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Players To Watch Out For - The ReturnFollow

#652 Oct 23 2005 at 8:16 AM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
I'm adding (perhaps again) Daniella. We were in party in Kuftal with Minidragon. If anyone has partied with Minidragon, you know she speaks ZERO English. Also, she likes to drop one player, invite a 75 BRD for double March, then reinvite the other party member all while she is pulling...amazing, whatever. And she pulls fast and consistently...she doesn't need to go friggin' AFK every 10 mins like some people.

Well, it is getting a bit late for NA time, Daniella writes, and exactly like this (no auto-translate)"i will be needing to take a break soon." Nothing else. Mini keeps pulling, because as you know when you see a bunch of JP kanji jibberish you don't stop the presses and ask what they said. So it appeared Daniella didn't like the fact we did not IMMEDIATELY comply with her request so she "dcs" mid next pull. Two of us die, no WHM in the area who will raise us, I have to HP when I was like 1.7k TNL to 71. I've partied Daniella before and she always is just unpleasant in some way and has done this before. Definately a person who lessens your gaming experience.
#653 Oct 23 2005 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
448 posts
Wow, this thread went from a warning of bad players to a flame thread, who would have thunk it....
#654 Oct 23 2005 at 12:14 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
Minidragon is a he. Minidragon is also English. He speaks it quite fluently. Quite often enough, he never shuts up on Vent.

I donno what his gimmick is, but I can assure you, he's quite proficient in the English language. :x
#655 Oct 23 2005 at 4:21 PM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
Well Aluace I dont kick it on ventrillo so I go by what I read, and "he" lends you nothing to believe "he" can speak a bit of English.

And being that I dont hit on online people, I go by their character. "He" plays a girl character, so I call that a "she." Both points basically irrelevant to the tale, Daniella sucks my junk.

Edited, Sun Oct 23 17:38:00 2005 by Trizzoro
#656 Oct 23 2005 at 9:12 PM Rating: Default
Wow, just wow. Me and a Nin friend of mine were skilling up Club and a Sword respectivly. He Popped and we Duoed it. And all throughout the battle we both get spammed in tells from you about "Fransisca, Can I Have it? Please" and of course since it is a guarenteed drop and i already have 1 and so did the NIN. So we invited you in your 56WAR/13NIN glory and let you have the Axe.

Dude i dont know what you been smoking, maybe just making up some lie to try to cover your ***. But when i got to the tree you where there by yourself killing carbs and since i needed to skill up my GAX i sent you a tell if i could join you. Now i wish i didn't see what kind of person you are maybe its kool in your book for a higher level to kill a low level idk. I know you ment to do it also when you started LMAO in party chat when i died and after you warped. Plus i dont think the have fun getting a raise before you disbanded. Machtaru you suck i will never party with him again!!!
#657 Oct 24 2005 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
So the other day I was decided my Gaxe was below par. So I took my thf up to jimmy and started getting really good skill ups... then Machtaru came along and MPKd me. ZOMG! Jimmy was down to 50% AND I got like 2-3Lv ups in 5min FLAT! yes... 5min FLAT! Gawd mach you have some nerve... I hate you.

Edit: meh my Gaxe needed skilling instead of sword. Makes more sense that way.

Edited, Mon Oct 24 16:16:23 2005 by JSMINC
#658 Oct 24 2005 at 9:34 PM Rating: Decent
#659 Oct 26 2005 at 12:20 PM Rating: Good
I've held this in so as not to hijack the thread, but I just can't take it anymore.
So I took my thf up to jimmy

Who the crap is Jimmy? Smiley: lol

Is this a place, like slang for 'Boyhada Tree'

(Yo yo, me an' Sephiroth be goin' up to jimmy to smackdown some goobers, know what I'm sayin'?)

or is it a guy

('Jimmy, I need you. It's skill up time again.')

or an NM

('JIMMY POP!....CLAIM!....oh man, I'm getting me a Jimmy Club today, yessir.')

or is it just a standard, like being 'up to par'?

('Well, I think my THF is finally up to jimmy...time to apply to one of those HNM linkshells.')

I don't think I've ever seen a term used with that much ambiguity. That's hilarious. ;)

#660 Oct 26 2005 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
jimmy =

#661 Oct 26 2005 at 12:48 PM Rating: Good
375 posts
Jimmy = Jormungand

Timmy = Tiamat

Vinny = Vrtra
#662 Oct 26 2005 at 1:01 PM Rating: Good
477 posts
I'd like to nominate someone for this thread. I believe my good friend Ainur, the Rdm in this story, might second the nomination and let it pass. For a quick summary, Shuzo, our Paladin, was a haste begger. Me, being the Whm, had different priorities, such as giving him regen, hasting mele DD's, and throwing him a ton of cures (never seen a Pld in a Scorpion Harness before). First confrontation, I'm standing behind him ready for cover, throw out a bunch of cures to get everyone up and running, and ask for cover. His reply, {Haste}. Yes, cover was ready, he hadn't used it once all night. So, "Rubix was defeated by the Velocaraptor." MPK??? Second confrontation, early mid fight, he stops doing anything tanky. No provokes, no attacks, no cures, just turns away. I'm throwing cures everywhere trying to keep everyone alive, since its bouncing everywhere. People start screaming {Provoke}! His reply, {Haste}... So we gave him a free ride home for his troubles and went about looking for a new tank. This is the resulting conversation between Shuzo and I

P.S. You might have to zoom in using the magnifying glass to be able to read it.

Edited, Sat Oct 29 02:52:11 2005 by Rubixtoo
#663 Oct 26 2005 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
He definatley did not react the right way, but (and i have not played whm in some time) I always thought haste order was Tank > Melee DD regardless of tank type (nin/war/pld).

#664 Oct 26 2005 at 2:32 PM Rating: Good
375 posts
Dont you just love a PLD in a SH for an xp pt? Did he wear an Optical hat, STR rings and use a Great Sword to?

As a NIN tank, I have always received haste at the beginning of the order. As a PLD tank, I have never concerned myself with the order and I would prefer others were taken care of before me.

Haste is a tool that assists you in doing your job better. Not having it does not keep you from doing your job. If it does, the tank just plain sucks.

That PLD you had just plain sucked.

#665 Oct 26 2005 at 3:07 PM Rating: Good
256 posts
I agree Shuzo should not have stopped provoking/tanking because he was upset over not having haste.

However, I think (as I am sure fellow mages would agree) tanks should get haste regardless of Ninja or Paladin.

Especially with a RDM in party, hasting all melee jobs shouldn't be a problem.
#666 Oct 26 2005 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
everyone has to watch out for Ambrose, he hugs and humps random pipl in his subligar and a elvaan gilet+1 all over jueno. he also pulls down random tarutarus pants down and runs away! he also sucks at drk!

Edited, Wed Oct 26 17:33:06 2005 by AmbrosetheDark
#667 Oct 26 2005 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
1,502 posts
When playing my DRG I always like to have haste on (high delay weapon) as my PLD I'm not bothered. I'm certainly not gonna ***** about having haste put on me, but I'd rather the high delay weapon DDs got it first.
#668 Oct 26 2005 at 5:11 PM Rating: Default
Haste doesn't do enough for PLD for them to be hasted first. Most effective thing it does is lower flash recast but it really isn't a significant time lowered. And what's with that convo you posted between you two. Was he JP? I hope so. The amount of auto-translate was utterly ridiculous.

Edit: Couldn't read that white box above the text well, but now i see it says he's Japanese. Now I see how funny it is to argue with a JP. lol Must've taken an hour to figure out how to translate all that. I think [Mog House] -> [Job Change] [Yes, Please] Woulda been sufficient. :D

Edited, Wed Oct 26 18:22:08 2005 by TovQuitsEveryJobHePlays
#669 Oct 27 2005 at 12:37 AM Rating: Good
716 posts
To be fair, the PLD was perfectly in line asking for Haste... Raptors have an attack that causes a slow status effect. If he was asking for haste that much, it could possibly have just been because he got hit with the attack and was slowed, which would affect his ability to tank.

But tanking in a scorpion harness? Laff. He loses points for that.

Edited, Thu Oct 27 01:54:45 2005 by Alauce
#670 Oct 27 2005 at 2:21 AM Rating: Decent
477 posts
I would throw him Erase when he got slowed. But my timer for haste was rarely ready when the attack came. If it was, I would throw it out if I had the time.
#671 Oct 27 2005 at 2:34 AM Rating: Good
87 posts
I'll second Shuzo for this list, not because he's bad, but because he will get you killed if you don't immediately obey his every word.

The first sign that things were amiss was the Scorpion Harness.

Now, when Rubix and I pt together we have a system where WHM hastes and I Refresh. We've done this from 40 on. So we were minding our business, everything goes smoothly, until Shuzo just kinda...stops...and Rubix buys the farm. Didn't say anything then, just stood there. No "Busy" dot by his name, nothing. Party goes on. He starts ranting about haste again, and then he ceases tanking and lets the Velociraptor start chomping on whoever it feels like; namely, me. Rest of the party frantically tries to get hate off me (temporarily, enough time for me to sleep it and tell everyone to disengage and run) when we notice Numbskull running with us. Back in Cape Terrigan, and once everyone is healed, he is given a complimentary Warp II, and kicked (not sure if he left on his own or was kicked though).

And then the /tells began.

Here is my end of the conversation (Note: mild language), which was brief due to my unwillingness to let the matter last.

Now I'll be perfectly happy to admit that I should have been hasting him more. But to allow the party to die because he wasn't getting Haste?!
#672 Oct 27 2005 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
I have tanked as a paladin, and Im all good if i just have refresh. Sure i'll ask for haste, but if i dont get it, its not the end of the world. If a paladin cant tank without haste, then its probably for the best that he did eventually leave the pt.

As for not voking for not getting haste, all i have to say is that the guy is a loser and cant handle not getting his own way. If i do party with him in the future, i'll be sure to keep em on a short leash before the boot button is hit on him.
#673 Oct 27 2005 at 10:55 PM Rating: Good
I'm irked. I have been irked.

I try to be an accomodating player. I understand that I'm not the only person on the server, that sometimes other people are trying to do their own thing...competition occurs where another player and I could both individually benefit (mining, for instance), but if someone else could get greater gain from something than I could, I'll let them alone.

Because this takes so little to do, it burns me when someone else refuses to do it, even when asked nicely. This is not a heinous offense, but the fact is that this was totally pointless and uncalled for, and it wrecked my night.

I was out by the Ifrit's zone in Yhoator Jungle tonight, all on my little lonesome, levelling BST on Bouncers and Hunters. No one was around; I was levelling without /anon, and it said in my search comment that I was camping at I-7. I was not bothering anyone, and I tried to pick a spot where no one would be likely to go.

By and by, I get my exp, and before long I'm 1200 TNL. I decided to stick with it until I levelled, although I was pretty tired.
And here comes someone, out of the blue, and starts killing Bouncers: a Mithra THF named Suezou.

Whatever, I thought, there are plenty for just two of us. So I get another with my pet clearly visible, go back and fight and kill it. When I come back out, EVERY GOB was gone.

I stopped, I looked everywhere; then I see this Suezou, standing there and fighting a gob. I try really hard to swallow my disappointment and irritation, and be nice; I'm not as obvious as a party, after all.

'Could you please kill these somewhere else?' I said. 'I'm only 1000 tnl, I just want my lvl so I can leave.'

She ignores me, and continues killing gobs. I manage to grab another, and go down the tunnel, kill it...and when I come back up to grab my second coeurl and continue, well, guess what?

A party had snagged it, and dragged it all the way to the Ifrit's zone, and was killing it. Two of these, and two only, pop in that area; with just one I couldn't level.

I logged, 900 tnl. Thanks a lot, guys. I hope every gob in the place linked on your puller, and I hope you end up as frustrated as I did tonight.
#674 Oct 28 2005 at 5:04 AM Rating: Good
385 posts



hang in there, i just left that place not that long ago at all. you are really catching up to me in a hurry. 49-51 kind of sucked, but at 52 life seems to be a bit more manageable (plus you get some sweet furry boots to wear around).

I had someone do this to me also when i was there, so I feel your pain. I didn't even remember their name by the end of my session in game, as I ended helping with a coffer key instead, but this reminded me of it.

#675 Oct 28 2005 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
1,502 posts
or is it just a standard, like being 'up to par'?

('Well, I think my THF is finally up to jimmy...time to apply to one of those HNM linkshells.')

I strongly suggest we adopt this as Bismarck-slang we can have the bonus of being the only people who know what we're talking about, with the added reward of it being funny.

#676 Oct 28 2005 at 12:36 PM Rating: Default
This post has nothing to do with bad players but i could not sit back and let rubix think he was not at fault. Being a whm you always haste the tank first. If there is a rdm in the party they haste the DD. I could be wrong but have only run into one party where this was not the norm. Rubix would it have been so hard to haste the tank first. Hasting the DD first allows them to deal more damage and pull more hate from the slow pld. Which causes you to waste more mp on the def weak DD. I feel that you are more then partly to blaim for your crappy pt that night.
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