So recently I have discovered that I have the IP address for everyone person who logs into any of my four Minecraft servers-- which I can then trace directly to its source with a quick slap of my keyboard. They even provide a satellite map and icon pinpointing exactly where they live.
Its not always 100% accurate, or even 80% accurate. Some IPs trace to the middle of a lake or river, or someplace you really wouldn't think had access to the internet. Others will point right to a person's front yard, revealing their home address and the car they drive. Many of my players I have asked say it shows exactly where they live if it is not extremely close.
They think its fun and games. Its actually quite alarming considering they're almost all young kids, many of which are completely neglected. One girl on our servers wants to run away from her parents to come live with me and my wife (though we do wish we could help her somehow, and we'd rather she talk to us than whoever her 20-something online boyfriend of the month might be. ) All the time I think "Wow, its a good thing I'm not a bad guy." --but then I realize there are tens of thousands of servers just like mine. These kids are not shy at all and many will do or say anything to curry the favor of the server's administrators.
After being contacted by a parent on our Facebook page regarding a stalker, we have been making efforts to prohibit online relationships between players... you know, "omg ur cute be my online gurlfren plox!" No terms of endearment or anything like that is allowed. I've had to ban several people for calling my 8 year old stepdaughter "babe" or threatening to give her a "belly *****" among other depravities. None of it really helps. If we tell someone to stop or ban them, they will take it to Skype. They ALL use Skype. Every day kids are asking me for my Skype info so they can webchat with me and act like its some great honor to talk to the server owner. I refuse, wondering what their parents would think if they were talking to a strange bearded man who sells them pokemon on the internet using their credit cards.
Edited, Nov 7th 2013 7:16pm by Kuwoobie