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#1 Jan 14 2009 at 9:53 AM Rating: Sub-Default
I apologize to the Admin's since this thread has already been brought up many times, but I must object when users start taking jabs at me because I have a baby!


Llester wrote:
you have a 2 year old child?
no offense, but i really thought the OP was like .... a teenage kid.
i have to go pray or something now.

Edited, Jan 14th 2009 4:55pm by Kaolian
#2REDACTED, Posted: Jan 14 2009 at 10:57 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Also, please warn/reprimand Norellicus. I can't stand my son being brought into this.
#3 Jan 14 2009 at 11:03 AM Rating: Excellent
13,007 posts
Yeah, he's not "bringing your son into this." He's saying that he's surprised that someone with children is acting the way you do. And also he's implying that you've got the reading comprehension of a 2-year-old, which this thread seems to prove.

Edited, Jan 14th 2009 1:08pm by AshOnMyTomatoes
#4REDACTED, Posted: Jan 14 2009 at 11:09 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Have you read the entire thread, AshOnMyTomatoes? If not, don't comment. If so, then tell your opinion on if he's right or wrong. I don't need you to help me understand simple english.
#5 Jan 14 2009 at 11:16 AM Rating: Excellent
13,007 posts
OmmyLeviathan wrote:
Have you read the entire thread, AshOnMyTomatoes? If not, don't comment. If so, then tell your opinion on if he's right or wrong. I don't need you to help me understand simple english.

I can bet that Norelicus and umpteen other posters on here just skim and see everyone bashing me, and then just jump on the bandwagon. I've brought up many inconsistencies and actually tried to make rational arguments in the first two posts. I totally did not deserve all the flaming and bashing which was thrown my way.

Edit: Nice ninja edit. Ok, where in the thread is it "proven" that I have the reading comprehension of a 2 year old?

Edited, Jan 14th 2009 11:10am by OmmyLeviathan
I'm not going to get into an argument with you in the Feedback Forum, its not the place for it. Suffice it to say that this thread has already been addressed twice here, and now you're just looking for excuses to bring it up again.
#6REDACTED, Posted: Jan 14 2009 at 11:19 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) The point is that I will not take any crap from anyone on this thread. So your comment "which this thread seems to prove" is not needed, if you are not interested in discussing it. It's really easy to make unfounded attacks, isn't it? But people just side-step or ignore when I call them on it.
#7 Jan 14 2009 at 11:22 AM Rating: Excellent
13,007 posts
Here's a thought: shush.
#8REDACTED, Posted: Jan 14 2009 at 11:25 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Would you just "shush" if someone plowed over your mailbox or threw a baseball through your window? No, I've been wronged and have every right to defend myself, within the guidelines of these forums. If I violate the rules, the administrators will notify me. Why don't you tell all the ill-informed people in the SAM forums who keep that thread alive to "shush"?
#9 Jan 14 2009 at 11:27 AM Rating: Excellent
13,007 posts
As I mentioned earlier, it looks to me as if that thread has been brought up twice before in the Feedback forum already; once by you, and once by someone else. If the admins weren't going to help you dig yourself out of your little rage hole then, this new thread certainly isn't going to change anything.

Edited, Jan 14th 2009 1:30pm by AshOnMyTomatoes
#10 Jan 14 2009 at 11:48 AM Rating: Excellent
2,915 posts
I read through your second response, because I don't have all day to read 4 pages on a job I don't play.

You asked a question, seemed legitimate. Some people replied in a less than desirable way, others gave well thought, detailed responses (which you even commended them on).

Why couldn't you have just ignored the others? It could have saved 3-1/2 following pages of this petty arguing, and you needing to ask twice to lock threads and/or mute people. I'm not saying people who respond with junk/spam/insults are right, but if you can learn to just ignore those comments completely, you'll save yourself a lot of headache.

Debate is fine, but it involves give and take from both sides. Just as you don't like the people who answer with "yourdoinitwrong" (which you keep bringing up), you can't keep coming back at those who give proper answers with "istilldontseeit" either.

Lastly, if you don't want your personal life ripped on in a public forum, don't bring it there.

So, I have a request for the Admins. Can that thread please be locked? Then no one replies to it anymore, and there won't be any more requests about mistreatment from it.
#11REDACTED, Posted: Jan 14 2009 at 1:08 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Thank you chluke for taking the time to do some reading and making a well thoughtout reply from a more neutral standpoint.
#12 Jan 14 2009 at 1:09 PM Rating: Excellent
13,007 posts
OmmyLeviathan wrote:
Next time, I guess I will be ready for those kinds of immature comments and let them just roll off my back.
Welcome to the Internet, enjoy your stay.
#13REDACTED, Posted: Jan 14 2009 at 1:18 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ash, have you read the entire thread? Assuming you haven't (since you still haven't answered the question), then you have no basis to comment on it.
#14 Jan 14 2009 at 1:21 PM Rating: Excellent
13,007 posts
OmmyLeviathan wrote:
Ash, have you read the entire thread? Assuming you haven't (since you still haven't answered the question), then you have no basis to comment on it.

You don't realize, this thread has been extended to this length because you seem to want to keep blaming me. Guess what, I'm not going away, especially since I started this thread in the first place.

I don't see why you keep poking at me and wondering why I'm replying.
Yeah, I have. In fact, I've been following it since the first time it showed up in the Feedback forum, because I read the Feedback forum every day. You want a synopsis? You argued against typical SAM strategy, people told you the reasons that said strategy was, in fact, typical, you became a nuisance and for some reason mentioned that you have children, someone mentioned your child, you ran here. Does that about sum it up?

This was a dead horse like a week ago. Now it's just irritating.
#15 Jan 14 2009 at 2:21 PM Rating: Excellent
10,815 posts
just so i'm not accused of "karma camping" or whatever, i want to point out that i rated all of ommy's posts down because i thought they were bad. s/he continues to whine about how every poster OWES it to her/him to address a dead horse topic (SAM 6-hit setups) to which s/he contributed nothing new. every post s/he makes now has the little, "i'm trying to annoy you ^^ see i won't go away ^^ lol" sh*t characteristic of obvious trolls.

if ommy is too stupid to figure out that her/his posts don't warrant extreme study and labored-over responses, i don't see how that's anyone's problem but her/his own, and of the posters clicking on topics expecting discussion but instead finding "BAWWWWWWW PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET ARE MEAN." try shutting the fuck up, or posting without the ridiculous "SEE GUYS I'M HERE AND YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT LOL" attitude, stupid. clear yet?

Edited, Jan 14th 2009 5:21pm by milich
retired monk

i wish to be the red comet.
#16REDACTED, Posted: Jan 14 2009 at 3:14 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) What you're saying is clear, Milich. But I don't agree with you, so that's why I'm not acting the way you think I should act.
#17 Jan 14 2009 at 3:35 PM Rating: Excellent
This forum is not for the arguing of petty squabbles. You've complained about that thread twice now. Someone else complained about it. I am done dealing with it.

The thread will be locked but if you are going to post on a public forum, you need to bear in mind that people are going to respond in ways you do not agree with. Every time you let someone get under your skin, they will keep at it so you have two choices. You can simply blow it off or you can let someone you don't know, will never meet in the flesh and will never interact with in life outside here annoy you and get you worked up for no reason.
#18 Jan 14 2009 at 3:36 PM Rating: Excellent
10,815 posts
OmmyLeviathan wrote:
What you're saying is clear, Milich. But I don't agree with you, so that's why I'm not acting the way you think I should act.

ok... so you don't agree that posting in an instigating manner outside of the thread will earn you nothing but a harsh reaction? or you don't agree re: "people don't owe you a debate"? in other words, you think people owe it to you to sit down and nitpick whatever your argument was, etc...?

"the way i think you should act" = not inviting flames, or whining. you really don't want to act that way? is it just because i'm suggesting it? would it help if someone else said, "stop whining"?

i get that you're trying not to troll, and you're trying to be rational about all this, but you're hung up on "THEY WERE MEAN, THEREFORE I'M RIGHHHHHT!" what if all the responses to you in that thread were baselessly mean? does that mean you should make 50 posts whining about it? it seems like you're genuinely trying to defuse the drama or misunderstanding or whatever, but what is it you want people to understand?

if it's "i didn't flame people" or whatever... you did flame people. if it's about the present... what are you going for? it sounds to me like you're trying to make a point, but you don't know what it is.

Edited, Jan 14th 2009 6:37pm by milich
retired monk

i wish to be the red comet.
#19REDACTED, Posted: Jan 14 2009 at 3:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I'll say it again...
#20 Jan 14 2009 at 4:00 PM Rating: Excellent
10,815 posts
OmmyLeviathan wrote:
I'll say it again...

I came in with a genuine question. If it had been discussed or for whatever reason people thought it was a dumb question or whatever, I don't feel that my mild question deserved the flaming and simply obnoxious responses. I would like the community to take a look at what happened in that thread and not blindly attack any newbie question that comes up in the forums.

I do have stuff to offer in the forums. For example, take a look at this thread I started a long time ago:;mid=1186612561205303958I started it because I was soloing as mithra blm/nin and to 1-shot gob pets I absolutely needed to use a sorc ring. So I put information together which I didn't see anywhere else, and posted it up.

In my second post, I tried to explain that I really just had a genuine question which I would like to talk about. It just REALLY went downhill after that. I tried to make some logical debates but there was just too much noise of people doing one-liners. I realized that people were just immature and it saddened me that all this information which the community has can be so scary for the newcommers to ask about, for fear of incurring such wrath. I went into a mode of lowering my IQ and agreeing with peoples insults and purposefully mis-spelling words and using "z" instead of "s" etc. etc. But yeah, it was all a big pile of garbage anyways, at that point.

Edited, Jan 14th 2009 3:50pm by OmmyLeviathan

i see that your perspective on that thread isn't going to change, but you've made many somewhat misguided assumptions about the forum in general. sure, some people immediately heckle "newbie" questions, but not everyone. if you check most of the other topics, you'll see that we're generally very helpful when people ask "newbie" questions (that's the main function that forum and its regulars serve, actually).

my point to you has always been that if you get over that now-locked thread and try contributing normally (without getting righteously indignant that--shock--someone ignored your Rational Arguments!), you'll see a different response. i could turn out to be wrong, but if you come up with something interesting or that you're confused about in the future, try addressing it without the "YOU GUYS ARE MEAN!" and see what happens. if everyone acts like a jerk in response, obviously i was wrong (or maybe people had a different perspective on the now-locked thread, and have written you off). if not, you'll be pleasantly surprised.
retired monk

i wish to be the red comet.
#21REDACTED, Posted: Jan 14 2009 at 4:05 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I still don't understand what about my first (or even second) post incited such responses. There may or may not be a good explanation for it. I'm not interested in knowing how many other good threads there are out there, I'm interested in why MY thread had a bullseye on it from the start?
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