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Players To Watch Out For - The ReturnFollow

#527 Jul 21 2005 at 7:43 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
were you scammed or did he just not honor a bet?
#528 Jul 21 2005 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
289 posts
He just didn't honor a bet. Serket Ring vs. Scorpion Harness, the rules were that I had to roll higher than him once out of two rolls, and I rolled high on the second, but Apollo's roll never came because he d/c'd.
#529 Jul 25 2005 at 10:16 AM Rating: Good

I never thought I would be adding a player to this list.

A sign of a truly bad red mage is...

When not only does she not refresh the various magic users in a party, but doesn't even refresh HERSELF.

Or debuff the mob.

Or do really much of anything.

I was in a party with Kalos last night, and we had a fairly good setup so far...whm, blm, drg, nin, mnk...and we wanted a refresher, so we invited this rdm player named Mueun.

Somehow, seeing that she was a rank two Bastokian should have been my first clue that something was drastically wrong here, but I had known people to get rank 10 in one country and then switch, so I figured it must be that.

Anyways, everyone gets Signet, and we agree to go off happily to slaughter the children of Promathia that reside in Bibiki Bay.

I Teleport-Mea the party, and we grab some chickens and start off to Bibiki Bay. The entire party zones into Bay after a couple minutes, and we head to camp (after Kalos accidentally 2-hours himself on a gob while riding his chicken...but that's another story^.-).

Check that.

Mueun is still in Buburimu, and after a couple of minutes, decides to tell us that she doesn't have CoP.



So, we all decide to instead go to Boyada Tree, and fight the crawlers there in the tunnel (lake was full).

We get there, and start to fight.

Annnnd...the RDM doesn't dispel.

The RDM doesn't refresh anyone, even herself...wait, check that...she refreshed the dragoon (who had no mp) once.

Because of this, Kalos (nin) keeps only being able to BARELY hold the hate against the mob.

Over the course of an hour, and many near deaths, we keep asking/begging Mueun to refresh the mages (to keep the mp flowing, so we can chain...sort of...) and dispel the mob, but to no avail.


Mueun decides it is a fun idea to nuke.

Kalos loses hate...

And we all start to die.

Flash forward two minutes

Total PT wipe.

I had already used RR to get up after the first time I died in that fight, in an effort to keep Kalos alive long enough so that we can maybe try to kill it, so everyone had to bite a HP EXP loss.

Once we all HP'd, we kicked Mueun from the party.


EDIT: Reworked some of the wording for people that can't figure out that the NIN lost hate because of no dispel/debuffing from the RDM, and that Refresh would have been nice for the mages (and is generally expected from a RDM in ANY party).

Edited, Wed Jul 27 08:39:46 2005 by Nightsintdreams
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#530 Jul 27 2005 at 12:26 AM Rating: Decent
92 posts
I thought I was the only one who didn't have CoP <:O
#531 Jul 27 2005 at 7:09 AM Rating: Default
512 posts
i'd not have imagined that not having refresh on the mages would do anything for a NIN's hate control.

i can understand not dispelling def-up effects, sure, as the NIN is no longer able to hit as accurately, lowering the enmity line overall. but being a poor RDM in a NIN + WHM pt.. well. there's more going on there, i'm certain.

sounds like a bad RDM, sure, but it also sounds like someone grasping for blame in a party that just didn't communicate effectively or something. refreshing has about ZERO to do with a NIN's hate. refresh only helps mages accrue more enmity... as it would a PLD.

#532 Jul 27 2005 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
To comment on the refresh issue:

If the whm isn't getting refreshed then they will be more sparing on their casts, this means:

1. They're probably not using haste or debuffs (as stated) which means the NIN isn't hitting/casting as quickly thus decreasing hate.

2. If the WHM runs out of MP then the RDM or BLM usually pick up the slack. If the RDM was useless that leaves the BLM, who was probably nuking. When a good BLM who has been managing his hate well with nukes all of a sudden needs to cure things can go awry.

3. Usually from time to time whne healing the RDM or BLM may toss in a quick cure to help out, if this wasn't happening then the WHM will eb dumping more, higher level cures in order to keep the tank alive.

4. Gravity,Para,Slow are Nin's best friend and without good sticks the shadows will go that much quicker. Requiring more cures etc.

Not sure why based on the story as it was told the blame for the PT breakup should be placed on anyone other than the RDM.
#533 Jul 27 2005 at 2:16 PM Rating: Good
163 posts
If the whm isn't getting refreshed then they will be more sparing on their casts, this means:

1. They're probably not using haste or debuffs (as stated) which means the NIN isn't hitting/casting as quickly thus decreasing hate.

2. If the WHM runs out of MP then the RDM or BLM usually pick up the slack. If the RDM was useless that leaves the BLM, who was probably nuking. When a good BLM who has been managing his hate well with nukes all of a sudden needs to cure things can go awry.

3. Usually from time to time whne healing the RDM or BLM may toss in a quick cure to help out, if this wasn't happening then the WHM will eb dumping more, higher level cures in order to keep the tank alive.

4. Gravity,Para,Slow are Nin's best friend and without good sticks the shadows will go that much quicker. Requiring more cures etc.

Not sure why based on the story as it was told the blame for the PT breakup should be placed on anyone other than the RDM.

To comment on TseTsuo's comment on refreshes.

A whm in a Ninja party is already sparing with cures... since they will hardly ever use them with a good ninja tank.

1. The white mage shouldn't have a problem casting haste with a ninja tank (with or without a refresher in party), since they won't be using mp for cures unless something goes wrong.

2. Agreed, but a white mage shouldn't have mp issues with a ninja tank. Unless melee or the blm are pulling too much hate and taking too much damage. And then it's not an issue of refresh its an issue of hate control.

3. True, when necessary the other mages should help with emergency cures. Normally though as blm I'll just use Stun to give the tank time to either a) put shadows back up b) get hate back in line. As red mage I normally only cure when I see things getting away from the white mage. Since some white mages have a rythmn and I could be interrupting how they like to do things. Like when red mages in my parties always seem to cure III party members right after I cast regen on them.

But those situations are rare, and with a ninja tank, as a whm, I always get alot of time to rest for mp. Haste the melees, regen the tank, sit back. Unless you're a whm that likes to nuke...

4. Beyond Gravity a red mage isn't doing the enfeebles in a ninja party. The ninja is. Or should be. Especially after the update.

Based on the story I have no doubt that Nights had a party member that was basically a waste of space and didn't contribute anything... but like Stegan implied... there was probably more to the issue than just the rdm.

If the red mage causes hate issues with nuking there's a problem.

#534 Jul 28 2005 at 11:50 PM Rating: Default
Mueun is a gil seller.............
#535 Jul 29 2005 at 3:39 AM Rating: Decent
Yes, I know this is a pretty old thread. There may be a new thread for this, and if there is, I apologize. But this is the one that I was reading for nearly two hours so I'm responding to this one. I have one thing to say -

I have had the... displeasure to party with this Red Mage twice in Labyrinth of Onzozo. First gripes first, s/he doesn't really DO anything in a party. The first party I was in with him/her, s/he would just stand there, most likely leeching EXP. Just stood there, firing off a Refresh maybe once every three battles. That party ended pretty quickly, but needless to say, I was wary about Mueun and began to suspect that either his/her account was either bought or a gilseller's.

Second time was a day or two later. I see Mueun is the red mage but decide to give the benefit of a doubt. We get to the Torama camp and start fighting. Decent EXP, except for one thing. Mueun is Dispelling. A lot. I'm talking thats all s/he was doing. Over and over, as often as possible, Dispel Dispel Dispel.

One more thing in this long rant (^^; sorry) is that it's common knowledge that Ose spawns there. Since there was another party there, we decide to alliance it to get the Jerkin for the DRGs and THFs. We kill Ose and we all pass but the DRGs the THFs and Mueun. And guess what? The broken-English speaking person lots. Needless to say, the leader kicked him/her to let give the DRGs and THFs a chance to lot. I forgot who won the lot, but Mueun is not happy about what happened. Keep in mind that this person is a RDM lotting on the Assault Jerkin. The leader invites him/her back, and I nearly quote on this, for I can't remember exactly, but s/he has this inciteful bit of knowledge to depart: "Why you no tell kick when I'm lot on thing?"

End Rant
#536 Jul 29 2005 at 3:54 AM Rating: Decent
Mueun is a gil seller.............

Lmao I just pted with that person and ya they more or less didnt say a word so I dont doubt it opsie ><;
#537 Jul 29 2005 at 6:25 PM Rating: Default
I used to mess with that ***** alot on Davoi XD
#538 Jul 30 2005 at 8:01 PM Rating: Decent

Yet another do-nothing RDM. He was afk for the majority of every fight that I had the misfortune to go through with him. Re refreshes sporadically, and his idea of main-enfeeb is to cast dia.

Seriously, why do all the leeching ********* pick RDM? Oh, right. Cuz that's a job where you'll get invites no matter how bad you suck ~.~

Not a slur against RDMs btw, because I consider myself one. A good one hopefully ^.^
#539 Jul 30 2005 at 11:59 PM Rating: Excellent
Seriously, why do all the leeching sh*theads pick RDM? Oh, right. Cuz that's a job where you'll get invites no matter how bad you suck ~.~

I can't count the number of times I've cried out over the LS: "Why is it always the RDMS!?!?"

No offense taken. I don't know why it is, but it's probably

#540 Aug 01 2005 at 1:12 AM Rating: Decent
51 posts
Normally I wouldn't think about posting anyone's name in here, but I have to list Hakiro. He's a level 48 RDM who does nothing but melee, with the occasional Refresh. I've been in a party with him TWICE and he still does the same thing, practically to the point of killing his other party members. He never sat once unless he'd used Convert, was completely out of MP, and the mob dead. At times he would just seemingly afk while auto-attacking even without MP.

I gave him some advice tonight on how he can play better, I just hope that he gets past his obnoxious stubborn streak to listen and learn.

#541 Aug 01 2005 at 5:37 AM Rating: Decent
99 posts
Forest, Mueun is a Gil Seller. He's always hanging with Charlene in SSGrotto.

Lots of people have been PTing with Gil Sellers. Even me without knowing. Now there is a Galka RNG named Blab who is a 72 RNG. I am quite sad I didnt know this beforehand.

Also Cqkillin should not be invited to PTs. Either he is a seller now, or he hangs with sellers. I have definetely seen him running around with them.
#542 Aug 01 2005 at 5:50 AM Rating: Decent
84 posts
Sioux wrote:

No offense taken. I don't know why it is, but it's probably


I rue the day that people decided the RDM hat was a "pimp hat" and therefore cool enough to level RDM just to get.
#543 Aug 01 2005 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
In a slight different vain I encounter a very rude and incosiderate player last night. It was a level 70 bard named Tzaro. I don't know how she acts in in xp parties but she doesn't seem to have a lot of common decency.

Last night there was a shout for Bastok Mission 7-1. I joined and 12 of us went out to the spot to kill two golems. We succeeded twice since a couple people forgot or couldn't retouch the ??? a second time including Tzaro.

On the way back to Bastok I asked who wants to do mission 7-2. 6 people including Tzaro agreed to do this. It was already 3:30 am my time, but if we could get moving fast it would be done in no time. The six of us for a BCNM fight were a pld (me), brd (her), rdm, blm, drk, thf which is a decent mix for this fight.

After the time getting the mission flagged and heading out to Palaborough Mines, Tzaro has the audacity to say let's do this in 2 hours so I can get an xp buffer. Mind you it was almost 4:30 am my time when she said this. I was pissed.

There were a copuple things she could have done if she had any decency.

A) Not do mission 7-1 in the first place because she didn't have a buffer. Dying during that mission is just as possible.

B) Not agreed to do mission 7-2 when I asked 45 minutes before she decided she wanted an xp party instead.

I don't know what she is like in XP parties but I thought people should be aware of her acts when doing missions and quests.
#544 Aug 01 2005 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
Normally I wouldn't think about posting anyone's name in here, but I have to list Hakiro. He's a level 48 RDM who does nothing but melee, with the occasional Refresh. I've been in a party with him TWICE and he still does the same thing, practically to the point of killing his other party members. He never sat once unless he'd used Convert, was completely out of MP, and the mob dead. At times he would just seemingly afk while auto-attacking even without MP.

I gave him some advice tonight on how he can play better, I just hope that he gets past his obnoxious stubborn streak to listen and learn.


I had I a party with him the other and thats all he did that time too except he refreshed the blm every few battles. Only reason i didn't kick him was beacuse no one was seeking ; ;
#545 Aug 02 2005 at 9:56 PM Rating: Default
For the love of god and all GOOD rdms, boot any bad rdms in your party and TELL them they suck ***.
#546 Aug 04 2005 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
477 posts
Ok... I HATE using this.. but I was just in a VERY short PT in Kuftal Tunnel with a lvl 53-54 THF named RED. I was helping a friend on Qufim when I got a tell from a mnk that will remain nameless to come PT. I asked who was in the PT and what jobs (just a procautionary measure) and finally I agreed. I guess I should have been a bit more specific, because Flourite (my WHM is lvl 55) is about 1k tnl.. which I had told the Leader thinking they would make sur eit fit in with the PT.

So when I join I see there are 2 lvl 52s in the party.. I took a deep breath and said ok.. I'll try this. So I warp everyone to Altep and the first thing that Red does is attack an atican.. ok no big deal.. then he agros another, ok.. we kill that and finally zone. The rest go to Rabao, and I begining walkign to the tunnel. We get in and rest up. He pulls.. everything goes fine, but the key in this PT was it's set up was BLM, BLM, WHM, MNK, PLD, THF. I think you guys may see the problem here. Atleast 3 people who need refresh.

So after that first fight the 2 blms, the pld, and myself all sit to rest. I have about 300mp out of 700, the pld has about 30. And guess what.. Red pulls. Great.. we barely survive that. we rest and durning this I ask him politely not to pull unless I and the PLD have MP.. he laughs and pulls. The next fight is fine, and once again we sit to rest.. and he pulls again. Ok once.. fine.. twice?? Come on! So I ask him again not to.. then he proceeds to berate me and says that the WHM sucks and has no guts and should be replaced. So I wait till I know the crab is over half dead, the blms and PLD have a fair amount of MP.. I throw a cure IV on the mnk.. I say I'm sorry and leave. I know it was wrong of me to warp out on a PT. I just couldn't take that guy anymore.

Unfortunately I just found out that the party supposedly died.. I am very sorry that this happened /bow

Edited, Thu Aug 4 21:51:15 2005 by JadenNyte
#547 Aug 04 2005 at 8:58 PM Rating: Good
2,955 posts
I know it was wrong of me to warp out on a PT. I just couldn't take that guy anymore.

In the middle of a fight? Yeah, I'd say so, more so for the other party than this jackass, he deserved to die. Were you wrong to leave? Hell no.
#548 Aug 04 2005 at 9:27 PM Rating: Decent
Flourite is to innocent though.

But Jaydenyte...mmmm I dunno.
#549 Aug 05 2005 at 8:53 AM Rating: Default
5,645 posts
^^edit, misread jaden so i removed the part about the pulls.

Was he that bad that you couldn't wait the extra 30 seconds for the fight to finish and then warp?

I mean if you dont like the PT fine, its your right to leave. but doing it mid fight is just lame.

Edited, Tue Aug 9 08:41:59 2005 by TseTsuo
#550 Aug 05 2005 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
477 posts
WOW how did I know you would have something negative to say Tse... go figure *lol*

Oh and just for the record, you obviously didn't read ANY of that post except the end. We had no refresher. Check the post, it says right in it.. BLM, BLM, WHM, PLD, MNK, THF. Also, I never said we chained anything.. the fights were too long to chain.

Edited, Fri Aug 5 11:15:43 2005 by JadenNyte
#551 Aug 05 2005 at 1:23 PM Rating: Default
123 posts
lol < I AM A VERY AGGRESIVE PULLER > just a warning.... but the point here is.
THANK YOU BISMARCK FOR LETTING ME KNOW I DONT SUCK! ^^; brother tired to get my rate down. alright this is who i want to add and its 2 gilsellers. huofeng and evele. now they arent bad people and i know its the same 2 cuz they always remember me. but omg... lol yesterday i go in a pt with alyah and we go 1 fight... she dies hp's and disbands. HUOFENG does not know how to line up for SATA at all or know who to make a pt...(as he tried a pld pld mnk rdm smn whm b4) so once alyah used sa souleater sickle moon and got all the hate and kregian (thf) went to sata behind HUOFENG... HE MOVES... ripperfang byebye alyah. and for EVELE she dies on the way there. the party is like Guivere is up we careful... what does she do... run right in front of guivere. thats what you deserve if your a smn subbing drk... lol i'm done =P

Edited, Fri Aug 5 14:40:02 2005 by bkboy
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