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#27 Apr 13 2007 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
2,041 posts
Grandmother baelnic wrote:

This site is looking old.

Old, how so. You can get to almost anything here with two clicks.
#28 Apr 13 2007 at 1:56 PM Rating: Default
Baron von Diathon wrote:
Grandmother baelnic wrote:

This site is looking old.

Old, how so. You can get to almost anything here with two clicks.

The fact that this site has a codebase and a site layout reminiscent of how people built sites six years ago, leads me to agree with baelnic.
#29 Apr 13 2007 at 2:01 PM Rating: Good
2,824 posts
First of all, the 2 click "rule" is just a goal to shoot for. It means that the organization of the information is fully optimized. An example? Why isn't there a direct link to instances on the bar to the right?

Without searching try to find what Harbinger Skyriss drops. You can use Bestiary (3 clicks), or Items by Zone (3 clicks). Either way you get to this page

Now on it still takes 3 clicks. But after 2 clicks you're given this page which immeadiately gives you a jumping off point 8 related topics (Heroic Drops, Bosses, Comments, NPC's, Objects, Quests, etc.). After the third click you get to this page:

Now this page is far from perfect, but it looks so much cleaner and gives more information up front. The page has a picture first and foremost (I know Allah does that too but for whatever reason we don't have one at this point). It still has the related information "tabs" that allow quick access to more information. It has more information revealed (in this case listing the type of armor/weapon that is dropped and HP/MP text). It has an editorial text box (even if it isn't being used atm) for flavor text or guide information.

I don't know, maybe the more I think about it the more I like the tabbed seperation of information. It allows you to offer more information with little extra hassle. I guess I also prefer the clean tables of wowhead vs. the seemingly odd and inconsistent tables of Allah.

Edited, Apr 13th 2007 4:02pm by baelnic
#30 Apr 13 2007 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
Alla got comfortable, and in that, got passed right by.
#31 Apr 13 2007 at 5:42 PM Rating: Excellent
2,041 posts
Ithurs wrote:
Alla got comfortable, and in that, got passed right by.

What has passed it by? I looked at the other sites and they are No better then this. If they are explain how. I have searched for items and quests at the other site and Allakhazam does the exact same thing, just as fast if not faster.

But the forums here kick all the other sites in the dirt.
#32 Apr 13 2007 at 9:33 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Looks like someone with a scholar+ rating is a little pissy at Allakhazam and is rating down all who say something good about it(and up those who are dissatisfied with it).

Fixed the downrates I could.

Edit: You know, this really belongs in the Site and Feedback forum.

Edited, Apr 13th 2007 11:36pm by Poldaran
#33 Apr 14 2007 at 3:32 AM Rating: Good
3,451 posts
I just wanna say that I think Azuarc is doing a superb job, I look forward to his zone of the week threads, a plethora(sp) of information and good discussion!

I'll miss your avy too Ithurs. (insignia)
#34 Apr 14 2007 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
2,041 posts
Grandmother baelnic wrote:
First of all, the 2 click "rule" is just a goal to shoot for. It means that the organization of the information is fully optimized. An example? Why isn't there a direct link to instances on the bar to the right?

Without searching try to find what Harbinger Skyriss drops. You can use Bestiary (3 clicks), or Items by Zone (3 clicks). Either way you get to this page

Try and find the same information on Wowhead with out searching, wait that how WoWhead works, you have to search to find the information. Why not use the Search here ?

Why not use the Search option, it is there to get you to the information as quickly as possible. Not using the search function is just tying your own hands.

I got there in 2 clicks. I simply put Harbinger Skyriss in the search function over on the Left side of the screen, I hit enter, then I clicked on the correct link.

Grandmother baelnic wrote:
Now on it still takes 3 clicks. But after 2 clicks you're given this page which immeadiately gives you a jumping off point 8 related topics (Heroic Drops, Bosses, Comments, NPC's, Objects, Quests, etc.). After the third click you get to this page:

Now this page is far from perfect, but it looks so much cleaner and gives more information up front. The page has a picture first and foremost (I know Allah does that too but for whatever reason we don't have one at this point). It still has the related information "tabs" that allow quick access to more information. It has more information revealed (in this case listing the type of armor/weapon that is dropped and HP/MP text). It has an editorial text box (even if it isn't being used atm) for flavor text or guide information.

I got the same information on Alla by simply searching for The Arcatraz and it got me to this page The Arcatraz then one more click got me to the Mobs in that instance Mob links for The Arcatraz Now it does not break it down into Heroic but I would assume that either I'm doing something wrong or it is in the works.

Grandmother baelnic wrote:
I don't know, maybe the more I think about it the more I like the tabbed seperation of information. It allows you to offer more information with little extra hassle. I guess I also prefer the clean tables of wowhead vs. the seemingly odd and inconsistent tables of Allah.
Edited, Apr 13th 2007 4:02pm by baelnic

The Tabs on WoW head are exactly like links here on Alla.

Who knows if your looking for something diffrent, go for it but Alla works just fine and it looks great (to me). If you want a change then head out, thats cool but no reason to bash a completly usable Website.
#35 Apr 14 2007 at 10:13 AM Rating: Good
2,824 posts
Who knows if your looking for something diffrent, go for it but Alla works just fine and it looks great (to me). If you want a change then head out, thats cool but no reason to bash a completly usable Website.

Heh, I'm not bashing anything. I'm offering constructive criticism. I, along with many others, believe this site looks antiquated. It's obvious when you ask people ingame where they look up information. Once they find WoWHead I don't know anyone who continues to use Allah for their information, and that can't be good. I orgininally paid my premium for the forums, but now I want this as a one stop shop. I want the best of everything here.

Try and find the same information on Wowhead with out searching, wait that how WoWhead works, you have to search to find the information. Why not use the Search here ?

Because you don't know what the name of something is. That is why you can't use the search engine all the time.

The Tabs on WoW head are exactly like links here on Alla.

Except once you get to a tabbed page on WoWHead you can move back and forth between information quickly because pages don't need to reload. Not to mention the tabs are located in a consistant place on every page so that you can move to the information quickly and easily.

I got the same information on Alla by simply searching for The Arcatraz and it got me to this page The Arcatraz then one more click got me to the Mobs in that instance Mob links for The Arcatraz Now it does not break it down into Heroic but I would assume that either I'm doing something wrong or it is in the works.

Harbinger is listed on there 3 times on that page. How is that intuitive? Again, it's all about that second click giving you complete access which WoWHead does with it's tabs. The second click here on Allah only lists the mobs in the zone. WoWHead already gives you 7 other options than just the mobs names.

This site is fine at the moment. But that doesn't mean they can't improve it. They need to be back on the edge instead of lagging behind imo.

#36 Apr 14 2007 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
2,041 posts
Grandmother baelnic wrote:

Because you don't know what the name of something is. That is why you can't use the search engine all the time.

How are you supposed to find anything that way. Give me an example.

Grandmother baelnic wrote:

Except once you get to a tabbed page on WoWHead you can move back and forth between information quickly because pages don't need to reload. Not to mention the tabs are located in a consistant place on every page so that you can move to the information quickly and easily.

The Foward and Back buttons work just fine for me and it does not reload on me. My Forward and Back buttons never move they are the same place very time.

Grandmother baelnic wrote:

Harbinger is listed on there 3 times on that page. How is that intuitive? Again, it's all about that second click giving you complete access which WoWHead does with it's tabs. The second click here on Allah only lists the mobs in the zone. WoWHead already gives you 7 other options than just the mobs names.

Yes it is on there 3 times but it gets you to the point you need and each link gives you the information you need.

Could an Admin check this out and see why it comes up three times.

Grandmother baelnic wrote:

This site is fine at the moment. But that doesn't mean they can't improve it. They need to be back on the edge instead of lagging behind imo.

Improvement is generaly about personal Taste. How would you do it?

Make up a Main page for the site, take a screen shot, and post it here. Maybe the Admins do not think like you and the other folks here who don't like how the site looks. Give them some ideas on what you would like. Describing something on the internet is hard to do, as it is up to the person reading your words to put a picture to those words.

Edited, Apr 14th 2007 3:23pm by Diathon
#37 Apr 14 2007 at 2:21 PM Rating: Default
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Diathon, as Kaolian has said before: The good thing about having a bunch of code monkeys is that they can code for them. I'm assuming they have a bunch of design monkeys as well.

Why do we have to keep coming up with ways to improve the site? Isn't that their job? Aren't they supposed to check out the competition and figure out what is useful and can be assimilated into the site?

It's bullsh*t saying that WE should give constructive suggestions instead of just ********* As a user, a customer, we don't have to do sh*t. Allakhazam is the provider, we're the buyer. If they don't deliver, we take our business elsewhere. If you're not willing to fight for your customers then you don't deserve them. So why haven't I left yet, you might want to ask. I know what it has been, I know what it could be again and I see a lot of wasted potential. The site has been "home" for me for over three years and writing it all off because of a business deal is silly (what, you didn't think I was going to leave, did you?), but watching the site go down the drain because people suddenly don't seem to care anymore is even worse.

The guy in charge needs to devote 100% of his time to this, not run it as a hobby thing. They leaped out of the hobby box the moment they decided to merge Allakhazam with the others. It's big business now, but a lot of events following the merge has given me the impression that none of the Allakhazam officials are aware of this. No disrespect, but to me it seems like Allakhazam is the stereotypical CEO who spends 80% of his time "at the office" shooting some balls out on the golf course. I don't know if it's a full time job anymore or not, but it should be, at least if he plans on staying in charge. The boss needs to know it all, needs to demand change. Times change and the site can either change with them or die a horrible death by outdating.

To be frank, it seems to me that someone did the business move to skim the milk and now the site can go to hell for all they care, because they don't really like the idea of being governed by someone else. Instead of killing the site they sold it, made a profit and are now starving it to death instead.

More information will be released on Affinity Media which will blow our tinfoil hats off, but those words sound familiar, to be honest. Kind of like when Allakhazam, a year ago, said that they would reveal more information about the parent company soon.

Still haven't heard anything official.

But enough about that. How can we make this site better? From August 2005 to September 2006, I was studying to become a multi-media designer or new media architect, I'm not sure which title is used the most. It's a relatively short education (2 years) and basically you learn how to design, program and maintain a website. I never finished the education because it was a bit too technical for me, but the first year we focused on designing and user analysis. Basically they taught us how to make a website look appealing and user friendly.

The following are chunks of knowledge I picked up during this year. Some of it is knowledge picked up from the business economy class I took as well.

Three (relatively) easy steps towards improving the site:

1.) Know your enemy.

Swing the whip and get some people to check out your competitors. How can you expect to compete with something if you don't look at the competition? Send some code monkeys over to Have them rip Thottbot apart and bring back parts that can be used to make Allakhazam stronger, bigger and better. Also, have them rip through Allakhazam and throw away stuff that is inferior to the competitors' parts.

2.) Winds of change.

Things get outdated and updated constantly. Perhaps this site was rockin' in early 2000, but it's old school now. Hire some new guns who can bring in some new ideas and know how to make results fast. Flashy images, self-promotion and bling-bling perhaps isn't the style you like, personally, but a flashy website has the same effect on the average internet user as a 400 gigawatt light bulb has on most insects.

Hire some designers to look over the site and, along with the programmers who should be bringing home loads of information about useful changes, create a better site.

3.) Customer care.

Perhaps you have a lot of users right now, but unless you tend to them, and make sure to fulfill step 1 and 2, people will leave. I work in a supermarket (largest grocery market in the country) and while I am fairly young and inexperienced in the corporate world, I know about customer care, because that's what I do all day long. Perhaps going out of your way to please a customer made you scream on the inside, but insulting the customer or ignoring him, while providing instantly relief and pleasure, will result in a catastrophic chain of events.

People talk and with websites like this one, the advertisement is mainly caused by people who tell a friend about it. If you give one person a very bad experience here, he will be sure to tell anyone he might come across who might have an interest in the site. He'll scare future customers away and they would spread the message too. Domino effect.

Furthermore, your website is extremely user hostile. Or well, not extremely, but very at least. I know Illia doesn't like Back-buttons, but from a user friendly perspective it's the alpha an omega. The user needs to know where he is at all times and he needs to know how to get back at all times. Referring to the Back-button on the browser isn't an option. It might be logical. It might be faster. It might even be easier. But it's not an option. Put Back-buttons on every goddam page until the users have Back-buttons coming out of their goddam ears.

You seriously need to get a professional to look over the site. No disrespect meant to anyone who might be professional here. Programmers are excellent for doing the heavy lifting, but you need a designer to optimize the site's user friendliness. We had our programming team make a program for our school when I was still taking classes there. The program was superb with a database and everything, but unless you knew programming or was somehow involved in the process of creating the program, you had no idea how to navigate it. In other words, the program was completely useless for newbies.

Have your programmers build up the site's infrastructure, but please, please have a website designer create the layout. I'd offer my own assistance, but I never finished the education. Too much database programming for my liking.

Hopefully this gave you some points to go from. And sorry about the long post.

Edited, Apr 15th 2007 1:02am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#38 Apr 14 2007 at 3:30 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
Can I be the first to congratulate Mazra on his "most juvenile rant" award (It's a shoe in.)

To paraphrase - I don't understand web design, I don't know what I want, but I have a right to slag off those trying to please.

Nice constructive critique there sparky

Edited, Apr 14th 2007 7:33pm by Nobby
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#39 Apr 14 2007 at 3:39 PM Rating: Good
2,041 posts
Mazra wrote:
Diathon, as Kaolian has said before: The good thing about having a bunch of code monkeys is that they can code for them. I'm assuming they have a bunch of design monkeys as well.

Why do we have to keep coming up with ways to improve the site? Isn't that their job? Aren't they supposed to check out the competition and figure out what is useful and can be assimilated into the site?

It's bullsh*t saying that WE should give constructive suggestions instead of just ********* As a user, a customer, we don't have to do sh*t. Allakhazam is the provider, we're the buyer. If they don't deliver, we take our business elsewhere. If you're not willing to fight for your customers then you don't deserve them. So why haven't I left yet, you might want to ask. I know what it has been, I know what it could be again and I see a lot of wasted potential. The site has been "home" for me for over three years and writing it all off because of a business deal is silly (what, you didn't think I was going to leave, did you?), but watching the site go down the drain because people suddenly don't seem to care anymore is even worse.

The guy in charge needs to devote 100% of his time to this, not run it as a hobby thing. They leaped out of the hobby box the moment they decided to merge Allakhazam with the others. It's big business now, but a lot of events following the merge has given me the impression that none of the Allakhazam officials are aware of this. No disrespect, but to me it seems like Allakhazam is the stereotypical CEO who spends 80% of his time "at the office" shooting some balls out on the golf course. I don't know if it's a full time job anymore or not, but it should be, at least if he plans on staying in charge. The boss needs to know it all, needs to demand change. Times change and the site can either change with them or die a horrible death by outdating.

To be frank, it seems to me that someone did the business move to skim the milk and now the site can go to hell for all they care, because they don't really like the idea of being governed by someone else. Instead of killing the site they sold it, made a profit and are now starving it to death instead.

More information will be released on Affinity Media which will blow our tinfoil hats off, but those words sound familiar, to be honest. Kind of like when Allakhazam, a year ago, said that they would reveal more information about the parent company soon.

Still haven't heard anything official.

But enough about that. How can we make this site better? From August 2005 to September 2006, I was studying to become a multi-media designer or new media architect, I'm not sure which title is used the most. It's a relatively short education (2 years) and basically you learn how to design, program and maintain a website. I never finished the education because it was a bit too technical for me, but the first year we focused on designing and user analysis. Basically they taught us how to make a website look appealing and user friendly.

The following are chunks of knowledge I picked up during this year. Some of it is knowledge picked up from the business economy class I took as well.

Three (relatively) easy steps towards improving the site:

1.) Know your enemy.

Swing the whip and get some people to check out your competitors. How can you expect to compete with something if you don't look at the competition? Send some code monkeys over to Have them rip Thottbot apart and bring back parts that can be used to make Allakhazam stronger, bigger and better. Also, have them rip through Allakhazam and throw away stuff that is inferior to the competitors' parts.

2.) Winds of change.

Things get outdated and updated constantly. Perhaps this site was rockin' in early 2000, but it's old school now. Hire some new guns who can bring in some new ideas and know how to make results fast. Flashy images, self-promotion and bling-bling perhaps isn't the style you like, personally, but a flashy website has the same effect on the average internet user as a 400 gigawatt light bulb has on most insects.

Hire some designers to look over the site and, along with the programmers who should be bringing home loads of information about useful changes, create a better site.

3.) Customer care.

Perhaps you have a lot of users right now, but unless you tend to them, and make sure to fulfill step 1 and 2, people will leave. I work in a supermarket (largest grocery market in the country) and while I am fairly young and inexperienced in the corporate world, I know about customer care, because that's what I do all day long. Perhaps going out of your way to please a customer made you scream on the inside, but insulting the customer or ignoring him, while providing instantly relief and pleasure, will result in a catastrophic chain of events.

People talk and with websites like this one, the advertisement is mainly caused by people who tell a friend about it. If you give one person a very bad experience here, he will be sure to tell anyone he might come across who might have an interest in the site. He'll scare future customers away and they would spread the message too. Domino effect.

Furthermore, your website is extremely user hostile. Or well, not extremely, but very at least. I know Illia doesn't like Back-buttons, but from a user friendly perspective it's the alpha an omega. The user needs to know where he is at all times and he needs to know how to get back at all times. Referring to the Back-button on the browser isn't an option. It might be logical. It might be faster. It might even be easier. But it's not an option. Put Back-buttons on every goddam page until the users have Back-buttons coming out of their goddam ears.

You seriously need to get a professional to look over the site. No disrespect meant to anyone who might be professional here. Programmers are excellent for doing the heavy lifting, but you need a designer to optimize the site's user friendliness. We had our programming team make a program for our school when I was still taking classes there. The program was superb with a database and everything, but unless you knew programming or was somehow involved in the process of creating the program, you had no idea how to navigate it. In other words, the program was completely useless for newbies.

Have your programmers build up the site's infrastructure, but please, please have a website designer create the layout. I'd offer my own assistance, but I never finished the education. Too much database programming for my liking.

Hopefully this gave you some points to go from. And sorry about the long post.

Edited, Apr 15th 2007 1:02am by Mazra

If you don't want to help the site that you like and you just want to complain, *****, and moan. Please do it else where. You seem to have found a new home at your other site.

Yes there are code workers here but apparently your not happy with them. That is why I threw in about building a front page that you think might work. If you don't want to do that fine.

If all you want to do here is use the Forums, please do but quit complaining about the site.
#40 Apr 14 2007 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Diathon, you completely missed the point. I'm not here for the forums. I'm on the forums because that's the only valuable thing left. I want to use the other stuff, but quite frankly it's not worthwhile.

And Nobby, it wasn't a rant and I'm pretty sure I know more about web design than you do. I know what I would want and I've told them repeatedly. But it felt just like talking to a brick wall.

Ps. I was overwhelmed by your awesome constructive critique, so forgive my rather weak rebuttal.

Edited, Apr 15th 2007 2:05am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#41 Apr 14 2007 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
2,041 posts
Mazra wrote:
Diathon, you completely missed the point. I'm not here for the forums. I'm on the forums because that's the only valuable thing left. I want to use the other stuff, but quite frankly it's not worthwhile.

Edited, Apr 15th 2007 2:05am by Mazra

No, I understand your point. You think the website is crap except for the Forums. This is a personal thought as I seem to be able to find everything I need here just fine. I love the look of the site, I like the feel of the website, I love the ease that I and many others seem to be able to find information here.

You, Marza, do not like the site anymore. May you find a site that meets your needs.
#42 Apr 14 2007 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I love the site. That's the single reason why I'm posting this instead of just leaving. I want the site to survive, I want the site to be the best out there. I want to be able to say that I get all the relevant information I need from Allakhazam again. I can't as it is right now. The fact is that other sites are sprouting and they're evolving much faster than this site. I understand your defensive stance, I really do. I was like that a year ago too. But digging a trench won't get you anywhere.

The site needs improvements to survive. As long as people keep saying it's fine and funky, changes won't happen until it's too late.

I'd make a layout sample if I had the time and needed programs, but I don't. People have already pointed out some things about other sites and suggested implementing them into this site. I've made posts about glitches and errors here in the Feedback Forum that went unnoticed. I've asked for features that would enhance the user friendliness on the site and been met with a "Uhm, no" reply more than once.

You want us to give feedback and suggest changes, but when we do we get flamed to hell and beyond and are told to leave the site? What the hell?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#43 Apr 14 2007 at 5:06 PM Rating: Good
Mazra wrote:
You want us to give feedback and suggest changes, but when we do we get flamed to hell and beyond and are told to leave the site? What the hell?

In all fairness, it is not an Admin that is "flaming you to hell and telling you to leave the site." The admins cannot control what other posters might say to you.
#44 Apr 14 2007 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
12,501 posts
Ithurs wrote:
Meh, wowhead needs to add a simple vbulletin and they would have a better forum software and their community size would kill this site in the matter of a few weeks, sad really

Hope you guys are enjoying the cash, lord knows its not going into anything visible on the site.

Hey Idiot, Why fix what isn't broken.
#45 Apr 15 2007 at 3:34 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Belkira wrote:
Mazra wrote:
You want us to give feedback and suggest changes, but when we do we get flamed to hell and beyond and are told to leave the site? What the hell?

In all fairness, it is not an Admin that is "flaming you to hell and telling you to leave the site." The admins cannot control what other posters might say to you.

I wasn't talking about admins, Belkira. Diathon told me to leave if I couldn't do anything but ***** at the current state of the site. When I came up with suggestions, he told me to leave anyways because he liked the site as it was.

We're not trying to fix something which isn't broken, Darkenbuddy, we're trying to secure its survival in the near future. To be honest I don't see why we need to be bashed at for trying to keep the site alive. So far I haven't made personal attacks on anyone, I've simply given suggestions as to how they could improve the site and secure its place in the race. No one is pointing fingers and laughing, we're just trying to show Allakhazam and the staff how they could improve the site to stay in the race. In return we have the Akz Fanclub karma bomb and flame us for suggesting changes.

The metathesiophobia on these boards is so thick you can almost taste it.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#46 Apr 16 2007 at 6:13 AM Rating: Decent
Mazra wrote:
I wasn't talking about admins, Belkira.

My apologies. When you say, "You want us to give feedback and suggest changes," I assume you mean the Admins and not a poster.

Edit: And I tried to look up "metathesiophobia," as I had no idea what that meant, and says there are no entries... Smiley: glare

Edited, Apr 16th 2007 9:15am by Belkira
#47 Apr 16 2007 at 7:04 AM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
First google link:

#48 Apr 16 2007 at 7:29 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks, DF! needs to update it's database, apparently. Smiley: laugh
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