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#1 Jun 19 2010 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
4,153 posts

Seems to have devolved into an argument over PC specs between TheBSTguy and Aurelius.

Edited, Jul 12th 2010 3:27pm by Darqflame Lock Thread:
FFXI-Garuda 2003-2009; Lakshmi 2011-8/20/13 (retired)
FFXIV: ARR - Ghost Bear, Balmung server
#2 Jun 19 2010 at 1:27 PM Rating: Good
Personally, I have decided to stay way clear of that board for exactly this. I pop in now and then to see what news Elmer brings, but that's about it. Most of the threads turn into flame wars for some reason.

Might be time for a few 24 hour warning mutes, honestly. Every time there is a lock or nuke, the fire just spreads to another building in a day or two.
#3 Jun 19 2010 at 6:16 PM Rating: Default
If it makes any difference, I'm largely done with TheBSTGuy. It was a case of someone ranting and fussing and ******** in every thread involving XIV hardware requirements that he posted in and I got tired of it. Given that he lost his Scholar status overnight when I wasn't even around, I'd hazard a guess I wasn't the only one who found his diatribe irritating. And the same thing is starting to spill over in another thread. Someone wants to buy a piece of crap for a game that isn't going to run well on a piece of crap and when I (politely and without flaming or delicious dramatic goodness) point out that it's probably not worth it, they emoplode.

If you don't like people being crybabies about things, speak up. The only reason they carry on as long as they do is because I'm the only one speaking out against it while you guys all sit around and watch and then cry about the state of the forums. Do your part to encourage a higher level of post quality and you won't have butthurt nutmonkeys carrying on for days because they take silence to mean support while they get all emo and angsty with me. It's your community, too...if you want improvement, get involved. Don't sit on the sidelines and then lament the state of the boards when you opted to simply do nothing. Kaolian showed up for a few days and everyone calmed down a bit, and I've been doing my best to keep things as neutral and non-offensive as possible but one butthurt person leaves (or gets bant) and another one steps in to take their place.
#4 Jun 19 2010 at 11:47 PM Rating: Good
4,153 posts
The One and Only Aurelius wrote:
If it makes any difference, I'm largely done with TheBSTGuy. It was a case of someone ranting and fussing and ******** in every thread involving XIV hardware requirements that he posted in and I got tired of it. Given that he lost his Scholar status overnight when I wasn't even around, I'd hazard a guess I wasn't the only one who found his diatribe irritating. And the same thing is starting to spill over in another thread. Someone wants to buy a piece of crap for a game that isn't going to run well on a piece of crap and when I (politely and without flaming or delicious dramatic goodness) point out that it's probably not worth it, they emoplode.

If you don't like people being crybabies about things, speak up. The only reason they carry on as long as they do is because I'm the only one speaking out against it while you guys all sit around and watch and then cry about the state of the forums. Do your part to encourage a higher level of post quality and you won't have butthurt nutmonkeys carrying on for days because they take silence to mean support while they get all emo and angsty with me. It's your community, too...if you want improvement, get involved. Don't sit on the sidelines and then lament the state of the boards when you opted to simply do nothing. Kaolian showed up for a few days and everyone calmed down a bit, and I've been doing my best to keep things as neutral and non-offensive as possible but one butthurt person leaves (or gets bant) and another one steps in to take their place.

So in other words, instead of coming here and asking an admin to lock the thread, I should have just told you both to shut up. I'll remember to do that next time.
FFXI-Garuda 2003-2009; Lakshmi 2011-8/20/13 (retired)
FFXIV: ARR - Ghost Bear, Balmung server
#5 Jun 19 2010 at 11:56 PM Rating: Default
Ralrra wrote:

So in other words, instead of coming here and asking an admin to lock the thread, I should have just told you both to shut up. I'll remember to do that next time.

Considering that the discussion in the thread later turned to the productive exchange of information when TheBSTGuy wasn't around I think that locking it would have been a mistake. Debates happen. Sometimes they get heated. Now that he's had a day to let the nonsense sink in he's actually asking me for advice on whether or not it would be worth upgrading his GPU. He's stopped ******** about his scores and condemning SE and all that other nonsense and he's getting into the solution. And in turn, I'm surpressing the urge to make smug remarks about his previous ******** comments about my future and apparent financial irresponsibility and I just spent 10 minutes poking around to try and find a reasonably accurate answer to his inquiry.

Contribute. That's all I'm saying. You dont' really contribute much. You're just as guilty of making snide comments in the past as anyone else and in terms of what you actually bring to the table in terms of discussion, it's next to nothing. So why SHOULD you be asking for anything to be locked? Everything worked out for the best and if you (as a non-contributor) had gotten your way, that couldn't have happened.
#6 Jun 20 2010 at 6:50 AM Rating: Good
If you want my opinion, that whole board needs to lighten up in general. So many threads start out with the fun of speculation, and then someone always has to chime in and start calling someone stupid, or worse. No, not you Aurelius.
#7 Jun 20 2010 at 11:50 AM Rating: Default
Lubriderm the Hand wrote:
If you want my opinion, that whole board needs to lighten up in general. So many threads start out with the fun of speculation, and then someone always has to chime in and start calling someone stupid, or worse. No, not you Aurelius.

Most forums that have more than 3 posts/day are like that. As far as the speculation goes, sometimes it really is just fun speculation. Sometimes the speculation truly is stupid. Sometimes I think people confuse speculation for something other than what it is. Speculation is supposed to be a prediction based on available information. When the available information is ignored, it's not's more daydreaming than anything else and as I know full well, heaven forbid you should show up and point to the information that renders the "speculation" moot. As one person with an opinion, I'm more interested in quality information. Sometimes it's hard to find and/or discuss that information when it's drowned out by...stuff. And I'm trying to be nice by labeling it "stuff".
#8 Jun 20 2010 at 12:50 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
I'll keep an eye on it. If it gets out of hand i'll go smite everyone or something equally neat along those lines.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#9 Jun 20 2010 at 1:05 PM Rating: Good
The One and Only Aurelius wrote:
Lubriderm the Hand wrote:
If you want my opinion, that whole board needs to lighten up in general. So many threads start out with the fun of speculation, and then someone always has to chime in and start calling someone stupid, or worse. No, not you Aurelius.

Most forums that have more than 3 posts/day are like that. As far as the speculation goes, sometimes it really is just fun speculation. Sometimes the speculation truly is stupid. Sometimes I think people confuse speculation for something other than what it is. Speculation is supposed to be a prediction based on available information. When the available information is ignored, it's not's more daydreaming than anything else and as I know full well, heaven forbid you should show up and point to the information that renders the "speculation" moot. As one person with an opinion, I'm more interested in quality information. Sometimes it's hard to find and/or discuss that information when it's drowned out by...stuff. And I'm trying to be nice by labeling it "stuff".
It's more the tone people use when informing someone that their speculation is moot (or whatever).

Gallant wrote:
Oh, hey, man, you must have missed Elmer's last update <thing you just posted> isn't going to happen.

Goofus wrote:
WTF is wrong with you? If you bothered reading Elmer's thread 7 threads down, you would know better, idiot.

I know I'm being polar, and most posts aren't like that, but even with a more mellow version of the goofus post, when I see enough of it, I tune out.
#10 Jun 20 2010 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
Lubriderm the Hand wrote:

I know I'm being polar, and most posts aren't like that, but even with a more mellow version of the goofus post, when I see enough of it, I tune out.

Again, that's forums in general. Hell, that's life in general. "Guys...what's this about Micheal Jackson shooting Elvis?" "Are you kidding me? It's only been on every news broudcast for the last full day!" It happens. As much as you can point to the people for being meaner heads who nudge other posters into being a little more attentive and putting a little more effort into informing themselves, the same could be said for people having slightly thicker skins. If I had a nickel every time someone on the XIV boards emoploded simply because it was pointed out to them that they were wrong I'd have like...lots of nickels.
#11 Jun 20 2010 at 1:51 PM Rating: Good
If I had a nickel every time someone on the XIV boards emoploded simply because it was pointed out to them that they were wrong I'd have like...lots of nickels.
To be fair, I see a lot of that too, even when people politely and rationally explaining it to them.

/ 'emoploded' made me spit my drink. Smiley: lol
#12 Jun 20 2010 at 2:02 PM Rating: Excellent
5,159 posts
The One and Only Aurelius wrote:
Lubriderm the Hand wrote:

I know I'm being polar, and most posts aren't like that, but even with a more mellow version of the goofus post, when I see enough of it, I tune out.

Again, that's forums in general. Hell, that's life in general. "Guys...what's this about Micheal Jackson shooting Elvis?" "Are you kidding me? It's only been on every news broudcast for the last full day!" It happens. As much as you can point to the people for being meaner heads who nudge other posters into being a little more attentive and putting a little more effort into informing themselves, the same could be said for people having slightly thicker skins. If I had a nickel every time someone on the XIV boards emoploded simply because it was pointed out to them that they were wrong I'd have like...lots of nickels.

Not really. It's nothing like the WoW boards, and even the Asylum and OoT aren't as bad as the Final Fantasy forums around here. Trying to write off the problem as a natural consequence of forums is just a copout. For some reason, the Final Fantasy community here is a bunch of major league ********.
#13 Jun 20 2010 at 2:16 PM Rating: Good
Majivo wrote:
The One and Only Aurelius wrote:
Lubriderm the Hand wrote:

I know I'm being polar, and most posts aren't like that, but even with a more mellow version of the goofus post, when I see enough of it, I tune out.

Again, that's forums in general. Hell, that's life in general. "Guys...what's this about Micheal Jackson shooting Elvis?" "Are you kidding me? It's only been on every news broudcast for the last full day!" It happens. As much as you can point to the people for being meaner heads who nudge other posters into being a little more attentive and putting a little more effort into informing themselves, the same could be said for people having slightly thicker skins. If I had a nickel every time someone on the XIV boards emoploded simply because it was pointed out to them that they were wrong I'd have like...lots of nickels.

Not really. It's nothing like the WoW boards, and even the Asylum and OoT aren't as bad as the Final Fantasy forums around here. Trying to write off the problem as a natural consequence of forums is just a copout. For some reason, the Final Fantasy community here is a bunch of major league @#%^s.
It's not everyone, and I don't even mind it when it happens from time to time. Hell, I don't mind snark when it's done out of humor. It's the whole 'I know more than you about something, therefor you are a piece of garbage' mentality that shows up way too often.
#14 Jun 20 2010 at 2:29 PM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Majivo wrote:
Not really. It's nothing like the WoW boards, and even the Asylum and OoT aren't as bad as the Final Fantasy forums around here. Trying to write off the problem as a natural consequence of forums is just a copout. For some reason, the Final Fantasy community here is a bunch of major league @#%^s.

The Asylum is a lot tamer than it used to be, for whatever reason. OoT is populated primarily by people who know each other well enough that there isn't a ton of opportunity for fights (though it gets its share too). I haven't been back to the FFXI forum, so I don't know what that's like now.

The FFXIV forum is just in a tougher place from the get-go, because it's a forum for a game that's not out yet. So you get a lot of people just passing through, asking a quick (and often bad) question before traipsing off elsewhere. There's also some hysteria because people fret about the info that is or isn't out.

Seems pretty natural, to me.

Edited, Jun 20th 2010 4:33pm by Eske
#15 Jun 20 2010 at 2:38 PM Rating: Good
Seems pretty natural, to me.
What does? People overacting to mistakes and dumb questions by treating people like total cretins?

I just think a friendly environment would be better in the long run. Yeah, point out mistakes, but be civil about it. I like zam, and I want it to be my primary source for forum type interactions. That won't be the case if so many people get scared/pissed off that there are only 30 regulars.
#16 Jun 20 2010 at 2:40 PM Rating: Good
5,159 posts
Eske wrote:
The FFXIV forum is just in a tougher place from the get-go, because it's a forum for a game that's not out yet. So you get a lot of people just passing through, asking a quick (and often bad) question before traipsing off elsewhere. There's also some hysteria because people fret about the info that is or isn't out.

Yet the majority of the community isn't transitory - they're holdovers from FFXI, a forum section which has long had complaints and required heavy moderation. Occasionally outsiders come and agitate in other forums too, yet they aren't torn apart with the sheer ferocity displayed in the FFXIV forum. Speculation and daydreaming shouldn't be met with outright hostility except in cases where it's clearly just someone trolling. Unfortunately the community has apparently decided to assume that anyone who asks even a mildly outlandish question is just posting flamebait. I don't know if different sorts of players play FFXI, or if we got a bad initial seed and they've scared off most of the potential replacements, but it's hard to say that these problems come from any status of the FFXIV forum, because the FFXI section shares the exact same issues.
#17 Jun 20 2010 at 2:54 PM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Lubriderm the Hand wrote:
Seems pretty natural, to me.
What does? People overacting to mistakes and dumb questions by treating people like total cretins?

Hi, you must be new to the internet : )

Just messing around. I agree with you, of course. And I try to do my part in the FFXIV forum in my own way. It's just that I'm not surprised that things devolve into flaming with relative frequency. Frankly, that's what I'm used to around here...and it used to be far worse, in my recollection. I may be a bit more cynical, but that doesn't mean I don't try to encourage positive change.

Majivo wrote:
Yet the majority of the community isn't transitory - they're holdovers from FFXI, a forum section which has long had complaints and required heavy moderation. Occasionally outsiders come and agitate in other forums too, yet they aren't torn apart with the sheer ferocity displayed in the FFXIV forum. Speculation and daydreaming shouldn't be met with outright hostility except in cases where it's clearly just someone trolling. Unfortunately the community has apparently decided to assume that anyone who asks even a mildly outlandish question is just posting flamebait. I don't know if different sorts of players play FFXI, or if we got a bad initial seed and they've scared off most of the potential replacements, but it's hard to say that these problems come from any status of the FFXIV forum, because the FFXI section shares the exact same issues.

I pretty much agree. Like I said, I haven't been by forum=10 in years. I wouldn't even know who in the FFXIV forum is from the XI forum, either.

I don't agree with Aurelius' policy on dumb questions...we had a thread in there recently where I asserted that the best course of action is to point someone in the direction of the proper info source, and leave them on their way. There's also a tendency for people to rate-down anything they disagree with (but I highly doubt that's limited to the XIV forum).

But I chalk most of the negative stuff up to the fact that the game still hasn't come out yet. I think once it's been released people will be occupied with sorting out game things, so it'll be more cooperative.
#18 Jun 20 2010 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
Hi, you must be new to the internet : )
So it's too much to hope for a better than average community?

I don't agree with Aurelius' policy on dumb questions...we had a thread in there recently where I asserted that the best course of action is to point someone in the direction of the proper info source, and leave them on their way. There's also a tendency for people to rate-down anything they disagree with (but I highly doubt that's limited to the XIV forum).
I agree with your best course of action. And yeah, the rate deal there is lame, and it's hit or miss depending on the board here.
But I chalk most of the negative stuff up to the fact that the game still hasn't come out yet. I think once it's been released people will be occupied with sorting out game things, so it'll be more cooperative.
Yeah, I hope so too. There are a lot of great minds in that forum, even if nobody can agree.
#19 Jun 20 2010 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
Majivo wrote:
Eske wrote:
The FFXIV forum is just in a tougher place from the get-go, because it's a forum for a game that's not out yet. So you get a lot of people just passing through, asking a quick (and often bad) question before traipsing off elsewhere. There's also some hysteria because people fret about the info that is or isn't out.

Yet the majority of the community isn't transitory - they're holdovers from FFXI, a forum section which has long had complaints and required heavy moderation. Occasionally outsiders come and agitate in other forums too, yet they aren't torn apart with the sheer ferocity displayed in the FFXIV forum. Speculation and daydreaming shouldn't be met with outright hostility except in cases where it's clearly just someone trolling. Unfortunately the community has apparently decided to assume that anyone who asks even a mildly outlandish question is just posting flamebait. I don't know if different sorts of players play FFXI, or if we got a bad initial seed and they've scared off most of the potential replacements, but it's hard to say that these problems come from any status of the FFXIV forum, because the FFXI section shares the exact same issues.

I think that if you looked closely over the history of the forums, speculation and daydreaming are rarely met with hostility. If anything, it's the speculators/daydreamers that get hostile when they're confronted with the facts. It typically goes downhill from there. Some people are happy to just show up and shoot the **** and chat about this or that regardless of whether or not there's any substance to the discussion. Not everyone is like that. Sometimes people just want the information and if the information isn't clear they want to see the details hashed out until it either becomes clear or it becomes apparent that it's not going to be clear any time soon. Quite frequently, the "speculation" drowns out those kinds of discussions. I get labeled things like "opinion ****" because I'm frequently one of the first people to show up to a thread and point to the facts which really throws a wrench into the gears of people who would have otherwise had brilliant ideas except for all those pesky details getting in the way.

And sadly, that's going to ocntinue until the community as a whole ups their standards. It's one thing to point out the issues that may or may not be having a negative impact on the forums. It's something else entirely to get involved and try to create improvement. And relative to this thread in particular, simply locking threads because things are going a little sideways doesn't help with that. As Lubriderm pointed out...when the threads are simply locked or nuked, nothing gets resolved and the shenanigans just spill out elsewhere. And that's basically why I'm saying get involved. If someone emoplodes all over the place for no reason, having a half dozen people point out that they're going overboard is a lot better than having one person (typically me) beating them about the head and chest with sarcastic reason until they finally get so fed up they just lurk and karma camp me ;D
#20 Jun 21 2010 at 1:11 AM Rating: Good
4,153 posts
Perhaps it's just me, but the sarcasm that you mentioned made me think you were baiting him into some kind of flame war. If I was wrong about that, I do apologize. I may not care for how you post (i.e. the aforementioned sarcasm), but what you post is usually right on the money.

Besides, next time I'll just take your advice. Not about contributing more (though I should), but the thing about looking at your avatar.
FFXI-Garuda 2003-2009; Lakshmi 2011-8/20/13 (retired)
FFXIV: ARR - Ghost Bear, Balmung server
#21 Jun 21 2010 at 1:53 AM Rating: Decent
Ralrra wrote:
Besides, next time I'll just take your advice. Not about contributing more (though I should), but the thing about looking at your avatar.

Lemurs are the vessels of world peace. True story.
#22 Jun 21 2010 at 8:43 AM Rating: Good
The One and Only Aurelius wrote:
Lemurs are the vessels of world peace. True story.

It's a tarsier.

Edited, Jun 21st 2010 10:45am by Lubriderm
#23 Jun 21 2010 at 9:04 AM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Lubriderm the Hand wrote:
It's a tarsier.

Edited, Jun 21st 2010 10:45am by Lubriderm

I learned something today! And that's great, 'cause KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!!

::leaps into the air with one hand raised::

::freeze frame::

#24 Jun 21 2010 at 10:28 PM Rating: Good
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