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Bad Loading Times for Allakhazam.comFollow

#27 Nov 26 2005 at 6:51 PM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
Ok. I have seen a post from almost every admin at this point including Alla.

We're aware of the issue. It's simply system load being higher capacity than our servers can serve at the moment.

New servers are on order and should increase capacity significantly.

If the problem was 100% on Alla, why is it that myself and several others I know are having minimal problems?

I see alot of people are complaining that they have DSL and are having problems. Just FYI, DSL is no longer considered a "fast" connection. I can connect with my cell phone faster than DSL.

The servers have been ordered (if not already delivered) and it will take time to get them setup.

Complaining about it won't change anything. The issue is being addressed. The only thing you can do is wait for the new servers to be installed.
#28 Nov 26 2005 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I see alot of people are complaining that they have DSL and are having problems. Just FYI, DSL is no longer considered a "fast" connection. I can connect with my cell phone faster than DSL.

I believe DSL means different things around the world. For instance, we're running a 2mbit ADSL (same as DSL?) and I'm having *rare* cases of lag on Allakhazam. During patch days and test server things, sure, lots of it, but normally not.

Anyone with more than a 56k *should* be able to load any webpage with optimal speed, unless the page contains a lot of high res pictures. Allakhazam has a large database, I'm aware of that, but a 2mbit line *should* be able to handle that... If I'm having problems both here and at school where we're running a 100mbit connection, that tells me some of it is caused by this site's ISP.

But what the hell do I know. I suck at the interweb.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#29 Nov 27 2005 at 9:00 PM Rating: Decent
Wisonsin using Comcast High speed crap and sometimes experiance extremely slow load times and sometimes it doesn't even finish loading>.<. And i get a ton of pop up from alla..... help.
#30 Nov 28 2005 at 2:39 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
And i get a ton of pop up from alla..... help.

But.. you're premium.

Allakhazam doesn't show advertisement for premium members.

Did you get spyware on your computer? I had that once and it opened up a pop-up for various drug companies every time I tried to access the interweb.

The newest ZoneAlarm features spyware scans and I think Norton does the same. If not, you can always download a free spyware cleaner like Microsoft AntiSpyware Beta.

Not my favorite, but at least it's free.

You might also want to see if any foreign processes are running on your computer. Ctrl - Shift - Esc will open up the Taskbar where you'll see programs running. Click the process menu and sort by username. Check the processes running under your name. Close anything that looks suspicious (close the wrong ones and the system might crash, but you can always reboot :P).

If you find a process that can't be closed (it's closed and immediately reappears), try rebooting in safe mode where all the useless if crap is disabled. Then search out the file name and manually delete it. In safe mode only the needed stuff is running and spyware crap like pop-up programs are disabled, this makes you able to remove them manually without getting the error "File in use" or whatever you'd get normally.

I do this every now and then, and I've removed 4-5 spyware programs this way. You could also try opening Windows in safe mode and run a spyware remover. Safe mode blocks the program's ability to restore itself because it's not running.

Hope it helps. Oh, and sorry if it sounds like I think you're a complete nubcake at computers, that's no way my intention, I just don't know how advanced you are in handling computers so I thought I'd save some time and write the user friendly version :P

Good luck!
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#31 Nov 28 2005 at 6:55 AM Rating: Decent
56 posts
I too Have experienced(ing) Very bad loading times.. For this reason I WILL not renew my membership in December. This has been going on for more than 4 months and its very irritating.

You all switched servers Several months back and everything seemd fine but went down hill very fast for me.. I cant even Load a wow equipment search page faster than 30 seconds. I am paying for a service that I cant use in a reasonable time.

I find it sad because I really like this sight and supported it by signing up for premium. But alas the Lengthy load times has forced me to use alternative sights which I find myself visiting far more than Allah.

I hope the situation can be resolved soon.
#32 Nov 28 2005 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
3,053 posts
I find it funny that people complain about how long Alla's takes to do a search.

One of the reasons AllaKhazam's is so popular is the fact that here you know you're likely to get the most updated information about the mmorpg you play. That means a large database that many folks are using at a time. I expect longer loading times during the evenings and when games are down due to updates.

You want to be able to search in nano-secounds a large gaming site, then give Alla enough money, that he can buy some supercomputer. Until then just be thankful that Alla and staff put so much time and effort in keeping the site working.
In the place of a Dark Lord you would have a Queen! Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the Morn! Treacherous as the Seas! Stronger than the foundations of the Earth! All shall love me and despair! -ElneClare

This Post is written in Elnese, If it was an actual Post, it would make sense.
#33 Nov 28 2005 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Thottbot is faster, but Thottbot is also run by goldsellers.

Allakhazam might be slow, but it's honest at least.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#34 Nov 28 2005 at 2:55 PM Rating: Good
6,357 posts
Thottbot is faster, but Thottbot is also run by goldsellers.

Allakhazam might be slow, but it's honest at least.

Also Allakhazam has tons of extra stuff (for premos at least Smiley: tongue) that they keep adding too.

I've been a premo for about two years, server problems and long load times come and go but the one thing that remains consistent is the hard working admins of the site and as long as they are here I'm not leaving.
#35 Nov 28 2005 at 4:14 PM Rating: Excellent
3,139 posts
If the problem was 100% on Alla, why is it that myself and several others I know are having minimal problems?

I see alot of people are complaining that they have DSL and are having problems. Just FYI, DSL is no longer considered a "fast" connection. I can connect with my cell phone faster than DSL.

The servers have been ordered (if not already delivered) and it will take time to get them setup.

Complaining about it won't change anything. The issue is being addressed. The only thing you can do is wait for the new servers to be installed.

I find it funny that people complain about how long Alla's takes to do a search.

One of the reasons AllaKhazam's is so popular is the fact that here you know you're likely to get the most updated information about the mmorpg you play. That means a large database that many folks are using at a time. I expect longer loading times during the evenings and when games are down due to updates.

You want to be able to search in nano-secounds a large gaming site, then give Alla enough money, that he can buy some supercomputer. Until then just be thankful that Alla and staff put so much time and effort in keeping the site working.

I appreciate the stance that both of the above posters has. I agree complaining about some things is redundant and mostly useless. However, as a *PAYING* customer, it is well within my right (and any other *PAYING* customers right), to bring issues and complaints to the attention of the proper person(s). Saying that we (paying customers) can do nothing but sit back and wait for a resolution to happen, is foolish. I expect issues to be resolved, since I do pay for the site. I expect decent loading times, and for the site to be functional *MOST* of the time. And as a paying customer I have the right to expect these things.

You want to be able to search in nano-secounds a large gaming site, then give Alla enough money, that he can buy some supercomputer. Until then just be thankful that Alla and staff put so much time and effort in keeping the site working

I'm sorry, but other gameing sites do not have the loading problems that Alla has. This is the only gameing site I pay for, yet it is also the only gameing site that has the loading problems. So telling me that because Alla doesnt make enough money, that I cant expect reasonable loading times is a crock of ****. I payed (and continue to pay) my dues. Ive supported my favorite gameing site. Ive indured the long loading times, or the page never loading at all (Footer says done, yet no info is displayed). Why? Because like I said this is my favorite gameing site. If Alla doesnt make enough money to make the site functional *MOST* of the time, that is not my problem. They asked for a set amount of money to be a premium member, and I gave them that much money. If they need more money, they need to do one of the following.

#1 Charge more for premium members.

#2 Not allow free access.

Also I would like to point out, that Alla makes a pretty penny for the advertisments they have. Membership is not the only source of revenue for them. But my point is that I was willing to pay the amount they asked for, and in return expect the site to function properly *MOST* of the time. And this is not what I have received.

I would like to note, that although the slow loading times, or the page not loading at all is annoying, I dont plan on giving up premium mebership just yet. As I said this is my favorite gameing site, and as such I plan on continuing to support it the best way I know how ($$$$). However, if the issues arent resolved at some point prior to my renewal date, I will likely cancel my paid membership, and enjoy the site just as much as I do now for free. I dont use the benefits you get from being premium anyways (except the popup's, which dont bother me all that much anyways). My $$$ was to help this site grow, and continue being the best gameing site it can be. But it is a little hard for me to justify supporting the site, when it is not functioning properly, and admins are blameing everything except the real problem.

Tell us what is really wrong. Give us an expected fix date. Give us updates from time to time, if the initial fix date cannot be met. Work on keeping your current paying customers, and not just new paying customers.

#36 Nov 28 2005 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good
Tracer Bullet
12,636 posts

I've had premium for almost 2 years.

I always give Alla first shot when searching for items, and frankly I'm more surprised when they DO load promptly.

If it takes more than 2 seconds to load, I go to Thottbot.

But I'm ensconced the forums, so I won't be cancelling any time soon.

#37 Nov 28 2005 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
trickybeck wrote:

I've had premium for almost 2 years.

I always give Alla first shot when searching for items, and frankly I'm more surprised when they DO load promptly.

If it takes more than 2 seconds to load, I go to Thottbot.

But I'm ensconced the forums, so I won't be cancelling any time soon.

One Mississippi, two Mississippi... Damn, your fuse is short.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#38 Nov 28 2005 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
Thanx, i'll give it a try XD,oddly though i only get the pop ups on this site (some military career thing and some cooking school thing) i'm going to do that now and hopefully it willwork =D
#39 Nov 29 2005 at 1:45 AM Rating: Good
Tracer Bullet
12,636 posts
One Mississippi, two Mississippi... Damn, your fuse is short.

Generally, if it doesn't load instantly, it stalls for a good 20 more seconds, and frequently doesn't load at all. It just stops on the blank orange screen.

#40 Nov 29 2005 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
Note again... im not talking about to load the times in nanosecs nor in 1 or 2 secs. But waiting for 1 page to laod longer than 30 seconds is way to much and mostly it says ready and not showing anything. I will come back again as soon as the issues are fixed, because i really like the Informations here. Its a very Usefull site.

#41 Nov 29 2005 at 8:00 PM Rating: Excellent
The man who started it all!
1,635 posts
We have 4 new servers sitting at our ISP waiting to be hooked up. They should be up this week I hope. That will bring us up to 19 servers. In the past, each time we have added new servers, usage went up and we ended up maxxing out again after a couple months. Hopefully, these will last us a while, but if not we will just order more. The problem comes in times like this were we are between when we decided we need more capacity and when the new servers can actually get in and get hooked up.

A good portion of our programmers' time over the past year has been spend on making the site run better and faster. Keep in mind that we have gone from a site that was running on three servers and doing less than a million page views a day to one running on 19 servers doing 5 million plus page views a day in just a little over a year. Plus, while everyone loves all the extras we have, each time we add one they put additional stress on our servers.

Unlike Thottbot, we don't have IGE's vast resources and willingness to spend tons of money without any actual return (I believe I read somewhere that Thottbot runs on something like 50 servers, though they are really doing only a slightly higher load than we do -- and they run very few ads so they are basically losing money like crazy). We're not poor, but we're not a multi-hundred million company either. Maybe someday we will be lucky enough to tap those type of resources.
#42 Nov 29 2005 at 8:51 PM Rating: Good
1,892 posts
Just a thought, what if some of the scripts that are accessed the most get written in a native language instead of perl (I'm guessing they are written in perl as some of the other functions I can see are), since perl needs to fork a process where a compiled C++ program would run on it's own. As I said before not sure what you guys are writing thing in, so this mightn't be of any help.

Additionally have you ever thought of adding a middle page to information sections that would check referer's and other information to stop information spiders like what you described earlier?
#43 Dec 06 2005 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
2,817 posts
I suppose this is a known issue, but I wanted to vent a little here. The pages are loading slower than ever lately (like within the past 2 weeks), and I find myself wondering why I am a premium member. I am going to stick it out for the next couple of weeks, since according to Allakhazam they are either in the middle of server upgrades, or ironing out any problems that happened after the upgrades. But beyond a few weeks I won't be able to justify spending money supporting a site that takes on average around 20-25 minutes just to surf a few forums and respond to a post or two, when that same task could be accomplished in a few minutes if it wasn't for the horrendous load times.
#44 Dec 06 2005 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Premium membership doesn't include dedicated servers which means you'll be getting the same load times as everyone else (save for the ones who get the banners).

If you subscribed to get faster load times, wrong move.

The avatar and signature is where it's at. Smiley: wink
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#45 Dec 06 2005 at 9:07 PM Rating: Decent
2,817 posts
Not sure if you were responding to me, but I am aware that premium membership doesn't equate faster load times, outside of no ads. What I meant was my money will be better spent elsewhere if I am not getting the level of service I feel the site should be providing.
#46 Dec 06 2005 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Ok, bye bye.

No one's keeping you. Unhappy with the service? Pull the funds. No one threatened you to purchase the extra features.

Complaining won't make things go faster so why bother?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#47 Dec 07 2005 at 2:56 AM Rating: Decent
2,817 posts
Thanks for your smart-*** reply. Complaining may not make it go faster, but voicing displeasure lets the powers that be know that they are going to lose a potential customer. Or is this a foreign concept for you, and you'd just rather act like a jackass?
#48 Dec 07 2005 at 8:37 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
3.33 bucks a month is hardly something they'll mind losing.

And I wasn't trying to be a smart-***, just telling you the facts. If that makes me a smart-***, well, pardon me then.

I do know that losing customers is bad for business and should be avoided. But to quote my boss: "I'd rather lose some money and get rid of a whiny customer than make those extra few bucks and kiss his feet."

He's got a point you know. Complaining is okay, but threatening to cancel your subscription because the site is having temporary lag issues, that's just complaining for the sake of complaining.

If you can't hang on 'till they get new/more servers, go to Thottbot and don't bother coming back.

Edited, Wed Dec 7 08:48:16 2005 by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#49 Dec 07 2005 at 2:17 PM Rating: Good
2,817 posts
Then your boss is an idiot, because for every vocal customer he has, there's 10 people who don't say anything and discontinue patronizing his business. What he really wants is to remain oblivious of any issues his establishment has, and doesn't want to address the problems. Really, really dumb attitude on his part, and his ideology seems to have rubbed off on you. The real world doesn't work that way. If a business continually ignores it's clients requests, sooner or later that business won't have to worry about the requests, because they won't have clients. There are plenty of other businesses who will cater to their needs.

I'd like to think this site is above your ridiculous attitude and view, and actually cares when someone feels the service has dipped below satisfactory levels. If not, then so be it. But in all seriousness, you should just shut up because you're not the voice of this site, so stop trying to act like you are.

By the way, there's a big difference between stating facts and coming across like a smart-***.

"go to Thottbot and don't bother coming back"
"Ok, bye bye. No one's keeping you."

Take a guess whether the above sentences are facts or being a smart-***. Last I checked, this is the Forum System Feedback. I was giving my feeback. If you dislike it when people have issues with the site and post about it in the correct forum, then I suggest you go troll a different forum.

Edited to add:

By the way, this is *not* something new or "temporary." This site has been slow for months on end. It's only recently been so bad that I felt compelled to post about it, and the numerous threads all over the board reinforces this fact.

Edited, Wed Dec 7 14:32:46 2005 by Fhqwghads
#50 Dec 08 2005 at 1:43 AM Rating: Decent
478 posts
Same here, Utah, 256Mbps DSL connection, and this is the only site I ever have problems on. And please don't say that the ads are causing it, because all too frequently the ads are the only part of the page that loads. I'm getting really irritated with having to hit my Refresh button 12 times to get a page to load. If this wasn't the premiere forum for FFXI, I would just take my services somewhere else, but that isn't really an option.

One time I decided to just let it load on its own instead of hitting refresh, and after about 3 minutes (no exaggeration), I got some sort of error screen.

Quite frankly, I'm sick of putting up with it, and if there was another site which offered all that you do, I'd switch to it in a heartbeat.
#51 Dec 08 2005 at 1:28 PM Rating: Default
2,496 posts
By the way, this is *not* something new or "temporary." This site has been slow for months on end. It's only recently been so bad that I felt compelled to post about it, and the numerous threads all over the board reinforces this fact.

And if you had bothered to read any of those thread you would have noticed that the admins are aware of the problem and it is being taken care of.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that their are almost 700,000 registered users. I would like to see how many million+ non registered users this site has or even how many hits this site gets a day.

This is by far one of the best MMO sites on the web and it hosts several MMOs. Not to mention the fact that it is free and those of us who are willing to pay for it are only being charged $10 for a 3 month subscription.

Same here, Utah, 256Mbps DSL connection

DSL is 256 Kbps, whoever told you that you would get 256 Mbps with DSL is sadly mistaken. DSL is only slightly better than dialup. I can connect faster than DSL with my cell phone. If you want a decent connection go with cable. Usually 4-10Mbps.

Edited, Thu Dec 8 13:35:07 2005 by jchapin
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