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Players To Watch Out For - The ReturnFollow

#252 Jan 09 2005 at 3:30 AM Rating: Good
71 posts
InfamousKiller --- I'd like to throw another vote in for him.

My party was in Boyadha Tree leveling off Robber Crabs and Knight Crawlers. The exp was very good. We had a very good party with members with excellent equipment, 20k exp in about 5 hours of work which I think is decent.

Anyway... our RDM main healer eventually had to leave and who else was her replacement but Infamouskiller. Everything was going alright except for him. He constantly wanted to craft *during* battle, yes during the battle. Eventually the BLM stopped and asked him not to craft during battle but after battle was ok. Infamouskiller said it didn't matter that he crafted during battle because he was out of MP... go figure... but he grudgingly agreed. I was constantly casting songs (I have to, I'm a BRD afterall) before, during, and after battle while he was crafting and his synths constantly failed because of it. I said "Dude, I need to cast songs during and after the battle so I wouldn't craft, when the songs affect you your synth fails." Well he didn't stop and continued to break crystal after crystal and lost several slots of his material in the process never seeming to get the point.

I'm nearing the end of this long winded post, please bare with me. After a while the exp was still good. We happened to kill a Knight Crawler that dropped a Lucky Egg. now I had been in a party previously that had one drop that I didn't get and I really wanted it (Opo-opo Crown quest, once again, I'm a BRD ^^). As soon as it did Infamouskiller said "Oh, can I have?". I said that I would like it as well and his response was "Can I have? I need it for a mission." I thought you only needed that egg for a mission if you were from Windhurst, which he is not. Anyway... I explain to him that I wanted the egg as well for my Opo-opo crown quest. He just continued to ask the group if he could have it. The BLM said he wanted it as well so Infamouskiller suggested we lot for it, he sounded pretty happy when he suggested the idea... Well as I expected the BLM rolled a 336 and Infamouskiller rolled a 954. Now I was already annoyed with him and I really wanted that egg, and getting it now would be icing on the cake (Does this make me a bad person?). Sure enough, I lotted for it hoping against hope I would get it and felt a jolt of excitment as I rolled a 977. I got the egg and needless to say was extremely happy. Infamouskiller was very upset indeed as he strung a long string of characters together to show his anger.

Soon after I told the BLM I would have to go and asked if he would find a replacement. He asked the party what they would like to replace me. Infamouskiller chimes in "I'm only 366 tnl stay till I level." I said "You got it buddy" (come on I just took his precious lucky egg ^^) and stayed for his level. But ---and this is where I get really sour--- as soon as he levels he goes into the healing position and soon after our RNG announces he is in transit of a pull, Infamouskiller logs out and leaves the party, in the middle of a pull. Now if it's one that that irritates me more than anything else it's someone who just leaves the party in this fashion, in the middle of a pull. I have put someones name on this list before for doing the same thing. Well, luckily we were able to handle it with no problems. It doesn't change the fact however that he did what he did. I guess he was angry that I beat him in a game of chance for a lucky egg, but something could have gone wrong, we were just lucky nothing did. No matter how angry he was over losing the egg, I don't think the circumstances warranted his actions. Someone could have died and lost exp just because he didn't get his little egg (that I'm fairly certain he didn't really need, he wanted it because he thought that if you kept it in your inventory it would add "Treasure Hunter" to your job abilities as he told the party several times). I would suggest people beware of this bad RDM, Infamouskiller.

Needless to say as soon as the party left safely to Jeuno "Blacklist add Infamouskiller."

Sorry, I had to edit for readability, it was one big paragraph. I always do that. ^^

I forgot to read the very last post on the previous page. If you want further proof of what I say read the post before mine by Autechre. I was the BRD in his party.

Edited, Sun Jan 9 03:34:08 2005 by ProudBastokan

Edited, Sun Jan 9 04:53:14 2005 by ProudBastokan
#253 Jan 11 2005 at 8:54 PM Rating: Decent
Infamouskiller 1st off to the bard i got d/c sorry calm down it happens 2nd off my sub blm 17 was for warp when farming and i have lvled it since then 3rdly longshanks i dont care if you blist me you are bossy and rude to others i dont care thank you
#254 Jan 11 2005 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
And to the person ******** about me sending tells to his ls mate calling him a **** that was cause the moron was shouting i like mens butts tends to make people think there a **** it was very uncalled for is why i sent hima tell calling him a ****
#255 Jan 11 2005 at 9:11 PM Rating: Default
Hmm well.. I had a party with Infamouskiller in Boyada Tree. We were fighting spiders and everything was going ok, but our blm was not being refreshed enough and told infamouskiller to try and keep him refreshed. Infamous said he was doing the best he could and we kept xping. Well pretty much everyone in the party was giving him a hard time making jokes about not having refresh. When the puller announces that a spider is on the way.

Oh whats this? The party seems to have disbanded.. Oh wait no Infamouskiller seems to have disbanded the party XD. So the BLM rebuilds the party and since Infamouskiller was the healer I ended up dying tanking the damn spider.

After this infamous sends me tells saying he was sorry and that he wished he didn't have to do that.

So he seems like a nice enough guy.. But maybe just has some bad manners..? XD
#256 Jan 11 2005 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
thanks lorlin i really wouldnt have disbanded on you like that if other werent so rude and thank you for understanding being main healer refresh can be hard to keep up with when i main heal my only priority is refreshing the pld i only refresh others seldomly
#257 Jan 12 2005 at 12:52 PM Rating: Default
SEIG, omg use to be in my LS and we were good friends. then he needs Uts...yeah the ninja lvl 12 spell (cant spell) and i haveone. He ask to buy it for 200k and i say sure but if you want we can just go get it for you and i will get it. He says he will just pay me. (later I am told he buys gil) Anyways so this little 16 yr old owes me 200k. I let him have it useing honor system bc i had know the kid months and was always nie and helpin LS out. Basially all this kid did was make me scared to let people borrow stuff. PUNK!

/em slaps self in face.
#258 Jan 12 2005 at 11:46 PM Rating: Default
97 posts
Tsetsuo was in my party today, and he didn't seem like a such a bad person.
#259 Jan 13 2005 at 8:35 AM Rating: Default
5,645 posts
His name is...
Want to know why?
He ate my waffle.

If this is what you're referring to ryuu I think it was a joke, i don't really like waffles anyway :P but thank you :)

and last night was well....interesting. 3 hours for 3k+ XP ... {hmmm.}
#260 Jan 13 2005 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
1,477 posts
I was in a party last night with Dirtbomb, albeit for a brief time.

I was leveling my BLM sub and was seeking in Jeuno. I got a /tell from him, and the conversation was as follows:consisting solely of "pt", so I sent him a question mark in reply. I got back a "wanna pt". I asked him where the party was going to be XPing and what the layout was so far?

Dirtbomb: pt
Dryhus: ?
Dirtbomb: wanna pt
Dryhus: Umm, where are we going to be XPing, and what is the party layout so far?
Dirtbomb: just come
Dryhus: Okay, you're in Sauromague should I assume you're planning to go to Garlaige Citadel?
Dirtbomb: just come
Dryhus: What is the party layout?
Dirtbomb: 3
Dryhus: What? What are the jobs/subjobs/levels of the 3?
Dirtbomb: pld 2blm
Dryhus: I suppose that's good right there.
(*Yes, I realize it was a bonehead move accepting the invite...but I had been seeking for 2 hours as a 31BLM)

So I get there at the same time as the other members. The layout was: 31BLM/WHM (Dirtbomb), 31BLM/WHM (me), 31BLM/WHM (Lukooukoo), 32RDM/WHM, 32PLD/WAR (Invictus), 32WAR/NIN. I /check Dirtbomb and I see he's a hume of the same level as me wearing a level 8 tunic, no headgear (obviously because of tunic), no hand gear, no back gear, no leg gear, two DEX +1 rings, plain sandals, and elemental resistence earrings. His only INT gear, barring his wand, was a Black Silk Neckerchief. He was not wearing any MP gear. No food.

Lukooukoo and I were decked in Seer's gear with some +1s. I had some Elvaan RSE on as well as some of it gives MP and INT boosts that are as good or better than Seer's. We each popped a melon pie upon arriving at camp. We were talking via /tell and we each had a Black Cape and Solid Wand in our inventory for when we leveled. We each had INT boosts over 20. The WAR got a bad feeling, I think, and said he had to go and it was urgent. He disbanded.

The other members were complaining about not having a WHM. Several minutes passed without any word from the leader, so I found a 31WHM to join us, and listed his name in /p chat. The other members seemed optimistic. A few minutes later a 32THF/NIN appears in our member list, on his way from Jeuno. Okay, that's fine, a 30+ THF can help with hate, so the three BLMs can really shell out some damage and bring the mob down more quickly. I guess that will work.

We camp in the offset after the first two corners in GC. We let Dirtbomb know there is a beetle pop there, so one of us will have to ES+Sleep him during battle if he pops and aggros. No, we'll camp him instead. So we wait. And wait. And wait. ~10 minutes go by with us camping a beetle. But it doesn't spawn. I suggest again that we just fight something. We have ES+Sleep x 3 and Escape x 3, so we don't have to worry TOO much about getting wiped by an add. So the THF leaves camp to pull a bat, and Dirtbomb wants to tank (over the PLD), saying that his nukes will help him keep hate. The rest of us kind of nervously fake-laugh and say no, the PLD should tank. The THF and bat arrive at camp. I begin casting Frost, Lukooukoo casts Bio and then we both wait a moment. I can see a long cast from Dirtbomb, and I'm shaking my head thinking he's opening with a nuke. Lukooukoo and I both begin to cast a nuke, but they don't land...because Dirtbomb wasn't nuking, he was casting Escape. He said he had a bad feeling about it. He Escaped after an intentional pull...and before the primary DDs could even fire off their DD spells. When we spawn outside, he begins yelling at the THF...who knows why.

We head back inside, this time camping such that we overlap another party. Okay, strange camp, but this is GC...whatever. So the THF is pulling, we're fighting for a while. Then Dirtbomb (the BLM) decided he's the new puller. After a couple of us say something, he says he's a good player and he knows what we're doing. "Trust me... ;)" Whatever. So he pulls, we fight the mob, he's back at camp with no MP (because he didn't rest) just standing there. It happens again and again. Finally, someone suggests the THF pulls again, so he goes along with it - except he still doesn't rest between battles. Bear in mind he's not even meleeing...just standing there. Finally Lukooukoo tells him he should rest to heal his MP. So he rests. When he gets to 80% the THF pulls, and he blows all his MP (~100MP less than me, and about half of Lukooukoo's Taru MP) right at the beginning of the battle and is dry again.

After the battle concludes, he tells the THF he's going to have to kick him out. The THF wasn't mad, just completely shocked that he would be getting kicked out half an hour into the party for no apparent reason. So I put my foot down and said that if he kicks the THF, I'm leaving too. So he kicks the THF, I /bow to everyone, tell Dirtbomb he has lovely equipment, and Warp.

I then proceed to get /tells for the next hour from him letting me know what a huge mistake I made, how he's the best player in the game, he knows what he's doing, I'm missing the opportunity of a lifetime, etc etc. I ended up having to /blist him just to leave me alone.

Sorry for the long-winded post. I just like to post details about why someone is bad so nobody thinks I'm posting because he outnuked me or some crap like that. Coincidentally, the parser showed a HUGE gap between Dirtbomb and Lukooukoo or myself. Lukooukoo is a great BLM, by the way.

Like they say, Player > Equipment > Race > Job, and it stinks when the first two in the inequality get a score of 0.
#261 Jan 13 2005 at 10:38 PM Rating: Default
284 posts
Hi, I'm back to fill in for my sister. Yes, add another vote for Infamouskiller, he indeed is infamous now.

My sister requested that I tell you all of the time when Infamous decided he knew how to play PLD and was giving my sister all this advice that was contrary to proper PLD partying.

So my sister was in Gustav Tunnel fighting Robber crabs and gobs, and my sister was working on making boiled crab for cooking skill, and for eating as well. She requested very nicely of the party if she could lot on the land crab meat drops, since a stack usually costs 12k. Infamous told my sister, "You don't need food." Of course, my sister was eating the boiled crab for the added defense, which is quite important for PLDs.

Next, my sister was doing her job at tanking quite well, by voking and using Flash at every possible moment. Infamous decided to give her advice on how to be a good PLD, "You don't need Flash, voke is good enough". He also commented that my sister didn't really need to bother curing herself either.

Other examples of Infamouskiller's rudeness: When my sister's party reached the camping vicinity in Gustav Tunnel, Infamous immediately stole another party's camp. He ousted them by cursing them and being very rude indeed.

Infamouskiller must also indeed be infamous for sending blind invites as well, acting as if he knows my sister. However, this isn't quite so bad, but he must be quite desperate, racing to send the invite first to the next PLD that signs on or goes off of /anon to LFG.

And my message to Infamouskiller, seeing as he has already frequented this thread, is that I am never going to disclose my sister's name without her permission, and at the moment, she dosen't feel like sharing.

Edited, Thu Jan 13 22:41:38 2005 by Raptorix
#262 Jan 15 2005 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts

Me and a friend were farming Yag Neclaces last night in Giddeus. He needs the gil from the NIN scroll quests to get R2. My WHM friend would get a nice train going, run back to me and i'd -ga the hell outta them.

Darklords, a BLM kept stealing our trains with -ga spells. We ask him to stop the first time and no response. He does it again a second time and we again ask him to get his own train. He aggrees and so me and my friend start another one and again Darklords steals it. We again ask him to stop and he demands GIL or else he won't stop. After all this, he has the nerve to ask us to PT with him to farm. I've never been pissed off in this game as I was last night.

I forget what LS he was part of and i know he's not JP. He spoke perfect english. He was at least lvl 46 from his scythe he was using. I always give everyone the benifit of the doubt but this guy was a real ******* and wouldn't stop.
#263 Jan 15 2005 at 7:49 PM Rating: Default
84 posts
Kakashisan wrote:

My WHM friend would get a nice train going, run back to me and i'd -ga the hell outta them.

I have no idea who Darklords is, and I'm not saying he wasn't rude, or that he handled the situation correctly, but you might want to consider that training itself is a bit rude.

I was farming bead necklaces to get utusemi to start leveling a ninja sub about a month or two ago, and had to ask many people not to create big trains. When you create trains, not only are you claiming multiple enemies, you're also slowing down the respawn rate so that other people can't farm as efficiently.

Also, as hard as it is to believe, there really ARE some low-levels that are in there fighting yagudos for experience points. It's especially not fair to them - they can't kill as quickly as you can, and they end up having to search all over for enemies to kill.

There's a reason the game only lets you claim one mob at a time. If someone takes mobs you haven't claimed, well...I'm not really sure you can be too upset about it.

Just my opinion on the matter, though.

Edited, Sat Jan 15 19:51:05 2005 by Vimesrdm
#264 Jan 15 2005 at 11:09 PM Rating: Default
43 posts
I'd like to add Brenetta, a WHM that I saw earlier in the list. I PT'd with her in Cape Terrigan <sp?> recently, and her MP hardly ever moved. She would just stand there and not do anything for entire fights. For example, Our BLM was getting pounded on by a crab after pulling hate on a missed Skillchain, and had to ask for a cure 4-5 time before she finally cast it when he was at the point of death. It was like she wasn't there for the durartion of the battle. The other mages had to stop doing their job just to make sure that the Tank didn't die. This made the battles take much longer than they needed to, and we never got a single exp chain.

Well, she wound up getting agged by a pugil that another PT zoned, and died after repeated warnings that she should zone (which she seemed to have never seen or heard). We had to disband, because the raise that was cast on her was never accepted O_o

Edited, Sat Jan 15 23:17:36 2005 by AtticusFinch
#265 Jan 16 2005 at 2:31 AM Rating: Decent
1,041 posts
Belgarath (and that is the spelling)

When I got the invite, I was afk, and thought to myself ... hrm, didn't I see this guy on the old bad players list acting like a jerk? But couldn't remember, and didn't know him anyhow, so gave him the benefit of the doubt. I joined the group, at first it looked promising. But then there were just no people lfg, and one of our meager four members left. I raised an eyebrow then, because before leaving he said some things in Japanese with faces like ; ; and such...but then Belgarath says "do people have no patience? I mean give me a brake." I pointed out that he had said some things before and may have had something important come up.

So, then he suggests (with our 3 people) that we go to CN and "get more there" I do a search of the area...the only people lfg there were 40+ and we were 35. I point out there is no one lfg our level in CN. Then, he says "i wish japanese people wouldn't be so racist"... so I say I wish him luck but I just don't think there's enough people lfg to make a whole party (we were all 35, between 34-36 only ONE person was lfg at all, who had already turned him down). He then calls me a newb and boots.

I sent a tell afterwards saying maybe I didn't feel so bad for leaving now and that perhaps it wasn't his lack of japanese holding him back...after which he cleverly calls me a newb again and says he'll blist me. As if he'd need to.

Moral of the story, beware of invites from this guy >.> He doesn't know what he's doing, isn't at all polite to anybody, and has no idea how to accomodate players who do not speak English.
#266 Jan 16 2005 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent

Don't know if he's been said but...

He is a Spook camper who will NOT stop bringing in mobs. He is just plain ruthless. Then if you DO claim, he'll /tell you and type "haha yo no drop !!!1" -.-

Also he curses in japanese or something at me. like "ni ma B"
or "cao ni ma B" .... yeah he's a freak

Also I've had word that he is a gilseller

Edited, Sun Jan 16 07:22:50 2005 by Therealvinnie
#267 Jan 16 2005 at 3:31 PM Rating: Default
1,502 posts
That's not Japanese, it's Chinese. He's saying "f*ck you" and ********** your mother"

Nice guy huh? ^^
#268 Jan 16 2005 at 8:41 PM Rating: Decent
446 posts
Hmmm I add myself to this list.
No reason in particular, maybe shyts n
giggles or something equally amusing.
But yeah watch out for me *growls*
#269 Jan 17 2005 at 5:45 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
Vimesrdm wrote:
Kakashisan wrote:

My WHM friend would get a nice train going, run back to me and i'd -ga the hell outta them.

I have no idea who Darklords is, and I'm not saying he wasn't rude, or that he handled the situation correctly, but you might want to consider that training itself is a bit rude.

so everyone who train farms is in the wrong? as a blm, there aren't many other viable ways to farm. it would take forever to try to club them to death. also, we were on pretty late and there weren't many people there in giddeus and none that i saw trying to xp. i would never try to steal mobs from anyone xp'ing and a simple /tell to me and i would have worked something out with him.
#270 Jan 17 2005 at 9:24 PM Rating: Default
Belgarath (and that is the spelling)

When I got the invite, I was afk, and thought to myself ... hrm, didn't I see this guy on the old bad players list acting like a jerk? But couldn't remember, and didn't know him anyhow, so gave him the benefit of the doubt. I joined the group, at first it looked promising. But then there were just no people lfg, and one of our meager four members left. I raised an eyebrow then, because before leaving he said some things in Japanese with faces like ; ; and such...but then Belgarath says "do people have no patience? I mean give me a brake." I pointed out that he had said some things before and may have had something important come up.

So, then he suggests (with our 3 people) that we go to CN and "get more there" I do a search of the area...the only people lfg there were 40+ and we were 35. I point out there is no one lfg our level in CN. Then, he says "i wish japanese people wouldn't be so racist"... so I say I wish him luck but I just don't think there's enough people lfg to make a whole party (we were all 35, between 34-36 only ONE person was lfg at all, who had already turned him down). He then calls me a newb and boots.

I sent a tell afterwards saying maybe I didn't feel so bad for leaving now and that perhaps it wasn't his lack of japanese holding him back...after which he cleverly calls me a newb again and says he'll blist me. As if he'd need to.

Moral of the story, beware of invites from this guy >.> He doesn't know what he's doing, isn't at all polite to anybody, and has no idea how to accomodate players who do not speak English.

Belgarath is a winner, all right.

I was in a party with him in Qufim on NIN, co-tanking with the EXCEPTIONAL Quietville.
I wouldn't say Belgarath's playing is bad, he didn't do a bad job. What struck me was his personality, it was usually discomfiting and sometimes downright sickening.
Our WHM was female. Belgarath started coming on to her, and she said, "I'm married". Belgarath's response to this was to slap her. She responded by using the /cry emote, and Belgarath came back with 'slaps the tears from <t>'s face.'
I told him off, and succeeded only in getting him to start in on me, which was fine. Once we were back to the camp (we had been in Jeuno) he laid off, thankfully. Nevertheless he still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

So, Belgarath will drive you insane, keep that in mind;
and Quietville is a HELL of a NIN tank, keep that in mind also.
#271 Jan 18 2005 at 2:16 PM Rating: Default
Therealvinnie wrote:

Don't know if he's been said but...

He is a Spook camper who will NOT stop bringing in mobs. He is just plain ruthless. Then if you DO claim, he'll /tell you and type "haha yo no drop !!!1" -.-

Also he curses in japanese or something at me. like "ni ma B"
or "cao ni ma B" .... yeah he's a freak

Also I've had word that he is a gilseller

Edited, Sun Jan 16 07:22:50 2005 by Therealvinnie

Ok, let me put in my 2 cents, as i have camped Spook with Mamici there. From my experience mamici can speek a little english and isnt that bad of a guy. Gilfarmer? perhaps, all he does is Log Elmwood in Gheslba, and farm Spook.

As for "training mobs".....he brings in one mob and puts it in front of him, in the view of everyone else. What this does is stop people from spamming Provoke. With 6 ppl camping this guy and them all spamming like crazy is pretty daunting. I admit i spammed voke too until i figured out what was going on. YOU HAVE TO MANUALLY TARGET SPOOK use TAB, i find that works well. Thing is Mamici also have to MANUALLY TARGET. This puts him at no advantage over anyone else. However, it does level the playing field for everyone else. I mean hell if they took 5 mins to stop crying and whining and think hey, just manually target and voke....simple....maybe they would get the claim on Spook...My point is Mamici doesn't have an advantage when he does this, also there is nothing wrong with it in the game rules.

As for the curseing at you, of all the times I have been there, he has never cursed at me. Nor said much other then an /emote now and then when I claim faster than him.

I stopped camping spook now cuz its just a pain with so many cry babys there.

Edited, Tue Jan 18 14:21:14 2005 by Qinnydar
#272 Jan 19 2005 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
NoxxTheMithra wrote:
I have one ><

Darkknigth (or something along those lines...Darknight mispelled anyway) a THF.

I partied with her/him in CN at around lvl 39 and she/he would die on the way back from pulling. I checked her/him and found out she had no armour on that was past lvl 20 T.T and it wasnt the good kind such as leaping boots ect.

After her dying 4 times in a row on her way back from the pull i decided i'd give up and go raise my sandy fame a bit.

Then about a week later i was lvling in secret room and she/he was there talking in /say to a party telling them if they didnt invite her she/he was going to train a bunch of crawlers on them (probably would have died on the way back anyway, no NIN sub). I left my party at that point and didnt hear anymore but the leader of that party had blisted and called a GM on them.

Edited, Thu Oct 21 04:47:17 2004 by NoxxTheMithra

I second Darknigth (And that IS the correct spelling of her name) Hume Female thief. I partied with her in Valkurm when I was leveling my white mage. We were up around the D-6/7 area fighting goblins (mostly), and she was the puller. Now, the first reason I wasn't so hot on partying with her was

#1) She kept making jokes about my character's name (Anala -- she would leave the last "a" off every time she said my name) and although I told her calmly that I did not appreciate her doing that, and to please stop, she continued. It's not the end of the world, but it's really quite annoying.

#2) She kept telling me (and others in the party) how to do my (our) job(s). She kept telling me to spam Curaga in EVERY fight as my regular healing spell, among other things.

#3) She didn't use a macro to pull -- not the end of the world; I know not everyone going through Valkurm will use one -- she did at least say "inc" in /party talk when she pulled, but she wouldn't even say that until we were already fighting the mob part of the time.

It was mostly her telling me how to do my job and the cracks at my name that made me leave. I told her to let ME be the white mage, and to stop making cracks at my name, and she never stopped. I warned her (she was party leader) that if she didn't stop, that the party would lose its white mage, and she still continued. I ended up telling the rest of the party that I would love to party all of them as long as it was not with Darkknigth, and disbanded. After that, she continued sending me /tells telling me what a ***** I am, and "come back for some more ****" and etc. I blisted her and left it at that.

Not the worst in the world, but just flat out annoying. Meh.
#273 Jan 19 2005 at 3:34 PM Rating: Default
1,002 posts
OMFG these people are all the SUXORZ.. dont play with them at any time.. They are all terrible, because everybody here says soo omg!!!

This is one of the reasons i dont even come to this site anymore.. because of stupid crap like that.. Yeah sure i am just bithcing and griping and stuff too, but who cares..

so you had a bad day, and then all of the sudden your name is on the bad players list..

#274 Jan 19 2005 at 3:37 PM Rating: Default
1,002 posts
OMFG these people are all the SUXORZ.. dont play with them at any time.. They are all terrible, because everybody here says soo omg!!!

This is one of the reasons i dont even come to this site anymore.. because of stupid crap like that.. Yeah sure i am just bithcing and griping and stuff too, but who cares..

so you had a bad day, and then all of the sudden your name is on the bad players list..

#275 Jan 19 2005 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
Hip, we all have judgement just as much as you do, I think we're able to decide what the bad days are.
You say we're climbing up on high horses, you better get down off yours first amigo.

I know I don't want to be starting a party and ask some dude that's going to log out on me or try to MPK the party next to us fifteen minutes into the exp session. It's a world fulla people who make careers out of bad days.
#276 Jan 19 2005 at 7:40 PM Rating: Default
1,002 posts
Sioux wrote:
Hip, we all have judgement just as much as you do, I think we're able to decide what the bad days are.
You say we're climbing up on high horses, you better get down off yours first amigo.

I know I don't want to be starting a party and ask some dude that's going to log out on me or try to MPK the party next to us fifteen minutes into the exp session. It's a world fulla people who make careers out of bad days.

no actually, its stoopid.. I have people in my parties that log after 1 hour, and it makes me mad.. I have people that just get all crazy with me in game, and curse at me, just because i ask for help.. I have people that follow me around all day and ask for gil, because they know i have it..

I ahve lots of people i could point fingers at, and say they are bad players.. but i don't, i just move on.. I am not on a high horse at all, i was just stating my opinion.. I think its stoopid..

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