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#52 Jun 03 2008 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
6,318 posts
PsiChi the Fussy wrote:
Can the new posts be made bold and the mouseover only outline.

old: current wiehgt, current color
New: current color color, bold
mouseover old: current weight, underline
mouseover new: bold, underline

Looks like this was implemented. It mkes it much easier to spot new posts. Thank you.
#53 Jun 03 2008 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
6,318 posts
The main wikibase page needs an alignment tweak:

More of a nit-picking issue, but if you are going to do something, it should be done right. Smiley: tongue

Also, I noticed that the crop feature for images seems to be less buggy. Thank you.
#54 Jun 03 2008 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
881 posts
I saw one person mention this, but I wanted to say it also:

My armory import has incorrect stats for my hunter (Zehuntard). I wish I had 1600 AP, actually closer to 1060 and it shows my crit at 10%, closer to 16% in real...err wow life.

Otherwise I likey so far.
#55 Jun 03 2008 at 11:30 AM Rating: Excellent
1,274 posts
The errant vendor tags should be cleaned up now.
#56 Jun 03 2008 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
6,318 posts
PsiChi the Fussy wrote:
PsiChi the Fussy wrote:
Can the new posts be made bold and the mouseover only outline.

old: current wiehgt, current color
New: current color color, bold
mouseover old: current weight, underline
mouseover new: bold, underline

Looks like this was implemented. It mkes it much easier to spot new posts. Thank you.

It seems that the bolding of title names is being applied to all threads. It almost looks like it is altering the weight based on "new page view" where it should be "new post".

In other words: All the titles are bold when I load a page, then they will unbold as I click on them. If I navigate away then back, all titles will re-bold. Only ones with new posts should alter font weight.

I am not sure if this is something on my side or yours.
#57 Jun 03 2008 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
6,318 posts
Another nice feature that could be added in New WoW site 2.0â„¢ would be the ability for a user to pin certain forums in a dropdown. If I only check 4 or 5 forums, why not give me the ability to access those in a quicker fashion?

I'll get that customizable sidebar one way or another Smiley: grin

Edited, Jun 3rd 2008 4:18pm by PsiChi
#58 Jun 03 2008 at 12:30 PM Rating: Excellent
1,274 posts
PsiChi the Fussy wrote:

It seems that the bolding of title names is being applied to all threads. It almost looks like it is altering the weight based on "new page view" where it should be "new post".

In other words: All the titles are bold when I load a page, then they will unbold as I click on them. If I navigate away then back, all titles will re-bold. Only ones with new posts should alter font weight.

I am not sure if this is something on my side or yours.

I'm not seeing this. Only threads that have new replies since the last page load are getting re-bolded for me.

Another nice feature that could be added in New WoW site 2.0â„¢ would be the ability for a user to pin certain forums in a dropdown. If I only check 4 or 5 forums, why not give me the ability to access those in a quicker fashion?

I'll get that customizable sidebar one way or another

The new underlying system that builds the menus is a lot more flexible, making it an important step towards completely customizable menus. There's still a lot of work to be done before we could make that available, but it's now more likely to materialize as a feature at some point (no promises from me on that).
#59 Jun 03 2008 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
6,318 posts
rale wrote:
PsiChi the Fussy wrote:

It seems that the bolding of title names is being applied to all threads. It almost looks like it is altering the weight based on "new page view" where it should be "new post".

In other words: All the titles are bold when I load a page, then they will unbold as I click on them. If I navigate away then back, all titles will re-bold. Only ones with new posts should alter font weight.

I am not sure if this is something on my side or yours.

I'm not seeing this. Only threads that have new replies since the last page load are getting re-bolded for me.

Ok, it may be something on my end. I will doublecheck from home.

Another nice feature that could be added in New WoW site 2.0â„¢ would be the ability for a user to pin certain forums in a dropdown. If I only check 4 or 5 forums, why not give me the ability to access those in a quicker fashion?

I'll get that customizable sidebar one way or another

The new underlying system that builds the menus is a lot more flexible, making it an important step towards completely customizable menus. There's still a lot of work to be done before we could make that available, but it's now more likely to materialize as a feature at some point (no promises from me on that).
I am still bookmarking the post so I can reference it!
#60 Jun 03 2008 at 1:13 PM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
can we get a link to OOT forum in the dropdown too? cant really expect newer people to know where to post OT stuff if the link is "hidden" in the link "forums".
#61 Jun 04 2008 at 3:51 AM Rating: Decent
6,318 posts
The bolding issue is solely something I have at work. I will look at what it is doing with the cookies.

Thank you again for making that change.
#62 Jun 04 2008 at 4:17 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
There's just a few alignment problems left...
pic :)
Those 2 as well as the fact that the whole posts part isnt centered wich makes it look funny.
Other than that i like it, the colours could be a bit darker but it's not something i really care about.
#63 Jun 04 2008 at 5:15 AM Rating: Decent
The quests by zones.

I preferred your old format for several reasons. First and foremost it was very easy to follow quest chains forward or backward. Secondly, the format it was displayed in allowed the entire zone to be copy and pasted into an excel spreadsheet with just a couple of clicks. I would do this for my characters and then use the spreadsheet to check off quests that had been completed. It made it very easy to find out where I had broken a chain so I could renew it if desired.

Realizing that you prob won't be updating the old quest chain format is there a link you could provide that would allow me to look at the old quest zone format? After all I doubt if the pre BC quests will change very much as far as zones and chains.

#64 Jun 04 2008 at 6:05 AM Rating: Good
I mentioned this on the WoW forums version of this thread, but there are some odd formatting choices.

1) The left panel on each post (name, title, avatar, starts, post count, post score) has alignment issues. It starts out left-aligned, switches to center on the avatar and then goes back to left-aligned for the post score. I think everything should be left-aligned or, even better, move the post score to the title bar of the post next to where the rating buttons are now.
2) With the new Import from Armory function... will there be a way to make your character autoupdate from the Armory? It's somewhat obnoxious to have to do it manually; even just making it pull the data in once a week would be nice (although obviously making it optional would be best), and it'd make the feature much handier.


3) On the main page, the news post ratings are shown as numbers, rather than the words actually used. See the '5' next to the rate-up button?

Edited, Jun 4th 2008 10:58am by RPZip
#65 Jun 04 2008 at 7:12 AM Rating: Good
12,905 posts

compared with my wowsig, compared with what my sig links too...

all 3 are different.


well a cache dump later and wowsig matches what it links too, but still is wrong.

Edited, Jun 4th 2008 8:13am by KTurner
#66 Jun 04 2008 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
6,318 posts
RPZip wrote:

3) On the main page, the news post ratings are shown as numbers, rather than the words actually used. See the '5' next to the rate-up button?
I think that is intended. This may be so they can have user generated content be sunk if it is below a specific threshold.

Most blogs and CMS systems that use ratings just show numbers
#67 Jun 04 2008 at 10:27 AM Rating: Default
I am really not impressed. You may have done wonders with the back end to improve performance, but the interface has changed so much that I can't find anything that I'm used to searching for. Drop down menus may be loverly for some people, but I found it much easier having all the info visible on the page I was looking at. Please give us the option of using a static menu on the left side.
I'll give this a go for a few weeks, but I suspect I will be canceling my subscription and finding somewhere else to get the info I need :(((
#68 Jun 04 2008 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
6,318 posts
aneiled wrote:
I am really not impressed. You may have done wonders with the back end to improve performance, but the interface has changed so much that I can't find anything that I'm used to searching for. Drop down menus may be loverly for some people, but I found it much easier having all the info visible on the page I was looking at. Please give us the option of using a static menu on the left side.
I'll give this a go for a few weeks, but I suspect I will be canceling my subscription and finding somewhere else to get the info I need :(((
Or you could be like the people that have been using the same interface for 5+ years and just adapt.

What specific things are you not able to find? Everything is actually arranged logically (as opposed to the old site).

They have actually been really good about making functionality changes that people have asked for (aesthetics on the other hand... not so much). If there are specific things missing, then make them known so they can get fixed. If it is a general QQ @ the newnew, then you'll either have to adapt or leave.

This is also another case for letting premiums customize their menus! hint hint
#69 Jun 04 2008 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
6,318 posts
PsiChi the Fussy wrote:
The bolding issue is solely something I have at work. I will look at what it is doing with the cookies.

Thank you again for making that change.
I figured it out...

When I click on the arrow to take me to the last post, the thread does not toggle to "read"
When I click on the thread title, then it will toggle.

#70 Jun 04 2008 at 2:56 PM Rating: Good
251 posts
PsiChi the Fussy wrote:
PsiChi the Fussy wrote:
The bolding issue is solely something I have at work. I will look at what it is doing with the cookies.

Thank you again for making that change.
I figured it out...

When I click on the arrow to take me to the last post, the thread does not toggle to "read"
When I click on the thread title, then it will toggle.

If I remember correctly, It has always been like that. It is caused by the history of your computer showing the link as not visited (bolded) because the link is slightly different then the arrow link with the anchor link at the end.
#71 Jun 04 2008 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
807 posts
The new site looks good, but is missing some features I'd like to see carried over from the old one. One such feature being when viewing zone information, you could view quest reward items. I did not see that in the Feralas section I was just looking it. It did list xp, gold, and rep rewards, but nowhere did I see equipment rewards shown.

Edit for clarification: I realize when you click on a specific quest you can view the rewards, but it was nice to be able to view all the quests and see the item reward. Also, the ITEM tab only lists quest specific items, and does not show drops or quest rewards associated with that area.

Edited, Jun 4th 2008 4:58pm by Xizervexius
#72 Jun 04 2008 at 8:05 PM Rating: Good
3,339 posts
I'm not sure if this is just a server hamster issue or what. Because even with the WoW skin it shows up OK here in this forum but the WoW Gen forum it's an issue.

On some of the multi-page threads (usually within 1 of the roll-over so like 51 posts), the previous/1 page/2 page/whatever links don't show up. So I have to go back to the main forum page to look at page 1 or 2.

Specifically - I have my pages set to 50 posts.

This page I can see fine, but I see no page 2 link. But there IS a page 2 as stated on the main forum page and accessed by such. When I go back to the main forum and go to page two I cannot link back to page 1 without going back to the main forum page and clicking on 1.


ETA: It seems to have righted itself. Maybe it's a server hamster issue when there's just one post and they just haven't caught up yet to the fact. Have you considered steroids?

Edited, Jun 5th 2008 12:07am by Celcio
#73 Jun 05 2008 at 4:57 AM Rating: Decent
6,318 posts
I am not seeing a "Mark all as read" button. Can that be added?
#74 Jun 05 2008 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
6,318 posts
Would there be a possibility for either:
a) A wiki sandbox for those of us not familiar w/ wiki markup
b) Options to preview journal entries as a wiki post (prefered option)

#75 Jun 05 2008 at 12:59 PM Rating: Excellent
1,876 posts
Another couple of tweaks that could be made to the wiki side of things...

1) Add an option from the preview page to save the changes there. It's not a bad setup at all right now, but anything to reduce page clicks is generally a good thing. Preview > backbutton > Save isn't very intuitive.

2) On the page (, consider altering the 40man instance colors to something other than FF0000. This is the same red that is now used for "redlinks" on wiki pages, and may confuse some users (or us bored people who are spamming the wiki with new content! /highfives the others!)

3) On the wiki FAQs page ( in the ordered lists section (this is a locked wiki page):
# Hash Marks and #* Hard Mark-Asterisks


1. Numbered lists, and
* Secondary bulleted lists.

* Aserisks and #* Asterisk-Hash Marks


* Bulleted lists, and
1. Secondary numbered lists.

In the first part, it should say "Hash Mark-Asterisks" rather than "Hard Mark". In the second part, the "* Aserisks and #* Asterisk-Hash Marks" should be "*Asterisks and *# Asterisk-Hash Mark" (Note both the correction of the first "Asterisks" as well as the order change with the asterisk and hash mark).

4) Quests page ( for example)
a) Add a "Both" to the filter dropdown for Side
b) Apply sorted to entire Datagrid, rather than just current page. (I'm sure this would entail much more backend work than a simple edit/addition, due to that mostly, it would just be a "Nice to have" feature.
c) When you click on "Add..." to add a tag to filter by, there is no way to then remove that extra drop down.

5) The "Your Charaters" page, it would be "Nice to have" a way to delete single (and multiple) associated characters from there. After awhile using WoW reader, my list is full of deleted alts and characters I had no intention of ever uploading.

6) (This is a big one in my opinion). Using WoW Mob:Void Reaver for example, should remove the "Heroic" tab for all instances that are not able to be done in heroic mode. This can give a huge misconception that these instances are available to be run in heroic mode, especially considering that loot is tied to that datagrid. You have this hidden on some old world pages WoW Mob:Deathsworn Captain for example. WoW Mob: Lady Vashj is an example of an BC mob with no heroic tab, and WoW Mob:Twilight Lord Kelris is an example of an old world mobb with a heroic tab. This would likely be a fairly intense project for a user to undertake, having to click on every single instance mob, checking to see if it has the proper tabs.

7) Image preview page is missing it's content background ( ). There are a few other pages like this, and I'll have to go through and find them again, if I do, I'll edit them into this post.

Edited, Jun 5th 2008 5:05pm by cafeenoftheazurestorm
#76 Jun 05 2008 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
I don't much like the new look, for a lot of the reasons all ready posted:

The color is rather blah.

Everything blends together, sections don't stand out.

Text is too small.

Drop down menus are nice but took me a while to find them.

Also, I saw that this had been reported previously but thought I would mention it again. Skinning, mining and herbalism are missing from the drop down menu under Game Info, Professions, Primary.
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