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Good Player AlertsFollow

#352 Dec 07 2004 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
I have partied with many great people this past month and I would like to add these individuals for there help and courtesy.
Blueboco(One of my best friends! Best WHM (KITTY!!!!) lol
Bagram(Best freakin PLD EVER!! he holds hate perfectly!)
Bronxboy(tied with Best sam with Megago)
Megago(tied with best sam with Bronx)
Mochii(a great WHM from Genesis who mentors me about Lv70+ things
Evander(helping without benefit to himself ZM5)
Xangoulous..?(A Lv74 PLD not sure if name is right. Help ZM8)
Zariko(Funniest DRG you'll ever meet!)
Haibra(Very good THF, helped me and PT do ZM5-13-thank you-!
Zeng(for being my best Real life friend)
and everyone else on the bismarck server that helps without benefit~ your all wonderful people! Bismarck is #1.
#353 Dec 07 2004 at 11:31 PM Rating: Good
353 posts
I just had the pleasure of partying with Derzerb

I can't believe I missed this. Derzerb is likely *the* nicest person I've ever encountered in the game and was the one to first put me in awe of the power a mnk (his main) has. Incredibly wonderful person.
#354 Dec 08 2004 at 4:38 AM Rating: Good
510 posts
Great people I add here today, we all went through the glory of ZM6-13 together earlier today.

Macey(The BEST ninja I've ever had the pleasure to party with in any way, xp or mission. It doesn't matter. Macey fu[b][/b]cking rocks.)

Mupple(....MUPPLE! XD)

Jeryn (Awesome BLM, almost as egotistical as myself.)

Neokaiser(Great Thief, Great Friend.)

Errata(Purely pwn RDM love the guy, he made ZM8 feel easy.)

Elvay(My set parties whm! The best of the best!)

(Macey, Mupple, Jeryn and Neokaiser from CrystalCrusaders a great bunch of guys. Errata from ArchDominus, another great bunch of guys. Elvay from Blueabyss, Poo on Abyss. =p)
#355 Dec 08 2004 at 5:13 AM Rating: Good
I just want to add a name of not a good player, but a great player, and good friend irl as well as in game. The person I'm referring to is Etared, a Mithran RDM. What makes this person so special you ask, well I'll tell you. We were 2-manning in Altepa when I had a IRL emergency, and went afk. While i was away we got aggroed by an Antican Essiderius (spelling?)that was wailing on my lvl 40 Galkan Monk real good. This is the great part, for like 5 minutes Eta sleeps this antican while he arranges for another member of our ls to come and port me to a safe haven, Props to a very special WHM Kitaru, who logged in just to do this btw. Eta holds this antican until someone comes along and helps with it, I don't know your name or I would put it up here too. You know who you are and if you see this please let me know if we pass in game. Until then to all involved /em Kneels respecfuly to all that saved my butt. Smiley: bowdown
#356 Dec 08 2004 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Ah... love these threads. Makes you feel like **** after playing a year, helping 70+ people find coffers in OZ so they can get AF, solo'ing AF3 NM's for people because they can't find others to help, sything items for people for free because I'm a nice guy, doesnt get posted in threads like these. Guess I'll just be an ******* from now on. ;) s'ok tho, really it is

Anyways, would like to say that I think allmost everyone in Lunarians is a great player and good friends. Most of whom I've known for over 9 months.
Raikku - He's a funny guy and can be extreamely generous and very sincere and nice when he wants to be. Also plays his job very well.
Lughe - JP RDM who helped me with my AF and has continued to converse with me ever since I was but a n00b thf entering OZ for my very first time.
Carrotlee - I've known carrot for a long time and he's very nice. Not many people will stop what there doing to come and raise you in places like Sea Serpent Grotto and allmost every other place out of the way.
Mildain - Only other ranger I've partied with who's done his job as good if not better then I did.
Nalei - Even with all the ******** between our LS's your still one of the best rdm's I've seen.
#357 Dec 09 2004 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
Heh, I have to post Lunarian because he's one of the few DRG's that I enjoy pting with. He just does his job really well.

Also 2 other DRG's I have to pay my respects to are Terraforce and Zariko who posted here. Had a lot of fun with you guys in Ballista the other day. Fighting Zariko 1-on-1 was a blast.
#358 Dec 09 2004 at 4:50 PM Rating: Good
After searching through this thread for the first time, I noticed something rather disturbing, a name so incredibly deserving is not on this list, so I add it now.

There is a person who sits behind a name that is so wonderful; everything she says makes me happy. Greed is not a factor in this person's play style, she is kindness incarnate.

The person I speak of;


When I first started this game about a year ago, I noticed a common flaw with the people in it. Greed, their motivation for everything.

I remember paying a member of the LS I was in, 10,000 gil, just so he would come help me kill the rank 3 dragon.

But I also remember the Taru WHM who was there, who stood and shouted in Windurst for 3 hours until we had the members necessary for the battle. Leeluu was there through the whole thing.

After camping smaller NM, and hearing about how camped the "Good" NM like Valkurm Emperor and Leaping Lizzy are, I finally decided to give it a go. These are items my MNK and WAR and THF could use. Leeluu is a mage, these items are of no use to her.

Well, she stood in Valkurm for hours until I claimed Valkurm Emperor. When the Hairpin dropped, she was happy for me. At level 40, a 300K drop, she just let me have it with no thought of personal gain.

Leaping Lizzy took 7 kills, and through it all, she was there. Countless hours.

Hoo Mjuu the Torrant and 12 kills later. Probably 50 hours of camping, and again, she was there.

Most recently, Cactuar Cantautor. 18 kills and I finally got my Kung Fu shoes. 1,000,000 gil shoes, and she didn't even flinch as I casted my lot.

Every piece of AF, every genkai, she was there to help me.

The first EXP party we were in together was in Yuthunga Jungle. This was my first experience of how good EXP could actually be. One of those parties where you stay up until 2AM because everything is just so perfect. We have EXPed together ever since. We’ve had statics with other people, but in reality, it has always been her and I.

Even now as a 66MNK and Leeluu as a 66WHM, we make 2K an hour EXP, often chain 4, sometimes chain 5 on goblins and raptors in Cape Terragin. If we add 4 more pick-ups, we’d be lucky to get 3K exp an hour, the going rate for a pick up party. It takes 4 more people to increase the EXP by .5 Just another example of her awesomeness.

Don't think she has been unrewarded, if you see her. /check Leeluu and at least half that gear (Including Vermillion Cloak) was given, or helped to obtain by me. However, even if I didn't give her these items, she would have still helped me as she is a truly wonderful person.

Leeluu and I have been declined for marriage at least 3 times but as soon as were accepted, I intend to hold on to that Taru for dear life. If you haven’t noticed by now, I am truly taken by Leeluu, she is by far the best “Good Player” on this list. Without her company, I would have long since quit.

I doubt she will ever read this, but I was hoping those of you that do could do me a favor. When you see leeluu, just /smile or /bow. Don't tell her why, but let happyness and smiles follow her everywhere!

Having said that, I should also mention;


I thank her for accepting me into my first LS, for helping me with the Giddeus Dragon, for submitting Leeluu and my application for marriage, and for also being a good person.


This guy logs on and immediately want's to know what he can help with.


These people play their job exceptionaly well, always a pleasure to group with.


This guy always wants to help!


He is a JP RDM in our LS who more than anything likes to help others. Once when we were talking about static parties, Velutina asked me (As a 68RDM, and my current job was a 64MNK) "Would you like me to de-level so we can play together?"

As I don’t want to leave anyone out, it would be far too much work to list all the good players I have met. But I will leave you with a few words.

Some people in this game have received more help than others, these are the people who found great Link Shells early on in the game. Others have really worked hard, have built all of their AF alliances, key parties, mission/quest parties and etc.. the hard way. Relying on the kindness of strangers for help. Those people that help, with no thought of personal gain; those are the people that make the community great. Without kind, helpful people, I know Leeluu and I would still be in onion gear.

Thank you all!

Edited, Thu Dec 9 17:22:50 2004 by SingBismark
#359 Dec 19 2004 at 11:48 AM Rating: Good
353 posts
Now that I'm back on the exp circuit, I was pleasantly surprised at my first real exp party since my set went its seperate ways.

First off, I finally had the honor of partying with Byaina. We all know her to be a good person, but she was an exceptional player and was key in making our party put out some sick damage. I hope I get the honor again, soon.

Also, I'd like to add Sindl. Sindl is, by far, the best rdm/whm I have ever, ever partied with. The majority of the party were memebers of the former set. We were so in awe of Sindl's skill and good nature that we waited for him to return from grocery shopping before we started up again.

With finals honors, I'd like to thank Lordedge (pld), Leiya (rng), and Solarflare(blm) for being great players. I've learned so much about your jobs by watching you, which in turn helps me improve my own job. Thank all that are listed for making the exp fun.

Edited, Sun Dec 19 11:57:49 2004 by Raynedrop
#360 Dec 19 2004 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
I like to put my brother Haque here. He powerleveled me when i was a noob and gave me money, stuff he no longer need, coffer keys, etc.He was there for me for rank 4-5. My bro dies for me alot, and he doesnt mind. When people tell him im sick in the mind he goes against them. Me and my bro send money back and forth when needed. My bro love to solo as blm, he made me want to solo stuff as blm. When the Dburton started the BLM pt fad, they move to dragon avery and god that was hell. 5 tarus and 1 hume(either Haque or Greatbs), my bro just said this to them, "Im main tank stfu" and use a fish chiefkabob. He helped many ppl, and die countless of times. People who knows him they should know he dies like 3 times a day, by hearing that i didnt care of that incident of me dying 21 times in 48 hours. I love my bro, me and him goes to random coffer keys or G1 items hunts, best one was when it was just 3 ppl, roreca me and haque. Also we go kill Ose duo style, even though i got him killed cuz of i forgot to bind, he didnt mind at all. We got a few help, like whm healing(which we needed cuz he messed up the plan), a pld(we used him just to flash), and we end up killing it. Even though i needed money from whiskers, i moan when he said to the others to lot >< but that was nice of him(i hate it -.-). But he duo it with Beniyahou, and they kill it countless of times duo. They give jerkins away to ppl. If they far, they sleep it til they come. Same with msytmaker. When he claims one he makes someone come and pick it up, when i was sleeping he dual box both our accounts so i could get it. To me my brother is very cool, and i love him. If i ever see him dying, I come and stun that **** and fight him to death.

Now Andrien this PLD did my worst quest ever, BLM af 3 and Sleepga 2. He tanked them for me. He covered me to death and i will never forget him. This man can tank a god. If i was gay i hit on him but im not, so too bad no sugar Andrien.

Karios, as you all know i dont make money from BCNM or farming. But i did my first BCNM late, and I was a god damn noob to BCNM, with a few others. But Karios was there, took command and saved my BCNM pt, thx Karios.

Exoduso he came help me on some quest i forgot which >< but he helped me on the coffer hunt. He offered me alot of help.

Slado this thief showed me the ways of castle oz. He got me my coffer key and show me spots of coffers. I was able to get a astral from it ^^ all thx to slado, too bad i was killing the mobs mage style.

Syntax this blm i love. He is always there for me, follows me to death. Syntax is the man i take a bullet in the army for. If a mob comes pick on him, I cover him if i had pld sub, or stun him at least and melee it, no matter how strong. I die for my best friend, he is always there for me.

Control is a other blm, he always bugs me for help, like the g1 run, made me stay over 8 hours, and do other stuff. But this guy is the only one who returns the favor. He was there to support me on maat, and he got his xp pt to support me on sleepga 2 quest. I never forget that.

Razuzu is a girl i had constant feelings change with. Even though she is annoying sometimes, i still love her. She helps me countless of times, which i forgot all ; ; but the last one i remembered: i ask mupple to get her on, she was playing WoW and was in a pt there. I needed a brd so bad so i got a rdm, but 10 mins later, BOOM there she was! She came for me ; ;, and i asked the rdm to leave cuz im a xp *******.

Orobus is a mnk that kicks ***. I love this guy, he goes beat the **** out of anything that was in his way, even when the whm ran out of mp. He was the only high level(73), the other 4 ppl where level 50+, he was kicking *** like nothing.

Mirax When i needed a thf to get a item, she was there. Davoi coffer key, she was there. Rubbish day for final showdown of sleepga 2 quest, she was there. That stupid incident in xacarbad she was there.

Babyjade, Jnag and Xyoflite the great whm trio. Plus it has my mom^^ i love u mom! When i ask for help they are there. They help me countless of times.

Selfie is my other mom, I LOVE U MOM! ><
she is funny and fun to talk to, i always beg her to help and she be like ur high level. But she comes and help ^^

Kaylenne is there for me when i needed a whm. Even if she too low in some areas, i beg her and she comes, like davoi coffer key. She is very nice.

Zariko is the biggest jerk i ever met when i first met him. But now he is cool ^^ he showed me the way to Yhoat crystal, even though we got lost. If Zariko is hating on u dont worry he just loves you.

Xaeon he saved my bro *** once when the thief hit Ose. He healed him before his death.

Kasaki is a great pld, he voked off a mob that popped during a blizzaga 2 mb! I was about to take out my dagger and hit him but he voked it off, and his pt wasnt ready.

Edited, Sun Dec 19 13:07:07 2004 by Haquej

Edited, Sun Dec 19 13:14:33 2004 by Haquej
#361 Dec 19 2004 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
883 posts
Damn you Ray you beat me to it. >< Yes, that party was awesome. And you better party with me again or I will be a sad incredibly tough elvaan woman samurai etc. It wasn't just that everyone was doing their jobs well, it was all the talking and laughing and general camaraderie. I missed that stuff. :) My last set ended on a rather tense note so it was fantastic to just slip into another group and have so much fun.

In conclusion, YARR!!
#362 Dec 19 2004 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
I don't know if anyone has nominated this person:

[/b]Drebond[b] - This guy has helped me in so many ways its not even funny, I owe him so much. He recently helped me with my PLD AF2, and we used to do BCNM 30 a lot and we'd always win because that crawler didn't stand a chance against him ^^. He is the nicest person I have ever met in this game, he's always in a good mood making jokes and willing to help people. You Go Drebond!

[/b]Syntax[b] - I second Syntax, this guy is always fun to talk to, always in a good mood. I've known him for quite a while now. He's always there to offer advice and chat when I'm feeling blue.

Btw why aren't I on this list?! haha j/p =P
#363 Dec 20 2004 at 2:09 AM Rating: Decent
31 posts
I second Starfury best sam i ever pted with
#364 Dec 20 2004 at 2:48 AM Rating: Decent
305 posts
Also 2 other DRG's I have to pay my respects to are Terraforce and Zariko who posted here. Had a lot of fun with you guys in Ballista the other day. Fighting Zariko 1-on-1 was a blast.

LOL! Bagram. It was fun wasn't it? I soloed Zariko too. I showed him the ways of my awesome spear delay that beats out lances.
#365 Dec 20 2004 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
386 posts
i solo'd him too :D, i didnt even use nukes, just tarutaru staff power hehe
#367 Dec 20 2004 at 4:16 PM Rating: Good
649 posts
/minor hijack

Drebond, welcome to the forums!!

and Ele's mine :P

then again Barney says the same thing...

Anyways glad to see you postin!

/end minor hijack.
#368 Dec 20 2004 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
Sioux probably saw this coming but meh. :p

So I got into an amazingly good coffer party in Garlaige tonight, getting 3 keys in, what, an hour to an hour and a half? Well I'm adding these players to this list for their exceptional ability to work together and get along and most importantly HAVE FUN.

Sioux - Great RDM glad to finally meet you in game!
Playerfive - Amazingly powerful THF. Constantly set up a skillchain with DancingEdge that mutilated everything down there.
Lordedge - PLD from Altana. I don't think he lost hate once and I was even spamming all sorts of cure spells.
Hoodlum - A little feisty but didn't mind when he died so that deserves a mention at least. Most people give up and quit right there.
Velfire - First person to join me when shouting for help and very friendly. Great BRD.

A 75 RDM joined later on but uh..sorry I can't remember your name... :'( Gah....

No one got a coffer but we got behind the third banishing gate anyway. ...well Sioux FELL OFF :p Hoodlum and I stayed for awhile but nothing popped and I had to go cook dinner. He wasn't happy but I didn't have a choice, I run the house, can't play video games all day. Well I hope we all get our coffers. Thanks everyone for helping me out and for being a great group of people.
#369 Dec 20 2004 at 8:15 PM Rating: Decent
Heya! I have such a long list.. hope I don't leave anybody out..

Zelly- What a nice person. Zelly WHMed for my old set and made the entire ordeal bearable, even at 4am when we were still going. I so regret missing his AF3, but he was still there for mine. You rock, Zelly.

Cace- Unbelievably death and accident prone, but so tolerant. Even when I ended up camping against him in a less-than-nice situation, he didn't lose it.

Berzerk- I hardly met this guy, but he really deserves to be up here. I never spoke a word to him before then, but when I was going for my Ifrit's AF key he saw me sitting there by myself, starting at a bee I couldn't possibly kill and offered to help me for absolutely no personal gain. He even told me he needed a key for his other job he was leveling, but refused to lot on it when it finally dropped.

Cmagen- Even though she's a little wierd.... okay maybe a lot wierd.. she's been my buddy for a long while. If it wasn't for her, I'd probably be 67 with all my AF except for AF2.

Drebond- Yay, dre! He took me to my first and only successful BCNMs, even though the drops sucked and we all ended up about 20k poorer by the end. ^^; He's a blast to hang out with. ^^

Tigernaig- Level 50 three times over, as paladin, bard and ranger. He got to hear alllll about it when I first figured out I could actually solo stuff as well as whenever anything else even slightly significant happened to me. Thanks for listening to me even when you probably just wished I would shut up.

Avanyiza- Whenever I've got a question about anything, Ava knows. I bother him for random information about everything. I can't thank him enough for coming out and being the TH2 for my quicksand key, that I'd been trying to get for weeks.

Puvion- I knew him from his first day on and he's always been nice. Even though he's too low to aid me with much, he ALWAYS asks me if there's anything he can do to help me. His kind thoughts count for so much more to me than all the help I get from people who only do it because they owe me. Thank you so much Puvion. ^^

Phoenixus- Last, but definitely not least, he's my oldest still-playing friend. He has no idea how much I respect him. He's an exellent rdm who's up for anything, anytime. He set me up with my first LS ever and gave me a goal to keep pushing for. He's set me up yet again with a great LS full of nice people and has me on my way up once more. I'm so glad I'm finally going to get to play with him as his equal.
#370 Dec 21 2004 at 3:24 AM Rating: Good
No one got a coffer but we got behind the third banishing gate anyway. ...well Sioux FELL OFF


I had no idea that was there. >.>

Seraphim is being nice to me, I was pretty loopy and out of it this afternoon...I had just been nappin', logged in and saw his shout. I'd been waiting two days for someone to want a key ;) But I was kind of out there for a while.

It really was a very good pt, I got three points in sword as well as the key, which always makes me happy. Everyone was very on top of things, so I'll second everyone seraphim nominated, except myself, because that's just wrong. ;)

I'd also like to add Chibikaiser and Sephrioth; they came out to help me open the second banishing gate after I sat camping the 3rd gate for a while. Thanks a ton guys ; ;
#371 Dec 21 2004 at 4:07 AM Rating: Good
Sioux the Silent wrote:
I'd also like to add Chibikaiser and Sephrioth; they came out to help me open the second banishing gate after I sat camping the 3rd gate for a while. Thanks a ton guys ; ;

/salute Seph

Didn't know you were acquainted with Seph, Sioux. Good guy. Smiley: smile
#372 Dec 22 2004 at 12:50 AM Rating: Decent
302 posts
Rather than start a new thread (cause I dunno how people feel about constant thank you threads)...I wanted to give a big thank you to 4 guys who right after Rank 5-1 went and put up with me through Fei'Yin to do my AF2.

(alphabetical order, showing no favs lol)

Andretti, Bronxboy, Cynhard and Xavion ^^

They didn't have to go, but they did, and for that they kick ***! Great players! ^^

#373 Dec 22 2004 at 6:44 AM Rating: Decent
305 posts
Drebond wrote:
Terraforce- <~~~~ extremly nice helped me with G1 and G2 she also helped me with most of my Pally gear =P. Known her sine she was a nooby warrior like me =P

LOL! Drebond. Nooby Warrior eh? I can't even remember when we first met. I always am available to lean a helping hand. Nowadays, i'm in a HNM LS and am busy. So, if you need anyhelp, send me a tell and i'll help ya after.

Fire wrote:
i solo'd him too :D, i didnt even use nukes, just tarutaru staff power hehe

LOL! Fire. You funny taru.

Kalith wrote:
Heya! I have such a long list.. hope I don't leave anybody out..

Kalith needs a good poking for forgetting me.

Edited, Wed Dec 22 06:48:53 2004 by Terraforce
#374 Dec 22 2004 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
Kalith needs a good poking for forgetting me.

/poke Terraforce
/poke Terraforce
/poke Terraforce

^^ You need some more good pokes from me too! I've been taking a break from FFXI so I can't really, but I will when I start playing again!
#375 Dec 23 2004 at 3:15 AM Rating: Default
My good players post is kind of a story so bare with me. Me (War/Nin), Machtaru(Smn/Whm), Kulganflame(Rng/Nin), Raynil(Whm/Smn), Xenocide(Nin/War), and Leiya(Rng/Nin) were all on a Promyvion - Holla run hoping to make it to the spire and then beating the boss. Our first attempt up we found death, on the 3rd lvl we caught aggro and myself, Ray and Xeno died forcing us to port and try again. This time as we go up Ray has a reraise potion so we feel a little bit better about it. Again though on the 3rd level we catch aggro and we all die. After about 25-30min of raising and waiting for weakness to ware, we are back on our way. We find the MR, kill it and go up onto the 4th lvl. As we head twards the spire, Kulgan catchs to much aggro for us to handle so we run. As we train to the spire Kulgan dies leaving only 5 of us left. Ray got turned around and lost direction for a second and found herself behind all the mobs myself and the rest of the pt was training to the spire. As we near the spire Ray dies with no reraise on. We look around and wait for a raise but its hopeless, there is no one that can. By this time its been 3-4 hours and we are all mad as hell. Leiya, Mach, Xeno, and I decide to go in with 4 figuring we are here we might aswell.

So here is our pt set up:
Me 30WAR/14NIN
Xenocide 30NIN/14WAR
Leiya 30RNG/15NIN
Machtaru 30SMN/15WHM

As we go in we all expect to die, just as anyone who has done Promyvion - Holla would expect to. 9 Min later we come out....... ALIVE!!! we had won with 4 people 5 animas and 2 2hrs used. (Eagle Eye Shot and Mijin Gakure)

so at this time I would like to nomonate:
Machtaru for keeping us awake and alive at all times. You rule man.
Xenocide for perfectly blink tanking inorder for us to do the impossible.
Leiya for doing just enough damage to allow me and Xeno to bounce hate perfectly.
Raynil for being a totally awsome sport about it, with out here we couldnt have done it. P.S.(when you go again send a tell Ill tank for ya =P) and...
Kulganflame for being there still in party as proof that we did it, and for never doubting us.

Thank You guys so much.

Edited, Thu Dec 23 03:40:01 2004 by Babagana
#376 Dec 23 2004 at 10:16 PM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
geez, i feel so unloved.. why dont i get to be one of the good players>< oh well.. Thanks Haquej for nominating everybody but me... you punk.. jk..

I think that Haquej is a very good player, i have been partying with him for a while now, and i do have to say we make a pretty good team.. i also think that Yuriiko is pretty good too..

along with all the others i have been partying with lately..

aight peace.
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