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Players To Watch Out For - The ReturnFollow

#627 Sep 26 2005 at 11:56 AM Rating: Excellent
883 posts
Folks -
Respectfully, I ask in the spirit of this thread, and as posted in the OP, that you take this discussion to a new thread and leave this one to not dissolve into a flamewar. I'd rather not have to close and repost another one of these threads.

#628 Sep 27 2005 at 11:46 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
lol byaina i'm surprised you are even trying, nobody listens anyway ;;

ohh this all makes so much more sense with never filter turned on. /sigh.

Edited, Tue Sep 27 13:04:26 2005 by TseTsuo
#629 Sep 27 2005 at 1:25 PM Rating: Good
sorry tulip..wont happen again.
#630REDACTED, Posted: Sep 28 2005 at 12:22 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Briansmule has a problem arguing w/ tarus only.
#631 Oct 01 2005 at 2:07 AM Rating: Decent

Ok here's is what happened.
I was the Whm of the party so I got a good veiw of what happened.
First off our BLM tried to sleep a Beetle in the citdel basment (48-50 PT) while we were killing a bat. Well his sleep didn't stick too well. So needless to say after a close win on the bat and just the beetle bounceing around the PT and me and the rdm out of MP people started dropping.

Pelerin was already rude to people in the PT a few times.
He start's running ditching Me the Rdm and the Thf with Pld on ground to die. He didn't say anything just booked it. Needless to say we all died. But him he made it out. Once he got out said /p {Disbanding Party} {Good bye} and left us not even a little shout for us to get (or just me) a raise. Lucky a near by PT saw me and tractored me to them and got me up or we all would have had to HP.

Also in the Blm defense we were hard pressed for mobs I may have done the same thing if I were him.
#632REDACTED, Posted: Oct 04 2005 at 7:23 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) If you were all gonna die, it's stupid to stay behind. Don't even start that honerable ******** either =P
#633 Oct 05 2005 at 1:06 AM Rating: Default
406 posts
Zander is the biggest douchebag on the face of the earth everyone MPK that ******* if you see him. Apparently he trains and MPK's and chews with his mouth open -.-'''
#634 Oct 05 2005 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
Who said anything about honor?
I said he didn't even bother to try and get us raises.
He disbanded the PT AFTER he got out alive.
This has nothing to do about honor. He is a bad player.
#635 Oct 06 2005 at 9:28 AM Rating: Default
113 posts
I have to agree with Zander.

Zander is a training douche bag!
#636 Oct 06 2005 at 3:55 PM Rating: Default
110 posts


............| \
...\___ FOB BOAT___/

#637 Oct 08 2005 at 3:30 PM Rating: Excellent
134 posts
A linkshell of mine was helping ANBU kill Kirin because they were having a little bit of trouble. I helped coordinate the alliance and organize a little, and we took it down with a little trouble. We didn't ask for anything in return for the help, it was completely no strings attached: we did it 'cause we're nice, and ANBU is an extremely agreeable linkshell. (Which happened to be doing Kirin during the time we planned, but they promised they wouldn't anymore =] No biggie.)

I recieved a /tell from this guy demanding an invite into the alliance, which was completely full with 70% ANBU, 30% our linkshell. They worked really hard, so credit is due to them. In any case, I'm not pleased with the way this PC acted, and I thought it was worth bringing it up since I don't care much for my karma rating anyway:

There was no biased attached to why he wasn't invited, the alliance was full. There wasn't a thing I could do about it.

As a sidenote, manaburning Kirin, huh?
#638 Oct 09 2005 at 9:43 PM Rating: Default
16 posts
Drow who? Who he be? )
#639 Oct 11 2005 at 9:32 AM Rating: Decent
1,949 posts
Hmmm. This isnt a avoid player at all costs, but just keep this in mind if you ever see him/her/whatever.


Its funny, he's not a bad player. I was running around doing nothing when I got a invite from someone on my linkshell for the Crawler's Nest. None of the other pt members where from my LS, but they ask me if i could main heal. I almost said no (is a RDM) But i decided to give it a go (THANK GOD i did, Both my healing, dark, and Enhance went up..quite a bit!!) and it made me even more happy to see the pt consisted of a NIN, BRD, SAM, RDM, THF, MNK. So i really didnt have to do THAT much healing.

Anyway. the point is, Sephir was in the party for the first hour, then left saying he had to go to sleep. We replaced him and went on. We were chaining beetles with no one else in our area, no one to compete with ...until...another group (after 3 hours of us lvling) camped in the main room where the beetles pop. Now of course this slowed us down and we were all getting sleeping only trying to get 2 more people to lvl (1200tnl tops) And decided to move in the room also,only to find Mr.Sephir in that party with Azriel. Now i've partied with both and had no issues, until that started insulting us and name calling. We only needed another 15 minutes and we told them that. And the fact that they were camping in the place where we got our mobs took us from chains to waiting 10 mins to fight.

So thats when this block head taru (sephir) Decided he would MPK if that is the term, us. He comes in the room with a scorpion and 2 crawlers and does that thing thing that nins do that kills themself. So basiclly all our party cept two members go down. Including the 2 that only needed at this point a few more fights. And both Sephir and Azriel were in on it. This is the first time I've ever had a issue like this on the game. Its crazy that people would do something like that. Grow up sephir, its a game.
#640 Oct 11 2005 at 10:13 AM Rating: Default
If you took those words to heart and felt this was only 'a game', as stated above, then you wouldn't be here ranting about me. :D

I'm a nice guy, but we all have our limits. The party would have been willing to share the room as it supports 2 parties with ease. However, what got us stirred up in the first place is that your group moved into the middle of the room, and while fighting one, even had the gall to have your bard sleep any additional pops as to prevent us from getting 'anything'.

Which of course is flat out rude, I think your group got your just deserts and I woudln't change a thing.

#641 Oct 11 2005 at 10:46 PM Rating: Decent
1,949 posts
Me and Mr.Sephir have talked. And there is no bad blood between us. What he did was wrong BUT we agreed to put it in the pass and all is forgiven.
#642 Oct 19 2005 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
In reply to the slanders about me:

It has come to my attention that several people in a party i had several weeks ago are unhappy and are spreading lies and half-truths about me... this post is to put them to rest.

The party wasnt doing so hot but exp is exp so me moved from quicksand to garlaige basement. there were 4 pts there so myslef (at that time 50 sam) and our thf both went to look for pulls. Our blm BLAZOR grew restless and for some reason started out to look for pulls as well. The thief and i pulled a bat but when we got back to camp BLAZOR was gone.... a few seconds after he came back with a freshy pulled beetle. looking at the log he pulled it after we had pulled the bat. I told BLAZOR to ether sleep it or get it away from pt as it would kill us. He asked if he should zone and i told him no as i didnt want to MPK the lower lvls near the zone. So what does he do? He sits there in camp begging our whm FEAR to cure him. I tell FEAR not to cure blazor as he has failed to sleep the beetle twice at this point as it will cause him to get hate. well low and behold FEAR cures blazor, gets hate and dies. with our whm gone our PLD tries to tank both the beetle and the bat and dies shortly there after. BLAZOR dies next and so on till its me and the thf left so i say ***** it and zone. At this time blazor is ranting and raving about us not protecting him when he pulled the beelte... I am so sick of him for basically MPKing his own pt that i /blist him. I then disband the party and began to look for a raise for everyone. I cant so i begin back to Port Jeuno to switch to my main (73 PLD) so i can come back and raise the remnants of the pt. Well halfway to jeuno FEAR starts cursing at me that i didnt find a raise for him... I /t him that i am on my way back to raise him and get no response other than more cursing and F you and such. So at that point i am so pissed off that i log for the evening.

If there is anyone who diserves to be on this list it is our dumb-*** BLM BLAZOR. And what fear said to me was uncalled for... so after 2 years of playing i actually have 2 people on my Blist.

I suggest in the future the two of them check there egos at the door.

#643 Oct 21 2005 at 11:55 AM Rating: Default
ok i was in the tree the other day skilling up on crabs with Machtaru, everything was going fine no problems at all when without any warning he pulls Aquarius. We both been skilling up there for awhile so i voked and started fight thinking nothing of it. until i saw it took my shadows and was hitting me for about 150 damage i said omg you pulled Aquarius. all i got in response was LMAO. well shortly after i died and machtaru warped. i guess this tells you to becareful who you trust when your skilling up
#644 Oct 21 2005 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
ok i was in the tree the other day skilling up on crabs with Machtaru, everything was going fine no problems at all when without any warning he pulls Aquarius. We both been skilling up there for awhile so i voked and started fight thinking nothing of it. until i saw it took my shadows and was hitting me for about 150 damage i said omg you pulled Aquarius. all i got in response was LMAO. well shortly after i died and machtaru warped. i guess this tells you to becareful who you trust when your skilling up

Uh, no. Mach doesn't belong here.
So what, he pulled it by accident! I'm sure he wasn't trying to MPK you, he accidentally pulled an NM that he couldn't kill, you couldn't kill it, you died (didn't have a warp scroll I guess), and Mach warped rather than die. I'm sure it was accidental, I'm sorry you died, but making a mistake doesn't make someone a bad player, or untrustworthy. The Machtaru I know is neither.

What job was Mach on? Could he have somehow prevented the death? If not, then there's no reason to put him here.
#645 Oct 21 2005 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
1,502 posts
I don't know Mach, so don't take this as strenthening the case against him (hell don't even take it particularly seriously)


all i got in response was LMAO.

That at least deserves an "oops! My bad" in my book.
#646 Oct 21 2005 at 5:52 PM Rating: Good
477 posts
For the record I haev had a similiar instance with aquarius. I was in an all J PT with my samurai and they did the same thing. Ironically their reasponse was "www" if I remember correctly. Mach is a good guys.. I'm sure it was just a dumb mistake. I thought it was funny AFTER it happened to me.. not during *lol*
#647 Oct 21 2005 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
947 posts
I'm sure I'll get heavily rated down for this due hate by association, but I was reading through here and saw everyone complaining about Tovenaar.

Personally, I like him. I think he's really nice. I met him once in a party in Kuftal Tunnel, I was bard and he was ninja, and he was a really really good ninja.
Anyways...the party broke up I don't remember why, and I was fairly close to a level. I didn't ask, but he offered to help me get my level. So the two of use went outside and spent a while duoing Very Tough manticores and some beetles until I got my level, which took us like a half hour or so.

All in all, he didn't know me but he was really nice to me. I just don't think he's as awful as people are making him out to be.

Feel free to rate my down, though I really don't see why one should since I'm just saying the guy was nice to me.
#648 Oct 21 2005 at 8:01 PM Rating: Decent
124 posts
ive hated tovenaar since i was a noob named beavis just learning drk. he ******* at me cause i as a drk didnt think i could be a replacement nuker for a blm... i still wouldnt try to replace a blm as nuker either. bet yeah he is an *** and i hate him still.
#649 Oct 21 2005 at 8:04 PM Rating: Decent
232 posts
Wow, just wow. Me and a Nin friend of mine were skilling up Club and a Sword respectivly. He Popped and we Duoed it. And all throughout the battle we both get spammed in tells from you about "Fransisca, Can I Have it? Please" and of course since it is a guarenteed drop and i already have 1 and so did the NIN. So we invited you in your 56WAR/13NIN glory and let you have the Axe.

And this is the thanks i get. Having lies told about me on Alla. Just shows the Integrity of the ppl that still playes it seems.
#650 Oct 23 2005 at 6:25 AM Rating: Decent
OK, I have someone. I dunno if hes been posted, but I don't feel like looking back in this huge thread. :P

I'll hafta go with Proxyfiend. This guy is a complete *******. Even tho one of my good friends are friends with him, I freakin' hate this guy. Heres my story.

Ok well, I partied with my friend (Skidz) like 2-3 times while I was 60ish. And everytime I partied my friend, he invites Proxy. I dunno why. So, the first time I partied with him, in Sorrows, we're getting ready. Then all of a sudden he starts talking **** about me and my friend. And he goes, "Zeppert (my friend) is a gilseller" blah blah blah. Then he goes he heard some stuff from my other friend. And he starts saying **** like that. So, my friend asks him. "Did you say that?" and he just denys it.

Well, thats about it. I know its not really anything but yeah ^^; Proxy is a lying *******, that talks **** about people.
#651 Oct 23 2005 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
And this is the thanks i get. Having lies told about me on Alla. Just shows the Integrity of the ppl that still playes it seems.

You have to remember that bulletin (god i hope i spelled that right >.>) boards are some peoples only way to feel high and mighty. Its not like they can see your rank, job levels, or equips from here.

Unless its a gil seller or a player with a major malfunction posted on here i basically disregard the post. A TON of stuff is put up here about players that stemmed from an arguement about nothing that just grew out of hand.

Hopefully there are still people that judge someone by the way they act with them as opposed to someone they dont know.

my 2 cents.

**edited for irony**
OK, I have someone. I dunno if hes been posted, but I don't feel like looking back in this huge thread. :P

I'll hafta go with Proxyfiend. This guy is a complete @#%^. Even tho one of my good friends are friends with him, I freakin' hate this guy. Heres my story.

Ok well, I partied with my friend (Skidz) like 2-3 times while I was 60ish. And everytime I partied my friend, he invites Proxy. I dunno why. So, the first time I partied with him, in Sorrows, we're getting ready. Then all of a sudden he starts talking sh*t about me and my friend. And he goes, "Zeppert (my friend) is a gilseller" blah blah blah. Then he goes he heard some stuff from my other friend. And he starts saying sh*t like that. So, my friend asks him. "Did you say that?" and he just denys it.

Well, thats about it. I know its not really anything but yeah ^^; Proxy is a lying @#%^, that talks sh*t about people.

Edited, Sun Oct 23 07:55:06 2005 by Kyotokombat
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