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Karma SystemFollow

#28 Jun 23 2008 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
thatdamnelf wrote:
An admin, in the middle of one of the user bases flame fests wrote:
The karma thing is unfortunately unavoidable in a thread about a sensitive topic like this. When people feel strongly one way, they will rate down the opposite opinion simply because they do not agree with the argument. This is allowable and a reasonable reason for rating down.

Emphasis mine.
I disagree with that.

Golly that's too bad.

But, you know, oh well. Thems the breaks. You aren't an admin, nor are you someone who's input makes a big difference on the site. Smiley: frown

When you learn not to care so much about karma, you are able to take glee in the fact that you can get to someone so much they have to rate you down just to feel better.

#29 Jun 23 2008 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
But, you know, oh well. Thems the breaks. You aren't an admin, nor are you someone who's input makes a big difference on the site.

Why bother even having this feedback forum then?
#30 Jun 23 2008 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
2,793 posts
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
thatdamnelf wrote:
An admin, in the middle of one of the user bases flame fests wrote:
The karma thing is unfortunately unavoidable in a thread about a sensitive topic like this. When people feel strongly one way, they will rate down the opposite opinion simply because they do not agree with the argument. This is allowable and a reasonable reason for rating down.

Emphasis mine.
I disagree with that.

Golly that's too bad.

But, you know, oh well. Thems the breaks. You aren't an admin, nor are you someone who's input makes a big difference on the site. Smiley: frown

When you learn not to care so much about karma, you are able to take glee in the fact that you can get to someone so much they have to rate you down just to feel better.

You are SUCH an ass. Fuck off.

Apearently anytime anyone said it was to reduce admin workload and make the forums self moderating they were wrong...Cuz you know, us rating the crap out of opinions and camping people over quotes in their sig reduces admin workload way more than self policing to remove spam etc (which still winds up reported in the feedback section before its gone, go figure) would.

an admin replying to a complaint about someones sig wrote:
The karma system is working as intended. If it bothers you rate him down until he removes it.

another user wrote:
Uhm, forgive me if I am mistaken, but wasn't the karma system designed to filter out trash posts and not to be used as a sort of "I hate you, drop below the filter already!" punishment?

How is he supposed to know why he's being karma camped?

yes, an admin wrote:
I don't suppose I could convince you to space out your ratings on lefein a bit more, or maybe go after his/her/its older posts instead? it gets cranky when people rate it in clumps, and then I have to listen to it whine. it isn't plesent. Id apriciate ot greatly if you were so inclined.

this thread is falling into the great abyss, buh bye now.

Go figure.

At this point its very clear the system does work as they want it to by doing nothing at all.

Edited, Jun 24th 2008 11:58am by thatdamnelf

#31 Jun 23 2008 at 9:11 PM Rating: Good
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
catwho, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
Usually people karma bomb someone because they 1. Asked a question that was answered in the forum stickies because it's asked once a week 2. Posted a drama thread without any evidence, usually under a sock puppet, and 3. Went off on someone in an unjustified manner during the course of a drama thread. (I.e. invoked Godwin's Law.)

You post far too often in the Asylum and OOT to not know better than this. Admittedly it's become milder of late, but there was a period when most every post by a vsistor in the asylum and OOT hit default or sub-default because it wasn't by a regular or didn't appease the regulars. Sometimes new posters would get into karma wars with older posters, but would take quite the beating because they didn't have the post count or the backing. Being rated down for a simple difference of opinions wasn't too uncommon for some boards. There are a plethora of inappropriate reasons to rate, and they occur all the time.
catwho, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
Most of the time, though, the karma system works as intended.
No, it's jsut that the flaws are largely covered up by the overall impotency of the system. The only real consistency is with gold sellers and other marketeers. Outside of that teh system really does not work and is highly inconsistent. My often quoted example is RPZip, he's posted here for years, generally quite knowledgeable about the games he plays, and contributes a good amount to the site, but he is a scholar for whatever reason. The same could be said for Jordster. The reason most people are able gloss over the inconsistencies and flaws in the system that are shown in these cases cases is specifically because the system is so useless that no one cares that Jord and RPZip are scholar because even if they were default people would still listen to them. No one bases their opnion on the rating of a poster, so that rating is useless. Flaws hidden by impotence.
catwho, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
If you're getting rated down, figure out why and fix it. Bad grammar? Edit your posts. Asking FAQs? Check the database. Flaming people for no reason? Cool your temper.

That's silly for two reasons.

1. The thing about the karma system is that you don't have any idea why you've been rated. Bad grammar can get you rated down if someone's a grammar ****, or it can get you rated up if someone thought it was funny, you can't really know what effect it will have. Likewise you don't know whether you should really pay attention to a rating or not. Did I get rated down because their is a genuine flaw in my opinion about the warrior class, or did I get rated down because someone couldn't stand me proving them wrong? Did I get rated up because I made a genuinely useful contribution, or is someone goading me on? You don't know.

2. You can't fix it. Generally people rate you because they either like you or dislike you, which is slightly based on what you did in that specific post, but they really don't rate you down for a specific reason. Several OOT regulars will rate down new posters for poor grammar, but ignore it for regulars they like. It has less to do with the content of the post and more their opinion of the poster.
thatdamnelf wrote:
An admin, in the middle of one of the user bases flame fests wrote:

The karma thing is unfortunately unavoidable in a thread about a sensitive topic like this. When people feel strongly one way, they will rate down the opposite opinion simply because they do not agree with the argument. This is allowable and a reasonable reason for rating down.

Emphasis mine.
I disagree with that.


I've also heard at least twice from an admin that it is ok to karma camp other posters because I don't like them under the condition that I don't go searching for old posts, but only rate down the new ones I find. That's just silly. We're not even pretending that we're supposed to rate on a post by post basis now?

Edited, Jun 24th 2008 12:18am by Allegory
#32 Jun 23 2008 at 9:34 PM Rating: Good
Karma really is broke, and you can tell because I'm still not a guru.
#33 Jun 24 2008 at 6:20 AM Rating: Decent
Oh no, I got rated down!

Yeah, I agree guys. The karma system must be broken now. Let's fix it!
#34 Jun 24 2008 at 6:44 AM Rating: Decent
In my view, the only weakness of the karma system is the 'untouchables'.

"Yay now I have 50k posts I can be an asshat as much as I like"

I think it should calculate your scholar/sage/guruhood from your last 1k posts or so.
#35 Jun 24 2008 at 6:58 AM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
Kelnoen the Malevolent wrote:
"Yay now I have 50k posts I can be an asshat as much as I like"

Most asshats are asshats from the get go. I've never been a cheery poster. Never will be.
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#36 Jun 24 2008 at 7:15 AM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
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this thread is falling into the great abyss, buh bye now.

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