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Alla might be infected?? Please read :/ (was forum=10)Follow

#1 Jan 02 2008 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
38 posts
Okay so, Logged in this morning to a LS mate saying he had 3 of the 4 key loggers that others had posted abuot here on alla that were ganking accounts.

So of course we're all asking what sites he had been to,since he had recently scanned and found nothing.

He said the only site he's visited since this all started was here, on Alla.

So then another member who's lost his account and had to restart logged to scan as well.

Comes back an hour or so later, saying he had a few too, and the only sites he goes to are this and FFXIwiki.

This is going to suck hard if it's the site everyone trusts and comes to hide in from all this, is part of the problem.

Is there anyway this can be checked out? I hope it's not true, but I just thought i'd put this out there, Just incase.

Rate down and flame if you want, but It's somthing I think at least the admins should look into. Better safe then sorry.

Edited, Jan 3rd 2008 12:57pm by Darqflame
#2 Jan 02 2008 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
6,424 posts
You want to post this in Site Feedback, since it's Alla-related.
#3 Jan 02 2008 at 8:09 AM Rating: Good
1,616 posts
I hope its just a coinsidence. (Did I spell that right?)
#4 Jan 02 2008 at 8:14 AM Rating: Excellent
776 posts
I've been tracking the account hacking issue on the main forum, and have used Alla on a number of computers. Nothing has turned up on any of my systems by any scan, and there don't appear to be any odd scripts that are trying to be run.

However, I have a premium account. I'm not seeing the banner ads, which did appear to have an impact on This would probably be a good place to start checking.

I don't think it's an issue myself. I think we would have seen more reports about this earlier, and more Alla users would likely be impacted (as this is going to affect multiple MMO's, not just FFXI).

#5 Jan 02 2008 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
38 posts
True, But I just thought I'd put it up here, incase one of the banners was causeing problems so we don't lose more accounts :( .

I'm going to talk to my LS more and see if they're positive that ony ffxiwiki and Alla where the sites they went to, and not any other FFXI sites.
#6 Jan 02 2008 at 8:19 AM Rating: Default
5,159 posts
Odds are the idiots followed links in topics about the hackings without checking them out first. That counts as visiting other sites, even if you don't type them in yourself, but most people conveniently forget it when it comes time to point the finger.
#7 Jan 02 2008 at 8:23 AM Rating: Good
38 posts
Odds are the idiots followed links in topics about the hackings without checking them out first. That counts as visiting other sites, even if you don't type them in yourself, but most people conveniently forget it when it comes time to point the finger.

Is that really needed? Why does there always have to be someone quick and eager to start insulting people.

First off no one is pointing fingers anywhere, I posted this in hopes to HELP Figure things out, not blame anyone, if you actually read my post you'd know this.

Secondly what makes them idiots? Because one got hacked? Because they had keyloggers and were concerned for the rest of the community?

How dare we, We must truely be idiots!

I mean seriously, either comment with something useful, or get out.

One of them didn't use ANY links, he's become very paranoid and cautious since he lost his account. he says it's only been alla and ffxiwiki.
Edited because of typos and more information.

Edited, Jan 2nd 2008 11:27am by Lolism
#8 Jan 02 2008 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
1,046 posts
That counts as visiting other sites, even if you don't type them in yourself, but most people conveniently forget it when it comes time to point the finger.

Huh? Who thinks that? I've never heard anyone claim that, let alone "most" people. You're saying that most people think that if you click on a link, that's somehow different than typing the link into the url bar?

Um... no. My 93 year old grandma whose never used a computer before could tell you that.
#9 Jan 02 2008 at 9:45 AM Rating: Good
776 posts
AyekaX wrote:
That counts as visiting other sites, even if you don't type them in yourself, but most people conveniently forget it when it comes time to point the finger.

Huh? Who thinks that? I've never heard anyone claim that, let alone "most" people. You're saying that most people think that if you click on a link, that's somehow different than typing the link into the url bar.

Actually you would be surprised. A lot of people don't realize that even links to images and seemingly harmless content can cause issues. They may not understand that these links are taking them off-site. A common trick to get people to unknowingly install trojans/keyloggers is to link to an image with a 'Hey, check out this cool screenshot'. It got to be so bad on the official WoW forums at one point, that every time you click a link, posts this huge disclaimer:

You are attempting to visit a page that is not a Blizzard website.

Blizzard Entertainment is not responsible for links to external (non-Blizzard Entertainment) sites that are posted by users of the World of Warcraft Forums and you activate any such links at your own risk. Note that certain links can contain malicious software that can jeopardize your account and computer security. Be especially cautious of links ending with ".jpg.html" and ".scr" as in many cases, harmful software is being hidden at locations that end with these extensions. You should also note that links to certain forwarding sites, such as, can mask the true destination of the link, leaving you and your computer system potentially vulnerable to malicious software.

Also, please be sure that you have the most secure operating system environment on your computer by running Windows Update (if you own a Windows-based PC) or Software Update (if you own a Mac) and installing all of the updates marked "High Priority". Note: you may have to run the updater more than once to ensure you have all the high priority updates; many of the patches require a system restart, and then additional patch installations to complete the process.

To continue to the link you were attempting to visit: Click Here

For more information on account security and how you can help protect yourself from account theft, please visit our Account Security page.


#10 Jan 02 2008 at 11:57 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
See, its things like this that annoy me. People start unfounded rumors about a site having keyloggerswhen there are many such possible vectors of infection.

We have a very active and technically savvy community here. When there is even so much as a dodgey advertisement that might contain spyware, people let us know here immidiatly and the ad is removed.

i've cycled through all our ads, there are none coming up with keyloggers or spyware or anything of the sort at the moment.

The only source of possible keyloggers on this site would be the people who create accounts for posting links to them, which we immidiatly ban. Average lifespan from time of posting to time of deletion for those is under 20 minutes. We can't really prevent those, the ones we do get we report to the appropriate authorities.

If you ever see a post or a banner or an ad that you suspect is malicious, report it immidiatly, here, or PM one of the admins. We have often in the past pulled entire advertisers until they are able to remove the offending ad, so please be assured that we take this very, very seriously.

Thank you

Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#11 Jan 02 2008 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
38 posts
See, its things like this that annoy me. People start unfounded rumors about a site having keyloggerswhen there are many such possible vectors of infection.

Tell me where I said it was a fact? Also tell me who I told that it's true?

I said it's possible and I was posting so people like you and the other admins could check and make sure it wasn't.

I never said " omgz alla iz hack-ed, every1"

I said that they only visisted two FF sites, this being one of them, and that it should be checked out just in case.

Why does everyone have to insult someone when they're trying to help and make sure all is safe for the community? Yeesh.
#12 Jan 02 2008 at 5:26 PM Rating: Excellent
2,638 posts
Because someone using google will see Alla is infected (missing the question marks) then it will go on google news then aunt Betty will talk about it to cousin James who will in turn call Tom who is the newscaster for WXYZ 420 Tom and the Cattle in the morning who will report that Alla has infected good american boys' computers and stolen their character (as in personnality) and that they are now mindless flesh eating zombies . Which will make the first page of the weekly world news, and thus alert the government authorities who will call the president who will order the destruction of the churh of pastafarism which will anger nerds worldwide leading to massive hackings, and gold selling spam bots making Kao do the kaosmash over 9000 times in one day thus breaking the internet.

Do you really want that to happen?
#13 Jan 02 2008 at 7:42 PM Rating: Excellent
Because someone using google will see Alla is infected (missing the question marks) then it will go on google news then aunt Betty will talk about it to cousin James who will in turn call Tom who is the newscaster for WXYZ 420 Tom and the Cattle in the morning who will report that Alla has infected good american boys' computers and stolen their character (as in personnality) and that they are now mindless flesh eating zombies . Which will make the first page of the weekly world news, and thus alert the government authorities who will call the president who will order the destruction of the churh of pastafarism which will anger nerds worldwide leading to massive hackings, and gold selling spam bots making Kao do the kaosmash over 9000 times in one day thus breaking the internet.

Do you really want that to happen?

That is the scariest thing that I've ever read in my whole damn life. It is scary because IT'S ALREADY ******* HAPPENING!!! THE HEAT FROM ALL OF THE RMT CPU CORES BEING ON 24/7 IS MELTING THE ARTIC; THESE ARE THE ENDTIMES!!!
Smiley: tinfoilhat
#14 Jan 03 2008 at 6:42 AM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
Lolism wrote:
Why does everyone have to insult someone when they're trying to help and make sure all is safe for the community? Yeesh.
If you think what Kao wrote can be misconstrued as an insult, I think you need to seek therapy.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#15 Jan 03 2008 at 8:42 AM Rating: Good
Uglysasquatch, Mercenary Major wrote:
Lolism wrote:
Why does everyone have to insult someone when they're trying to help and make sure all is safe for the community? Yeesh.
If you think what Kao wrote can be misconstrued as an insult, I think you need to seek therapy.
There's therapy for being an idiot now?
#16 Jan 03 2008 at 8:53 AM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
Mindel wrote:
There's therapy for being an idiot now?
Well, I was thinking he was delusional. Therapy (and some lovely medications) go with that.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#17 Jan 03 2008 at 9:46 AM Rating: Excellent
Mindel wrote:
...There's therapy for being an idiot now?

Shock treatments?
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