Shaowstrike the Shady wrote:
We have Attack Signatures now? How do I sic it on someone?
It only works if you have all the letters in your username. Any missing ones, D's especially and it changes to an attach button instead
Demoncard wrote:
In grade or high school, how bad were your school lunches?
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you were older?
Is there a funny punchline to "Why did the chicken cross the road"?
How bad is the latency when connecting a PC to an LCD TV compared to an LCD monitor? Enough to make gaming unwise, or is it unnoticeable?
Why is it on Ebay that things from America cost more than their Chinese manufactured counterparts? Is it the Chinese sweat shops, or...?
1. Horrible. The food quality itself wasn't all that bad, but the food storage methods and lack of spice application was atrocious. Especially with the unused, unopened containers of seasoning salt arrayed on the back wall of the cafeteria for "atmosphere". From the constant dust on them anyways I assume they never moved. The entire roof of that cafeteria later collapsed due to a blocked rain vent on the ceiling. I have a strong alibi for that day...
2. Astronaut, Airplane builder-designer, inventor. I got to do a bit of some of those anyways,
3. Yes, as follows: Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: Because SUPRISE DEATH RAY LASERS!!!!!!!!!! <insert sounds of vaporization and lasers here>
4. Depends on the LCD tv, specifically what response time latency it has. if it has better than 20ms latency it should be usable. Be aware that a larger TV will generally take more horsepower to run at an acceptable frame per second rate even though a small 1080p tv and a big 1080p have the same number of pixles. the way the TV itself encodes and translates those pixles varies, and often times the larger displays get to their larger size by chaining relay modules, which increases their latency. response time and color depth ratings are the most important factors. A dedicated monitor will usually perform better than a TV, but there are some TV's that work quite well. Most of the Samsung TV's will make adequate gaming monitors.
5. sweat shops, the cheap Chinese knock offs are often made with inferior materials, and the ones that are "genuine" are often things that were made on manufacturer contract, but made illegally after the initial order was fulfilled for the actual retailer and then sold black market.