do?
1. Hang in there it has to get better.
2. Step up and apply for the management positions that are opening.
3. Find another job and get away from the cluster fk that is going on.
4. Go out on medical or family leave for 3 months and come back praying things have improved.
5. Fk it where is my gun!