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Players To Watch Out For - The ReturnFollow

#502 May 13 2005 at 2:37 PM Rating: Good
306 posts
I add kgochtguerre to the list because he's not on it yet! ;p
#503 May 13 2005 at 3:07 PM Rating: Good
448 posts
I the suxx0rs ;_;
#504 May 13 2005 at 4:31 PM Rating: Default
Hey Sirrobin. Remember how you were being facetious?

So was I.

Intelligence bites when it's so low, doesn't it?

You are lucky this is a message board, fore you can say whatever you want now after the fact, and nobody has any way of disproving you. I will let it slide just this once...just know:
We know you were not kidding
#505 May 13 2005 at 4:37 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
We know you were not kidding

This coming from somebody that came into a thread of mine that was obviously a joke that everybody else got and wondered why I said what I said? Do I really need to link you to the thread?
#506 May 13 2005 at 5:32 PM Rating: Default
If you are speaking of the sandy one...50% of the people seriously are proud. I was only making a point saying it makes no difference imo. Please, make an intelligent argument, for the better of both of us.
#507 May 13 2005 at 5:37 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
I guess I have to.

Your reply to this thread:


Am I the only one that is thinking wtf at this?
Because they are nice they are asses? oO

Now dear Sirrobin. It's called being facetious. There's an art to it.

Intelligence must bite when it's so low, eh?

Edited, Fri May 13 18:38:32 2005 by Alauce
#508 May 13 2005 at 6:12 PM Rating: Default
Jesus, that was years ago oO
That was one of my first posts on these boards...
I am sorry I did not spend endless amount of time here before then. Plus, that was not nearly as obvious. Although what you said NOW looks sarcastic, it did not when I posted that like 6 months ago. Are you some kind of stalker to recall that off the top of your head???

So in summary:
1. How the **** was I supposed to know who you were back then? (not that I do now)
2. Insulting my intelligence is like insulting an olympians speed...
3. You have too much time on your hands if you can recall that off of the top of your head...

(Good bye!)
#509 May 13 2005 at 6:15 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
It was a month ago exactly and you'd spent quite a deal of time here before that. The excuse doesn't fly.

(Good bye!)

Edited, Fri May 13 19:15:53 2005 by Alauce
#510 May 13 2005 at 6:18 PM Rating: Default
I had 20 posts max about 1 month ago, and no time to pay attention to who the hell is posting what. I still want you to explain how the hell you know who I am. I am kinda scared. You are a scary little kid. And I enjoy the mocking you are doing, its cute.
#511 May 13 2005 at 6:19 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
I know who you are because unlike some people, I read posts in forums, and I pay attention. And I also helped you get your Uggalepih key roughly a month and a half ago while I was camping Sozu Sarberry.

Sinking in yet?
#512 May 13 2005 at 6:24 PM Rating: Default
ooooooooo, ok, I remember you now. So it seems our paths have crossed before. Interesting...
#513 Jun 22 2005 at 3:32 AM Rating: Good
I had to go all the way to page six to find this thread again. I guess everyone on the server has been rocking lately. ;)

Well, everyone...except Charlene. -_-

I would ordinarily laugh this off, but it's the second time in as many days this has happened, I'm seeing a trend, and it really, really sucks. I'll do the general rant in a minute.

I'm standing about in Jeuno tonight, flag up, when I get a tell. I reply that yes, please, I would like a party; I join, and it's Charlene (THF/NIN), a nice Paladin, a Ranger, and a moment later the esteemed Kyotokombat appears in the party...a NIN.

There's some ???'s from the party, I was busy buying food and didn't comment.
Kyoto politely bows out a moment later, and not long afterward the RNG drops. {I'm sorry} {Party}.

o.O, I think, but settle in to wait, I'm not in a hurry. Exp is exp.
A minute or so goes by, and nothing is happening; I glance at the party list and discover to my confusion and annoyance that Charlene dropped leader on me.
"Uh, no thank you," I said essentially, giving it back to her.
Kyoto appears again!
"Keep the Paladin," he says, "you don't need me," and he drops.

Charlene meantime is saying odd senseless things like {please} party {thank you}.
I look at the party list again; she's rank 2. At level 64.

I look down again, and Charlene has tossed leader on the white mage!
He disbands the party, and I don't blame him. We never got out of Jeuno.

I don't know if Charlene was drunk, couldn't speak English, bought the account, was a gilseller, or what. But steer very clear of her, she's a delevel on wheels.

The reason I went digging through for this thread, and am so anxious to post about this, is that this is the second time in two days this has happened to me.
In a party the night before, the leader whined that she didn't feel well and would someone else take leader? before the party was even full. A moment later she tossed leader on me, with a 'hehe'.
I invited a sixth member and handed leader back. (Same girl went afk later in Bibiki, got aggroed by a train some fool pulled into the zoneless tunnel behind us, and never did come back, just laid there dead with a Raise II on her. We disbanded.)

If you want to start a party, FINISH THE PARTY. Do not dump leader on the first person to accept your invite!! In Qufim I wouldn't be surprised, but we're talking about people that are level 64 and 65...what in the world. This is a really ugly and obnoxious trend, and it needs to die.

Edited, Wed Jun 22 04:43:13 2005 by Sioux
#514 Jun 22 2005 at 8:06 AM Rating: Decent
Actually, Bluenoser was in a PT 2 nights ago (we play side by side) and charlene was the puller....He said "look at this idiot gilseller Charlene." they pulled when they werent ready and pulls something the party didnt want and wiped the party.

I was like "Wow that sucks...but what makes them a gilseller?" I don't remember exactly his reason or if he gave one as I was busy myself doing PM 8-2 but I looked over at their language pattern and appeared they didnt have a good grasp on the auto translator and spoke very broken english which I would assume they are Chinese in origin...which as much as I don't want to stereotype ..... spells "gilseller" (also their rank level etc.)
#515 Jun 22 2005 at 8:32 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
Sorry for hijack, but Qinny, did Bluenoser ever get Promy-Holla done? He came along on a failed attempt with my LS last weekend and said he was about 0/14 attempts. Unfortunately, the attempt we did didn't go that well and we wiped on the boss. ;;

I feel really bad for him, he was a nice guy. :/
#516 Jun 23 2005 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
Newp he still hasn't got it done, Once I get a little more gil and some free time I will be setting up a Holla run for him and 4 others, take the time to farm animas for everyone...I know all about Holla and such, SO i guarentee a win or a very very very close one....everyone needs to remember to keep their posion pots on....anyway this thread isnt much for PM strats so /tell me in game if you want to come.
#517 Jun 23 2005 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
282 posts
If you want to start a party, FINISH THE PARTY. Do not dump leader on the first person to accept your invite!! In Qufim I wouldn't be surprised, but we're talking about people that are level 64 and 65...what in the world. This is a really ugly and obnoxious trend, and it needs to die.

We used to do this when JPN would LFG and at least two or three whole parties can be made out of the search list, they just opted to wait rather than include Americans in their party. So we have to invite the few and give them leader for them to finish the party. Works well most of the time, but yeah, it can be annoying when it happened to you.
#518 Jun 27 2005 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
353 posts
Is it too late for me to add Bowser?

He r nub.


#519 Jun 27 2005 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
955 posts
Raynil {Can I have it?}
#520 Jul 01 2005 at 4:36 AM Rating: Good
-_- I hate to be posting again so soon....but this guy needs to be warned against.
Maybe I made a mistake here, but I acted in trust along with two other people, and all of us got ripped out of 500k by a greedy little BLM named Doomsday. 500k isn't a ton of money, but it's still a pretty good chunk of change.

And we got the drop.

We were back there to help Omgwtftaru get through the Banishing Gate. Galactica spotted the NM, I tanked it, and we killed it with equal work from everyone there.

As it happened, the cape dropped to Doomsday. We all agreed that he would sell it (this is a two million gil item) and then we would split the proceeds evenly. Doomsday agreed to this, and claimed he was 'writing down names'.

You probably know the rest, guys. Oldest story in the book; I noticed that the cape had sold, so I sent Doomsday a polite tell asking him to send our shares asap, ^^.
He logs off. I spoke with Galactica, and she didn't recieve her share either.

Just watch it with this jerk. I know we all probably should have seen it coming, but I don't know why; if I'd gotten the drop I'd have shared it evenly. As of right now there's no repurcussions I can put on the guy; all I can do is warn other players, and let you know what the little twerp pulled on us. Not trustworthy; don't let him get his hands on a good drop.

Edited, Fri Jul 1 05:37:46 2005 by Sioux
#521 Jul 05 2005 at 4:08 PM Rating: Good
Two bad players to watch out for....

Kyx - He's a WHM, last I saw was in Yutunga. He goes afk during the MIDDLE of a fight. When he gets back he said he needed a drink. Not a forgivable enough excuse.

Next up

Theholyone - DRK! My static partied with him today and he's not only the worste DRK ever, but he's also an imature prick with no brains. He's doing everything that draws hate so my PLD can't tank, we try instructing him and he blows it off, when we disband (we're a static don't forget) he insults us, rather poorly I might add, but it just isn't neccesary.

I woulda added the BLM to this list but he learned from a few of his mistakes today and addmited he did some things wrong. I gave him a a chance.
#522 Jul 10 2005 at 12:57 AM Rating: Default
errr ignore post my friend posted for me sorry

Edited, Sun Jul 10 04:10:17 2005 by ScarfaceBismarck
#523 Jul 10 2005 at 1:17 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
I'm standing about in Jeuno tonight, flag up, when I get a tell. I reply that yes, please, I would like a party; I join, and it's Charlene (THF/NIN), a nice Paladin, a Ranger, and a moment later the esteemed Kyotokombat appears in the party...a NIN.

There's some ???'s from the party, I was busy buying food and didn't comment.
Kyoto politely bows out a moment later, and not long afterward the RNG drops. {I'm sorry} {Party}.

o.O, I think, but settle in to wait, I'm not in a hurry. Exp is exp.
A minute or so goes by, and nothing is happening; I glance at the party list and discover to my confusion and annoyance that Charlene dropped leader on me.
"Uh, no thank you," I said essentially, giving it back to her.
Kyoto appears again!
"Keep the Paladin," he says, "you don't need me," and he drops.

Ahhh I remember that... for some reason she kept trying to re-invite me (5-7 times). I have partied with her since, not knowing she was in the party until I got to the camp.

From what I can tell she either bought the account, or took over from another gil sellers spot. Reason being is that as Sioux said before, rank 2 lvl 64, and that she solos her dancing edge. We tried to stop her in the middle of the session and "teach" her how to do her job, but she wouldnt even get behind me to sata off of me.

Anyways, as far as I could tell she was xping with a mithra ranger friend (of course I forgot her name ^^;) that didnt seem much better :/ .

PS. I'm sorry if i didnt post this "right". I have only posted a handful of replies on allakhazam,
#524 Jul 20 2005 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
289 posts
Honest, nonflame reply

I was spoiled, stupid, and bratty enough to bet a serket ring for the scorpion harness in his bazaar, even knowing the consequences. Could never happen to me, right? I won the bet, poof, d/c'd. After lecturing me about how he was afraid I'd d/c and everything.

I'm not looking for sympathy or criticism, just give this guy a good slap if you ever see him around.
#525 Jul 20 2005 at 6:11 PM Rating: Decent
65 posts

FYI, that is not me!! lol
Someone's trying to taint my [holy] [white mage] name?!?

I say keel him! :)

#526 Jul 21 2005 at 7:36 AM Rating: Decent
289 posts
Lol, no Apollonius, not you, the guy's name was APOLLO. ^_^
Bloody coward.
Not trying to taint your holy whm image whatsoever. Sorry if there was any confusion.
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