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Really FFGen. (was forum=10)Follow

#1 Jan 28 2011 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
7,566 posts
To FFXI forums in General.

Seriously when is enough enough. I see it everyday people derailing threads after a post by a user that upsets someone or the person reading it directly. Blame gets put out on a very few individuals, myself included. (Although I do not deny I have been responsible for derails in the past, and likely will in the future, but such is the nature of discussion boards and offshoot discussions that evolve.)

Now I know a lot of the time certain people, myself included say things that come across as ******** or are outright so. But this is a discussion forum and not some school yard where teacher will stick you on the wall for saying johnny sucks at kickball and it should never be.

The decline of this forum is blamed on the few when it is more than just "the few". Ive seen countless topics filled with so and so is posting mean things again so I will post about them and not the topic. Ive seen/partaken in threads that are so dumb that a derail is the only sensible thing to keep people talking.

Today's instance is just another where one upset person blames a single person, for derailing when it was actually more posting something that was a harsh but on topic statement.

Further more the comments at the end of the closed topic irk me. If there is an overly large issue between one person who is supposed to remain unbiased in most situations, certain comments that are clearly made about said person should not be publicized. If there is an issue between a Mod and a poster than that issue should be taken up between the mod and the poster privately and not publicly. This is the same as poster and poster issues, we are asked to take it to PM's when we have a serious issue with someone, the privacy of individuals should be considered no matter who those individuals are.

I for one think that these certain "trouble makers" have contributed more to these forums over the years Ive been here than most of those that take issue with the "trouble makers". I have seen one particular individual offer more advice than anyone in the closed thread earlier combined. Yet this individual is chastised for lowering the quality of this community.

I think that everyone should look in the mirror and ask themselves what have they done to benefit the community here, other than go on some tireless self-absorbed righteous crusade against the evil wrong doers who say things a tad harsher than what they feel is acceptable.

/end rant.

Edited, Jan 28th 2011 5:19pm by Osarion Lock Thread: Off Topic to FFXI

Edited, Jan 28th 2011 5:19pm by Osarion

Edited, Jan 30th 2011 2:42pm by Kaolian Lock Thread: Thread degenerating into flames. We're done. Any further comment PM Kao or Darqflame.
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#2 Jan 28 2011 at 6:39 PM Rating: Decent
539 posts
rdmcandie wrote:
rdmcandie wrote:
I for one think that these certain "trouble makers" have contributed more to these forums over the years Ive been here than most of those that take issue with the "trouble makers". I have seen one particular individual offer more advice than anyone in the closed thread earlier combined. Yet this individual is chastised for lowering the quality of this community.

Double-quoting this because it's simply true. The loss of these members to our community will do far more damage than people would care to admit. The poster in question has posted countless things that I have benefited from, both here and elsewhere. Cheers to you, rdm, for this thread.
#3 Jan 28 2011 at 6:46 PM Rating: Decent
6,268 posts
Calessa wrote:
rdmcandie wrote:
rdmcandie wrote:
I for one think that these certain "trouble makers" have contributed more to these forums over the years Ive been here than most of those that take issue with the "trouble makers". I have seen one particular individual offer more advice than anyone in the closed thread earlier combined. Yet this individual is chastised for lowering the quality of this community.

Double-quoting this because it's simply true. The loss of these members to our community will do far more damage than people would care to admit. The poster in question has posted countless things that I have benefited from, both here and elsewhere. Cheers to you, rdm, for this thread.

Not to make too extreme a comparison, but Rog is like Nelson Mandella (was the first to come to mind, I'm sure there's a better one to make). He's got his **** straight, everyone likes him, but for some reason the establishment always wants to throw him away. Sometimes his methods may be extreme, his words may be harsh, but I'll be damned if he isn't right most of the time.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Airships on fire off the shoulder of Bahamut. I watched Scapula Beams glitter in the dark near the Three Mage Gate...

Nilatai wrote:
Vlorsutes wrote:
There's always...not trolling him?

You're new here, aren't you?
#4 Jan 28 2011 at 6:54 PM Rating: Excellent
755 posts
Raelix wrote:
Calessa wrote:
rdmcandie wrote:
rdmcandie wrote:
I for one think that these certain "trouble makers" have contributed more to these forums over the years Ive been here than most of those that take issue with the "trouble makers". I have seen one particular individual offer more advice than anyone in the closed thread earlier combined. Yet this individual is chastised for lowering the quality of this community.

Double-quoting this because it's simply true. The loss of these members to our community will do far more damage than people would care to admit. The poster in question has posted countless things that I have benefited from, both here and elsewhere. Cheers to you, rdm, for this thread.

Not to make too extreme a comparison, but Rog is like Nelson Mandella (was the first to come to mind, I'm sure there's a better one to make). He's got his sh*t straight, everyone likes him, but for some reason the establishment always wants to throw him away. Sometimes his methods may be extreme, his words may be harsh, but I'll be damned if he isn't right most of the time.

Sorry, but being right isn't a free pass for being an ahole.
#5 Jan 28 2011 at 6:54 PM Rating: Excellent
795 posts
Rog is a douchebag. Most people don't deserve it.

Except Catwho.I give him a pass to be a douche to her.
75 Pld Nin Drk Thf


#6 Jan 28 2011 at 6:56 PM Rating: Good
There is a difference between being a a prick on a forum in general on occasion and taking every possible opportunity to bash one person in particular.

Especially when you are already on thin ice for being a pain in the *** 90% of the time.

The loss of these members to our community will do far more damage than people would care to admit. The poster in question has posted countless things that I have benefited from, both here and elsewhere. Cheers to you, rdm, for this thread.

No matter how valuable you think some people's contributions to the forum are they have to follow the same rules as everyone else. The same as in FFXI no matter how pimped out, skilled, how many shells they run or how much money they pay every month via extra characters they still have to follow the same rules as everyone else or suffer the wrath of those in charge.
#7 Jan 28 2011 at 6:57 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Calessa wrote:
rdmcandie wrote:
rdmcandie wrote:
I for one think that these certain "trouble makers" have contributed more to these forums over the years Ive been here than most of those that take issue with the "trouble makers". I have seen one particular individual offer more advice than anyone in the closed thread earlier combined. Yet this individual is chastised for lowering the quality of this community.

Double-quoting this because it's simply true. The loss of these members to our community will do far more damage than people would care to admit. The poster in question has posted countless things that I have benefited from, both here and elsewhere. Cheers to you, rdm, for this thread.

Before this turns into a troll's circle jerk, you can't really say for sure as, to some degree, the board hasn't really experienced life without one in some incarnation. Just as you can't say someone else would've offered any particular tidbit of information with far more tact and less argumentative "You're retarded!" insinuations like a select few are prone to do.

Unfortunately, I probably get caught up in the White Knight end of the spectrum. It isn't so much to martyr myself or solely give the trolls what-for, but I do have a genuine interest in a more hospitable forum environment and do believe discussions can still occur without the vitriol or perpetual derails. I guess it's a matter of how Zam, on the whole, feels about forum traffic: Is a high number of posts with questionable content preferred over a few number of posts striving for quality? My spidey sense leans toward the former, if only by generation of ad revenue.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#8 Jan 28 2011 at 7:01 PM Rating: Good
539 posts
Iron Chef Auntmac wrote:
Sorry, but being right isn't a free pass for being an ahole.

At least he's a constructive *** most of the time, which is more than can be said for most (but not necessarily all) of the people who criticize him at every turn. If people didn't call him out on it all the time in the open, most of the douchebaggery would never spill out in the first place, as the majority comes out when he's defending himself anyway, and rarely is the person calling him out someone who has contributed much anyway.

Honestly, if it weren't for the fact that I dislike imposing directly upon people, I would direct the majority of my gameplay questions straight to him instead of asking the forum at large, because even though I know the response might be abrasive, crass, rude, and dismissive, it is still likely to be some of the best actual advice I can get. When I post for advice, what I want is real advice, not sugar-coated meandering words that won't be up front when I'm making or have made a big mistake.

I really don't even care if I get karma-bombed for defending him. I believe it's the right thing to do.
#9 Jan 28 2011 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
6,268 posts
Iron Chef Auntmac wrote:
Sorry, but being right isn't a free pass for being an ahole.

Sig relevant. Often politeness goes out the window when someone steps in and demands information or ideas or even just some ego-boosting agreement with their ideals. Few such as Rog give such things for free, even if the price is just a little respect. I respect Rog, and still verbally tangle with him often, but within that I do eventually reach consensus with him on ideals and ideas.

This isn't the Internet F*ckwad Theory in effect, but instead a measure of 'I don't owe you this, but I'll let you have it anyway'. Sure he lets them 'have it' a little harder than he should, but contribution is the key.

Arucarud would just insult you first. It'd take at least four posts before he's post anything relevant. Rog curbed this habit, and guess which of them is still around?

Calessa wrote:
At least he's a constructive *** most of the time, which is more than can be said for most (but not necessarily all) of the people who criticize him at every turn. If people didn't call him out on it all the time in the open, most of the douchebaggery would never spill out in the first place, as the majority comes out when he's defending himself anyway, and rarely is the person calling him out someone who has contributed much anyway.

Honestly, if it weren't for the fact that I dislike imposing directly upon people, I would direct the majority of my gameplay questions straight to him instead of asking the forum at large, because even though I know the response might be abrasive, crass, rude, and dismissive, it is still likely to be some of the best actual advice I can get. When I post for advice, what I want is real advice, not sugar-coated meandering words that won't be up front when I'm making or have made a big mistake.

This and this, especially the bolded part. People want an expert, they tend to be assh0les, but they still demand that their question be answered.

Edited, Jan 28th 2011 5:04pm by Raelix
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Airships on fire off the shoulder of Bahamut. I watched Scapula Beams glitter in the dark near the Three Mage Gate...

Nilatai wrote:
Vlorsutes wrote:
There's always...not trolling him?

You're new here, aren't you?
#10 Jan 28 2011 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
5,684 posts
If nothing else, all those posters keep me entertained, though it can really bog down discussion at times.

I'll agree that the rude posters get out of line at times, but those that attack them are just as worse since most of the time the one being attacked was doing nothing wrong.

Oh damn, Rog has been muted? This is going to be a very boring day/week/month/year/lifetime.

I think I'll be F5'ing this thread for a while tonight...

Edited, Jan 28th 2011 7:12pm by xypin
#11 Jan 28 2011 at 7:10 PM Rating: Good
13,251 posts
This is really just an exercise in futility. Rog is only the most visible poster who posts like that. Take him away and you're not going to really curb any of those kinds of posts, you'll just notice someone else moreso than you did when Rog was posting a lot. He's hardly the only person to post like that and he certainly won't be the last.

I get it. Mute him or whatever because he's been warned and it's not his personal board so you punish him for not heeding the warnings. Let's just not all fool ourselves into thinking that he's the main problem with =10.

Also, I'd like to petition that if you do decide to not unmute him, could you at least just have him muted in the FFXI boards, and allow him to post in Site Feedback, the OOT and the Asylum (also, Journals)?

Edited, Jan 28th 2011 8:12pm by Spoonless
#12 Jan 28 2011 at 7:32 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
This and this, especially the bolded part. People want an expert, they tend to be assh0les, but they still demand that their question be answered.

I can't agree with this. If you're genuinely interested in teaching others, you can do it without being a ****. There's a factor of ego involved, maybe in just testing the limits of their actions or just to observe the aftermath.

Now, while I don't doubt there are those that simply demand info, there's outright telling someone and leading them on to figure it out for themselves. It's basically the equivalent of the "Teach a man to fish..." line. In FFXI sense, they could Math Dump(tm) or just spit out a list of gear, but it's unlikely the person will understand why something is better. And if you find yourself in the position where you're getting angry about telling these people why, you're more than likely better off not contributing and waiting for someone more level-headed to step in, if they haven't already.

Anyway, while the mechanics of XI don't go too far past basic algebra, there's still a lot to just not know about unless you know where to look. Wikis are helpful, and attempt to answer questions for folks before they resort to boards, but sometimes the individual won't know what they're after or what the Wiki might possibly mean (especially if the entry was poorly written and filled more with opinion than fact). Nonetheless, some fail to simply speak in Layman's Terms. Such is usually how I attempt to field questions I see unless I know for sure the person asking could comprehend things off the bat.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#13 Jan 28 2011 at 7:36 PM Rating: Decent
7,566 posts
No not everyone has to be a ****, but then again I don't recall the last time Ive seen you post helpful information that Rog already didn't post. Im just saying, he might be a ****, but he consistently answers questions usually before anyone sees them come up.
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#14 Jan 28 2011 at 7:59 PM Rating: Decent
@#%^ing DRK
13,143 posts
This is dumb. Rog is being muted for saying someone sucks and being blunt? Oh dear, what a meanie poopy head.

This thread makes me sad.
#15 Jan 28 2011 at 8:12 PM Rating: Decent
7,566 posts
I assume that is the reason, I more so made this because the White knight ******** is stupid. People derail threads every day. People that aren't even Rog. But no one takes offense to them, people see his name as the last post and come in and try and play hero. It is sad, and they try and claim he is the reason for the decline of =10, when they are more responsible for it turning into a swamp of name calling than Rog himself is.

Doesn't help that a certain Mod utterly despises him and will look for any excuse to mute/ban him they can find, even if it is something as small as "So and So sucks at FFXI". I mean seriously, aren't they supposed to be unbiased and impartial when it comes to things like this.

If people don't have a thick enough skin to stand getting called a name or reading about someone else getting called a name, they should throw their modem out their front door because the internet is far to much for them to handle obviously.
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#16 Jan 28 2011 at 8:14 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
rdmcandie wrote:
No not everyone has to be a ****, but then again I don't recall the last time Ive seen you post helpful information that Rog already didn't post. Im just saying, he might be a ****, but he consistently answers questions usually before anyone sees them come up.

Posting first != More Right, just as +1'ing agreement or redundantly spewing out the same have to be done to suggest you know something. From there, you're comparing the activities of a jobless kid to an adult with their own worldly responsibilities. Hint: One will be able to post a lot more than the other.

Otherwise, your eyes aren't everywhere. You don't see every thread I respond to or what kind of PMs I've fielded over time. You can claw at me and flame me for our disagreements over RDM, but don't even pretend to know I do nothing for my friends, linkshell, strangers, or the community. The reason you haven't noticed is I don't make a scene over it every time I decide to open my mouth.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#17 Jan 28 2011 at 8:21 PM Rating: Good
492 posts
I know I will regret posting in this thread, but...

Rog killed my wife, raped my puppy, etc.

People can be ********, especially on the internet. It's sad this has become such a big deal.

Can just ignore people if you think they're being too rough, but hey, Rog has helped me out on an occasion or two, so I must be biased.
#18 Jan 28 2011 at 8:23 PM Rating: Good
798 posts
Rog is certainly not the only poster capable of providing information. He just lives on this site so he posts fastest. He +1s and derails constantly and openly defies the admins. There is just no reason to talk down to people. Yeah people maybe need a thicker skin, but going on about how Catwho sucks at FFXI is just uncalled for and off-topic. Some of it is just indefensible and he's been asked to stop and hasn't and won't.
#19 Jan 28 2011 at 8:24 PM Rating: Good
539 posts
Posting first doesn't make you more right, but it can often be more useful. Many people come to forums looking for an immediate answer, not an answer in 3-4 hours or even days. Let me be clear here, I don't think rog's behavior is useful, but he produces a vast amount of information, pretty much on demand, that is.
#20 Jan 28 2011 at 8:27 PM Rating: Decent
@#%^ing DRK
13,143 posts
JaxReborn wrote:
Rog is certainly not the only poster capable of providing information. He just lives on this site so he posts fastest. He +1s and derails constantly and openly defies the admins. There is just no reason to talk down to people. Yeah people maybe need a thicker skin, but going on about how Catwho sucks at FFXI is just uncalled for and off-topic. Some of it is just indefensible and he's been asked to stop and hasn't and won't.

No need to get offended for catwho. I'm sure she's perfectly capable of lodging her own complaint.
#21 Jan 28 2011 at 8:35 PM Rating: Good
798 posts
I don't know Catwho and I'm not sticking up for her. Just providing a recent example.
#22 Jan 28 2011 at 9:09 PM Rating: Decent
@#%^ing DRK
13,143 posts
Guess I better keep my kiddie gloves on in =10...
#23 Jan 28 2011 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
7,566 posts
Calessa wrote:
Posting first doesn't make you more right, but it can often be more useful. Many people come to forums looking for an immediate answer, not an answer in 3-4 hours or even days. Let me be clear here, I don't think rog's behavior is useful, but he produces a vast amount of information, pretty much on demand, that is.

JaxReborn wrote:
I don't know Catwho and I'm not sticking up for her. Just providing a recent example.

I agree, don't get me wrong, I don't believe in his ******* ways, but he is a wealth of knowledge, and no matter how ******* his replies to questions are once you wade through the petty comments the information is bang on and exactly usually what people want to see.
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#24 Jan 28 2011 at 9:12 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
When an administrator action is taken upon an account, be it a warning, a norate, a mute, a ban, etc, we leave a user note. We take a look at such notes and take the number, severity, and repeatability of certain offences into account. One person who has done 1 thing once, might get a warning for said thing. One person who has done said thing 20 or more times and has been repeatedly warned about it by a variety of staff and yet insists on continuing to do so over and over again, will get a different response. Rog has been an asset to the forum to a certain degree, and helpful in finding bugs. That does not however entirely mitigate his refusal to follow moderator actions in the FFXI forum. The degree, severity, and shere number of previous, documented offences really leaves no question as to the outcome.

Quite simply, I cannot allow a forum user to continually defy the staff.

In the post in question, Rog was not the instigator of the comments, and that person has been dealt with seperatly, but he did specifically continue with them, and in an area that I personally warned him about myself. It was made explicitly clear that he was out of chances, and he chose to continue. This is unfortunate, but that is the path he decided to take.

For what it is worth, the final decision to issue a ban was mine.

Administrator Kaolian
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#25 Jan 28 2011 at 9:16 PM Rating: Decent
@#%^ing DRK
13,143 posts

This reminds me of those stories about people getting life in prison for stealing a candy bar.
#26 Jan 28 2011 at 9:24 PM Rating: Good
492 posts
OK so did Rog get banned or muted or what? Short answer please, not trying to make this turn into a **********
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