sas148 wrote:
1. a. I apologize if my posts haven't been up to your stringent standards. b. However, I hardly think making a new thread to "call me out" is appropriate here. c. If you truly feel there is some sort of foul-play occurring you should just report it.
2. If you have further concerns I'm sure Darqflame can vouch for me.
3. May I just add another fact here... this is not a polite way to welcome possible new regulars to the forums.
1. a. I post in the OoT. According to ZAM lore, this precludes me having any standards.
1. b. "Call-out" threads, while on the wane, are historicaly acceptable; that's my experience in the last 7 years, anyway.
1. c. Reporting it doesn't let me +1, though.
2. I'm not concerned; I'm bored.
3. Something, something, tone difficult to gauge via text alone, etc. Really, ask anyone; I don't have what you'd call a history of being pissy to anyone here. (excluding gbaji, of course).
TirithRR wrote:
Bijou is blind
I'm not sure if that applies to this discussion, but an excuse is an excuse, amirite?