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Admin-moderated or Member-moderated?Follow

#1 Nov 05 2008 at 12:15 PM Rating: Excellent
I have a complaint, and I'm airing it here. I could PM Allakhazam directly, but prefer not to, simply because I not only want to complain about an admin, but also want to get feedback from whoever reads this about the current policy regarding the moderation of this site.

In this thread, Wiggley made a post that, while having something in it that could have been interpreted as sarcasm, was fairly innocent in my interpretation, and suddenly she found herself berated by an admin for acting like an 'ethug'. I didn't see that in the original reply, but I can see how it could have been read as a 'snarky' comment- even though she also welcomed the OP back to WoW. Rather than concede that he could have misinterpreted the emotion behind the comment Wiggley made, he continued to chide her as if he was absolutely right. Now, we've taken a minor issue and blown it way out of proportion.

At the same time, as has been mentioned, we have a number of veteran posters (Bodhisattva, MentalFrog and Theophany come to mind quite readily) that, while having had somewhat abrasive personalities before, seem to revel in one-liners, trash-talk, putdowns, and basically trolling the forums, with an occasional helpful post to offset the majority of their crap. They have been doing this for months, and seem to be doing it more and more frequently, padding their postcount with vitriol and spite. However, I assume that since they're long-time posters who occasionally have moments of helpful productivity, they're overlooked by the same admin. In fact, I felt it necessary to comment about one of them in a post today, and find it very odd that Akuin decided to lambaste Wiggley for her comment while overlooking their comments calling people moron, noob, loser, etc.

I've also noticed admins stepping in more & more frequently to moderate threads- does this mean Allakhazam is taking a more hardline approach to site moderation? Are we going to see more admin intervention? Are the admins going to be trained in proper handling of situations, or are we going to get treated the same way that Wiggley was when we've run afoul of their delicate sensibilities?

I'll say this- if there's more admin involvement in moderating threads and stopping asshats, make sure you choose your battles and go for the people stirring the pot before you deal with the minor infractions. Also remind the admins that it's not always easy to read someone's emotional intent when reading text, and a lot of that emotion or attitude that is read can often be due to the reader's interpretation. Finally, pick battles. Small comments that could have been curiosity, a joke or a snide comment can be overlooked more easily than someone saying "you're a noob that should l2p or quit the game".

I'm sorry- I'm tired of the double standard being displayed on the forums these days. Certain people seem to revel in asshatery and get encouraged by a verbal section of their peers, and the admins constantly say that the forums are member-moderated; only for admins to step in where their involvement wasn't required. Smiley: disappointed

Edit: A perfect example, also by Akuin, in this thread:
Akuin wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:
NeoJaecin wrote:
when I got pst from the same toon

I have news for you; you are a noob.

PST means "please send tell".

I have to totally agree. This has become very very anoying.

I wonder who ever started this. :/

Edit #2- and from this thread, you can see a typical Bodhisattva response to the OP:
bodhisattva wrote:
Terrible enchant that shows your understanding of the game is next to zero and that you are too cheap to spend mats on a relatively cheap enchant that is much better.

Don't really need to cliffnotes that, but if I did

Edited, Nov 5th 2008 4:32pm by Wondroustremor

Edited, Nov 6th 2008 12:15am by Wordaen
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#2 Nov 05 2008 at 12:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
I have a reply, but no time to type it all out, bbiab.

#3 Nov 05 2008 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
I'm about to head home anyway, so may not get back to this until tomorrow morning.
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#4 Nov 05 2008 at 12:55 PM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
I am making tornado preparations, will be back shortly.

#5 Nov 05 2008 at 1:34 PM Rating: Good
122 posts
Alright Id like to clear this up, which I thought I did when I closed that thread.

Wiggley replied to the thread and it did come off sarcastic.(I wasnt the only one who picked this up)

So I replied with my thoughts on the matter. Look I dont know if a lot of you read the forums or not,

but recently people have not been as helpful/friendly. I spend several hours a day reading forums and have

noticed this. And Im tierd of it. When I read Wiggleys reply I just had enough and let what was on my mind out.

While I know lots of you dont agree with it I am entitled to my opinion just as you all are. It is difficult

to tell someones tone on posts, but thats what I have to do and do my best to inturpret it.

I am sorry if I offened many of you and I will be doing my absolute best to not allow this to happen again.
#6 Nov 05 2008 at 1:35 PM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
First off, let me say hello Wondrous, been quite some time since I have harassed you. How have ya been?

Now onto business:

Wondroustremor the Flatulent wrote:
In this thread, Wiggley made a post that, while having something in it that could have been interpreted as sarcasm, was fairly innocent in my interpretation, and suddenly she found herself berated by an admin for acting like an 'ethug'. I didn't see that in the original reply, but I can see how it could have been read as a 'snarky' comment- even though she also welcomed the OP back to WoW. Rather than concede that he could have misinterpreted the emotion behind the comment Wiggley made, he continued to chide her as if he was absolutely right. Now, we've taken a minor issue and blown it way out of proportion.

I want to begin by saying that I found myself not finding the sarcasm in the post and actually thought that to myself of how awesome would it be to get downloads more quickly. However Akuin found the reply differently and it could be because of dealing with those members that do tend to be sarcastic without even trying.

Wondroustremor the Flatulent wrote:
At the same time, as has been mentioned, we have a number of veteran posters (Bodhisattva, MentalFrog and Theophany come to mind quite readily) that, while having had somewhat abrasive personalities before, seem to revel in one-liners, trash-talk, putdowns, and basically trolling the forums, with an occasional helpful post to offset the majority of their crap. They have been doing this for months, and seem to be doing it more and more frequently, padding their postcount with vitriol and spite. However, I assume that since they're long-time posters who occasionally have moments of helpful productivity, they're overlooked by the same admin. In fact, I felt it necessary to comment about one of them in a post today, and find it very odd that Akuin decided to lambaste Wiggley for her comment while overlooking their comments calling people moron, noob, loser, etc.

I agree.

Wondroustremor the Flatulent wrote:
I've also noticed admins stepping in more & more frequently to moderate threads- does this mean Allakhazam is taking a more hardline approach to site moderation? Are we going to see more admin intervention? Are the admins going to be trained in proper handling of situations, or are we going to get treated the same way that Wiggley was when we've run afoul of their delicate sensibilities?

I'll say this- if there's more admin involvement in moderating threads and stopping asshats, make sure you choose your battles and go for the people stirring the pot before you deal with the minor infractions. Also remind the admins that it's not always easy to read someone's emotional intent when reading text, and a lot of that emotion or attitude that is read can often be due to the reader's interpretation. Finally, pick battles. Small comments that could have been curiosity, a joke or a snide comment can be overlooked more easily than someone saying "you're a noob that should l2p or quit the game".

I'm sorry- I'm tired of the double standard being displayed on the forums these days. Certain people seem to revel in asshatery and get encouraged by a verbal section of their peers, and the admins constantly say that the forums are member-moderated; only for admins to step in where their involvement wasn't required. Smiley: disappointed

I do not disagree with you on your comments. I would like to let you know we appreciate your comments and suggestions and that your complaint has not been ignored, and has been dealt with internally. I also appreciate the time you took to let us know how you feel.

Let me continue by telling you a story.

Once upon a time there was this EQ caster that designed a guide that turned into a fantastic website. It began as a guide and turned into the #1 place for MMO info. From just a few admirers to several million page hits a day, we have grown from a mom & pop per se to corporate and things change. We once were totally community moderated with only admin intervention in extreme cases. When I began as the first admin, I wasn't to do much moderation as the community was fairly well at doing it itself. However as our numbers grew in users and admins, more intervention has been needed, however we have tried to keep that minimal... until recently.

We have contracted several larger gaming companies ad businesses and partnerships and some of them prefer our site to be more kid friendly than it has been in previous years. We have tried to make this change slowly and only intervene when needed. What you need to understand is we are all human and text is hard to determine the purpose behind it. Some times an admin has put up with so much crap that it's first instinct to jump the gun. I am not saying it is ok, but we have ALL done it at one point or another, some times without even realizing it. If you see a post you think should be moderated, you contact one of us by email, PM or post in here, same for admin behavior you feel is inappropriate.

#7 Nov 05 2008 at 1:38 PM Rating: Excellent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Looking at that thread, I have no idea what prompted Akuin to respond the way he did to a comment that didn't seem sarcastic at all. IMO it was unprofessional for an admin, and the closing "I dun care what any of you think lolz, /thread" comment at the end just made it reek of childishness.
#8 Nov 05 2008 at 1:40 PM Rating: Excellent
Fynlar wrote:
Looking at that thread, I have no idea what prompted Akuin to respond the way he did to a comment that didn't seem sarcastic at all. IMO it was unprofessional for an admin, and the closing "I dun care what any of you think lolz, /thread" comment at the end just made it reek of childishness.

Same. I hope that Wiggley was given an apology.
#9 Nov 05 2008 at 1:40 PM Rating: Excellent
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
Mistress Darqflame wrote:
Once upon a time there was this EQ caster that designed a guide that turned into a fantastic website. It began as a guide and turned into the #1 place for MMO info. From just a few admirers to several million page hits a day, we have grown from a mom & pop per se to corporate and things change. We once were totally community moderated with only admin intervention in extreme cases. When I began as the first admin, I wasn't to do much moderation as the community was fairly well at doing it itself. However as our numbers grew in users and admins, more intervention has been needed, however we have tried to keep that minimal... until recently.

We have contracted several larger gaming companies ad businesses and partnerships and some of them prefer our site to be more kid friendly than it has been in previous years. We have tried to make this change slowly and only intervene when needed. What you need to understand is we are all human and text is hard to determine the purpose behind it. Some times an admin has put up with so much crap that it's first instinct to jump the gun. I am not saying it is ok, but we have ALL done it at one point or another, some times without even realizing it. If you see a post you think should be moderated, you contact one of us by email, PM or post in here, same for admin behavior you feel is inappropriate.
And this is why we stick with Allakhazam. Smiley: bowdown

That, and they hire Hawt admins Smiley: inlove
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#10 Nov 05 2008 at 1:49 PM Rating: Excellent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
What you need to understand is we are all human and text is hard to determine the purpose behind it. Some times an admin has put up with so much crap that it's first instinct to jump the gun.

Understandable, but this admin appears almost brand new. (Yes, I'm basing it on the low post count and the fact that I've never heard of the name before today, which don't necessarily prove my hypothesis correct.) I'm not saying that it's a bad thing if he's new, but being that the case, he probably hasn't even had the chance yet to deal with nearly as much "crap" as people like you or Kaolian or other long-time mods on this site.

In any event, I do think it's a good thing if he's willing to apologize, but he should probably place it in the relevant closed thread where it is most likely to be seen by the offended party (being that, y'know, admins have the power to do things like that)
#11 Nov 05 2008 at 1:52 PM Rating: Excellent
I have only been here a couple short years now, and I have nowhere near the post count that most here have, but I have read many threads both in the WoW forums and in my home of FFXI... But I could not believe what I saw in that thread. I'm a little disappointed in general at that post being singled out, when it didn't seem at all sarcastic. She sounded British, yes, with the use of "then", but sarcastic?

I am saddened today. :(
#12 Nov 05 2008 at 2:04 PM Rating: Excellent
2,915 posts
Without commenting directly about the thread/admin in question, I do have to agree with the OP in general.

I have always been for admins having their right to an opinion here just as every other poster does, but there are certain few, who don't seem to understand where to draw the line of having an opinion, and being an e-thug in their own. This is typically not behavior of long-time admins, but ones that are more recent (as of the ZAM expansion time frame). That's not to say all of the newer ones, but a certain few for sure.

Meanwhile, as Wondrous mentioned, there are still posters who do nothing but bash and smash every post and person they get their hands on, either to +1 or look cool for the other bashers, that not only get ignored, but even celebrated.

I believe part of that issue could be some of those in question were part of that same group prior to being an admin.

Edited, Nov 5th 2008 5:06pm by chluke
#13 Nov 05 2008 at 2:09 PM Rating: Excellent
Personally I didn't see anything sarcastic at all in that post as a matter of fact I saw it more as "wow how did you get all the patches so fast I want that"

Then again it is really hard to get a feeling for a post since it's text and there are no facial expressions or tone behind it. I just hope that Wiggley is given an apology. my 2 copper :)

#14 Nov 05 2008 at 2:32 PM Rating: Excellent
One thing you all need to keep in mind regarding my newest admin is that he doesn't know you all as a community yet either. Nor do you know him. While we are focusing on a more kid friendly approach to many situations, he has not been around you all as long as I or other admins have so give him some time to get to know your posting styles and when you have or haven't crossed the line. What I may see as a jab or harmless asshat posting, he or another admin may read differently and react to differently.

Being an admin is a hard job when it comes to posts. You can't immediately read the tone of a post right off the bat when you don't know the user. I made many mistakes in that regard myself when I first started, jsut ask anyone in the oot about that. If Akuin made an error, he has admitted to it here, publicly and has learned from it a little more about the job. You all gave me a chance when I first started, as well as DF, Tyrandor and the rest of us. Give Akuin time to get to know you and vice versa. And if you have a beef with one of my wow cms, come to me and I'll look into it. Cool?
#15 Nov 05 2008 at 2:37 PM Rating: Excellent
Thanks for the reply, DF- I appreciate your objectivity! I didn't expect you (or whichever admin had ended up responding) to agree with me 100%, but I'm glad I got my feelings aired. Smiley: nod

I really do still prefer Allakhazam to any other gaming site out there, which is why I stay (as well as why I keep renewing that premium membership). I think that, like Akuin, I am a little perturbed at the tendency of posters to emulate what they think is cool behaviour- which makes it feel less like Allakhazam and more like the O-boards at times. I was also rather surprised by an admin responding in the manner they did- although I do understand that admins are human like everyone else, and prone to error and emotional responses.

However, I view administrators like I would a police officer in a way- they are the public face of enforcement (as well as management, but that isn't something the average poster is privy to), and as such are more in the spotlight (and crossfire) than other posters. When one acts out of turn, it can appear to be an abuse of power (although appearances may not be accurate). Thus, an admin should try to remain objective and impartial when setting out "judgements". Perhaps in future, a little research or a PM for clarification could be done before replying. As an example, look at Wiggley's post history- she's hardly prone to flamefests IIRC. (For the record, I didn't know she was a "she" until she mentioned it in the thread).

I do accept the reply made by Akuin, and if he/she re-reads my post I do, in fact, mention my concern regarding posters' attitudes lately, so we are in accord there. I think my biggest issue at the time was that he (I will assume he for now) replied with such a strong response for such a minor infraction that it rather shocked me. Also, IMO (and this is really just my feeling), to tell someone off, then to make a response basically restating their position and locking the thread is not a professional way to close an issue which clearly upset Wiggley as much as Akuin.

I do appreciate that, given the rise in negative posts, administrator intervention is needed more. However, I was tired and frustrated, and then saw that thread, and (like Akuin, I guess) something went pop, and I felt I had to respond. I must confess, I find that Wordaen usually intervenes at very appropriate times, and is quite professional in his method of handling the issues.

Finally, since you asked, all is well with me & mine. Mrs. Wondy & I celebrated our 10th annniversary by buying a house here (Bermuda real estate is criminally expensive), and we have knocked out one year of our thirty-year bondage to the bank. She's working as a counsellor at the local community college, and this week, it was announced that I am getting a small promotion from hardware monkey to apprenticing with the consultants at my company. We're also considering a 5-year plan to sell our house, get our Landed Immigrant status, and move to Canada, but we haven't decided yet! I have been posting a lot less in recent months, but that's more due to my current job having higher demands and a block on Allakhazam than personal preference. Smiley: wink2

Edit: Heh- started this before Wordaen's post, so no, I wasn't just kissing butt. Smiley: tongue

Edited, Nov 5th 2008 6:38pm by Wondroustremor
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#16 Nov 05 2008 at 2:46 PM Rating: Excellent
328 posts
Oh crikey!

I dont know what to say here. Talk about stirring up a bit of trouble here!

Someone pointed out that i sounded British, that's because i Whether my Britishness (which I'm unaware of) came across as sarcastic, I've no idea. What offended me the most on that post was that when I reitterated that i wasn't being sarcastic, the admin in question continued to belittle me. they say, its now old ground, I've pretty much made my feelings clear on that particular thread, but I do have to say that I'm glad that most folk did understand my meaning on my original post.

*edit- spelling

Edited, Nov 5th 2008 6:28pm by Wiggley
#17 Nov 05 2008 at 3:01 PM Rating: Excellent
Wordaen, Keeper of the Banstick wrote:
One thing you all need to keep in mind regarding my newest admin is that he doesn't know you all as a community yet either. Nor do you know him. While we are focusing on a more kid friendly approach to many situations, he has not been around you all as long as I or other admins have so give him some time to get to know your posting styles and when you have or haven't crossed the line. What I may see as a jab or harmless asshat posting, he or another admin may read differently and react to differently.

Being an admin is a hard job when it comes to posts. You can't immediately read the tone of a post right off the bat when you don't know the user. I made many mistakes in that regard myself when I first started, jsut ask anyone in the oot about that. If Akuin made an error, he has admitted to it here, publicly and has learned from it a little more about the job. You all gave me a chance when I first started, as well as DF, Tyrandor and the rest of us. Give Akuin time to get to know you and vice versa. And if you have a beef with one of my wow cms, come to me and I'll look into it. Cool?

We had to give you a chance, you're the keeper of the banstick we are scared of you :P


Edited, Nov 5th 2008 6:03pm by wwdragon
#18 Nov 05 2008 at 10:17 PM Rating: Default
Wondroustremor the Flatulent wrote:

However, I was tired and frustrated, and then saw that thread, and (like Akuin, I guess) something went pop, and I felt I had to respond.

That's pretty much it, have something in common with Akuin there.
I've been hearing him complain about the years of negative responses building up more and more on the o-boards, in /tradechat, in all corners of the Internet. Wiggley's comment was the straw that broke the camel's back, intended or not.

Out of all this, though, I am taking serious issue with the mob mentality that resulted. I'm taking very serious issue with the fact that my relationship was brought into this by a stranger and that I was kharma-bombed for daring to even make a post to respond to him/her. What gives you all the right to attack me like this and then call abuse of power when an admin speaks his mind? We're all human. We have feelings. You can sit on your high horses and make self-righteous comments all you want, but don't be dragging my relationship into this.

That is all.


Edited, Nov 5th 2008 10:17pm by Tepetkhet
#19 Nov 05 2008 at 11:54 PM Rating: Excellent
328 posts
I've been hearing him complain about the years of negative responses building up more and more on the o-boards, in /tradechat, in all corners of the Internet. Wiggley's comment was the straw that broke the camel's back, intended or not.

As a new member of the admin team I'd have thought that he wouldn't have such a jaded view of Alla and it's members in such a short length of time?

Tepekthet- you claim that Akuin's reponse was akin to wondroustremor, by quoting his comment that "something popped and he had to comment" as did Akuin. The difference here is that wondroustremor did it in a civilised manner without needed to resort to personal insults like I recieved, to which I've still recieved no apology.

#20 Nov 06 2008 at 12:15 AM Rating: Excellent
Wiggley, I shot you a PM about the matter. Wondrous, thank you for sharing your concerns with us on better ways for all of the admins to look at situations going forward.

I'm going to go ahead and lock this thread for now but if you all need to talk to me about this stuff, you are more than welcome to PM me directly and I will be happy to listen. Same thing goes for any of the wow CM folks.
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