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Players To Watch Out For - The ReturnFollow

#752 May 22 2006 at 6:33 PM Rating: Default
I agree about Haque. This guy is an major *** and his head is so far up his butt aswell.

He invited me to a pt in kuftal when I was in Quifim. I go. Takes like 15min to get there. Soon as I get there he boots me out for NO reason.

Stay away from this guy people. And don't take his invites.
#753 May 23 2006 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
young 1 u @ss hat, i know 2 of the ppl on your list, they are trust worthy and excellent players, 1 even runs his own HMNLS
pretty well 2. you must of done something pretty stoopid and/or wasted their time to cause them to run off at the mouth. and you
probably are upset because you lost a lot of gil at 1 of the casinos
#754 May 23 2006 at 10:54 AM Rating: Default
First off Yodaears, your just a straight moron from the gutter.
Like in my previous posts I don't argue with other players cause it the dumbest and biggest waste of time in the game to do. My own experenice with the people I posted are exactly as I said, I was minding my own business trying to have fun and ran across the biggest @$$'s I have ever seen. So what if they run an HNMLS, whoever you refer to is still an @$$ in my book no matter what.

Secondly I would never trust a casino. Why the hell would I waste my gil at the biggest hack job ever. Just like there is speed hack for people to claim NM's there is roll hack to get better rolls and rob people of there gil.

Finally, I'm not the only one that thinks these people are what I said about them, since I post my list I have gotten numerous PM's in box here saying thank you for posting this person here. Best part about it most of the people that have PM me are in the same LS with them.
#755 May 26 2006 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
You are so full of **** your eyes are brown. Thank you PM's, may I call bull ****? Yes? Thank you.

My guess is you checked them people saw their gear and got pissed that you suck/will never have any of it.

I'll take any invite Haque sends, unless your a gimp or a complete idiot who don't know **** there was a reason for you being kicked.
#756 May 26 2006 at 11:26 AM Rating: Default
Do yourself a favor and STFU. Is FearXI stupid? yes? Why? Cause your head is so far up your @$$, you can kiss the sky. Like I said before and my mind is not going to change, the people on my list were the biggest jerks I ever seen. You must be in grade school cause you can not read. Kids like you should stay out of grown people talk. First let me set the record for you I don't care what gear you wear, what lvl you are, or what linkshell you are in. As far as my gear goes no its not the best, but I have fun and that's all that matters. I'm here to have fun and meet new people so if you be an @$$ to me in the game I'm going to let you know about it and share my opinion with others if you don't I don't give a F**K.
#757 May 26 2006 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
254 posts

Consider the name of this thread. You're both providing yourselves as examples. This isn't a flame war board, this thread is for letting people know who the problem players are. Take it elsewhere, or to private messages.
#758 May 27 2006 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
Flameing? Me no. Youngone is doing that. I called him out on a lie.

"Grown people talk" grow up kid.
And youngone I know you don't care that is why I added your *** to this list. You have no right as a ****** player to place someone on this list. You sir are a waste of space on Bismarck.
Last I'll post on this matter here.
#759 May 28 2006 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
236 posts

I agree with Fear
#760 May 28 2006 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
Hi Qinnydar, Yuehunei here.

Your threat to "expose us" on here is why I'm here. Hate to tell you but not every person in the game whose name starts with Y lives in China. I'm only here preempting you because I don't need someone coming here trying to ruin reputations of players when he was the one who instigated it.

And we all have "feels examined" macros because we love seeing who gets hyper defensive about it. Examine us all you want, I like it being a Taru PLD.

Kari told us about your tells afterwards. So we'll accept the apology, but don't make threats when they aren't warranted.

Edited, Sun May 28 21:04:05 2006 by seraphimhunter
#761 May 29 2006 at 12:12 AM Rating: Decent
1,592 posts
Never had the need to post here before. I've blisted less than 10 people in entirety since getting this game but today, two people in two different instances stick out in my mind. First one was a guys named Linkilbud. Made some rude comments to a few people in my party in the dunes. A selection I have wisely chosen will be displayed here verbatim:

Linkilbud in party: Do you have a keyboard?
Gamion in party: Yea, how do you think I have been typing this whole time?
Linkilbud in /tell: ur ***, the same place you been talking the whole time?
Nothing prompted that that kind of response, I wasn't being rude or disrespectful to him at all. At that point I conferred with a couple other members and invited a RDM to come join us, soon as he was there I explained to Linkilbud that a few members myself included found his actions to be rude and hindering to the parties xp session and promptly kicked him before he could say anything. Then I invited the RDM. A short time later a member pointed out to me his search comment which had the normal LFP gibberish and on the final line said: "Gamion is Gay".

I told him if I held grudges a lot of the times I would have just called a GM after the first comment, but not I might as well do it seeing as how that can be considered harassment under the new ToS. Long story short, he didn't know what ToS was (big surprise that there's rules in the game huh?) and he said something to the effect of 'you actually read that', then said 'ill see you in ballista, /blacklist add Gamion'. That doesn't bother me at all, he has a problem, good blacklist me, I wont bother you, you wont bother me. I checked a few minutes later and *wow* the search comment had been removed. Score one for the good guys.

Later that day, errr I should say tonight, a 67whm named Qatnip cured our PT in the dunes and attempted to run to selbina with our mobs a couple times. Again I threatened with calling a GM (yea, I do that alot it seems when someone pisses me off) and they said I must be a real joy to party with, blah blah blah, meaningless discussion between us in /say for a minute or two, then I just /blacklist add Qatnip and ignored her (prolly a him? was a mithra?). But she (he?) did stop curing us and running away with our mobs. I later learned about the /blockaid command, and I will be utilizing it next time something like this happens. Sorry for the rant, I'm done now. Goodnight. m^-^m

Edited, Mon May 29 08:07:13 2006 by Gamion
#762 May 30 2006 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
LOL paladinten, good point this is not a war thread and I agree with you, however if I get call out just for sharing my opinion and my experience in the game I will defend myself.

So I'll just end this thing now, FEARXI the more you post the more stupid you look. What posting my opinon on a forum about my bad experience have to do with me being a bad player and I know for a fact you were not there for any of them and have never played with me. If like anyone on my list and say they are cool with you, I have no problem with. My problem is 8 year old kids like you telling my story and have never seen me in the game. Yes, you are a child cause you keep trying to change my statement to suit your needs just like my 9 year old son does when he gets in trouble. Oh yeah btw so you will know my ingame character is not even youngone.
#763 May 30 2006 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
seraphimhunter wrote:
Hi Qinnydar, Yuehunei here.

Your threat to "expose us" on here is why I'm here. Hate to tell you but not every person in the game whose name starts with Y lives in China. I'm only here preempting you because I don't need someone coming here trying to ruin reputations of players when he was the one who instigated it.

And we all have "feels examined" macros because we love seeing who gets hyper defensive about it. Examine us all you want, I like it being a Taru PLD.

Kari told us about your tells afterwards. So we'll accept the apology, but don't make threats when they aren't warranted.

Edited, Sun May 28 21:04:05 2006 by seraphimhunter

Listen here,

There was no ******* point in our convo did I ever threaten you. I was curious about you, I checked you, on the part of Bazaars and on the part of curiousity at LS, membersetup and taru tank (like myself 75 NIN). And yes I wanted to check to see if u were all chiense as your names were different and similar to each other (to a point), thats what I said on the lines of gilsellers...yes IF is a big word for some people to comprehend. So please do not correct me on my grammar ever again when you can't read properly yourselves.

Thank you.

Edited, Tue May 30 17:28:07 2006 by Qinnydar
#764 May 30 2006 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
343 posts
I nominate Wilhelm, he mpked me a long time ago.

Oh, and he eats kittens.

And he kicks puppeies. Not ugly puppies, he goes out of his way to kick the cute ones.

Edited, Jun 10th 2006 at 9:44am EST by EvilTheCat
#765 May 30 2006 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
I'm not going to fight tone over the Internet, but I believe you left us with

"I'm going to warn everyone about you guys on alla"

Hence the preempt. Nevermind your insinuations.

Please PM if you'd like to continue this. So, yeah, you can have the last word if you post after this, so go for it.

Edited, Tue May 30 18:57:39 2006 by seraphimhunter
#766 May 30 2006 at 5:42 PM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
youngone wrote:
So I'll just end this thing now, FEARXI the more you post the more stupid you look. What posting my opinon on a forum about my bad experience have to do with me being a bad player and I know for a fact you were not there for any of them and have never played with me. If like anyone on my list and say they are cool with you, I have no problem with. My problem is 8 year old kids like you telling my story and have never seen me in the game. Yes, you are a child cause you keep trying to change my statement to suit your needs just like my 9 year old son does when he gets in trouble. Oh yeah btw so you will know my ingame character is not even youngone.

Good job. Take the **** out of your mouth and read your own post. I have nothing to do with either side of the argument, but your here posting about 'your own opinion' and nothing else, then in the same post you flame him and compare him to your son? I have no problem flaming and if your gonna compare someone your having an argument/discussion with to your own kid I feel sorry for that little boy.

Also, in the last sentence you pointed out your in-game character is not named youngone. There was no point in this except to prompt him to then ask 'what is your character's name'. #1 Who cares? #2 Why tell someone that's not your real name if your not even going to post the real name and if you do post the real name, please refer to '#1'.
#767 May 30 2006 at 9:50 PM Rating: Decent
seraphimhunter wrote:
I'm not going to fight tone over the Internet, but I believe you left us with

"I'm going to warn everyone about you guys on alla"

Hence the preempt. Nevermind your insinuations.

Please PM if you'd like to continue this. So, yeah, you can have the last word if you post after this, so go for it.

Edited, Tue May 30 18:57:39 2006 by seraphimhunter

Ok, grammar ranger. The last thing I left you with was you emo kids belong here @ allahs (something along those lines) I never said I was gonna post about But you had to post to me ^^
#768 May 30 2006 at 10:36 PM Rating: Decent
134 posts
I'd like to reiterate a post I made a while back concerning Quinnydar if anyone is curious as to his credibility:

A linkshell of mine was helping ANBU kill Kirin because they were having a little bit of trouble. I helped coordinate the alliance and organize a little, and we took it down with a little trouble. We didn't ask for anything in return for the help, it was completely no strings attached: we did it 'cause we're nice, and ANBU is an extremely agreeable linkshell. (Which happened to be doing Kirin during the time we planned, but they promised they wouldn't anymore =] No biggie.)

I recieved a /tell from this guy demanding an invite into the alliance, which was completely full with 70% ANBU, 30% our linkshell. They [ANBU] worked really hard, so credit is due to them. [We do Kirin often, so it wasn't anything worth taking note.] In any case, I'm not pleased with the way this PC acted, and I thought it was worth bringing it up since I don't care much for my karma rating anyway:

There was no biased attached to why he wasn't invited, the alliance was full. There wasn't a thing I could do about it.

As a sidenote, manaburning Kirin, huh?
#769 May 30 2006 at 11:05 PM Rating: Decent
I'm emo? I didn't even /wrist ;_;

Well if you don't remember from my tells, this is Kariene. Also this is sort of a public announcement I have been hiding as this character >_> Um... hi *gets bombarded with tells*

Anyway, as I've discussed with the tells, you came off to us as you were insulting us. Intentional or not, that is what it looked like. As well I stated in these tells, these are my friends for three years now. We said such things back to you because of the negative tone towards us (calling us gilsellers). The problem is you kept on degrading us as you spoke, so what are we supposed to do? Shed a tear because some random blm on the street thinks we're emo gilsellers? Sorry to disappoint you.

Now I don't want this to go on, because I really don't want any enemies. I'm leaving it as a misunderstanding. You can say you win. I really don't care.
Masaia Rdm 66 Pld 60 RETIRED
Kariene War 65 Nin 37 Thf 37 Mnk 37
#770 May 31 2006 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
Wow ferrra you saved that...pathetic. That was a year ago, glad I made a lasting impression on you.

I was pissed off Ferra, I was asked by Anbu to help them and I went out of my way to run up there and help but you and AD showed them and taught them the glorious path to rightousnous. The rest of anbu was also telling you I was there for/with/tohelp them and I was ignored by you and that pissed me off, kthxbai. And yes my dad was a part of ANBU and I was there to help Hence the harshness.

EDIT : oh yeah Ferra I was also pissed due to the fact that was a time when BA was showing up @ HNMS and **** and No one liked it at all and I had the feeling (Keep in mind this is a year old) that AD had a grugde against BA. I dont rememer as well now so I cannot explain myself sufficiently as I do not keep records of online **** from yesterday and especially not a year ago. Thats kinda sad on your part, and uhh how does that have to hurt my credibility? I dont see any harm done to my character. Also what was that post you made about me back when that Happened? I never caught that....
Another EDIT: and yes BA manaburned Kirin, I think we have the video somewhere to prove it too, I think it was a PLD a WHM and 16 BLMs....ugh it took a while.

Kari you and I came to a good understanding there but STOP SAYING I CALLED YOU GISELLERS....I did not. I said IF IF IF IF IF you might have been, god. Anyway, all said and done and forgiven on my part and Kari's part at least. It was a misunderstanding at say the least.

As for you Ferra I don;t see how u posting drama a year old hurts my credibility to all that know me. Gtfo. :)

Edited, Wed May 31 01:47:15 2006 by Qinnydar
#771 May 31 2006 at 4:01 AM Rating: Good
96 posts
you guys have **** drama ;/ needs more nightsintodream chatlogs

Edited, Wed May 31 05:04:09 2006 by Fendy
#772 May 31 2006 at 6:25 AM Rating: Excellent
Fendy wrote:
you guys have **** drama ;/ needs more nightsintodream chatlogs

Edited, Wed May 31 05:04:09 2006 by Fendy

Not my fault I usually wind up PT'ing in Ro'meave or Bibiki Bay or in a party setup that doesn't have a chance in hell of working...

I blame it all upon Goingtoo!
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#773 May 31 2006 at 11:04 AM Rating: Default
Ohh Nights, you have been XPing with Goingtoo?

Hes leveled a RDM SJ for his BLM that is down to 73 (hes looking to XP to 75) and hes also leveled WHM to 66. But of all the gilsellers on the server goingtoo isnt really that harmful, hes almost considered a part time gilseller (if thats any better) hes not on 24/7 like the others (Sullivan, Neptunenin)...
#774 May 31 2006 at 11:21 AM Rating: Excellent
251 posts
Ferra helps Nakuto camp the cooking guild for Horo Flour, then drops it unless you pay 2x markup.
Wilhelm MPK's people at Dynamis.
I buy all my gil from Qinnydar, who complains that I don't invite him to party when I get the gil from him.
FearXI writes all the bot scripts that ever HNMLS on the server uses.
Youngone once examined me twice in a row in Valkurm, and I was only wearing Cassie + Dual Astrals, so I switched equipment and got angry at him.
Huggles and Wilhelm spam threads.
Jwb kicks the puppies after Wilhelm kicks them.
Fendy lots the AF I want at Dynamis, so I think he belongs on this list.
Velfire spams threads.
I partied with some Thief in Qufim last night who had an underlevelled sub, watch out. I think they were botting with bought fish. Or something.
Vimes tries to fishbot, but he can't figure out how to work the scripts.
DarkEnergy probably does something wrong. I think I saw him /shout a bad word once.
PaladinTen dupes cone calamary. Twice.
#775 May 31 2006 at 11:37 AM Rating: Good
Ferra helps Nakuto camp the cooking guild for Horo Flour, then drops it unless you pay 2x markup.
Wilhelm MPK's people at Dynamis.
I buy all my gil from Qinnydar, who complains that I don't invite him to party when I get the gil from him.
FearXI writes all the bot scripts that ever HNMLS on the server uses.
Youngone once examined me twice in a row in Valkurm, and I was only wearing Cassie + Dual Astrals, so I switched equipment and got angry at him.
Huggles and Wilhelm spam threads.
Jwb kicks the puppies after Wilhelm kicks them.
Fendy lots the AF I want at Dynamis, so I think he belongs on this list.
Velfire spams threads.
I partied with some Thief in Qufim last night who had an underlevelled sub, watch out. I think they were botting with bought fish. Or something.
Vimes tries to fishbot, but he can't figure out how to work the scripts.
DarkEnergy probably does something wrong. I think I saw him /shout a bad word once.
PaladinTen dupes cone calamary. Twice.

I lol'd thanks XD
#776 May 31 2006 at 1:20 PM Rating: Good
Qinnydar wrote:
Ohh Nights, you have been XPing with Goingtoo?

Hes leveled a RDM SJ for his BLM that is down to 73 (hes looking to XP to 75) and hes also leveled WHM to 66. But of all the gilsellers on the server goingtoo isnt really that harmful, hes almost considered a part time gilseller (if thats any better) hes not on 24/7 like the others (Sullivan, Neptunenin)...

No, but after reading Alla for so's become apparent that gilsellers are to blame for everything that goes wrong, including high prices, MPKing, World War II, treasure trolls, and those airplane peanut bags that are damn near impossible to open.

Thus, I blame Goingtoo!
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
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