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Players To Watch Out For - The ReturnFollow

#327 Feb 04 2005 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
41 posts
For the record, not all WHMs are like that^^
#328 Feb 04 2005 at 3:39 PM Rating: Default
I have alot of people that are "Bad Players" but this one takes the cake. Byaku as a 40NIN/WAR.

Ok the other night at CN, I got into a decent party. Line up was NIN (Byaku) MNK, WHM, BLM, RDM and BRD (Me) As far as tanking, she did a good job. But, then we got aggroed by a Exoray. The MNK, the RDM and Byaku dies. Then, Byaku starts ******** on how we got aggro ect. so then the Exoray comes toward the mages. I use Soul Voice and quickly lubbaly it. While the Exoray is asleep, our WHM raises Byaku. Then, the Exoray woke up and i slept it again, but it missed. So, while me and the other mages were getting raped, the BLM starts casting Escape. We get out. But Byaku doesn't get it. Then she dies again. She starts ******** on how escaped missed her.

So, we all decied that we should go to Altepa. We get Chocobos in Rabao. But Byaku and our WHM gets lost. So she starts saying how she is gonna die again and so on. Thats when I had to go =P

So, Byaku is soooo annoying! Whatever you do, Don't invite her to your party.
#329 Feb 04 2005 at 6:03 PM Rating: Default
1,502 posts
I've just got out of a party with Byaku with no problems.

She wasn't in the pt hugely long and I'm not trying to imply that anything in the previous post is incorrect or made up, but maybe he had an off day or something?
#330 Feb 05 2005 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
1,477 posts
Andykiller wrote:
So, while me and the other mages were getting raped, the BLM starts casting Escape. We get out. But Byaku doesn't get it. Then she dies again.

Was she out of Escape range? Did the BLM give a call to gather for Escape? If the answers are yes and no, I can't wholly blame her. The only other reason Escape would not have carried her is if she was already dead, and I don't know how that would have happened unless she attacked the Exoray while she was weak.
#331 Feb 05 2005 at 12:58 PM Rating: Default
386 posts
I was in my set in onzozo yesterday and Infamouskiller showed up 3 times in different PTs over a period of 4-5 hours. They would camp on top of us, pull a toroma, someone would die almost every pull. then they would pull a gob and immediatly escape (they did that 2 times). at which point they didnt come back (they made new pt and returned to do same thing). was kind of funny/annoying
#332 Feb 05 2005 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
TseTsuo the Wise wrote:

Currently a WHM in kazham. Showed up wearing gear about 10 levels (if the slot was filled at all) and practically 0 stat boosts. Evern wore emerites rings.

As soon as she arrived she started complaining about every thing (we hadn't even pulled yet).

Finally after about the 3rd fight and her incessant nagging i asked "Do you ever not complain?" and the leader of the PT jacob commented on it too.

She then goes on a power trip about how we should not be complaining about her or she'll leave.

Her final words were "There are no other WHM's seeking so you better kiss my @SS" We then booted her. May be a competent player, but i highly doubt it, but she was a total *****.

Thanks to granray for PLing us for a bit while we got a replacment.

She was in StercusApperuit for a total of...a day. She asked for help with her AF hands on her first day in the shell, and when help was not given instantly, she tossed her pearl. The thing about that is this: SA has a policy of helping everyone who helps others. We have AF sundays in which we'll go on one AF NM fight and one coffer hunt. Possibly more if time permits it (I know we're trying to do both this weekend, but tomorrow is the Super Bowl ><), so had she stuck around and maybe actually thought of someone else for 20 seconds of her life, she may have gotten and chance to get her best piece of AF. But I guess it's ok to not help anyone else these days.

Another run-in with her was going to do the PLD AF3 fight. She was sitting around in Port Jeuno when SA was gathering to Teleport to Holla to proceed to Davoi, and Fuzzle (one of our BLMs) asked her if she wanted to go. She said, "no, why would I want to help someone else? I need my AF hands!" Or something as stupid as that. Avoid her and her bad attitude at all costs.

Oh, and I thought i'd mention that she was 55BLM/25WHM. Great job leveling your sub, Krssy! (b'-')b
#333 Feb 05 2005 at 9:28 PM Rating: Default
617 posts
OK now this one doesn't even make sense. I've partied with Megago before and it was nothing exciting, but this time, something was terribly wrong. I think she posts here so if so I'd like you to read over this and fill me in on what was the problem.

She's a Rank 9 in Qufim leveling NIN. Well there's a PLD in that party too. Well the PLD kept asking Megago who would like to be main tank, and after asking four or five times, Megago finally responds, with an "um..." and that's it.

Well after over an hour with 0 experience points because the party can't decide where they want to camp and what they can and cannot fight (with Megago still ignoring the PLD), they finally get down to pulling. Megago decides she'll pull. And pull she does. She comes back with a Vepar. Considering it's hitting the PLD for 65 dmg and it was double attacking (even had equip that boosted VIT by at least 11), and considering little to no damage was being dealt, and top it off with the party's inability to cooperate, there was no chance of victory. The PLD uses Invincible and books it for the tower. All the while Megago is complaining that Vepars were what you fought in Qufim and that they would have been able to kill it. Only thing I could think of was that maybe she mistook it for a Greater Pugil since they're the same type. Which would have been fair enough, but that's not all that happened.

After all that, the real pulls finally start. But now, Megago is randomly provoking some monsters and not others. The PLD would voke every monster but when they both voked, hate control was out of control. Sometimes she'd use a Ninjutsu (like Hyoton) and just watch the monster attack whomever before the PLD would voke. Then she'd engage and then she might provoke. It was nothing short of confusing.

The main problem here was the inability to communicate. Megago would either completely ignore the other party members and do whatever she wanted, or say she'd do something and then not do it. I'd say the PLD was on her blacklist if she hadn't responded to a few questions. Something just wasn't working. If they had just all actually stopped for a second and spoke to each other, something might have worked out. But in the end the WHM got fed up and left and then the Japanese BLM did too and then everyone leaves. Go figure.

Whatever was going on there, I can't say. She didn't do anything deplorable but ignoring people when they ask you a question and then doing things that can get party members killed deserves a mention here.

Edited, Sat Feb 5 21:37:46 2005 by seraphimhunter
#334 Feb 06 2005 at 4:00 AM Rating: Decent
155 posts
I know Megago well and he's an excellent player. The incident you are speaking of is, I believe, an isolated case. I think he was distracted with something, I'm not really sure.

In any event, don't take this one occurance as a signifier of his skill. As I said, I've done many a quest/event/whatever with him, and he's never been short of excellent.
#335 Feb 06 2005 at 4:52 AM Rating: Default
617 posts
See that's the thing, in the previous party with her (or "him" apparently), there were no issues and the party worked well. Nothing eventful, but nothing bad.

Then this happens. Being distracted is OK, but warn your party first. The majority of us do realize there are real people behind those characters and real life is allowed to come before a game. Just don't go getting your party members killed because you're trying to do ten thousand things at once...especially if that party is relying on you. Put the game down and do what you have to do and then come back. We all know we hate sudden and random "gotta go" messages but there's really nothing that can be done if it's a necessary thing you have to do.

Edited, Sun Feb 6 05:06:13 2005 by seraphimhunter
#336 Feb 07 2005 at 5:09 PM Rating: Default
36 posts
I whole heartedly agree with Dirtbomb being pretty terrible. I partied with him once in Crawler's nest...that was a mistake.
#337 Feb 07 2005 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
175 posts
Seraphimhunter, I'm not sure what was going on with Megago, but he is a fine player. Anyone looking at this post should not hesitate to party with megago as he is a good guy and a good player in my experiences, and I've partied with him a good deal. Once again, I think that Seraphimhunter's experience was an isolated one and there may be more to the story. Sadly, that is probably the case with several of the posts here.

To the forum cops:
I'm sorry that I didn't take this to the "Discussion Thread", but I for one do not read that thread, nor do I believe that the majority of the other posters/lurkers do either. I will not have Megago's name tarnished on this thread and allow any rebuttal to be buried in another thread.
#338 Feb 07 2005 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
1,002 posts
I got somebody...

ME... better watch out for me!!!

i am one badass Tarutaru..
#339 Feb 07 2005 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
84 posts
Hiptaruu wrote:

ME... better watch out for me!!!

This is true. Hiptaru was in my party when we did PLD AF3 and he kept trying to sell Hi-Potions to the mobs.
#340 Feb 07 2005 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
55 posts
No Infamouskiller always does that, so it has to be in a macro. He will fight mobs stronger than him while soloing, /sh for a cure at <pos> and if no one gives him one then he calls them all **** and says bad things about the mages in the area. >< Who would want to cure him after that? I mean excuse me if people are pting and they are mages they have their own party to worry about and cannot go off to cure some person who decides to solo mobs 10 levels above them. Thats your problem not the mages in the areas problem.
#341 Feb 07 2005 at 9:04 PM Rating: Default
617 posts
I'll accept it being an isolated experience, I really will. I never said not to party with her and that it didn't make sense to me why she would act that way after having a decent party with her. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna hold back on the details. I'm not trying to say "OMG don't party with her!" Because if I really wanted to say that, trust me, I would've said it bluntly and overtly.

And this is to everyone else. Anyone who takes this thread to mean that they shouldn't party with a person takes the thread's original purpose out of context. Hence the title, "Players to Watch Out For." This is simply here to warn people and give them a head's up. Read the very first post, Byaina's. She explains everything.

Edited, Mon Feb 7 21:21:35 2005 by seraphimhunter
#342 Feb 07 2005 at 11:15 PM Rating: Decent
111 posts
wtf.... i mean really... just what does a man have to do to make this damn list??

ive tried everything i know. ive MPK noobs for giggles...
ive watched people farming die, and i could have casted a cure.
i randomly slap players for no reason.
i think its funny when tarus die.
i would shave all the galkas if i could.
i would make mithras wear flea collars if i could.

i mean come on.... show me some friggin credit here....

someone please put my name on here. dammit i have earned it and i deserve it.

someone please have a heart and add my name.
#343 Feb 08 2005 at 2:52 AM Rating: Decent
104 posts
I was in my set in onzozo yesterday and Infamouskiller showed up 3 times in different PTs over a period of 4-5 hours. They would camp on top of us, pull a toroma, someone would die almost every pull. then they would pull a gob and immediatly escape (they did that 2 times). at which point they didnt come back (they made new pt and returned to do same thing). was kind of funny/annoying

What I found funny is just as we were about to leave for the night they got a link and pulled 2 goblins. They proceed to fight one. We are just finishing a torama before we go.

Someone said "help please" (I forget who) so I provoke it and we start killing it. By this time their PT has killed 1 gob and we are killing the other.

Then I see infamouskiller casting escape...

We stop to help and he does a runner while there is no danger, charming. ><
#344 Feb 08 2005 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
Ok 1st off no one died and the reason i kept comming back is because party members kept getting d/c 2nd off it wasnt my party fighting gobs 3rdly gobs are VT and even matches
Next time you post about me get your facts straight that wasnt even my party moron we didnt fight one goblin they dont give enuff xp stupid
#345 Feb 08 2005 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
55 posts
Stay away from Zwickee..

*i bite*
#346 Feb 08 2005 at 2:22 PM Rating: Excellent
363 posts
infamouskiller wrote:

This is why no one likes you. Maybe people will start listening to you when you stop using derogatory words to insult people.
#347 Feb 08 2005 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
302 posts
zwickee wrote:
*i bite*

That's not always a bad thing.
#348 Feb 08 2005 at 2:43 PM Rating: Good
Gameslave, worst PLD in the whole server.
#349 Feb 08 2005 at 3:04 PM Rating: Default
Well heres a new flash i dont give a flying **** if you like me oo know what the moron who posts about me when it was another party or that little **** smooch that has been crying for 2 months cause i asked for a cure in ghelsba I think your nothing but a **** sucker aww poor ******

#350 Feb 08 2005 at 3:21 PM Rating: Good
353 posts
And our friend Infamouskiller gets the distinguished honor of the person to send the most annoying /tells over and over again.

If you're 70+, chances are you got this tell:

want to tank {Fenrir}?

From a certain rdm with /anon on.

This position was formerly held by Johnb and his notorious Riverne CoP mission tells. (Actually, I feel bad putting Johnb in the same post.. I have a feeling he's a competent player just... persistant)

Or and this:

I love it when people who are on the "Good Players List" end up on the "Players to Watch Out For" list. Who to believe?! XD

Edited, Tue Feb 8 16:15:02 2005 by Raynedrop
#351 Feb 08 2005 at 3:59 PM Rating: Decent
111 posts
*sniff sniff* thank you

its nice to be recognized for all the work ive done.

they love me.. they really love me
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