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#27 Mar 03 2009 at 8:20 PM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
niobia wrote:
Nizdaar wrote:
niobia wrote:
the layout really sucks for someone using firefox. it cuts off half the screen (like all i can seeis Welcom)
it also cut off this post at "all i"


What resolution?

I have my screen at 800 x 600
(if that helps?)

Are you blind?

#28 Mar 03 2009 at 10:01 PM Rating: Good
Okay, Illia, just demonstrated to me that using the old instead of in addresses shows everything except the main page in the old news face. To be honest, I really like the new color scheme, and I've always been partial to light text on dark backgrounds. Looking at the old colors didn't seem all that bright until now... and now it's blinding.

I think I'll be quite glad to stay with the new version once the fixed width thing is um... fixed.

I still think filter options for which games you get news for would be nice. I don't mind having the previews of all recent articles in the top corner of the screen, but having ALL articles shown on the main page tends to make things move off the front page too fast if you are only watching for certain topics... makes me feel like I'm looking at the news on Max Console.

EDIT: I REALLY need to stop writing half a post and then pasting it into another post and trying to fix it... Always looks stupid afterward.

Another EDIT: This isn't so much a problem with the new news face as an issue that's bugged me for a long time. You know those "" links on the User Posts list? For some reason, if I'm in a normal forum and I post something from the news face or from say, the WoW or FFXI face, the link will remember what one I was using when I submitted the post whenever I open it again from the User Posts list, BUT if the post was in one of the FFXI job forums, it ALWAYS opens up in the FFXI face. Is there a reason why those forums don't work the way the rest of the site does?

Edited, Mar 3rd 2009 11:15pm by LadyOfHolyDarkness
#29 Mar 03 2009 at 10:43 PM Rating: Excellent
Bad j00 j00
2,159 posts
niobia wrote:
Nizdaar wrote:
niobia wrote:
the layout really sucks for someone using firefox. it cuts off half the screen (like all i can seeis Welcom)
it also cut off this post at "all i"


What resolution?

I have my screen at 800 x 600
(if that helps?)

That would be why. We don't really support that resolution anymore.
#30 Mar 03 2009 at 11:23 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Fixed width is an immediate nonstarter for me. Why use a template that uses 50% of my screen?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#31 Mar 04 2009 at 5:56 AM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
Mistress Darqflame wrote:
niobia wrote:
Nizdaar wrote:
niobia wrote:
the layout really sucks for someone using firefox. it cuts off half the screen (like all i can seeis Welcom)
it also cut off this post at "all i"


What resolution?

I have my screen at 800 x 600
(if that helps?)

Are you blind?

Prior to getting my eye exam about a week ago, I was wearing too weak a prescription and yes, without my prescription I am. (-7 & -7.5)

Can't you guys support that? *whine* Would it be all that difficult?
#32 Mar 04 2009 at 6:48 AM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
Drive up here and borrow one of my bigger monitors, then you'll be fine. It would actually be a pain in the *** to recode the entire site just for little ole you. We do still love you however.

#33 Mar 04 2009 at 10:31 AM Rating: Good
Another question regarding the "" links... why do they always put everything into 50 posts per page view? When you click on links from User Posts or from the Featured/Most Recent Comments on the news page, they always open up like that, even if you have the site set to 100 posts per page, and if you post anything it stays in 50 posts per page view and you can't see anything in the tread without exiting to the forum and then reentering the thread.

EDIT: I think more of my misspelling comes from typing D when I mean to S and S when I mean to type D and still making real words that my spell checker doesn't catch than from any other mistake...

Another EDIT: To clarify, this only happens if the post you want to look at is more then 50 posts into a thread. If the thread has less than 50 posts in it, it come up without the "howmany=50" in the address.

BTW Angsty, Dana told me that you're the new him. Sounds like a really busy job. Have fun!

I removed a picture as the issue is now resolved.

Edited, Mar 6th 2009 9:35pm by LadyOfHolyDarkness
#34 Mar 04 2009 at 1:50 PM Rating: Good
I'm guessing that you guys were going for a really "gamey" feel and you definitely accomplished that. It's not a bad scheme by any stretch of the imagination, but I do miss the skin. So much more elegant.

There's a lot of scripting, and it does slow down the page load over slower connections. During the day I browse over an internet connection through a tethered Blackberry, and while the old Alla site took only a few seconds to come down, this site is taking considerably longer. Nothing you can do about that though, short of cutting out about half the scripting.

I'd take another look at the posting box scripts, though. I have noscript set to allow, but if you start typing before the page "fully loads" it seems there is some part of the script that resets the box to clear if you have typed anything. It happened again as I started typing this message. So don't type within the first few seconds of page rendering. Minor nuisance.

If I didn't trust Allakhazam with my life, I'd walk away from a site this heavily scripted.
#35 Mar 04 2009 at 2:05 PM Rating: Good
Forum listings and threads are now wider on the screen, but still have a fixed width leaving a large amount of unused space on either side. All other screens, (main page, profile view and user image view) are still shrunken to the smaller size.
#36 Mar 04 2009 at 2:19 PM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
Terrain wrote:
I'm guessing that you guys were going for a really "gamey" feel and you definitely accomplished that. It's not a bad scheme by any stretch of the imagination, but I do miss the skin. So much more elegant.

There's a lot of scripting, and it does slow down the page load over slower connections. During the day I browse over an internet connection through a tethered Blackberry, and while the old Alla site took only a few seconds to come down, this site is taking considerably longer. Nothing you can do about that though, short of cutting out about half the scripting.

I'd take another look at the posting box scripts, though. I have noscript set to allow, but if you start typing before the page "fully loads" it seems there is some part of the script that resets the box to clear if you have typed anything. It happened again as I started typing this message. So don't type within the first few seconds of page rendering. Minor nuisance.

If I didn't trust Allakhazam with my life, I'd walk away from a site this heavily scripted.

try this:;mid=123604908117397677;page=1;howmany=50#m123620341794754423

#37 Mar 04 2009 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
Mistress Darqflame wrote:
Drive up here and borrow one of my bigger monitors, then you'll be fine. It would actually be a pain in the *** to recode the entire site just for little ole you. We do still love you however.

I just noticed that if I don't log in, I can see the entire screen. Thats wierd.

heh Wait till number 2 is born unless you wanna come visit TX ;) After driving from L.A. to TX while being 7 months pregnant with Suki, I'm not doing preggo road trips. (I can promise cold stone creamery, zoo trips cause I have a season pass and uhm pie?)
#38 Mar 04 2009 at 3:08 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
The width issue is the biggest turn off for me.

The color scheme is nice, the dark blue colors are easy on the eyes. The width makes it feel off though, if it was extended to cover the full screen, it'd feel much nicer.

Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#39 Mar 04 2009 at 8:21 PM Rating: Good
15,952 posts
Ok, this is a NOT COOL bug. I start writing a post, then I go off in search of another site page so I can make a hyperlink in my ZAM post. EG, I go to Youtube. If I've just gone forward, relying on my "Back" button to get back to my post, when I hit "Back" I come back to a BLANK POST. My previous writing has been erased.

It also happens if I open a new tab, in order to go to the other site/s. When I hit the tab that my post should be sitting in, the post box comes up empty! I've lost my post!!!! It's making it impossible for me to create any hyperlinks today.
#40 Mar 04 2009 at 9:07 PM Rating: Decent
10,564 posts
use tabs?
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#41 Mar 04 2009 at 10:25 PM Rating: Excellent
Aripyanfar wrote:
It also happens if I open a new tab
#42 Mar 05 2009 at 8:54 AM Rating: Good
Aripyanfar wrote:

Ok, this is a NOT COOL bug. I start writing a post, then I go off in search of another site page so I can make a hyperlink in my ZAM post. EG, I go to Youtube. If I've just gone forward, relying on my "Back" button to get back to my post, when I hit "Back" I come back to a BLANK POST. My previous writing has been erased.

It also happens if I open a new tab, in order to go to the other site/s. When I hit the tab that my post should be sitting in, the post box comes up empty! I've lost my post!!!! It's making it impossible for me to create any hyperlinks today.

It's likely related to the bug that will delete text out of the text box if it's typed in within the first second or two of rendering. Try it yourself: Open a post and immediately hit the quote button or type in some text. In another second or two all the text will be gone.

I have time to hit the quote button AND paste the text I want to quote over my blackberry connection before it wipes the text and I have to start all over again. The code for the reply boxes needs a look.

And Darq - it's resolving to no matter what I type in. I have been typing for so long that it's automatic at this point, but it resolves to anyway. I clicked your link, and it took me to the skin of my post. I have tried in both Firefox and IE7. I guess there is no going back - but it would be nice to have a user preference where we could choose our skin. I know it's far too much to run three different domains, but a skin option or two would be nice. A lot of us have been using and for years and were perfectly happy. :(

EDIT: Here's a screen shot so you don't think I'm just going batty :p

EDIT again - Forget the screen shot - double checked the properties in the link and it was pointing to

Changed the zam part manually and it's working with the old site so I'm very happy. So going forward looks like is gonna take me where I want to go!!! wooo!!!!


Edited, Mar 5th 2009 12:09pm by Terrain
#43 Mar 05 2009 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good

Wanna hear something odd? I was looking over the link again and in the skin here's what the properties of the link looks like:

Zam skin link properties

In the skin, it's this:

Alla skin link properties

Thoughts? Is this just a firefox blip, or am I just not reading the thing correctly? I hate firefox btw.
#44 Mar 05 2009 at 11:11 AM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
The images are too small and I can't click them to re-size them.

#45 Mar 05 2009 at 1:05 PM Rating: Good
He's saying that when he clicks on the link properties for the link you provided in this post from either the new or the old news template, the URL shown under Miscellaneous Properties is the same (both with instead of, even though the Link Properties section shows for the new one and for the old one. Beyond that, the properties of the link are identical when shown from either template.

Here's the link you wrote:;mid=123604908117397677;page=1;howmany=50#m123620341794754423

If clicked on while viewing the forum from the new template, it opens in the new template, BUT if you type it into the address bar, it takes you to the old template, and if you are viewing it from the old template, clicking on it takes you to the old template... I just tried clicking on it from the FFXI template and it stayed there too. It seems that "" forum links are redirecting to whatever template they were clicked on from unless they were manually typed into the address bar.

This is happening in both Firefox 3.0.6 and IE8 for me.

DF: Have you frozen your postcount at 10K?

Edited, Mar 5th 2009 2:21pm by LadyOfHolyDarkness
#46 Mar 05 2009 at 1:51 PM Rating: Good
She (harumph) EDIT - in reading the post above, yes, that's exactly what I am saying- what I noticed was that when viewing in the old skin the query returned as being for your link and sent me to the right place, and when looking at the new skin it was and sent me to the wrong place. It's the oddest thing.

Photobucket is a beast - it re-sized the images without asking me :p

I tossed them on mediafire for you to just grab the images I took. What I'm wondering is why when I right-click and viewed the link properties in one skin, it was alla, and in the other, it was zam.

Zam vs Alla

Edited, Mar 5th 2009 4:53pm by Terrain
#47 Mar 05 2009 at 7:07 PM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
LadyOfHolyDarkness, Eater of Souls wrote:

DF: Have you frozen your postcount at 10K?

Edited, Mar 5th 2009 2:21pm by LadyOfHolyDarkness

It's not 10k, it's 1oooo Smiley: tongue.
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#48 Mar 05 2009 at 7:11 PM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
If clicked on while viewing the forum from the new template, it opens in the new template, BUT if you type it into the address bar, it takes you to the old template, and if you are viewing it from the old template, clicking on it takes you to the old template... I just tried clicking on it from the FFXI template and it stayed there too. It seems that "" forum links are redirecting to whatever template they were clicked on from unless they were manually typed into the address bar.

That change has been in effect for a long time now if I'm right. Whenever someone is directed to an xxxx.allakhazam page from a yyyy.allakhazam page the yyyy is retained. It's so that people clicking links from other people using different skins don't have to deal with getting their skin changed. I'm guessing they're using referrer information or something to do it, as that's why entering it in the url bar manually opens it up in the 'correct' skin.

Photobucket is a beast - it re-sized the images without asking me :p

You need to change your settings to not automatically resize pictures over a certain size. Anything I upload to photobucket won't resize automatically unless it's over two megs.

Edited, Mar 5th 2009 10:16pm by Deadgye
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#49 Mar 05 2009 at 7:32 PM Rating: Good
Vataro, Eater of Souls wrote:
It's not 10k, it's 1oooo Smiley: tongue.

LOL, I didn't even notice those were Os til you said that.
The One and Only Deadgye wrote:
Whenever someone is directed to an xxxx.allakhazam page from a yyyy.allakhazam page the yyyy is retained. It's so that people clicking links from other people using different skins don't have to deal with getting their skin changed.

I didn't know that.
#50 Mar 06 2009 at 8:12 AM Rating: Good
The One and Only Deadgye wrote:

That change has been in effect for a long time now if I'm right. Whenever someone is directed to an xxxx.allakhazam page from a yyyy.allakhazam page the yyyy is retained. It's so that people clicking links from other people using different skins don't have to deal with getting their skin changed. I'm guessing they're using referrer information or something to do it, as that's why entering it in the url bar manually opens it up in the 'correct' skin.

Right, but this is a situation where an is redirecting to an xxx.yyy site. It's clearly redirecting to the zam site entirely, it's not a matter of keeping specific sub-domains within a domain. Different domains entirely.
#51 Mar 06 2009 at 10:12 AM Rating: Default
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
Terrain wrote:
The One and Only Deadgye wrote:

That change has been in effect for a long time now if I'm right. Whenever someone is directed to an xxxx.allakhazam page from a yyyy.allakhazam page the yyyy is retained. It's so that people clicking links from other people using different skins don't have to deal with getting their skin changed. I'm guessing they're using referrer information or something to do it, as that's why entering it in the url bar manually opens it up in the 'correct' skin.

Right, but this is a situation where an is redirecting to an xxx.yyy site. It's clearly redirecting to the zam site entirely, it's not a matter of keeping specific sub-domains within a domain. Different domains entirely.

I'm pretty sure it's the same domain, just a different skin. If I take my "" in any url and change it to "" everything is exactly the same just in a different skin. If they were different domains that wouldn't work, right?
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
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