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Players To Watch Out For - The ReturnFollow

#1 Sep 19 2004 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
883 posts
Link to previous thread for reference:

Since the last 'bad players' thread has thankfully been closed, I'm starting up a new one with new ground rules. Some of this stuff is pure common sense and I'm sure most of you don't need to be told, but enough people do seem to have a problem getting it through their heads that it's worthwhile to set the rules from the get-go.

1) Don't just throw out a name because you don't like someone. Please provide an example of why this person should be avoided.

2) Please don't bash an entire linkshell because of one person... as much fun as the last trainwreck was, I don't think we need yet another thread closed.

3) I'd really prefer if we left new players out of this thread. I don't think anyone on their first time through the Dunes is fair game - they'll learn better later. Start another thread for "LOL NEWBZ" stories if you like, but please reserve this one for warnings about people who SHOULD know better or who are flat-out malicious.

4) This is the MOST IMPORTANT rule. If you have a dispute with a mention on this thread, DO NOT start arguing within this thread itself. Either take it to the new PM system (thank you, O Great Admins) or, if you feel the need to defend yourself publicly, please remove your discussion to this thread.

This thread is meant to be a place for us to warn each other about untrustworthy, rude, or just plain unsavory players, not to be a running blacklist or place for rumormongering. Again, I believe that most forum posters understand that, but it's worth a reminder. If we all try to be as rational and clear-headed as possible, with any luck, this thread will survive longer and with less problems than the last.

Thanks in advance.

One last thing. Please, for the love of all that is holy, please please PLEASE don't fill this thread up with "omg this is such a bad idea" "bad players thread sucks" etc. Please. PLEASE. It's been discussed INTO THE GROUND already. Let it go. If you don't like it, you don't have to read it. I am not going to spend any more energy explaining why these threads exist.

Edited, Mon Oct 18 21:44:30 2004 by Byaina
#2 Sep 19 2004 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
Agreed. One more suggestion, so that people can keep this in mind while reading this thread. One time or one instance does not make the person necessarily a bad player. Some people DO have on and off days. I myself have had bad days, and a couple of those days would have landed me on the "bad player" thread. So don't judge people by what one person says.

Can I make a suggestion? Instead of having everyone create a new thread to refute themselves everytime that they disagree with a post, why not just create a general refute thread? That way, people interested in the other person's side of the story can go to it, and read what they have to say. Plus, it will not clutter up the forum thread screen.

One rule suggestion if I may, Byaina: No question marks may be considered for this forum. I think this is important for new players are still discovering this world, and how it works.

What do you think?

Edited, Sun Sep 19 16:51:28 2004 by Nightsintdreams
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#3 Sep 19 2004 at 4:55 PM Rating: Default
883 posts
The general refuting thread is an awesome idea, thank you. And yes, newbies should be left out too. We're talking about really egregious things like Lizy's infamous NM-hunting pranks.

I'll add that to the first post. :)
#4 Oct 07 2004 at 1:16 PM Rating: Default
883 posts
This thread will now function as the place for all player warnings and tales of woe. Please note the guidelines in the first post and try to be civil.
#5 Oct 07 2004 at 1:23 PM Rating: Default
617 posts
I heard Lizy quit. I hope so.

I've read and agree with the rules. Having seen the last incident, I certainly hope members of this community will mature now.
#6 Oct 07 2004 at 1:36 PM Rating: Default
1,315 posts
I heard she (Lizy) moved to the Hades server.

/em waves goobye...
#7 Oct 07 2004 at 2:10 PM Rating: Default
790 posts
Sounds like all the rejects from all the servers is going to the new ones. I wonder if that new server is going to suck.
#8 Oct 07 2004 at 2:13 PM Rating: Default
183 posts
Here is my tale of woe, complete with reasoning seeing that last stuff was nuked, thankfully. It involves one person trying to defame a whole linkshell.

Tsetsuo: The protaganist of the story. Personally, before the big hubbub, I didn't mind this person, he seemed inciteful. But then things turned south, and he decided to throw down an entire LS due to an arguement over one person. Can he be trusted? I, myself don't trust him, but you may find things differently.

Reason for being on this list: For the posting of private messages from one person to another. For defaming a whole LS full of good people, who he knows nothing about. And for publicly bringing this to the well, public.

Celestia: One of the villians of the story. On this list for sticking up for someone in his linkshell family, and "butting" into his business. All around terrible person who will stop at nothing to stick up for what he believes in. Also wears a Fungus Hat, beware! Avoid this person at all costs.

Arkard: Complete ******* here, sticking up for fellow members of an LS is highly frowned upon in my honest opinion. This person has also been known to slap random people on the ***! Beware, or you'll be next!

Kulganflame: This person is the poster-child for evil! He helps unsuspecting people in need of AF, and also wears an Optical Hat. The horror! Also on this list for standing up for his LS, no, his family.

Varcore: Watch out for this guy! He's a taru and he likes to hump legs! Creator of the eWang phrase, which was so not funny. Also part of this "Fungus Hat" gang.

Hotuken Knights Linkshell: Terrible people who enjoy the game and enjoy eachother as people, not as players in a game. Known to have fun around Jeuno sitting in their circle, entertaining random people who walk bye. They're also known for having a full LS of people walking around in Fungus Hats! Beware!

That was kind of fun to write. I apologize to anyone other than Tsetsuo that had to read all the crap that's been thrown around. Really, we're all here to have some good fun, and some things ruin the fun. ^^

Edit: And for anyone that doesn't know, this is all in good fun, entertainment. FFXI needs more of it, it really does. The air in this forum is as thick as peanut butter! Loosen up a bit. We know we were fools, I'm sure Tsetsuo thinks he was also a fool. Acting like children? Yes, we all were.

So I say again, loosen up a little, not all of you need to be stiffs. ; ;

Edited, Thu Oct 7 15:27:59 2004 by SneakyWeaky
#9 Oct 07 2004 at 2:23 PM Rating: Good
642 posts
That was unneccessary to say the least....

Gee, I wonder who could have possibly rated me down....

Edited, Fri Oct 8 07:52:32 2004 by Eleusynia
#10 Oct 07 2004 at 2:24 PM Rating: Default
251 posts
"Some people are dumb."

- Butthead

not directing that to any certain person by the way
#11 Oct 07 2004 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts

You couldn't resist could you? I had zero beef with anyone in that whole debacle. If you guys have issues between the lot of you, well that's fine it has no impact on me. I can chose to read or not the threads that pertain to that fiasco, but now you had to spread the disease to a new thread?

I don't care what Tset did to you guys, he has always been nothing short of insanely helpful to myself and my LS. I don't care what you guys did to Tset either, I find it's too bad, he is a friend after all, but still I don't care. If I met anyone from your LS I'd gladly party with them for two reasons:
1)I'm not going to bother memorising the actors in this play.
2)I still don't care.

On the flip side you just annoy me now.

#12 Oct 07 2004 at 6:23 PM Rating: Default
205 posts
Old news

Edited, Mon Oct 18 18:02:41 2004 by AutechreBlm
#13 Oct 07 2004 at 6:40 PM Rating: Default
883 posts
How about we all disregard the thread hijack this time around and move on without paying any attention to it?
#14 Oct 07 2004 at 7:03 PM Rating: Default
183 posts
What y'all need is a sense of humor. Do any of you ever laugh, or do you take every single thing about this game so serious that you can't even have fun?

After all this, Triz and I sent some /tell's back and forth to eachother about how stupid we all acted. We shrugged all this off and had a nice 30 minute~ convo. You people have nothing to do with this, yet y'all take it so serious...

Laugh it off, it's funny. This game is supposed to be fun, correct? I think the leveling grind has gotten to most of you, or you're at the point where you think FFXI is...real. /panic
#15 Oct 07 2004 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
emilyia wrote:
Sounds like all the rejects from all the servers is going to the new ones. I wonder if that new server is going to suck.

Hey, I moved a mule over there! Yeah...there are a lot of asshats, but there also some pretty cool people there also...

*gives props to Areon and his new LS PerfectNothingness*

Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#16 Oct 13 2004 at 11:08 PM Rating: Good
228 posts
My first addition to this list.
Darkadonai 29PLD/8WAR this jackass seems to get his/her jollies by dumping a few gobs on players. Didn't call for help, just stood right on top and died. The only consolation is, we were only lvl 9. ****!! At least his/her death hurt worse than ours :)

Edited, Thu Oct 14 00:10:13 2004 by Eldriss
#17 Oct 15 2004 at 12:12 AM Rating: Default
All i wanna say is BAD PLAYERS THREAD??? like come on people all your goin to do is start more arguements. I have played with players who have been on Bad players list and they have been put on there because of one bad situation. You can't really say that a player is bad because of one time. Professional athletes have bad days it happen. What if when wayne gretzky had a bad day he was added to a bad players list?? I know that there are some truely bad players out there but do we really have to point them out? People will learn about the really bad players in game besides meeting with bad players is part of the FFXI experience. If everything was so damn easy then what fun would the game be. I know i can't stop you guys from making a Bad Players Thread but please consider what i have just said.

Thank You.
#18 Oct 15 2004 at 5:00 AM Rating: Good
The thing is, Shreg, a lot of the people that jack someone up at some point are bound to do it again. It's just the nature of evil.

I put a player on this list months ago; he was our WHM, and dumped us after aggroing a Ghoul against the party's wishes. Left us on our knees in the orange.

Less than a week ago, I was helping out a lvl 30 player in Gusgen Mines, doing his RSE. He had been in a pt with this same person, and the guy had simply disbanded from him, leaving him stranded by the first doors in Gusgen.

It just helps to know who the asshats are. You have to kind of judge from the original post how valid the accusation is, and divide the goofy infighting from the genuinely crappy players.
#19 Oct 15 2004 at 7:39 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts

this is why people have the ability to edit posts, rebutt posts and also why the Good Player list exists as well.

I stand by my initial reasoning, if the choice was 1 master list where people could gripe about other players who may be a danger to others -OR- Everyone making a new post each time they had a run in with a "bad" player?

Due to a lot of asshatery (a word?) the bad player list has pretty much ceased to exists primarily because of people like you who feel the need to post about the legitemacy of the list instead of ignoring it or posting useful information.

I have had run ins with certain players recently OUTSIDE of a PTing context. These people annoy the hell out of me yet i did not place their names here because i have not actually played with them, and for all i know are great players.

I agree with sioux, i have seen people and added people to the list that i run into months later and are still up to the same crap. I have also added people that probably were having an off day and maybe don't deserve to be here.

sorry friday morning, bored @work.
#20 Oct 15 2004 at 8:19 AM Rating: Default
280 posts
This is why there is a friendly neighborhood beastmaster around almost 24/7. I will solve all disputes with MPK!!!!

LoL Just Kidding... come on kiddies! Let's go have some fun!
#21 Oct 15 2004 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
I know that there are some truely bad players out there but do we really have to point them out?

Are you serious? There have been NUMEROUS times I have joined parties, thought I recognized someone's name for some reason or another, that person sucked so much a[b][/b]ss it wasted our entire parties time and typically deaths and xp because of their bad play, then I come here and see where I recognized their name from. The Bad Player's List.

NEVER have I partied with a person that was on the Bad Player's List that was not just that, a Bad Player. Not only do I spend my own money, not my mommy's to play this game, but more importantly my own TIME. If you suck as a player and just either don't care or are too stupid to get better, I sure as hell want to know your name.

If I miss out on the possible ONE or TWO decent players who are unjustly on the Bad Player's list due to this supposed "one bad day" theory, then so be it. It's worth it to me to avoid all the idiots who are correctly placed on the list.

Edited, Fri Oct 15 11:42:03 2004 by Trizzoro
#22 Oct 15 2004 at 10:43 AM Rating: Default
251 posts
Holler at your boy!
#23 Oct 15 2004 at 9:25 PM Rating: Decent
883 posts
Let's please not do this again. Please.
#24 Oct 15 2004 at 9:29 PM Rating: Default
183 posts

His name is dchere he was a galka whm in the dunes. I first saw he was a galka and was lile cool a fellow galka mage, he even asked if i ate food and i said yes (apple pies) he said cool me too.... then when I checked him things went bad....

He was naked!!!!! he had one 2 astlra rings and the summerfest body. I was okay this maybe bad lets see if he knows how to be a whm at least. I was wrong on so many levels. First fight he heals the mob 4 times the tank dies me and a blm end up saving the backup tank. after that he asked for back up healing from me and the blm I said okay. 2nd fight he goes througth all 108 mp in under a min and yells for back up healing I save the day with teh help of the other mage and we both still have about 50 mp left. This is where I /tell the leader and ask if he knows of any other whm's. Answers no I stay with the pt even tho I knew it was a bad oen because I was close to lvl and was leavign after that anyways. pt gets disbanded when one of the whm's friends sends him a /tell probbly saying that they needed his high lvl pld for something and him sayign I can't stay in a pt where blm is healing and hitting the mob and not nukeing...... THe blm was nukeing better then the whm was healing. and was doing a damn good job......

Sorry that I ranted but I hate seeing crappy galka whms. and you could tell this guy didn't give a damn freaking giving galka mages a bad name

Oh yea when I said I it was a lvl 9 rdm/whm
#25 Oct 16 2004 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
Hey man is funny you mentioned that. I wanna do WHM one day. But have to take PLD to 60 1st. I am Elvaan, but dont underestimate the power of the Galka mage. I was in Qufim back in December as a lvl 24 noob WAR. Only mage we had was a JP Galka SMN/WHM wow this guy knew what he was doing. He kept party healthy and we chained nonstop. every once in a while he would rest but he knew how to not waste mana.

That day was the 1st and last time I had 5k exp per hr pt. I got 3 lvls in like 3.5 hrs wow. well if the mage sucks he will always suck but if he rocks he will always rock, regardless of race. Tarutaru PLD, Galka WHM unbeatable if they know what to do.
#26 Oct 17 2004 at 3:03 AM Rating: Default
This thread would work if people would stay on topic. If you have a disagreement as to why your name or your friends name is in here, post a link to a newly started thread with your rebuttal in there, that way any arguements are kept out of this thread.

I have seen a few people in the bad player thread who turned out to be just that, bad. Either bad players, but more often, bad attitude which is worse then being a bad player.

This list can be an invaluble tool if used wisely.
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