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#327 Nov 29 2004 at 3:36 PM Rating: Good
649 posts
I'll take any huggles she wants to send my way... although apparently I'm now the property of Eleusynia and co., so Merodi may need permission. Not sure but there might be royalties involved.
#328 Nov 29 2004 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
1,502 posts
Kristal (hope I spelled her name correctly) Although she told me she has RDM as her main, she was a BLM when she partied with me. We had 2 RDMs sharing healing duties as we couldn't find a WHM, for some reason they decided to melee. Kristal pulled out all the stops and did the best healing job I've ever seen from a BLM, saving my *** in the process.

Montaru Taru BST extraordinairre who helped a couple of my LS buddies pick up AF pieces in the Garbage *********

Osmen (possibly Osman) WAR/MNK. Not a "good player" in terms of skill perhaps, he himself freely admits he's "just a noob" but he was eager to listen and learn how to tank and hold hate properly as a WAR/MNK at that level. He also has a really refreshing "I'm just happy to be here" attitude, which is rare in exp parties and that's the reason I'm adding him to this list.

Edited, Mon Nov 29 17:25:02 2004 by Rasen
#329 Nov 30 2004 at 1:25 AM Rating: Good
Solrain the Mundane wrote:

Smiley: eek

Now you've done it, Nata...

Mero will hunt you down and hugglez your ***! It's unavoidable now..

It's broken lesser men, lemme tell ya.

/ja "Perfect Dodge"
/ja "Flee"
/ja "Hide"


(Or did she pay you to say you didn't know her...?)

#330 Nov 30 2004 at 4:05 PM Rating: Good
I would like to add a wonderful, helpful and kind player named


to this list.

Lyden helped me and a small group of others get our Eldieme coffer keys, and then he helped me go down and kill Dark Spark for my black flames. He was so kind and patient throughout, such a helpful player; even as I was on my way to join him, he was helping another player reach the castle.

I posted on the main thread about him, here:

He's amazingly helpful, kind and giving. If you see this guy lfg, grab him up, he's a wonderful player. ^^
#331 Dec 01 2004 at 12:20 AM Rating: Decent
Pardon the hijack. Moment of irritation.

Would my anonymous karma stalker please step forward and explain why they felt my last post (off-topic, but not enormously so) got rated down?

Smiley: banghead

Like I'm not paranoid enough... >.>

Sorry for the hijack.
#332 Dec 01 2004 at 3:06 AM Rating: Decent
70 posts
You nominated Ashton, did you? That's my real life name. *honored*
#333 Dec 02 2004 at 12:16 AM Rating: Decent
87 posts
I have three more people to add to the list: Kulganflame, Redliner, and Youngquill.

Kulganflame was simply fantastic as a Ninja/Warrior in a late-night EXP party. To the point, he displayed a mastery of the Ninja job and spells to a level I've never seen before.

Redliner was a Paladin that we had onboard who traded hate with Kulgan, and he did an excellent job at holding hate as well. Very good Paladin who knew his job and did it well.

Youngquill. I had the pleasure of meeting this WHM in a scatterbrained Sandy Eco-Warrior quest a while back; we ran into each other again in this pt. Very competent at her job, and funny as well.

Also, there was a pretty good melee person (Samurai, I think) who I was in a pt with not long ago (I've forgotten his name, so sorry), and he had THE FUNNIEST provoke macros ever. Ever.
#334 Dec 02 2004 at 12:22 AM Rating: Good
Yay for Starshadow!!!

He just joined my static group *beams* and yes, I must agree, Sioux, he's one of the best damn Whms I've EVER partied with!
#335 Dec 02 2004 at 6:20 AM Rating: Decent
47 posts
I'm gonna throw out a big thumbs-up to Terrestrialrage for not only being one of the funniest freaks around to talk to *laugh* but for putting up with me and helping me get my blm af gloves yesterday. \o/

Oh, and also Corpse, Tubbz, and everyone else in Aurora that helped me gather my genkai 1 stuff. <3 you guys ^^
#336 Dec 02 2004 at 4:02 PM Rating: Good
I would like to add Frantz, and Hepstatus (sp?), these guys helped me out do DRG back in Febuary and I didnt forget, they were 10 lvls higher than me and they helped me.

Frantz helped me out with many other quests after that until I took my break. Now he is lvl 75 DRK, even though I met him as WHM. Thanks guys.


Wakalaka wrote:
Oh, and also Corpse, Tubbz, and everyone else in Aurora that helped me gather my genkai 1 stuff. <3 you guys ^^

Corpse is also a nice guy, he helped me get AF pants, and so did Grimson. Thank you guys.

Edit: Karma camped, why would anyone rate someone down for adding good players here? do they hate the ones I added?

Edited, Thu Dec 2 21:23:56 2004 by JoLOveS
#337 Dec 02 2004 at 7:57 PM Rating: Decent
I wanna add a few, most of these people are my friends and some are passersby greatly deserving mention

Crezto- Lvl 60+ Paladin, Has helped me more times than I can count, from when I was a lowbie warrior, all the way up to my present lvl. I will owe him to the day I die.
Fudo lvl 60+ Dark Knight, another person who helps me out without hesitation. I also owe him big time.
Kwayzaar- My most loyal soldier. He has also been at my side since my earliest days.
Roreca- My mithra pal, always has jokes, is a great thf and rng.Ive known her damn near since I first started playing this game.
Fernando- The legendary Leaping Lizzie slayer. Has also been a very good friend of mine from the earliest levels.Very reliable meat shield.
Malana- she is mad cool.Taught me quite a bit about being an RDM.
Chikaizer- Same as Malana.He is also always willing to help me out. Also an rdm.
Ashburnitall- a total wiseass. He keeps the party cheerful with his lunacy.Great thf.Ever so willing to help people out.
Grizzlybeast- Party with him long enough and you see why.Funny voke macro.Awesome damage sponge.
Imhotep- Man this guy is insane. I told him everyone he has balls made of Mythril. Ever see a Taru Drk using last resort,berserk, and soul eater with a smile on his face?
Keyven- great tank, over all cool guy.
Starfury- Ive known him from the earliest lvls. He is a mad cool guy.
Rhymmney- Has the one of the biggest hearts I know. She is also a very loyal soldier.She is very death prone sadly.
Illuminated- Is always seen with Rhymmney. He is there to pick up her pieces lol.
Taruofdoom- Great guy,always seen with the aforementioned duo. Always a helpful person.

I'll add more later.My time on the computer is up :/
#338 Dec 02 2004 at 9:16 PM Rating: Good
346 posts
I must also add to the list; Superwittykitty! She saved me and my pt's lives twice when we were near death! She is one cool cat!(lol, sorry, couldn't pass it up!)

Think a page or two back I put her on here. Someone else also nominated her. She's definitely a very kick a** kat. ^^
#339 Dec 03 2004 at 1:07 AM Rating: Decent
386 posts
I'd have to go with everyone in Mystbattalion, and everyone that used to be in Averyl. All very cool and skilled people.
#340 Dec 03 2004 at 4:29 AM Rating: Decent
940 posts
Silverbane: Damned good DRK (yeah, there's at least one out there)
Solamis: Good SAM, used to be one of the best tanks ever as a WAR
Evilpickles: Um, what can i say about this spunky taru BLM that most of you don't know? She's just good
Slado: Good THF, saved my *** a number of times, stopped camping Spooks to help me do San d'Oria mission 1-2 when i was just a noob
Demondarkhalo: SAM, MNK, and THF, kinda like the red-headed step child we all pick on, but he gets the job done
Daffyd: Friendly helpful RDM, level 60+ actually has mentor status and acts like a mentor. Dropped what he was doing one day and helped me find the storage hole i needed for my AF1
#341 Dec 03 2004 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
I'd like to list a few more,

Merenwen(I must add that her equipment makes me want to cry)

^^; abit more then a few...

Edited, Fri Dec 3 12:02:39 2004 by AsukaAngel
#342 Dec 03 2004 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
this has been long coming but I would like to add the following people to the list:

Aarial - Excellent Whm who helped with my AF3 and G2
Suicidalducky - Aarial's Pld counterpart
Bowser - awesome bard when he's now wearing subligars
Seker - One of the few and rare dark knights that are good
Xxiii - great thief and now monk...
Ninjai - The first Thief I ever trusted to SATA properly
Veran - Awesome blink tank (40k XP in two days)
Mamimi - Bard extraodinaire
Pheer - War Ninja
Eric - great red mage
Maxse - Tachi Yukikaze > Dancing Edge for 1700 on Toramas :) what else needs to be said?
Tigorhoang - Another good Pld
Megago - another good samurai

#343 Dec 03 2004 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
I am going to 2nd Huggles. He has been very helpful to me and getting my AF done. He is a great player and always willing to help.
#344 Dec 03 2004 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
I just have to agree about Namfoodle. He has helped me a lot and he will find people who are also willing to help if we can't do it alone. He helped me get my limit break items and I am very greatful for the help. Great person!!!
#345 Dec 04 2004 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
I just had the pleasure of partying with Derzerb, a Galka THF, in Qufim. Really nice guy - kept on top of Sneak Attack, yes, but also was levelling cooking during downtime and (incredibly generously and graciously) supplied the mages with Yagudo drinks, and wouldn't accept a single gil.

And I must agree about Squishie - very nice guy. :D
#346 Dec 04 2004 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
446 posts
I have to add these two people to this list

Elvaantheeast & Ravenlyn

Two of the best Paladins I have ever had the joy of playing with!!!!! (yes I said joy O_0)
They definitly know what they are doing ^^
#347 Dec 04 2004 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
311 posts
I will also agree for Huggles. He is usually always able to lend a hand.
#348 Dec 04 2004 at 11:45 PM Rating: Decent
374 posts
I am seconding Silverbane, he is the second in command of my (Im the owner) LS and is always willing to drop whatever he is doing and help people. He even sat around for two nights trying to help me grab Ge'Dha Evileye (spelling?) so I could get a Holy Phial (we never got him, there were campers...) but he never complained and talked me out of giving up at one point ^^

I thus raise a cup of fine warm sake to my friend Silverbane!
#349 Dec 05 2004 at 6:25 AM Rating: Decent
340 posts
Huggles is a very nice dude, funny too.
#350 Dec 05 2004 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
145 posts
I have to Nominate Sephina, SHe is an awsome whitemage and her dragoon is shaping up nicely. Also Blksnk(who is in my LS) Is turning into a fine Palidon, When i am playing black mage and we are in a party I never get hit and as a mage TY very very much man. Annatar(hope i spelled that right)has been in several parties with me in the jungle and i would say his thief is awsome(this coming from me, who's main is a thief :) )There are more as I have had much luck in the jungle this past week so those who partied with me you know who u are :)

Retired July 2009

#351 Dec 06 2004 at 4:43 AM Rating: Good
305 posts
>.< I Miss Merodi already. I haven't seen the kitty around Jeuno lately. Merodi probably strolls into Jeuno when I'm up and about in sky. I MISS YOU MERODI!!!!!

/em Jumps On Merodi So She Won't Escape My Grasps.

It looks like Phoeby is sticking to BRD now instead of RDM. LOL! Painezy, that girl keeps slapping me everytime I lvl up and said she will hurt me if I do ;p

Sioux, my RDM twin, there are some high lvl players who are critical, impatient and rude but like Invoky and me, we are just friendly ppl who are mostly busy with LS events which involve going to sky. So, don't be afraid to ask other high lvl ppl for help that you can trust.

Finally, some of you guys mentioned ppl who are currently in my HNM LS. The people are:

Blueboco aka AirBoco!

And some of the ppl you guys mention, are cool friends that I hang out with in-game.
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