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Possible solution to Karma Camping(?)Follow

#1 Oct 16 2007 at 3:41 AM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
I've been looking around the forums and it's really been quite disappointing to see some posters who take a good deal of their time writing something that is either positive or inquisitive, only to see it Defaulted by some clown (or their puppet account[s]) with either nothing to do or some ridiculous vendetta. More specifically, I speak of the celebratory thread started by Clefairy yesterday.

Now I'm not now nor was ever on the Garuda server, so I have no personal bias or interest in what goes on there. But the attitudes of some of the posters, who have a rather absurd grudge against the starter of this thread, on that particular thread exposes a serious flaw that still exists in the rating system on this forum. Anyone with Scholar status or higher can rate down someone based on little more than a personal grudge, no matter how many posts they've made. Pay close attention to the italicized clause in the previous sentence, for it is the main point of my post.

I very much believe certain people are still using sockpuppet accounts to karma camp people they don't like (Seriha was kind enough to research who was doing this as far as I was concerned, but this is not the main reason for my post). My solution to this might seem a little rash, but I believe requiring a 300 post minimum before being allowed the rating option is one of a few ways to keep karma trolls from killing rational discussions based on irrational vendettas, be they in-game or in-forum.

I suppose a determined troll would try to get their sock accounts past this point so they can keep wreaking havoc on those they don't like, but I feel that 300 posts takes just enough time to accumulate to discourage most of them from creating socks for the express purpose of karma camping.

Edited, Oct 31st 2007 6:17pm by Kaolian
#2 Oct 16 2007 at 4:02 AM Rating: Excellent
9,835 posts
No one used any socks to rate down that thread.

Believe it or not that kind of thing actually happens once in a blue moon. There are very VERY few people who actually take the time to log onto different accounts to rate someone down just for ***** and giggles or whatever.

AriesSeventyThree wrote:
Anyone with Scholar status or higher can rate down someone based on little more than a personal grudge, no matter how many posts they've made. Pay close attention to the italicized clause in the previous sentence, for it is the main point of my post.

And those same people can also rate up. If a larger portion of the community dislikes you rather than appreciates your post then it's not mine, or any other admin's position, to tell them how to post.

Regardless, once again there is no sock puppet army rating down Clefairy.
#3 Oct 16 2007 at 4:32 AM Rating: Excellent
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
Select "Never filter" and you'll see all posts, no matter the karma score.

Problem solved!

I am no match for speeling.

Edited, Oct 16th 2007 5:32am by Tare
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#4 Oct 16 2007 at 6:38 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Imperial Ninja wrote:
sock puppet army

That would be an epic name for a band. Smiley: grin
#5 Oct 16 2007 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
No one needs to make a Sock to rate clefairy into oblivion. It's like the anti-buttersheep for allakhazam, people see it and try to destroy it's pathetic job combo.
#6 Oct 16 2007 at 7:34 AM Rating: Good
AriesSeventyThree wrote:
I've been looking around the forums and it's really been quite disappointing to see some posters who take a good deal of their time writing something that is either positive or inquisitive, only to see it Defaulted by some clown (or their puppet account[s]) with either nothing to do or some ridiculous vendetta. More specifically, I speak of the celebratory thread started by Clefairy yesterday.

You seem to be laboring under the assumption that a post's CONTENT is the only legitimate grounds for rating in one direction or the other.

This is in fact false. The admins have been quite clear about this: they cannot police you reasoning for rating posts one way or the other, they can only act based upon you PATTERN of rates.

If I rate a post down because I disagree with it, that is perfectly acceptable.

If I rate it down because it is stupid, that is also acceptable.

If I rate it down on sight because the poster has a history of making stupid posts, that too is acceptable.

If I rate it down because I simply do not like the poster as a person, that is totally acceptable.

If, on the other hand, I go out of my way to find posts by a specific person just so I can rate them down, such as by going through old threads or venturing into forums I don't normally frequent, the I am rate-camping them, and THAT is totally unacceptable.

So the people who rated Clefairy down because they think doing only WHM/THF and THF/WHM is stupid, or because they don't like her posting style, or because they've had bad experiences with her in-game, are well within their rights to do so.

EDIT: forgot two key words.

Edited, Oct 16th 2007 8:35am by BastokFL
#7 Oct 16 2007 at 2:21 PM Rating: Default
1,430 posts
BastokFL wrote:
AriesSeventyThree wrote:
I've been looking around the forums and it's really been quite disappointing to see some posters who take a good deal of their time writing something that is either positive or inquisitive, only to see it Defaulted by some clown (or their puppet account[s]) with either nothing to do or some ridiculous vendetta. More specifically, I speak of the celebratory thread started by Clefairy yesterday.

You seem to be laboring under the assumption that a post's CONTENT is the only legitimate grounds for rating in one direction or the other.

This is in fact false. The admins have been quite clear about this: they cannot police you reasoning for rating posts one way or the other, they can only act based upon you PATTERN of rates.

If I rate a post down because I disagree with it, that is perfectly acceptable. I agree with this.

If I rate it down because it is stupid, that is also acceptable. I agree with this, although "stupid" is a somewhat subjective term.

If I rate it down on sight because the poster has a history of making stupid posts, that too is acceptable. This I cannot accept completely (even a stopped clock is right twice a day), but you're not entirely off-track.

If I rate it down because I simply do not like the poster as a person, that is totally acceptable. I want to agree with this, but cannot. Any form of vendetta or grudge shouldn't entirely erase the integrity of a statement if it is stated in a reasonable tone.

If, on the other hand, I go out of my way to find posts by a specific person just so I can rate them down, such as by going through old threads or venturing into forums I don't normally frequent, the I am rate-camping them, and THAT is totally unacceptable.

So the people who rated Clefairy down because they think doing only WHM/THF and THF/WHM is stupid, or because they don't like her posting style, or because they've had bad experiences with her in-game, are well within their rights to do so. Within their rights, but not justified in doing so. What jobs she chooses to use had no bearing on the content of the post. It was, in fact, barely even mentioned. Those who wanted to trash her for the sheer thrill of it brought this up, having no legitimate reason to justify their malicious actions.

EDIT: forgot two key words.

Edited, Oct 16th 2007 8:35am by BastokFL

My respones are in italics.
#8 Oct 16 2007 at 2:33 PM Rating: Excellent
AriesSeventyThree wrote:
My respones are in italics.

You don't have to agree or accept anything.

The admins have already said that everything BastockFL said is how the site works.
#9 Oct 16 2007 at 8:21 PM Rating: Excellent
1,002 posts
#10 Oct 17 2007 at 7:31 AM Rating: Excellent
Soulless Internet Tiger
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neesh wrote:

Kao viewed them all as spiders. None remain.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#11 Oct 31 2007 at 12:15 PM Rating: Default
Bump. Have recently been subjected to this as well and I really did not want to start another "get rid of the useless karma system" thread.

Truthfully, you cannot sit there and say to me that the karma system is not flawed and is a horrible idea in its current state.


Multiple people stating they rate posters down for simply disagreeing with them. Just makes me laugh a little when this kind of behavior is accepted and even encouraged.

Your reasons for the karma system are so that trolls do not flood said forums. I produce, to you, successful forum sites like BG and KillingIfrit who do not have any problems with this at all and are successful without said system (even more-so than Allakazham, as far as FFXI is concerned). I'll also point you to the global WoW forums that are managed by Blizzard. I'm sure there are a plethora of other gaming forums out there that do not have a rating system like this that are successful.

Since you cannot change a person's decision to rate someone down or not, you are left with the option of removing the system all together and reverting these forums to 'normal' online forums.

Edited, Oct 31st 2007 4:18pm by KiokuMemory
#12 Oct 31 2007 at 12:18 PM Rating: Good
KiokuMemory wrote:
Bump. Have recently been subjected to this as well and I really did not want to start another "get rid of the useless karma system" thread.

Truthfully, you cannot sit there and say to me that the karma system is not flawed and is a horrible idea in its current state.


Multiple people stating they rate posters down for simply disagreeing with them. Just makes me laugh a little when this kind of behavior is accepted and even encouraged.

Considering that the Admins have said this is acceptable rating procedure, I would say that it is working just fine.
#13 Oct 31 2007 at 12:19 PM Rating: Default
I added material to the post. That's wonderful that they say it is ok posting procedure, however this still doesn't make the point that other forums are as successful (if not more so) than Allakazham in terms of FFXI and WoW without such a system in place.

It was implemented to get rid of spam posts and trolls. This is not how it is currently being used.

Example: OOT has a set of guidelines that DEFY the Allakazham posting policy that the admins agree upon.;mid=119377298231792907;num=51;page=1


Don't talk about karma. Karma doesn't matter. We already know that. Hell, that's OOT 101 right there. However, there's another part. Karma matters. You bet it matters. You may not see the words "rate" or "karma" mentioned but when you watch somebody's post rating move in one direction or another be prepared to watch the sparks fly.

Occasionally, somebody will rate one side of an argument down and the other side up just to see them get that much more angry. This is completely normal, not to mention hilarious.

Hilarious to the point of it being extremely sad.

Further thoughts:

Often, helpful information in a post that is sub-defaulted is lost based on this style of forum management. This is counter-productive.


Rating someone down for disagreeing with you is analogous with punching someone in the face for disagreeing with you in real life. This is simply unethical and goes against the norms of most societies. And yes, when I generalize about the Allakazham population I do mean all societies. I do not want to hear about Native American societies who have different customs yet occupy .02% of the Allakazham userbase just so you can bring up an example that defies the generalization in an attempt to derail the topic.

Edited, Oct 31st 2007 4:28pm by KiokuMemory
#14 Oct 31 2007 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
KiokuMemory wrote:
other forums are as successful (if not more so) than Allakazham in terms of FFXI and WoW without such a system in place.

Are you talking about the official WoW forums? Because if you think those are "successful" forums you don't deserve to have a voice. Those forums are notoriously some of the worst ever. Basically entirely unreadable.

Anyway, I'm going to camp you for a while now, because I know it upsets you.
#15 Oct 31 2007 at 12:43 PM Rating: Default
Yet the developers actually respond to the class forums and provide pertinent information and updates.

You have been reported to Kaolin for admitted karma camping.

Edit: On second thought...thank you for proving that you are no better than anyone on the WoW forums and making yourself look like a hypocrite in two simple sentences, though. I don't think I'll stoop to your level. I'm content with your mistake, which basically takes the work out of creating a rebuttal.

Edited, Oct 31st 2007 4:48pm by KiokuMemory
#16 Oct 31 2007 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
KiokuMemory wrote:

You have been reported to Kaolin for admitted karma camping.

Edit: On second thought...thank you for proving that you are no better than anyone on the WoW forums and making yourself look like a hypocrite in two simple sentences, though. I don't think I'll stoop to your level. I'm content with your mistake, which makes my job easier.

Kaolian is on my payroll.

Also, I wonder what exactly is your job that my mistake has made it easier?

Oh yeah, and thanks for posting again so I could rate it down. Maybe I'll even get some of my socks out and make you subdefault.
#17 Oct 31 2007 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
KiokuMemory wrote:
Yet the developers actually respond to the class forums and provide pertinent information and updates.

You have been reported to Kaolin for admitted karma camping.

Edit: On second thought...thank you for proving that you are no better than anyone on the WoW forums and making yourself look like a hypocrite in two simple sentences, though. I don't think I'll stoop to your level. I'm content with your mistake, which basically takes the work out of creating a rebuttal.

Edited, Oct 31st 2007 4:48pm by KiokuMemory

It's the internet.

Calm down, please.
#18 Oct 31 2007 at 1:30 PM Rating: Default
If I was being irrational I would be rating you down for disagreeing with me. I am perfectly calm. I just do not have high tolerance for sheer hypocrisy.
#19 Oct 31 2007 at 1:32 PM Rating: Good
KiokuMemory wrote:
If I was being irrational I would be rating you down for disagreeing with me. I am perfectly calm. I just do not have high tolerance for sheer hypocrisy.

Meh. It's an internet rating system. I could think of a lot worse things to rant about.
#20 Oct 31 2007 at 1:57 PM Rating: Default
Well, this is the feedback forum and is the correct place as to where the rant belongs. I could have been worse by creating an entirely new topic about this. >_>
#21 Oct 31 2007 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, please keep your posts contained in this thread, because it makes it easier to camp you.
#22 Oct 31 2007 at 2:07 PM Rating: Excellent
9,835 posts
I read the FFXI forums more than you, Kioku (Unfortunately)

I don't ever see 'helpful' posts sub-defaulted. And if your post isn't subdefault you don't really have much claim to be complaining.

If people disagree w/ your post and they rate it down that is the kind of the whole point of it.

And if more people disagree w/ you than agree then instead of thinking along the lines of 'Oh, they are all wrong, why am I being rated down?' maybe you should think, 'Oh, lots of people are rating me down, maybe, just maybe I'm wrong or I came across like a prick/other?'.

And I seriously shake my head whenever a poster tells me 'xyz is camping me isn't he?'. You know no one has ever been right about their apparent camper.

Even BarkingTurtle here has not rated you once, despite what he's been saying. . .

Just goes to show.
#23 Oct 31 2007 at 2:08 PM Rating: Default
Ironically, your posts seem better fit for the World of Warcraft global forums Barkingturtle.
#24 Oct 31 2007 at 2:13 PM Rating: Default
Even BarkingTurtle here has not rated you once, despite what he's been saying. . .

Just goes to show.

Somehow I doubt that.
#25 Oct 31 2007 at 2:13 PM Rating: Good
KiokuMemory wrote:
Ironically, your posts seem better fit for the World of Warcraft global forums Barkingturtle.

I wouldn't know, because I don't post there. I mostly don't post on the WoW forums because I wouldn't be able to rate you down there. I like rating you down.
#26 Oct 31 2007 at 2:14 PM Rating: Excellent
KiokuMemory wrote:
ImperialNinja, with all of his mighty ******* of Admin tools, wrote:
Even BarkingTurtle here has not rated you once, despite what he's been saying. . .

Just goes to show.

Somehow I doubt that.

Smiley: lol

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