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Please whitelist ZAM ads?Follow

#27 Dec 13 2010 at 12:15 PM Rating: Excellent
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Torrence wrote:
landael wrote:

tl;dr - Replace the black banners with non-intrusive, non-animating, locally served advertisements. Most of those who block ads will likely respect them.

The reason that I block the ads is because despite what I have read from some of the admins in this thread - they DO slow the site to a crawl. If I accidentally come here after using IE for something work-related, I immediately know it because the scrolling is slow and typing a post is like nails on a chalkboard. I just can't do it - and here at work I have a decently fast pipe.

I find it funny that after ad-blocking the little quip that Zam created, the rating buttons also disappeared. I'm going to leave it that way because I always felt the karma system was mostly a joke anyway so it doesn't matter one way or the other - but this did not in any way encourage me to buy premium nor turn adblock back off. It was cute and silly, but it's just getting exasperating with this site and I am in agreement that you can do much more on other sites without this "in-your-face" approach to get money.

I can't sit here for ten minutes per post because ads are slowing everything down, no matter how much I enjoy the community and admins on this forum.

Rating posts on the feedback forum was disabled. Every other forum still has them. You can see this thread for details.

What you are describing with the ads has nothing to do with load time. It has to do with an ad using too much CPU, or, possibly something wrong with your computer.

If it is the ad, please read the ad feedback thread and send me a screenshot so that we can determine if the ad really is too resource intensive.
#28 Dec 13 2010 at 2:30 PM Rating: Good
2,010 posts
I don't disbelieve you, but I wasn't in the feedback forum when I noticed it. In fact, that's what prompted me to come here at all - to see if anyone else had done what I did and had the same effect.

Still, it's possible that one of the XIV admins just got sick of me at that precise moment and norated me :)

Like I said - I'm not really worried about it. I found it more amusing than anything. If I happen to come across another ad like that when I accidentally use IE I'll send you a screenshot.

EDIT: I see what's going on now. The arrows themselves are still there, just looks like the graphics for them are in the same place as the Zam ad I manually blocked. Cool. Well I am still leaving it as is. I might look into a premium at some point. I might as well do my part to keep my favorite admins in a job and there's just no way I'm subjecting myself to potential blindness and lag with some of these horrific ads.

Edited, Dec 13th 2010 3:37pm by Torrence
#29 Dec 13 2010 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,428 posts
in my opinion an ad should be nothing more than a clickable graphic and if that was the case there would be no resource intensive ads. If something is so resource intensive that it is slowing down your pc then there is issues, and the ad is doing more then just showing an ad.

And the fact that the site relies on someone reporting to an admin to then take notice to take the ad out after searching it down after enough people report just the right info with screen shots and times and locations and gps coordinates of their mouse cursor at exact system times in their timezone.... is not a solution.

How about a "report bad ad" button that does it all automatically, and have the ad immediately blocked as soon as a single report is done, and even that will be to slow as it still took 1 person to be effected by what ever malicious content that provider was pushing because the ads were not fully checked.

How about an automated script server side that tests the ad for sound. Load the ad and if there is sound on the sound card then kick the ad, or load the ad and if the thread consumes x amount of processor power then also kick the ad. There are several tests that could be automated but even then its not enough as there are ways around the tests and there will always be at least 1 person effected by a malicious ad and even 1 person is too many.

#30 Dec 13 2010 at 9:10 PM Rating: Excellent
7,106 posts
I don't understand how anyone can have a problem with Zam asking politely to make the income that allows this free site to run.

If you don't want to see ads, then don't see ads. It would be a nice gesture to support a site that provides free forums and databases with paid moderators and coders, but no one's making you look at ads. If the sum total inconvenience of using Zam's free online resources is enduring a polite and innocuous request, which you can ignore, then I have trouble imagining why anyone has a problem with it.

I run ad-block because ads are annoying. But, that's me being selfish, taking a free service and not supporting it because I just plain don't feel like it. But, I'm sure as hell not offended or annoyed by a simple polite request to effortlessly pay for stuff I use for free.
I'm not upset or anything. I just lol'd really hard at the audacity.

I know you keep repeating that you're not. But, it sure seems like you're upset. If you're not offended by
"the audacity," then why even start this thread? "I note this thing but am indifferent to it" is hardly a reason to start a thread.

*edit* Quite right, corrected.

Edited, Dec 15th 2010 3:46pm by Caesura
#31 Dec 14 2010 at 12:07 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Caesura wrote:
I don't understand how anyone can have a problem with Alla asking politely to make the income that allows this free site to run.

Alla hasn't been part of the site for around a year now.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#32 Dec 14 2010 at 8:18 AM Rating: Excellent
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shibaaa wrote:
in my opinion an ad should be nothing more than a clickable graphic and if that was the case there would be no resource intensive ads. If something is so resource intensive that it is slowing down your pc then there is issues, and the ad is doing more then just showing an ad.

And the fact that the site relies on someone reporting to an admin to then take notice to take the ad out after searching it down after enough people report just the right info with screen shots and times and locations and gps coordinates of their mouse cursor at exact system times in their timezone.... is not a solution.

We don't rely on users only. Several weeks ago we discovered on our own an ad that was using a ton of CPU and we had it pulled. It was a flash ad where the designer (from the ad agency, not us) felt the need to program in effects rather than render them. It didn't require a user to tell us this was a problem. Our sales team now knows to look out for this sort of thing better.

If Flash would just die, the internet would be a better place for it.

We've been discussing a report ad button. No, it will not have the functionality to automatically pull an ad. That'd be abused to ragnarok and back even if it wasn't technically not feasible to do.
#33 Dec 16 2010 at 2:22 PM Rating: Good
1,287 posts
To put it bluntly, begging for users to whitelist your site is offensive.

We block advertisements and other crap because we don't want to see it. You should not be coding your way around that to force unwanted messages onto your users. It's simply rude.

Now stop it.
Server: Midgardsormr
Occupation: Reckless Red Mage

IcookPizza wrote:

I think RDM's neurotic omniscience is sooooooo worth including in any alliance.
#34 Dec 16 2010 at 7:04 PM Rating: Excellent
5,159 posts
To put it bluntly, asking a site to give up their main revenue model because you don't like looking at ads is retarded. You receive this service for free; ads are only a mild inconvenience to you, especially since Zam tries hard to make them discreet. What's "rude" is using up their bandwidth without contributing in the slightest, and expecting them to somehow not mind that you're wasting their money.
#35 Dec 16 2010 at 9:41 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
cidbahamut wrote:
To put it bluntly, begging for users to whitelist your site is offensive.

We block advertisements and other crap because we don't want to see it. You should not be coding your way around that to force unwanted messages onto your users. It's simply rude.

Now stop it.

That is probably the single most idiotic comment I've ever seen in this forum.

Granted, I don't come here often, but damn. If the cake wasn't a lie, that would definitely have taken it.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#36 Dec 17 2010 at 1:38 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
cidbahamut wrote:
To put it bluntly, begging for users to whitelist your site is offensive.
Offensive is quite a strong word to use. Emotionally charged, too. Suggests to me that you only find it offensive because you're feeling guilty. Or are exactly the kind of self entitled person the internet is so filled with these days.

cidbahamut wrote:
We block advertisements and other crap because we don't want to see it. You should not be coding your way around that to force unwanted messages onto your users. It's simply rude.
It's their site. You're reaping the fruits of their efforts at absolutely no cost to you. Putting up with a simple image asking you to whitelist their advertisements so your traffic and usage of their bandwidth will have a benefit to them as well is a small price to pay. It is in no way rude, and they're not forcing you to actually whitelist them in order to enjoy their content.

Hell, they would be well within their rights to find a way to force you to whitelist the ads to enjoy their content, but that would be silly of them to actually do.

That said, I don't disagree with others who have mentioned different, less system intensive(and possibly less malware risky, since removing offending ads after the fact is a good, but not perfect, method?) advertising methods.
#37 Dec 17 2010 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
You're reaping the fruits of their efforts at absolutely no cost to you.
To be fair, that's not 100% true (or maybe it is for him specifically, but it's not generally true). If someone is contributing to the forums/databases/etc and helping to improve the site, they are helping to increase traffic, which will result in more revenue. Even if someone isn't directly contributing financially, they may be indirectly by donating their time.

Completely agree with the rest of your post though.
#38 Dec 17 2010 at 2:47 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Grand Master Leatherworker ThePsychoticO wrote:
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
You're reaping the fruits of their efforts at absolutely no cost to you.
To be fair, that's not 100% true (or maybe it is for him specifically, but it's not generally true). If someone is contributing to the forums/databases/etc and helping to improve the site, they are helping to increase traffic, which will result in more revenue. Even if someone isn't directly contributing financially, they may be indirectly by donating their time.
I specifically meant monetary cost, though you do have a point that he may be contributing, though I find that unlikely, considering.
#39 Dec 17 2010 at 7:11 AM Rating: Decent
6,424 posts
I found it easier to blacklist a certain image then whitelist ZAM ads... I'll just stick with using my bubbly personality to give people a reason to visit :D
#40 Dec 17 2010 at 8:31 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
It's their site. You're reaping the fruits of their efforts at absolutely no cost to you. Putting up with a simple image asking you to whitelist their advertisements so your traffic and usage of their bandwidth will have a benefit to them as well is a small price to pay.

Once upon a time, this site existed out of some labor of love but those days are long past. This site exists to make money and only to make money. It wasn't purchased by a bunch of investors because the people at Goldman Sachs or Oak Investment Partners really like Final Fantasy, it was bought because they intend to generate a profit. Not that the rank and file staff here doesn't care about these things but the people with the purse strings couldn't give a rat's *** about MMORPGs except for how it makes them more money.

It's like television. The network doesn't put on shows to make you happy, they do it to attract viewers who will see their ads and thus allow the network to make money by selling ad space. Your simple presence here is your initial "cost" to see the site, bolster the traffic numbers and make the site more attractive to advertisers. As for seeing the ads themselves, internet sites are in the same quandary as television -- how to make you look at ads without blocking them (or skipping them on your DVR)? Frankly, that's their issue to solve but apparently "guilt" works for some folks.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#41 Dec 17 2010 at 11:09 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Joph, I'll be the first to hand you a pitchfork if the day comes, and I know that the owners, or previous owners, of the parent company did some questionable things back in Allakhazam's time, but if we stopped supporting the site altogether, it would just get shut down and then where would we be?

It's the lesser of two evils.

Now, if they continue to not acknowledge user feedback and such, I'll hand you that pitchfork and go torch some ****. Until then, however, I'll support it.

Oh, and this isn't meant as a threat to anyone, or a stab at the moderators here. You guys take orders from higher up and I understand that. In other words, please don't ban me.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#42 Dec 17 2010 at 11:25 AM Rating: Excellent
373 posts
Mazra wrote:
Now, if they continue to not acknowledge user feedback and such, I'll hand you that pitchfork and go torch some sh*t. Until then, however, I'll support it.

Oh, and this isn't meant as a threat to anyone, or a stab at the moderators here. You guys take orders from higher up and I understand that. In other words, please don't ban me.

RE Feedback: I actually have some plans to have a bit of a focus group test with a small collection of the more active posters very soon. We've gotten to the point where it's gotten difficult to just do open feedback discussions on the forums, because there are so many different types of users for so many different types of games, along with new users trying to fit in with the old users.

So, rather than simply have any thread I create devolve into some sort of mass rage fest, I'm going to pull a few of you out and simply get your thoughts on things that we're working on.

Edited, Dec 17th 2010 11:26am by Micajah

Edited, Dec 17th 2010 11:27am by Micajah
#43 Dec 17 2010 at 11:51 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Mazra wrote:
Joph, I'll be the first to hand you a pitchfork if the day comes, and I know that the owners, or previous owners, of the parent company did some questionable things back in Allakhazam's time, but if we stopped supporting the site altogether, it would just get shut down and then where would we be?

I'm not looking for a pitchfork and I don't usually sit around ******** about the site, much less trying to tear it down. But I don't subscribe to any warm fuzzy notions about the motives of the Powers That Be either. I spent seven or eight years supporting the site even during periods where I wasn't playing the games as a voluntary "donation" to Alla as an individual. These days, the Powers That Be have drawn a much sharper line between business/consumer and so my consumer cooperation/dollars are something for the business to earn. Either they develop a successful plan to get those dollars from the consumers or they don't.

Edited, Dec 17th 2010 11:53am by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#44 Dec 17 2010 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
Micajah wrote:
Mazra wrote:
Now, if they continue to not acknowledge user feedback and such, I'll hand you that pitchfork and go torch some sh*t. Until then, however, I'll support it.

Oh, and this isn't meant as a threat to anyone, or a stab at the moderators here. You guys take orders from higher up and I understand that. In other words, please don't ban me.

RE Feedback: I actually have some plans to have a bit of a focus group test with a small collection of the more active posters very soon. We've gotten to the point where it's gotten difficult to just do open feedback discussions on the forums, because there are so many different types of users for so many different types of games, along with new users trying to fit in with the old users.

So, rather than simply have any thread I create devolve into some sort of mass rage fest, I'm going to pull a few of you out and simply get your thoughts on things that we're working on.

Edited, Dec 17th 2010 11:26am by Micajah

Edited, Dec 17th 2010 11:27am by Micajah
Oh, that should be fun.
#45 Dec 17 2010 at 12:32 PM Rating: Excellent
373 posts
Grand Master Leatherworker ThePsychoticO wrote:
Micajah wrote:
Mazra wrote:
Now, if they continue to not acknowledge user feedback and such, I'll hand you that pitchfork and go torch some sh*t. Until then, however, I'll support it.

Oh, and this isn't meant as a threat to anyone, or a stab at the moderators here. You guys take orders from higher up and I understand that. In other words, please don't ban me.

RE Feedback: I actually have some plans to have a bit of a focus group test with a small collection of the more active posters very soon. We've gotten to the point where it's gotten difficult to just do open feedback discussions on the forums, because there are so many different types of users for so many different types of games, along with new users trying to fit in with the old users.

So, rather than simply have any thread I create devolve into some sort of mass rage fest, I'm going to pull a few of you out and simply get your thoughts on things that we're working on.

Edited, Dec 17th 2010 11:26am by Micajah

Edited, Dec 17th 2010 11:27am by Micajah
Oh, that should be fun.

I hope so. Smiley: cool
#46 Dec 17 2010 at 4:33 PM Rating: Decent
We had this same discussion in =10 when the rule about not talking about ad block was brought up. While haveing no ads for the users is greatthis site has to make money. This is one of a few sites that even police their ads to a great extent. =10 eventually settled on having Zam mention to whitelist would be the best result for all.

Ive been on this site for 7 years now and have never seen an infect anyone with anything, though there have been an occasional bad ad. Really is that hard to just ignire a box saying please whitelist? Sometimes people are to paranoid about there surfing habits.
#47 Dec 18 2010 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
Ken Burton's Reject
12,834 posts
Nizdaar wrote:
2) An up to date antivirus software program combined with a responsible site negates this risk to almost zero.
Holy crap did I laugh my *** off over this one... That's the biggest load of crap I've ever seen. I worked in a call center where we charged people exorbitant amounts of money to remove viruses and spyware that were normally generated in one of three ways: Downloading stuff you shouldn't, ****, and ad-laden websites. And most of them had a fully working, fully updated anti-virus program.

Nizdaar wrote:
We do try our very best to keep the intrusion at a minimum. If we really wanted to crank it up we would have interstials, dashboards every page load (the ads that come up from the bottom), popunders constantly and more ads than content on every page.
Acutally, there were times in the past where there were interstials and pop-unders from this site. I can't thank you enough for getting rid of them. However, I have to agree with Jophiel:

Jophiel wrote:
Even worse since the Powers That Be chose to reformat the layout of the site to facilitate pushing more ads and ignored the feedback saying that many people hated the new layout.
I was largely paying as a voluntary donation to the site
Win/win for me and lose/lose for the site. But that's what the Powers That Be wanted and so that's what they got.
I have been debating letting my premium status lapse and not renewing this time. It'll be sad to see my lovely inline pictures go away, but since Alla has chosen to listen less and less to their posters about the visual changes they are making to the site, and more and more to the "Powers That Be", I just don't know why I'm donating anymore. 3 bucks a month is really nothing, and while I appreciate some of the things we get (another thread for that), I can't see donating to a company that doesn't listen to its users.

Nizdaar wrote:
If Flash would just die, the internet would be a better place for it.
More like "If every wannabe Flash guru that doesn't know how to code/draw in Flash properly, and causes Flash to widely be seen as bloated crap would just die...

Micajah wrote:
RE Feedback: I actually have some plans to have a bit of a focus group test with a small collection of the more active posters very soon. We've gotten to the point where it's gotten difficult to just do open feedback discussions on the forums, because there are so many different types of users for so many different types of games, along with new users trying to fit in with the old users.

So, rather than simply have any thread I create devolve into some sort of mass rage fest, I'm going to pull a few of you out and simply get your thoughts on things that we're working on.
I'd be really curious who you choose. I mean, selecting people could lead the site down directions the populous at large don't want to see. I can see making an advisory committee of some of the long-time members here, but then the newbies would just cry that some "clique" is running the forums...

Honestly, for all the crap that comes from the open suggestion threads, there are some good opinions in them as well.

Alobont wrote:
Ive been on this site for 7 years now and have never seen an infect anyone with anything, though there have been an occasional bad ad.
You missed the issue that Alla had a few years back. I can't remember when, but it was long ago enough that I think Pikko was still posting news updates consisting solely of items added. The ad infected a few hundred thousand users. It was an ad that the company Alla used at the time had checked, but they were hit with the traditional outsourced bait and switch, a common practice. Basically, Scummy Ads Inc. submits version 1 of the ad, and ensures that the agreement they sign with Ad Pusher Inc. says that they get to remote-host the ad. Ad Pusher scans the ad, green-lights it, then after a rotation or two, Scummy Ads Inc. swaps in for an ad that has the same size as the green-lit ad, but has an added surprise inside, or features a new script that runs from the remote location.

So much fun, playing Russian roulette with ads, hence why I don't.
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
The idea of old school is way more interesting than the reality
#48 Dec 18 2010 at 10:08 PM Rating: Decent
I'd be really curious who you choose. I mean, selecting people could lead the site down directions the populous at large don't want to see. I can see making an advisory committee of some of the long-time members here, but then the newbies would just cry that some "clique" is running the forums...

Honestly, for all the crap that comes from the open suggestion threads, there are some good opinions in them as well.
I've expressed the same concerns with him in PMs. I know it's a lot of work going through the ********* but it does give the newer posters a a chance to voice their opinions, as well as the midrange posters. And so what if it's a pain in the ***? I'm no business expert, but i'm pretty sure making your customers happy is the best way to make money, especially when you give 90% of your service away for free, and rely on what is essentially a donation to really make money.

I think the focus group is an excellent idea, and i'm definitely looking forward to participating, but i don't think you should just leave it at that. First of all, you said you just want to get more active posters, which is definitely a mistake. I understand selecting a brand new poster isn't really feasible, and even if you did, they likely would not be as productive as others, but getting a bunch of people with the same perspective won't be very productive either. Second, don't forget that unless you actually invite one along, you won't get much of an idea what they want. Just because a bunch of people that have been here for years all like an idea doesn't mean the guys who have been here for a months, or even just a few weeks will. To find that out, i still think the best way is to just make a thread and ask for ideas. Tell them you really want to hear from the newer posters. You could maybe even have a contest or something offering free premium for a month to the 10 or so people who offer the the most insightful comments, and only allow people who have been here under a year to qualify. Or something to just get feedback from a group of users that is much less likely to speak up otherwise. I dunno, i'm just throwing out ideas here. I think it's great that you're actively looking for feedback about the site, however i think it's important that you try to hear what everyone says, and not just those of us that have been around a while, and have already shown we want to help improve things.

Sorry for the rambling, hopefully you get something useful out of this~
#49 Dec 19 2010 at 8:17 PM Rating: Excellent
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2,159 posts
Pawkeshup Quick Hands wrote:
Nizdaar wrote:
2) An up to date antivirus software program combined with a responsible site negates this risk to almost zero.
Holy crap did I laugh my *** off over this one... That's the biggest load of crap I've ever seen. I worked in a call center where we charged people exorbitant amounts of money to remove viruses and spyware that were normally generated in one of three ways: Downloading stuff you shouldn't, ****, and ad-laden websites. And most of them had a fully working, fully updated anti-virus program.

I wouldn't call downloading something you should, viewing **** (and by ****, I mean those free with 10 forwards each with 20 ads... you know the ones, not penthouse or playboy) or ad-laden websites as a responsible site. No, I wouldn't call us ad-laden.

Pawkeshup Quick Hands wrote:

Nizdaar wrote:
We do try our very best to keep the intrusion at a minimum. If we really wanted to crank it up we would have interstials, dashboards every page load (the ads that come up from the bottom), popunders constantly and more ads than content on every page.
Acutally, there were times in the past where there were interstials and pop-unders from this site. I can't thank you enough for getting rid of them.

When did we have interstitials? I've been responsible for all the ad coding for ZAM for almost 6 years now. I have never been asked to implement them.
#50 Dec 20 2010 at 1:48 AM Rating: Decent
1,590 posts
Nizdaar wrote:
I wouldn't call downloading something you should, viewing **** (and by ****, I mean those free with 10 forwards each with 20 ads... you know the ones, not penthouse or playboy)

You've obviously researched the subject in depth. :D
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