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Possible solution to Karma Camping(?)Follow

#52 Oct 31 2007 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, but I only have 411 posts. That is quite a lot of posts for me. It is also a recent event (the karma camping) and not meant to be applied to the other threads. I even admitted to you that I deserved some of the rate downs due to my posting style.

I admitted this to Kaolin, too. The posting style is demonstrated in this thread.

I am not afraid to state my honest opinion. I do not fluff things up. I should not have to. No one should.

Edited, Oct 31st 2007 7:18pm by KiokuMemory
#53 Oct 31 2007 at 3:21 PM Rating: Good
KiokuMemory wrote:
I do not fluff things up.

Hmm, judging by the physical reaction you've coaxed out of me, I would have guessed you were a born fluffer.
#54 Oct 31 2007 at 3:23 PM Rating: Default
Hmm. Guess you better rethink that theory then, huh?

I am a generous person, yes. If you played with me and were in the same linkshell as me you would realize that. But I am also not one to be pushed aside for stating my opinion.

This derailment of the thread to focus on me and not the issue is most bothersome. If you do not wish to accept the problem then fine. I do not wish to argue my opinion that is shared by many others and will point them to this thread when they address karma issues in the future.

I have only rated one person in this thread and it was due to a personal insult. Based on your opinion's, I should have rated you all down. Not like it matters since I am a lowly scholar.

The fact is I didn't and all I am asking for is the same courtesy back. If you cannot provide that, then perhaps it is not my standards that are the problem.

Edited, Oct 31st 2007 7:27pm by KiokuMemory
#55 Oct 31 2007 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
Hmm. Guess you better rethink that theory then, huh?

I am a generous person, yes. If you played with me and were in the same linkshell as me you would realize that. But I am also not one to be pushed aside for stating my opinion.

Hmm... methhinks you missed his intended meaning.
#56 Oct 31 2007 at 3:25 PM Rating: Excellent
9,835 posts
I'm not even on Garuda . . .
#57 Oct 31 2007 at 3:26 PM Rating: Good
14,189 posts
Thanks for the heads up POL message, BT.

I'm logging back in right now to let my LS, allied LS, and whoever is lucky enough to be in Jeuno at the moment know about this little embarrassment.
#58 Oct 31 2007 at 3:28 PM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
KiokuMemory wrote:
This derailment of the thread to focus on me and not the issue is most bothersome. If you do not wish to accept the problem then fine. I do not wish to argue my opinion that is shared by many others and will point them to this thread when they address karma issues in the future.

There is no "issue" at stake here.
All we've gotten out of you is a complaint that you don't like being rated down, and some silly analogy about punching people in the face. That might be your opinion, but you've failed to show why anyone should accept it.
#59 Oct 31 2007 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
Sorry IN. I assumed you were because of this comment:

Ask Pikko or IN, my friends on garuda are highly influential.

There is no "issue" at stake here.
All we've gotten out of you is a complaint that you don't like being rated down, and some silly analogy about punching people in the face. That might be your opinion, but you've failed to show why anyone should accept it.

Kinda just did. :\ You were probably posting as I edited, though.

I have only rated one person in this thread and it was due to a personal insult. Based on your opinion's, I should have rated you all down. Not like it matters since I am a lowly scholar.

The fact is I didn't and all I am asking for is the same courtesy back. If you cannot provide that, then perhaps it is not my standards that are the problem.

Edited, Oct 31st 2007 7:41pm by KiokuMemory
#60 Oct 31 2007 at 3:35 PM Rating: Default
[quote]Thanks for the heads up POL message, BT.

I'm logging back in right now to let my LS, allied LS, and whoever is lucky enough to be in Jeuno at the moment know about this little embarrassment.


I'd say you hurt your reputation more by shouting than I could ever do. T_T

Dare you tell me your in-game name so I can perform another query with my linkshell? Or is Kaain, Kaiin, or Kane the name you go by?

Edited, Oct 31st 2007 7:39pm by KiokuMemory
#61 Oct 31 2007 at 3:40 PM Rating: Good
14,189 posts
Just because I'm 11 doesn't mean I don't have more friends than you do.

You just wait.
#62 Oct 31 2007 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
Look, I am not trying to give you a bad reputation. I don't even know you. This is silly and Woooo is right. We (including me) are acting like children and should stop.
#63 Oct 31 2007 at 3:42 PM Rating: Excellent
9,835 posts
KiokuMemory wrote:
Sorry IN. I assumed you were because of this comment:

Ask Pikko or IN, my friends on garuda are highly influential.

Well, you know I already told you he was lying about one thing. People are telling you he likes to wind people up and stuff.

I dunno what more I can say if I'm being thought of as a liar.

Since being an admin on this site I've been called a lot of things, nothing that I particularly care about, but never a liar.

Just sayin'
#64 Oct 31 2007 at 3:46 PM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
KiokuMemory wrote:
Ask Pikko or IN, my friends on garuda are highly influential.

You might want to transfer.

I'm sorry, I just find this funny.

They have influence when it comes to Allakazham, most definitely. But, I do not even know what linkshell either of them is in much less have partied/seen them in game (except seeing Pikko at the lake in west ronfaure while traveling through to do a quest). Honestly, do you think they have time to play much of FFXI when they have duties of managing this site? No, of course not. Just like I do not have time to be rated down for disagreements because I am more busy in-game and could argue, in-game, without being rated down.

Like I said, what they are doing is the same thing I could do to them in-game as I do have more influence than them. However, I would never abuse my influence like that and I would expect the same from them as well.

Edited, Oct 31st 2007 7:22pm by KiokuMemory

I find it so silly that you talk about not believing everything you read and then you take what BT says to you seriously. He doesn't play FFXI.
Yum-Yum Bento Box | Pikko Pots | Adventures in Bentomaking


#65 Oct 31 2007 at 3:48 PM Rating: Good
Pikko Pots wrote:
He doesn't play FFXI.

Don't believe her lies!
#66 Oct 31 2007 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
IN, I really did not intend to call you a liar (and never did). You have helped me a great deal and I respect you. Can you understand the doubt I have, though? I mean, he admitted to rating me down but didn't...yet I was rated down anyhow during the time he posted. This made me automatically assume he was the person who rated me down and I think anyone who didn't know him (like me) would think the same, right?

Again, apologies if that offended you. It is just the way I am. I like to see things in front of me before I pass judgement or else I risk the chance of actually offending/insulting someone that didn't deserve it.

That kind of happened anyhow, didn't it, regardless of my precautions. >_<
#67 Oct 31 2007 at 3:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
Grandfather Barkingturtle wrote:
Pikko Pots wrote:
He doesn't play FFXI.

Don't believe her lies!

Hush, you!
Yum-Yum Bento Box | Pikko Pots | Adventures in Bentomaking


#68 Oct 31 2007 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
I find it so silly that you talk about not believing everything you read and then you take what BT says to you seriously. He doesn't play FFXI.

Why is that silly? You know that BT is not a serious person but I was not let in on the "joke" till mid-way through. I do not know BT and his signature does not indicate what he does do. I assumed he was from FFXI and his remark about contacting people from Garuda was serious. I do want someone to go spreading lies about me and judging me based on someone else's opinion.

It's like I said: I don't believe either side until I see hard evidence. Is that a bad standpoint to take?

Anyhow, I am fried at the moment and need a break. All these knocks on the door for Halloween aren't helping. ~_~ I guess I will just have to agree to disagree.
#69 Oct 31 2007 at 3:53 PM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
KiokuMemory wrote:
IN, I really did not intend to call you a liar (and never did). You have helped me a great deal and I respect you. Can you understand the doubt I have, though? I mean, he admitted to rating me down but didn't...yet I was rated down anyhow during the time he posted. This made me automatically assume he was the person who rated me down and I think anyone who didn't know him (like me) would think the same, right?

Again, apologies if that offended you. It is just the way I am. I like to see things in front of me before I pass judgement or else I risk the chance of actually offending/insulting someone that didn't deserve it.

That kind of happened anyhow, didn't it, regardless of my precautions. >_<

You may not have used the exact word, but your questioning that IN was telling you the truth is essentially the same thing, don't you think?

Since this forum is open to ratings by anyone, I don't see how it's a safe assumption that he did it. People have strong feelings about karma and when people moan and groan about it, they reach for that red arrow faster than you can say desu.
Yum-Yum Bento Box | Pikko Pots | Adventures in Bentomaking


#70 Oct 31 2007 at 3:57 PM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
KiokuMemory wrote:
I find it so silly that you talk about not believing everything you read and then you take what BT says to you seriously. He doesn't play FFXI.

Why is that silly? You know that BT is not a serious person but I was not let in on the "joke" till mid-way through. I do not know BT and his signature does not indicate what he does do. I assumed he was from FFXI and his remark about contacting people from Garuda was serious. I do want someone to go spreading lies about me and judging me based on someone else's opinion.

It's like I said: I don't believe either side until I see hard evidence. Is that a bad standpoint to take?

Anyhow, I am fried at the moment and need a break. All these knocks on the door for Halloween aren't helping. ~_~ I guess I will just have to agree to disagree.

But even if it were true, who the hell cares if he blacklisted you? Would you want to be contacted in game by him anyway? Probably not. So why take such a defensive stance against it?

We are not allowed to show users karma ratings. I would have thought that if you respected IN as you say, you wouldn't need evidence. That is what respect is about. I still don't see why when I said the same, you require evidence. I find it insulting. Trivializing being called a liar doesn't make it any more pleasant.
Yum-Yum Bento Box | Pikko Pots | Adventures in Bentomaking


#72 Oct 31 2007 at 4:32 PM Rating: Default
You may not have used the exact word, but your questioning that IN was telling you the truth is essentially the same thing, don't you think?

Since this forum is open to ratings by anyone, I don't see how it's a safe assumption that he did it. People have strong feelings about karma and when people moan and groan about it, they reach for that red arrow faster than you can say rate me down.

Yes, this is what I'm trying to get at. People do have strong feelings about karma. Why should something so completely biased have any meaning when it comes to an argument?

The assumption was that I was immediately rated down after I made the post and he has been responding to my posts rather quickly. I put two and two together. It was a safe assumption, at the time, and an assumption most people would have made.

I was asking IN to provide evidence. I didn't know he could not post the information. Why is that such a bad thing to ask for evidence.

Respect and trust are two different things. Respect is gained from a single action. Trust is gained from a series of actions and, often, a close relationship with someone. You are essentially asking me to trust a stranger. Would YOU trust a stranger? No and for good reasons.

I respect IN for him keeping his head cool while dealing with me and all the other insults he may have received while being an admin. Just the same reason I respect you. I was once a moderator of my old linkshell's forums. It is no easy task. You are a moderator of an entire network of gaming forums and not just a linkshell of 36ish people. That is a ton of work. I relate to you therefore I respect you. However, I do not know you and, because of that, cannot just give you my trust like that. o_O It's ridiculous to ask me to.

As for taking BT seriously, I do know that you play on Garuda (based on your signature and seeing you in-game). Part of his comment was accurate. You two also seem to be friends. That leads me more to conclusions than just assuming he doesn't play FFXI at all.

I've helped people that I've hated before based on their actions, in-game. It's part of who I am. I don't like to just break bonds based on some dispute on the forums, regardless of the person. I rather make friends than enemies but in some cases it cannot be helped.

You're asking why I trusted BT and I am saying because he provided the most believable story out of everyone here. I do not know anyone here therefore it is safe to assume I do not trust anyone here more than anyone else. The level of trust is the same: 0. You note he has a record of misleading people. Why applaud such behavior if it leads to messes like this?

Grats to him. He mislead me and caused a mess because of it. He also managed to derail the entire thread. Do you not see the truth in Wooooodum's statement if we must deal with people such as this while trying to give you feedback about a system we find faulty? His statement may be inaccurate but I know you know all too well that his generalizations are often held in the eyes of the majority of FFXI players. I am constantly told this by almost all of my friends (due to their own various reasons for disliking Allakazham) but I do not generalize as such. However, I am starting to lean towards them after encounters like this.

Edit: Btw, by having my posts sub-defaulted for providing feedback to you, that contradicts an earlier statement that "sub-defaulted posts never have any useful information".

And, by not being affected by karma yourself, is it really even fair to argue with you? You may not rate me down directly but sheep do follow their shepherd.

Edited, Oct 31st 2007 8:40pm by KiokuMemory
#73 Oct 31 2007 at 4:39 PM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
You're asking why I trusted BT and I am saying because he provided the most believable story out of everyone here. You note he has a record of misleading people. Why applaud such behavior if it leads to messes like this?

So what I am asking is why is BT's the most believable story. Why is it you trust BarkingTurtle but not Allakhazam administrators? You respect me, but don't trust me to tell you the truth. You obviously don't respect BT, but you trust him. Am I missing something here?

And why is it that people turn forum regulars into my friends? I'm also rumored to be butt buddies with FlixEffect.
Yum-Yum Bento Box | Pikko Pots | Adventures in Bentomaking


#74 Oct 31 2007 at 4:40 PM Rating: Good
Pikko Pots wrote:
And why is it that people turn forum regulars into my friends? I'm also rumored to be butt buddies with FlixEffect.

You... you mean we're not...?

Smiley: cry
#75 Oct 31 2007 at 4:41 PM Rating: Excellent
Pikko Pots wrote:

And why is it that people turn forum regulars into my friends?

Smiley: crymore

You wound me.
#76 Oct 31 2007 at 4:46 PM Rating: Excellent
9,835 posts
I was asking IN to provide evidence. I didn't know he could not post the information. Why is that such a bad thing to ask for evidence.

We are not allowed to post who has rated who. That's also the point of the system.

Also, I have very few 'friends' on this forum. I would never lie to anyone to cover up another poster . . .
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