On a related @#%^ed-up-family note, after moving my mom up here to prevent her from being homeless 3 years ago, she left last december to go help my other sister raise her newborn 3rd child (first two are now wards of the state), despite my advice that she was transient and whomever she was living with would kick both of them out within a month. I also delivered the warning at that time that if she left, there would be no return.
Fast foward to August 15th and she was living in a fleabag motel on just her social security income trying to take care of both my other sister and her child and she was completely and utterly flat broke 75% of the month. Between the 3 of them, they ate maybe 1 small meal every couple of days.
Against my own advice, and at the behest of my youngest sister (the one I adopted), I gave in and offered my mother a second chance at staying with us, on the condition that the same rent and rules applied and that I wanted nothing to do with my other sister. I feel she's a lost cause and will not be dragged down to rock bottom to support her bad decisions and unwillingness to quit being a complete @#%^up.
Mother agreed. She got paid on the 1st, arrived on the 8th FLAT BROKE. Get that? She managed to spend $698 in 6 days in spite of the fact that she knew she owed me $200 rent when she arrived. Not only that, she's being a psychological drain and a useless waste of space ever since she arrived. Additionally, my other sister (who btw is 5 months pregant after delivering her 3rd child in December) has been calling her 15+ times a day, and though she'll never admit it, has been trying to convince my mother to move back down to said fleabag motel AGAIN to help her with the newborn baby (despite te fact that she can't even raise the one she has!)
While I was scolding my sister yesterday evening for failing a class purely on the basis of laziness, I used our mother and other sister as an example of what laziness and stupidity can result in. My mother took this as the perfect opportunity to express her (unconscionable) desire to move away AGAIN. I told her that was it, it was done, no further discussion. When her next check comes in on the first, she's getting her worthless *** on a bus and never speaking to us again. I'll give her my cell phone number for emergency/death scenarios, but will be changing our home phone number and my sister's cell number. When she leaves, it will be the last time she ever speaks to either one of us again.
Am I being an *** about this? Yes. But a few of you who have heard my stories in the past might be able to understand what a completely ridiculous @#%^ed up situationa and person I'm dealing with. I feel like that guy that had to cut off his own arm to save his life.
/rant off
/hijack off
TL;DR - I hate my crazy family.
Edited, Sep 20th 2012 3:16pm by BrownDuck